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  1. Hi, On a low budget so wondered if anyone could recommend any kind of product which might help my lad cover the surface of this outside wall of his? To remove all the plaster and have it redone will be expensive so he's hoping to DIY and try and get a decent finish which hides up most of the crass mess made by the people he bought his place from. Any idea's of any product which he can paint onto this surface which might hold for a year or two? Thoughts appreciated.
  2. I had builder coming in to do extension work Cut long story to short we agreed on price they came and worked 8 hours in 2 days and one of them asked me for some payment i paid £500 and they didn't come for 2 days turned up on 3rd day and made an excuse that they cant find the required doorframe i called them they promised to come after a week as one is sick and other one on holiday When the week finished i ask them what are you guys up to they start making excuses like they needed a skip so they could clear rubbish in the garden i told them that's not the priority, do the interior work and by the the time you finish i would have ordered the skip as it take upto a week to order They went funny they are not coming until i get the skip which made me angry and told them not to come i asked them to give me my money back and i refused to let them take their tools they have left at my property It escalated to them accusing me of robbing them of their own tools they turned up at my property they called the police police told them they will not get involved which they did not like After that incident they saw me at one of the guys building, i didn't know they were working in there they saw me and got physical and snached my phone i reported this to the police they asked me to leave the site and see them in the police station for an interview which i did i was told by police they will not get involved in this as it is civil matter but the police officer said that he will call the builders and warn them that physical behavior is not acceptable if they acted like again the police will get involved . After this i have received the letter below from the builder which i ignored them . Today i have police visiting me asking for the tools and telling me that i cant keep their tools as it is theft of tools which really got me angry i said ok fine you get my money back from them and take the tools they said this is a civil matter well then if you take tools and wont give them back to them that is the leverage i got on to them to get my money back so you are more welcome to take them but take they wont take responsibility for the money back they then said are you happy for us to hold the tools until you guys resolve the matter i said fine as long you promise not to give them back its fine they looked at the tools and kind of backed down holding on the tools saying there is too many they admitted they only came because they were told by the builder that i sold the tool i said look they all here they're no good to me they then took pictures of the tools to show them and ask me not sell them as that is not legal and will get back to me and they left . What is the best way i can deal with them now thanks letter prior to court action.pdf
  3. Back in 2016 we commissioned a builder to undertake extensive renovation works in our house. He originally was a limited company but this company was dissolved in June 2016. He then started work for us as a partnership. His father has been involved with our job in that he came to our house a couple of times and the kitchen supplied was in the fathers name and address on the invoice. To cut a long story short, the building works went on far longer than they should and weren't completed until we sacked them. We asked for a partial refund and this was refused. In May 2017 We employed a solicitor stating our claim. The son said he did not owe us anything and was going to go bankrupt anyway. The father said he was never involved. We couldn't afford any more solicitors fees so we decided to lower our claim and decided to issue a CCJ to both father and son as joint defendants. The date of issue was the 24th November. Today was the deadline to "Acknowledge Service". The father has acknowledged service but the son hasn't. Now I don't know what to do. Can I request judgement against the son? Or do I have to wait another 14 days as I'm assuming the father is going to defend his part. The son isn't on the insolvency register yet so again I'm assuming he hasn't actually applied for bankruptcy. Many thanks oldpoyntz
  4. HELLO your advice would be highly appreciated please as I don't know how to handle this .. Late last year, we had a guy knocked at our door and proposed to fix our driveway, we told him we couldn't afford it as we were getting our windows replaced in a couple of weeks. . He said we could spread payments that he understands besides he has many people owing him anyway that he knows we would eventually balance him .. he said it would cost £1800 , bear in mind that we already had the cobbles kept in our garden which we agreed would be for half part of the drive way. He came 1 week earlier than scheduled! ! We just heard a loud machine outside our window. . Anyway he completed the job the following day.. to our utmost surprise he demanded for his total money!! Face changed.. no more jokes level .. we reminded him of our 6 months payment. . Anyway we paid him £800 because we had the money that day and mainly to reduce the balance. . Then he started calling almost everyday, demanding for his balance, sometimes turning up at our door uninvited. . We paid him another £500 .. But then we noticed grasses growing out of the oobbles laid part! He gave us 5 year Warranty. . Also the edge of the pavement was patched with cement instead of coal tar .. we told him that the 6 months ends at the end of March 2016 and of course not paying until he fixes the problems .. He started threatening to come over and remove bricks ... at this point I had to report to the police ... and then he called us back that the police can't stop him because it is a civil case .. then he said he is a GYPSY that he would bring his gang ( his words ) to remove the bricks .. at this point I got very jittery. . I ve got 3 young kids 7, 5 and 21 months and live in Essex. . I called the police again and they assured me to call them if he shows up with any problems. . ( I never had any personal issues with travellers in fact I always stood up for them at work .. but now ... ) Anyways I told him on one of his numerous calls that he has no right to step on my property uninvited and that would be trespassing I called his bluffs ! Then he called one day to fix the patch , apparently there was no membrane under the cobbles! They just dug up soil and spread the cobbles directly on it .. I questioned this cos all he wanted to do was ask his boys to just pick the weeds.. he went off to get the membrane and ask the boys to fix it . Then I asked his boys why they were topping up the grasses on the edge round the pavement with coal tar .. they told me the heat would kill the grass .. less than 2 weeks now grasses are sprouting through the coal tar in fact it is unbelievable within a short period of time .. I got a call from the police for update of which I explained the situation, they told me to call them when he comes for his balance at the end of the month. . To my shock, the police called and left a message for me yesterday that because the builder is making EFFORTS the case would now be dropped and filed.. I wish I could upload a photo to show the grasses. . I think it is unfair for me to just cough up £500 balance just like that .. please what do I do ?
  5. I will try and keep this short. My son moved into his bedsit 3 yrs ago since then there was immense problems in the bedsit, damp, smelling of mould, leakages, his belongings ruined by mould and damp, ect., we engaged a solicitor, after some time, he had endless visits from all and sundry denying the problems, various tests were done and repairs carried out, hence solicitor liaised with the council for compensation, the case fell because apparently the council corrected the problems and he would not have a good case to fight. Now they have employed Mullaley to renovate the block, new bath, toilet and sink and tiles, replace old heating, there was also asbestos in the property. By this time my son has had enough Mullaley has been around for the last 4 months and no my son is refusing to let them back in. hence the council threatening him, all the workers cannot communicate because they cannot speak English, he also had one builder who splat outside the door, used the toilet and ****ed outside the bowl. Further to this a faulty electric fuse box has been left with a main cable burnt out, my son also complained about this, they have now apparently made it safe. His electric bill is now £1000 and the problem with the fuse box could have caused power surges or even a fire, he is going to be reported for being racist as he said he wants to speak to someone who can speak English, Now what we need to know can this faulty box have caused this big bill and what can we do about this. The shower unit is left on the wall not connected with wires taped up, as Mullaley refuse to come back to his property as he has had enough of them and their unprofessional way of working. He has told them to .... off, the council have now asked him to leave the property for the day so they can finish, he does not trust them. Please any advice would be gratefully appreciate. Mashmallow
  6. Builders merchant "Credit Account Application Form" had no terms and conditions printed on it or attached to it but stated "by signing this agreement you are agreeing to accept the terms and conditions of ************, a copy of which is available on request". I did not suspect there to be any onerous conditions and certainly not a personal guarantee clause, so I did not request a copy of the terms and conditions. It would now appear that under their clause headed "Financial Condition" the following wording appears. "If the company becomes insolvent or goes into liquidation, insofar as I am a director of a limited company., I hereby personally guarantee performance of all the Applicant company's obligations to ************ against all and any losses incurred by them. I further acknowledge and have had notice that such a guarantee and indemnity obligations will be enforceable against me in my individual capacity". The builders merchant have now raised a small claims action against me for the repayment of £2500, do I have any defence ? Please note that the law of Scotland applies.
  7. We bought a new build property in September 2013 and moved in in December. When we moved in the underfloor heating was not working, the sheds were no built along with other snags they still had to finish. Since then we have had hardly any luck getting in touch with the builders to finish the work to the house. They have confirmed that the kitchen floor will all need to be taken up to fix the underfloor heating, but fail to ever commit to a date to do the work. Now they ignore any of our efforts to get in contact with them. We have all the email correspondence saved including them admitting that they need to complete the snags. Our solicitor is useless too and apart from ask their solicitor to get the builders to do the work, is really doing nothing. Where do we go from here in terms of getting the work finished. Is suing them a fairly easy process or will it be long and very costly for us, in which case it may be better for us to swallow the cost and pay for all the work ourselfs. Any help very much appreciated.
  8. The builders demanded payment from a vulnerable member of the family who paid the final payment in full. There were problems with the build from before the time the final payment was made, but we were not aware of the real nature of the problems until after payment. From the time the bills were paid in full, the builders work has been very poor. In summary, the builders have not stuck to the contract or the plans. Building control have a long list of outstanding issues including the roof and floors being inadequately supported. We have a solicitor who said the first step was to get an idea of the costing. Reputable builders shy away from this sort of work. One reputable firm said they would do a quote for £250. Would we be best with this for now or should we be looking at getting a surveyor in? Also, we were asked to pay the electrician direct when extra electrical work was added. We were planning to take this to a small claim court separately but the solicitor advises keeping it all as one claim for now. The electrician met us at the house, started work on the additional sockets the same day and sent us an invoice for half the cost of all the electrical work that night. He damaged our bathroom fittings and will not pay for their repair. He wants to come back and do bits of the remaining work despite walking out on us last year. We don't want him to come back. Would there be any reason to let him complete any more work at this stage? Also, I am torn between getting the work completed as I am fed up of living in an unsafe building site and preserving the damage they have done for a future surveyor to assess. What do you suggest is best? Also, we have no legal expenses cover. The likely costs of the case are very high. I am going to try to do as much as I can by myself. Where do I start?
  9. Hello – I hope this is the correct place to seek advice regarding a Party Wall dispute. Any help greatly appreciated! To cut a long story short, our neighbours recently employed a loft conversion company to build a dormer conversion. We expressed some concerns about the nature and timing of the work but they went ahead anyway, without a signed Party Wall Agreement (PWA) and without allowing the 2 months notice etc. Because we raised concerns, the builders decided that they would change the structure of the conversion so that there would be no need for the PWA (even though it had already been issued for us to sign). The building work began and shortly afterwards, after very heavy drilling and chiselling on the Party Wall, the builders drilled through the wall into our property. Apart from the drill hole and plaster damage, there are cracks extending from the drill hole and cracks in the wall and adjoining ceiling caused by their heavy hammering on the single skin wall. The builder has admitted liability for damaging our property but is now disputing the quotes we have provided for the repairs and repainting but he seems reluctant to go through his Public Liability insurers as we have requested. He now wants to enter our property to inspect the damage but we do not want him in our home. My question is: are we legally obliged to allow him access to our house? We would prefer to go through the insurance claim process with loss adjusters etc We don't want anything more to do with the builder himself. Many thanks!
  10. I need some help with building regulations. I live in sheltered housing and have a patio door which leads out on to a path which is just over 1 metre wide before a fence. I think that the step down from my patio door is in violation of the rules but I cannot be certain so this is where you builders may be able to help. BTW, this is not for me as such as I can get out of the door in the event of an emergency but my neighbour who has the same step cannot get out. The dimensions are. The patio door has a lip which is 41mm high The threshhold is 65 mm wide The drop to the drip strip is 47mm down The drip strip itself is 94mm wide (although I don't stand on that bit) The drop from the drip strip is 200mm down to the steo The step itself is 206 mm wide. The drip strip overhangs the bottom step by 55mm meaning that the step itself is 151mm. Bearing in mind this complex is supposed to be designed for the disabled, I don't feel the step is suitable. The building was opened in 1977
  11. Hello My company was wound up last year and as director I am now being chased for a debt of roughly £20k from Travis Perkins, based on me having signed what they purport to be a personal guarantee. When they wrote to chase the debt initially I offered them £3500 settlement which they declined. They then issued a Statutory Demand which I had set aside based on the arguement that I did not agree I had signed a personal guarantee. Travis Perkins agreed to have the SD set aside as it had raised a trialable issue. They then wote saying they would take our offer of £3500 in full and final settlement. We said that we were no longer able to uphold this offer as 1. did not have the funds and 2. did not agree personal liability for the debt. All then went quiet for 6 months. Then we got a county court claim letter to which we responded by defending our case, saying 1. I was not aware I had signed a personal guarantee 2. Nowhere on the guarantee part of the form was the word 'personal' used. 3. I signed in capacity of director and underlined the word 'Director' to show this. I also contacted Travis perkins will a new settlement offer of £1200 to which I have not had a response. I then received a 'Notice of proposed allocation to the Multi-track' which includes a questionnaire to complete. It also states that proposed directions need to be filed but I am assuming this is by the claimant? I know there have been others who have been caught out by these Travis Perkins personal guarantees and wonder has anyone got to where we are or even challanged the personal guarantee in court? Any experiences or advise would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your time. I should have added that the following text is on the form, entitled 'Credit Guarantee': Credit Guarantee - To be signed by the owner / director / company secretary of the company applying for credit in consideration of your agreement to supply goods to the applicant company on credit, we the undersigned being owner / directors of the company jointly and severally guarantee payment of all financial obligations to ************ Company and its subsidiaries and successors including financial obligations arising from any increase in credit limit granted by ********** company or its subsidiaries and successors from time to time following review of the applicant company's account. I Signed and dated this and also underlined the word 'Director' in the title.
  12. Hi there - i took out a public liability & general construction insurance policy last November for me as I was self employed and have been paying monthly eversince but I recently took a full time job. I now no longer need the insurance. I have emailed the broker about 5 times and asked them if it is possible for me to cancel the policy and if there was a cancellation charge but i still have no reply. The policy was financed by 'PRemium Credit'. Im quite happy to pay for the policy if this is what i need to do I am not trying to get out of it in any way but i have read through the contract and it does not mention anything about cancellation and Im just wondering if legally I should be able to pay a cancellation fee and end the contract early, or do I just have to see it through to the end of the contract. Thank you for any advice here Cheers!
  13. Urgent advice required on this one please, as part of a local rejuvenation scheme run by the local council our landlord has signed up to have the boiler replaced at our property as well as having the outer walls insulated. I don’t know the exact details as everything is discussed between the landlord and council but for the past four months we’ve had scaffolding and builders outside the house working on the walls and it has all been so noisy and messy with drink cans and food wrappers in addition to the usual mess. Today (on the rare occasion I have time off work due to snow) one of the builders tells me that they’ll need to come inside the house to work on the boiler for at least four days from Monday. I told him that four days seemed a bit excessive and I can not guarantee that I’ll be able to get that much leave from work at such short notice but his attitude was tough luck and that they’ll come in whether I like it or not. So if neither my wife or I are able to get time off work, and I certainly don’t like the idea of just handing over the keys (landlord does not have any himself) to a group of builders, where do I stand? As the current boiler is working fine I don’t consider this to be essential but after all the time we’ve had off over Christmas and New Year I wish they could have done it then.
  14. Hi All, looking to a bit of advise. My Limited company is now insolvent. I am being per sued personally from a couple of trade creditors. THEY SAY I SIGNED A PERSONAL GUARANTEE WHEN I OPENED A TRADING ACOUNT. I was the managing director and signed the account forms in that capacity. They are pursuing me personally. What do i do and are they right to pursue me ?
  15. Okay - help comments and advise desperately needed here people, so thanks in advance. looking to install a rather large conservatory in the back, and had a super chap come quote me etc. as per normal did a bit of background research before agreeing to go ahead, and got a bit worried, companies house has them as registered last year not 26 yrs of trading - his answer is the new co name has bought out the old co name... no web site - his answer is it is being rebuilt and goes live tomorrow. no Fensa registration - his answer dont need it for conservatories, but he has got it for the other side of the business, bu Fensa did not seem to think so when i called. I told him i could not deal with him, he has now come back to me and said why don't we do an "open Book" deal, where i pay the supplier direct for roof glass, and the conservatory panels, and i will get the guarantee directly from them. i would then pay the builders direct, and the electrician etc... when i said, but what does he get from it, he said a 10% project management fee, that is all. Does this not sound dodgy to you? i mean, why would he want to do this? essentially he is getting nothing from the sale for the conservatory, so why bother. he has lost a customer, his website is not up to scratch so to speak, and other things dont add up - he could just walk away. or am i reading this totally wrong, he is legit and trying to prove it and prepaired to do a job at small profit to keep his name good... . All comments gratefully received - as i am really uncertain which way to go with this co..
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