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  1. Dear All, I come to this website by searching for some advice for a serious dispute with my cowboy builder recently. Please bear with me with my long nasty story: We hired the builder in late April 2017 and agreed to make stage payments in contract. The whole project was quoted £35k We paid him 10% deposite and the first stage payment £9k in advance (what a mistake I know). The first stage payment is supposed to cover the material and labour cost till bricks are laid up to roof level (which was not written in contract but agreed verbally). I did get 3 references for the builder and one is from a senior employee of the council, for which he was doing a similar extension. However, I had trouble with him right from day 1. He mis-measured our foundation by 70mm short. We did give him a chance (what a mistake!) and he promised he would be more careful. He was not. He was rough all the way and recently I learnt that he was not qualified builder at all although he claimed he had more than 10 years experience. His work was substandard and his attitude was not professional. He was rude, aggressive and intimidating to my family. He swore in front of my family including my children on a number of occasions, when we pointed out any mistake or simply asked him questions. I found no integrity in him at all, there were constant lies and broken promises. The project was planned to take 10 - 12 weeks. Only 3 layers of bricks have been laid so far. Up to date, we have paid him £16k for the work, which is worth only £6000 - £7000 evaluated by two independent evaluators. Last week when we refused his aggressive demand for more money, he stopped all work, refusing even to relay the bricks that were laid with wrong mortar colour and upside-down airbricks, and took all materials away. There wasn’t any chance to negotiate and discuss. He even dug out a newly laid drainage and took the pipes away! He is now issuing us the final invoice, demanding another £4,500 to be paid in a week. We have declined the payment. In summary some facts: - we already paid £16k to complete the first stage of our extension; - Two builders have evaluated the work done as worth £6,000 - £7,000, meaning we overpaid at least approximately £8k-10k; - My builder has asked us for another £4,500 for ‘work that has been carried out’ as final invoice, which we have declined to pay. We search advice from local council, CAB, trading standard. They all seem to be helpless apart from logging a claim for us. We plan to take legal action to recover our overpayments. But before taking any action, could someone please advise me what I should do or not to do. Any advice is really appreciated! Thank you very much in advance!
  2. In early January we started looking for a bathroom installer who could refit our bathroom for us. We found a guy who talked very knowledgeably and gave a great impression, we agreed a price, a start date in mid-February, and agreed it would take up to two weeks for the work. He worked on the bathroom for one week and one day, at which point he had removed the old bathroom, rerouted some plumbing, installed some insulation on an external wall, installed a shower tray, and fitted the first six tiles. Since then we have not seen him. It appears that he decided that the tiles we wanted (large format porcelain) were too much hassle for him, and he didn't want to finish the job. We paid him 50% of the fee for the work, and all materials as we went. We also procured the tiles, shower tray, and other big ticket items before he started. Since he abandoned the project, we found many problems with the work he did. The shower tray was not correctly sealed to the wall, the plumbing was very unsafe, the plaster work was flaking from the wall, the insulation was uneven and poorly fixed, and the tiles were barely holding to the wall. Basically the only thing he did correctly was removing the old bathroom, which was (at most) one day of work. We have since found other people to complete the work, but the bathroom is still incomplete. This has been a huge source stress, since it is our only bathroom and we have been without a shower and sink (except for kitchen sink) since this began six weeks ago today. We wrote a letter asking that he return to the site and complete the work agreed with due care and attention. This got us some promises but no action. We wrote another letter demanding that he reimburse us for work not completed, or not completed with due care and attention, and for materials wasted; this was basically everything we had paid for labour, minus 200 for the one day of actual work done. This got an angry phone call in response, along with a very low offer (around 1/7th what we asked for). Last week we sent a letter before action, which got a response by text this morning (offering less than 1/3rd what we asked for). We rejected that offer, also by text message, and he responded with "See you in court then". He is a sole trader, working under a business name (not a limited company). I want to know if there is anything we should do right away, or should we wait for 30 days before commencing court action. We gave 28 days for him to respond to the letter, but I am not sure if his text message constitutes this response. Finally, can we do anything to strengthen our case, we have numerous photographs and so on of the work. We have kept a log of what work was carried out and when, and when he has been on site. Lastly, there are now several reviews of this trader online which tell a similar story of incompetent and incomplete work. Many thanks. C
  3. Hi, just found this forum, look like some professional people are here to give help. I want some advice on how to calculation of damages. I am pursuing a builder for breach of contract. Currently a surveyor came and reported that the site have lots of problems -need to come down and rebuilding. I want to ask if I am entitled to claim: contract price is 35000 paid by instalment on completion of each stage of work, so far paid 15000 new contract price for new builder is 42000 demolition fee is 12000 do I entitled to claim: 1. seek to get full refund of 15000 2. demolition fee of 12000 3. additional costs payable to new builder is 42000 - 35000 = 7000 Kindly please advise. Many thanks!
  4. Hi. I am going to be attending the CAB in regards to this problem, but since I have been reading this forum for sometime now, I felt I should join and ask about my situation. We have a very worrying problem with our landlord who to put it mildly is a cowboy. We moved into the property back in June 2011 and had signed an agreement and all was well. Since then we have not seen nor heard from him. Nor have we received any rental agreement to sign within the past 3 years. We are in N.Ireland so some of our rental laws do vary in accordance with Great Britain. As of Febuary 2015 all landlords were meant to have signed up to the mandatory landlord register, ours has not. Nor have we had any mandatory gas inspection since January 2013. I tried to contact him about the gas issue and everytime the phone rang it was typically hung up straight away. It was once answered and as soon as I said hello, hung up. I followed this up with text messages and finally received a reply two days later. He is claiming we have rent arrears and that we should pay the gas servicing out of our own pocket and he will take the total off the arrears. We did end up having to apply for housing benefit as I we are both at university and have 3 young kids and with education cuts, my wife lost her teaching job. I do accept that we did miss out on a few montly payments that were suppose to be £25. I believe we may owe around £300 but we were never contacted by him about this and around 4 weeks ago I sent a payment of £50 and a letter stating that if he could mail us the full amount owed, then we could pay him this. 4 weeks on and no reply. We are planing to move next year as this is just not worth it. With young kids I am worried sick. I can't pay off arrears if I don't know exaclty how much it is I owe? I looked into the guy and it appears, according to HMRC that he is the type of person to stop and start companies non stop.Very dodgy looking indeed. As said, I am heading to the CAB this week and hope to gain as much advice as possible. I do not wish to legally challenge him at all untill we have a new home lined up and ready to move. My understanding is that since we have not had a legal agreement in 3 years that I do not need to give him any notice of leaving? Any help would be great, thanks
  5. Hey guys. I've unfortunately been on the receiving end of being duped by an absolute cowboy builder that really and truly needs to be stopped before anyone gets hurt. Over the Christmas period, i was looking to have some work done to the house, namely a new bathroom, toilet and to refurbish the kitchen. I posted an advert on rated people, received a call from a builder who came over to view the job and priced it up. I took a little time to mull it over, even went to view work he was doing at the same and agreed to hire him a few days later. Deposit was initially paid with the remainder to be spread over the course of the job. Work was scheduled to start on the 28th December and was to take 8 days to complete. He did indeed turn up on the 28th, albeit late. At the end of the day, he asked for more moneyfor materials and some to tie him over and stupidly i handed over another £300. I should have realized he's received a large portion of money with next to no work done but i guess i was at the mercy of him as it started to go downhill from here. He became unreliable, showing up late, working for minimal hours and a lot of the time now showing up at all despite claiming I'll be there in 10 mins'. All at a time when we had family in and out of hospital and he knew full well this was the case and took advantage. There were times he showed up and i gave him the benefit of the doubt and transferred smaller amounts of money into his account in hope of him turning up the following day. I obviously want to claim back the money I've paid him as well as for the materials I've purchased that he installed at a very bad and albeit dangerous manner as I've not heard from him in over a week despite many calls and messages. (He must have over 100 missed calls and many messages over the weeks of me trying to get in touch with him) These are the issues with the work he HAS completed. There's a whole heap of other stuff he hasn't even begun Bathroom Tiling not completed Tiling is not straight or grouted correctly where it has been completed Removed shaver socket to tile and left wiring exposed Removed towel radiator electrics and wiring is exposed Did not cap of old central heating radiator and left dripping for 3 days causing damage to bathroom floor and kitchen ceiling Left light wiring exposed after installing fan New bath has not installed straight and holds water in the center Cut (not straight) my new basin vanity unit after he measured incorrectly to fit Left shower wiring exposed in channeled wall and not sealed Toilet Has not tiled the walls Wiring exposed for the light and new light not fitted Channeled holes in the walls Toilet not secured Door not hung The only damage he caused in the kitchen was the ceiling due to the bathroom leak. He never attempted any of the work that was due in the kitchen. I would say he's completed 20% of the work to a satisfactory standard but has 85% of the money. After the struggles of trying to get in touch with him, i searched for an alternative number and came across horror stories where he has duped many others. I have since reported him to Trading Standard and will be reporting him to Health and Safety tomorrow as well as he needs to be stopped. But at the same time i would like my money back to get in a reputable trader to rectify and complete. I have looked for advice online on how to pursue but it all seems to be geared towards giving him time to rectify, follow the initial letter with another and seems like a long fix. I wanted advise on the fastest route to put in a claim without jeopardising my position as the work has been left in a dangerous state and i obviously don't want anyone getting hurt. I've mentioned most of the above to him in messages, asked for my money back but not surprisingly he isn't willing to work anything out. Luckily every payment bar £250 was transferred from my account to his. Apologies for the long rant, i appreciate a lot may not get to the end of this post but for the ones that do, all advise would be greatly appreciated. Now breathe..!
  6. Hi all! I have been reading through alot of threads to gain info. We have a problem with a builder, who was supposed to do approx £27k of work on our house. I will keep details sketchy as I don't want to identify ourselves. he was a cowboy, didn't do the work as he was contracted to do (we had no written contract, but the Surveyor had specified what needed to be done and how and the quote referred to "all works as detailed in the surveyor;s report). To cut a long story short, he has had two attempts to fix the roof, and has only made it worse both times, and it is now falling apart instead of renovated. We will have to completely re roof it now as its not viable to try to fix it anymore. There are other jobs that were done and also all wrong for varying reasons. We had taken legal advice, had the original surveyor in twice to assess the property and works and draw up a scotts schedule. The work he has done was considered as £0 value due to not being what was supposed to be done and shoddy work. The damages to our property soar at over £60,000, certified by both the FRICS surveyor and conservation. Including legal expenses and other fees the claim against him will be over £70,000. He has chased us with 3 debt collection companies so far, one whom sent out a Liverpool gangster to deliver a Statuatory demand against us to try to bankrupt us. I have proof of who he was, as for some reason when I explained what the builder had done to our house, he claimed to be a "surveyor" and told me he could survey the damages for us, and wrote his number and name down. When i googled him and found his image and name I found out who he really is. -none of the debt collectors have been told by him its a disputed debt. -The first debt agreed to wait until a certain date to get the scotts schedule and evidence, but before that date came around, the next was pursuing us vigorously. -The second debt collector refused to contact our solicitor despite being told to only converse via him and repeatedly texted us and phoned us saying they were going to bankrupt us. -Our solicitor tried to call them but his calls went unreturned and he had to email them to ask them to desist harrassing us and only converse via him. -Then they sent letters threatening SD against us, and when contacted AGAIN by our solicitor for continuing to ignore the direction to speak via our legal advisor, claimed they never received his "letter", (even though it was an email!) -We forced them to set aside the Statutory demand, by furnishing the evidence and he was dropped like a hot potato by the bulldog debt collectors and that was the last that we heard from anyone for approx 8 months, until we got a letter a few days ago, from yet another. -I have recording software on my phone so made sure i used it when I called this debt collection company. We haven't got the solicitor involved again as yet, as we don't want to part with yet another £500 to get rid of these guys. I had a list of qurestions which i calmly repeated: "has your client told you this is a disputed debt? -has your client told you that you are the third debt collector he has gotten on to us? -has he told you he issued a statutory demand against us which they had to set aside when the evidence was furnished -has he told you we have proof of a £70,000 AGAINST HIM? etc... She said she didn't have a record that he had told them it was a disputed debt but would get the case manager to call us back, which hasn't happened yet. -Also I'll mention the claim of monies owed started at around £15,000, and each time the amount has changed and risen and now he's claiming theres over £25,000 outstanding, which is absolute balshovic! He's just making up amounts and doesn't actually KNOW what the actual amount would have been had he done a satisfactory job. Our solicitor said should we take this to court we must be aware it will cost us at least : -£2500 filing fee with court -£10 - 15,000 of solicitor, barrister and court costs in the year it will take to get to court, and thats before the case is heard. The evidence is overwhelming and I feel we would blow him out of the water should we try the case, but our solicitor is concerned that we will get a win, but get no funds out of him as he doesn't really have company assets the tracing agent could identify, and the company has a £150,000 debt against it. ..The only upside is, he said the banks wouldn't let a builder run up such huge amounts of debt unless they had it secured against something , and we know he has a property worth at least £600,000 in his personal name, so should he not pay, we could seek a winding up order of his company, which couldn't happen until he repaid the banks , and if he didn't have the cash to pay the debt, they would force him to sell his home, so he most likely would then be forced to pay us to avoid losing his home. So we are not sure whether its worth losing yet more money trying to take him to court, but until we take him to court, how do you stop him constantly harrassing us with debt collector after debt collector? I feel he is just trying to be a nuisance and waste our money on solicitor fees endlessly as he knows he has no hope of getting any more money out of us. I called citizens advice bureau, but they said there is nothing they can do as its not a small claims case. Each time he does this, we have to answer to the debt collectors and waste more money-surely there is some way he can be stopped from doing this? He is purposely misleading debt collectors in order to get them to take his case by not disclosing the facts.
  7. Hi, am looking for advice with how to deal with my builder. I signed a contract with a Loft company to build a new loft, good references, I met on of their previous clients and was happy to use them. They subcontracted the work to a builder who did a good quality job, however was very slow and indeed the project is still only 95% complete after 8 months. I'm not too concerned about this as I still have one final payment to make and believe the Loft Co will complete the work. On the back of this work I signed the builder to do a kitchen extension for us (for a good price of £32k). Foolishly I paid a large deposit for this work, and subsequently paid further amounts ahead of schedule and now estimate the builder has approx 20k of my money. I believe he is encountering serious cash-flow problems as none of his team appear, I've had people at the door trying to find him for outstanding payments and he repeatedly asks for more money. We had a frank conversation where he admitted the above and we worked out a plan whereby we would spread the remaining 10k of work to be spread over the remaining project. My idea being the more work he did the more I would recover the money I'd given him and would encourage him to continue working. My immediate concern is that while he is working, it is manual work requiring little in the way of materials, and that once he needs to have timbers/beams delivered etc he will have no money and will disappear. He promises me these materials have already been paid for but I have no faith in these promises. If I can establish that he has in fact paid for these materials can I approach the supplier directly and ask for these to be delivered? At least I can try and minimise my loss which I feel pretty sure will happen. I'm torn between continuing on our current plan in the ope that he will actually complete the work, or cutting our losses (approx 18k!!!) leaving us with half a kitchen and I'm not sure we can raise any more cash to complete this work. Any advice very gratefully received. Thanks
  8. HELLO your advice would be highly appreciated please as I don't know how to handle this .. Late last year, we had a guy knocked at our door and proposed to fix our driveway, we told him we couldn't afford it as we were getting our windows replaced in a couple of weeks. . He said we could spread payments that he understands besides he has many people owing him anyway that he knows we would eventually balance him .. he said it would cost £1800 , bear in mind that we already had the cobbles kept in our garden which we agreed would be for half part of the drive way. He came 1 week earlier than scheduled! ! We just heard a loud machine outside our window. . Anyway he completed the job the following day.. to our utmost surprise he demanded for his total money!! Face changed.. no more jokes level .. we reminded him of our 6 months payment. . Anyway we paid him £800 because we had the money that day and mainly to reduce the balance. . Then he started calling almost everyday, demanding for his balance, sometimes turning up at our door uninvited. . We paid him another £500 .. But then we noticed grasses growing out of the oobbles laid part! He gave us 5 year Warranty. . Also the edge of the pavement was patched with cement instead of coal tar .. we told him that the 6 months ends at the end of March 2016 and of course not paying until he fixes the problems .. He started threatening to come over and remove bricks ... at this point I had to report to the police ... and then he called us back that the police can't stop him because it is a civil case .. then he said he is a GYPSY that he would bring his gang ( his words ) to remove the bricks .. at this point I got very jittery. . I ve got 3 young kids 7, 5 and 21 months and live in Essex. . I called the police again and they assured me to call them if he shows up with any problems. . ( I never had any personal issues with travellers in fact I always stood up for them at work .. but now ... ) Anyways I told him on one of his numerous calls that he has no right to step on my property uninvited and that would be trespassing I called his bluffs ! Then he called one day to fix the patch , apparently there was no membrane under the cobbles! They just dug up soil and spread the cobbles directly on it .. I questioned this cos all he wanted to do was ask his boys to just pick the weeds.. he went off to get the membrane and ask the boys to fix it . Then I asked his boys why they were topping up the grasses on the edge round the pavement with coal tar .. they told me the heat would kill the grass .. less than 2 weeks now grasses are sprouting through the coal tar in fact it is unbelievable within a short period of time .. I got a call from the police for update of which I explained the situation, they told me to call them when he comes for his balance at the end of the month. . To my shock, the police called and left a message for me yesterday that because the builder is making EFFORTS the case would now be dropped and filed.. I wish I could upload a photo to show the grasses. . I think it is unfair for me to just cough up £500 balance just like that .. please what do I do ?
  9. Hello, I'm new here. In April, a builder started a small extension and some internal work to knock through walls. The building inspector visited in May, and was not happy with a number of aspects of the work. The builder did not agree with the feedback, and walked out. I have spoken to a solicitor who advised me to get a RICS survey, which I am currently organising. I will be a litigant in person, but am taking some legal advice at key stages during the process. As the amount is unlikely to be over £10k it will probably go through the small claims. I have paid the builder in advance for work that is not yet completed, and for work I though was completed but needs to be remedied. In addition, he did a couple of other things I have not yet paid for, but the inspector wants these changed, so I have refused to pay. I have asked the builder to try mediation, but he does not reply to this point. Any general advice for me from anyone who has experienced this before? I've never been to court. In particular, I have checked and he does not own the house he lives in. He drives an expensive car, and I've seen the DVLA form for finding the registered keeper, but don't know if I can use this, and in any case this will not tell me the owner. He is a sole trader. Is there anything else I can do to find out his ability to pay? I've checked the .gov website on bankruptcy, and he's not on there. If I win the case and he does not want to pay (which I think might happen), I've seen something on the justice website about getting him to go to court and give details of his bank accounts. Has anyone got money back this was successfully? Also, when I have calculated the value of my claim (which I can't do yet until after the RICS survey then getting builders to quote for remedial work), how long does it take to get to court? He is being really childish, refusing to give me or the architect his progress photos showing what's underneath the floors, as the council has not yet inspected this. Any advice from people who have been through this before?
  10. I will try and keep this short. My son moved into his bedsit 3 yrs ago since then there was immense problems in the bedsit, damp, smelling of mould, leakages, his belongings ruined by mould and damp, ect., we engaged a solicitor, after some time, he had endless visits from all and sundry denying the problems, various tests were done and repairs carried out, hence solicitor liaised with the council for compensation, the case fell because apparently the council corrected the problems and he would not have a good case to fight. Now they have employed Mullaley to renovate the block, new bath, toilet and sink and tiles, replace old heating, there was also asbestos in the property. By this time my son has had enough Mullaley has been around for the last 4 months and no my son is refusing to let them back in. hence the council threatening him, all the workers cannot communicate because they cannot speak English, he also had one builder who splat outside the door, used the toilet and ****ed outside the bowl. Further to this a faulty electric fuse box has been left with a main cable burnt out, my son also complained about this, they have now apparently made it safe. His electric bill is now £1000 and the problem with the fuse box could have caused power surges or even a fire, he is going to be reported for being racist as he said he wants to speak to someone who can speak English, Now what we need to know can this faulty box have caused this big bill and what can we do about this. The shower unit is left on the wall not connected with wires taped up, as Mullaley refuse to come back to his property as he has had enough of them and their unprofessional way of working. He has told them to .... off, the council have now asked him to leave the property for the day so they can finish, he does not trust them. Please any advice would be gratefully appreciate. Mashmallow
  11. Hello all. We came across CAG through Google searches about Everest and their cowboy antics, as we have suffered pretty badly at their hands over the past 3 years or so and thought you may be interested in our experience of Everest. They were so bad that we ended up creating a website detailing everything that has happened to us, but in a nutshell we experienced heavy leaks (one was like someone pouring a cup of water down the inside of the window), and water pooling near electrical outlets. If that wasn't bad enough, 2 glass roof panels (the inside sheet on each) separately crashed down on us, narrowly missing me as I leapt out the way. Everest refused or were utterly unable to put matters right and after the second panel collapse we were advised by our lawyer to get a replacement roof fitted for our safety's sake. This (and damaged items in the roof collapses) cost us £8k but Everest were unwilling to pay for it, and can not be sued due to the clever way they construct their "company" in Jersey (where we live). Even a lawyer we employed couldn't find a way to sue them to recover the costs. Needless to say, their support was non-existent throughout and sadly our so-called "Trading Standards" department don't want to know, claiming their remit is "Weights and Measures" (is this normal in Trading Standards on the UK mainland?). Having tried every avenue possible, we have now resorted to putting a large sign on our house advertising our website which has much more info - if you are interested please PM/email me and I can send the link to you. It makes for some pretty damning reading. Thanks for reading, any advice would be most welcome. I am off to post some helpful info (I hope) in the computer section as I am a self-employed IT Consultant by trade! Tim Clayton.
  12. I'm seriously considering suing a cowboy kitchen fitter for what he has done. I dont want to put too much detail here as there is a chance he will read it, who knows. He is a cowboy and he knows it. However, I keep hearing there is no point in suing someone if he doesnt have money. If this type of fitter is charging people say £200 per day then there is money coming in. As far as I'm aware he is self employed and the name he trades under is not a limited company. I'm in no doubt whatsoever that I would win the judgement, I have reams of proof and photographic evidence. My only concern is, given how devious he is, he must have a way to hide his income. Surely we do not live in a world where a halfwitted builder can outsmart the legal system?!! How would I overcome this? Advice appreciated.
  13. had some urgent work done in my bathroom due to a leak .paid the builder £745.00 cash no receipt .quick to collect cash very difficult indeed to get him to do the work.he fitted the toilet not seated right not secured wobbles all over.fitted the bath but found it did not fit so he decided to saw about 4ins of the top and the bottom of the bath so it would fit.told bath is useless as him doing this weakened the bath .left my sink on the floor unfitted never replaced the door frame he was paid to do .failed to mend my leaking roof .failed to wood clad the walls and ceilings in the bathroom he has took the money and vanished ignoring all recorded delivery letters .he has not been back for 3 months .he has left live wires hanging out of the walls .our jaccuzzi bath he has left exstension leads running from the bathroom to enable us to use the bath.i find consumer direct useless indeed feels there protecting the builders not the consumer every time i ring north east lincs council trading standards i get consumer direct so i feel im just wasting my time here .any one advise me here on my situation .please can you tell me if cutting the bath at both ends renders the bath as dangerous .
  14. Hi I had a cowboy builder in and he took £3,000 from me and wrecked my home/didnt do any work he was paid for. I obviously want my money back but: a. Trading standards cannot help as its the only case against him, so they issued a warning for fraud. He told me his company was registered and it was actually disolved in 2010. b. Police refused to do anything about the nails he stole, as my word against his. (Nails cost £100 so expensive theft), but I have an incident number (fat lot of good that is) c. Companies House wont do anything as he was no longer registered with them. SO>>>> I have been told I can go small claims court and will definately win as I have lots of evidence, including pics of him working, taking delivery of materials, contract, emails, texts, receipts etc. That is good...but the problems that I have: He has sent back my letters asking for payment. 'Not known at this address'. It is where he lives with his partner and children and I have proof of this. (think he is hiding somehting there!) and he isnt on the electorial register, but she is. If I take it to the small claims and he doesnt admit to being at that address, then what? If I win the small claims I know he doesnt have any assets. How will I get my money back? Is using a Debt Collecting agency the best way? How hard will they try and being that he is avoidant and appears to have nothing, what will I actually get? Will this just end up costing me more money? What is they best way forward please? I dont mind how long it takes, but I want all of my money back, and then will sue him for the distress and damage he caused. (he left me with a massive hole in my roof and every time it rained for 10 weeks my house flooded and it caused considerable damage as it was impossible to cover the hole. It was most distressing for all of us as we tried to stop the rain, we also lost electricity as well as other damage. He cut the main support joists and broke the tiles and batons so had nothing to secure the roof). It is a mess, so please can anyone help me with suggestions of the best way forward. End of the day, he lied to me, took my money, wrecked my home and then disappeared with my money. I know who he is and where he lives, even if he denies it. But seems like the law will only assist him to get away with it....so what can I do? Thank you
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