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  1. Hi All I came back from work yesterday to find that there are double yellow lines outside my council house and around the corner. I assume the council put them there (they look like they've been painted by someone after a heavy liquid lunch) the lines are 55mm wide the the cap between them varies from 30mm to 70mm. As I'm near the end of the terrace, the lines start outside my house, go up the road and around the bend, going up that road. My questions are:- 1) Should the council advertise that the lines are being put there prior to painting 2) Should there be parking restriction signs to accompany these lines 3) Should these lines confirm to a standard for the to be legal 4) Should there be plans lodged somewhere to state the how far these lines come down the straight bit of road after the bend As always, thanks in advance EOS-5D
  2. Hello, Would appreciate if someone could help me. I received a PCN for parking in a restricted road in prescribed hours, the road I regularly park down, and is not a restricted zone. However, I noticed after checking my car that I was parked on double yellow lines that were covered in leaves on the ground. The car behind me was not on double yellows and I believe only the front of my car was on the double yellows. These are the pictures of my car. Is it worth appealing? If so what do I say? Thank you!
  3. Contravention code 01 Parking in a restricted street during prescribed hours Russell place Brighton £35 Can I challenge this....11:20pm is a bit late to be lurking for parking enforcers. Regards BB
  4. Hi, What are the regulations for enforcing double yellow lines on private land? clearly they will not have a Traffic Order in place, but can they simply have yellow lines and then red signs up stating "no parking" to make it enforceable. ta
  5. I live on the High Street in the London Borough of Sutton. Recently a visitor received a PCN while parked on the single yellow line outside my house shortly before 8pm. All the nearest (under 100m) yellow control signs for single yellows nearby show restricted times of Mon-Sat 08:00 to 18:30, however there is not a yellow sign directly at this location. Seeing the single yellow line, and the time, my visitor thought parking would be fine. At the location there is also double yellow blips, controlled by a No Loading sign. To compound the confusion, at this location there is a newly installed sign stating 'no idling, turn engine off while waiting'. She submitted an appeal expecting the ticket to have been issued in error by an over-exuberant TCO over the xmas period and to be overturned, unfortunately the appeal was rejected on the basis of no loading at any time. My question is, is there any point in continuing the appeals process on the basis that the single yellow would have reasonably considered to have been in force, on confusing signage / markings, was waiting/parked not loading, or possible other basis, or, to pay the discounted penalty before they remove the option. Thanks in advance. The contravention on the PCN - 02 - Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force. Location postcode (for Google mappers!) - SM1 1LD
  6. Hi, in my area the council have just painted double lines on one side of my road. The road is fairly narrow, but there was room for people to park close to the wall and other cars could still get past. However, they've now put double yellow lines down the side where people used to park. It dawned on me that I could simply park on the other side of the road, would I be correct in assuming this? Or do the lines apply to both sides? I've been looking everywhere to try to find out this regulation but can't find any info at all. So if any of you know the answer that'd be great. I can provide photos if that'd help? Thanks.
  7. Drivers caught using handheld mobile phones in Britain are to face "much tougher penalties", with fines and points doubling, the government says. Under new rules expected to come in next year, drivers will get six points on their licence and face a £200 fine. Newly qualified drivers could be made to retake their test the first time they are caught. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37389800
  8. Hi, firstly thanks for reading this post!! i'm gonna try and keep this short and simple and skip why its been this late.. the car overstayed in BP petrol station Hatton cross for 11mins from 13:53 to 14:34 on 05/03/17. I received two PCNs from ECP (double dipping?), both identical but with different PCN numbers (my dad did say he left and came back to buy something else). i've been away (dad has no english to deal with this) came back to find a Notice to Keeper from ECP, and debt recovery letters from two different companies. Again, both compaines have sent two identical letters but with only different reference numbers. I've only included one copy of each as they are identical. Here are the dates (each of these have identical letters with different reference numbers): - 10/03 first PCNs received, "pay £60 within 14 days for reduced amount.. or full within 28days etc.." - 30/03 Notice to keeper, "£100 payment should be made within 28 days of the date of this letter" - 09/06 debt collector letter from DRP, "£160 reduced to £136 if paid by 23/06" - 24/07 debt collector letter from Zenith, "£160 reduced to £99.99 if paid within 14 days" see attahced images for more details. A few points: - The evidence is the number plate which is just a black rectangle with the number plate. Is this sufficient? - DRP in their letter saying, "they're [ECP] willing to accept £136 instead of the full amount of £160", but ECP never stated £160. - Zenith also stating, "able to pay reduced amount £99.99 within 14 days or will revert back to £160". ECP have never stated £160 in their letters. Is this something to argue? I've challenged many PCNs before so i had no intention to ignore.. but its come to this stage and i don't know what to do / where to start.
  9. Landowner defending their agent because it's all about the money.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3284772/Driver-gets-100-fine-stopped-double-yellow-lines-just-23-seconds-ask-directions.html
  10. Hi I joined a Gym called Fitspace during the first Month a double payment of £11.99 was made to them . I only realized this when i checked over a week after it was taken out via my bank statements. This indicated to me that it could happen again as I was not contacted by the gym regarding this mistake. I sent a letter to by Bank and to Fitspace stating that the Contract had been breached as the contract stated the first payment of £11.99 will be taken out on the 16th of August 2015. however a double payment was taken out on the 17th of August 2015. I expressed that i have lost trust in the Gym for making this error and not following up to rectify the mistake. I received an email from Fitspace apologising for the mistake, instructed me to cancel my DD immediately by 27th of August 2015 and they offered me a free month if i was to rejoin. The reason for the double payment was a duplicate account was made, which i have no idea on how that happened. Then on the 3rd Of September I received a letter from harlands stating 'We write to you to confirm that your duplicate membership has been cancelled and the duplicate payment has been credited against your missing August installment on your live account. The terms of your Membership Agreement mean that you have to repay all your installments by Direct Debit. Therefore, you must call Harlands Helpline immediately'.... I chose to ignore the letter and received another letter on 20th of October saying that they have added admin fee leaving me at £31.99 in arrears. I chose to ignore this letter also. Then on the 20th of November 2015 i got another letter stating that they have added a further £20.00 charge which is leaves me at £63.98?? (dunno how they did the maths on that). They further threatened me saying that further charges will be added if i do not contact them by 4th of December 2015 and the balance of £159.90 will be passed on to a DRC who will add their fees onto my account. So i have written out a letter but before i send it i wanted to check up on it with the experts (YOU GUYS ) 26/11/2015 To whom it may concern I am writing to you regarding the lawful cancellation of my FitSpace membership, Fitspace reference number: First of all my argument against you is that Fitspace has acknowledged the mistake made by them and allowed me to cancel the membership on terms of breach of contract. They asked me to cancel my direct debit immediately by the 27th of August. They also offered me a free month if i was to ‘re-join' with them. The word 're-join’ confirms the agreed cancellation of my membership. No disputes were made by them about having to reinstate by direct debit because they know just as well as you do, if the contract is breached I am in my legal right to cancel my Direct Debit. I have this written in Email sent to me by Fitspace which i will attach to this letter. I hope you realize under The Protection From Harassment Act 1997 you are breaking the law by sending out these invoices in the pretext of bills/debts. You have no power or authority to do so, if you choose to continue with harassment I will be forced to report your actions to the Trading Standards and to the CMA. I would also like to notify you that I entered in a 12month contract with another one of your Gyms (Xercise4less). If this harassment continues I will most certainly be cancelling my membership at the end of the contract with Xercise4less . Also I was told by Fitspace that the double payment would be cancelled but it never was. I did not chase this up as I wanted to leave with a good gesture . Also do not attempt to settle me with further ‘good gesture payments’ as I am absolutely aware that I do not owe any money and I did not break any membership agreement as you argue against me. If you genuinely believe I owe a debt then do not hesitate to skip all the nonsense and pursue this case in court. I hope you are aware of a high court ruling where a judge openly said these gyms are out to take advantage of people and that there is no room for this kind of practise in business. Your Sincerely Il be looking forward for your sincere advice and help Thanks Jon
  11. I hope someone can help Where to begin? I have received two parking charge notices (5 days apart) for parking in my local shopping center car park, from UKPC. I have to add that there was a covenant with my local council and the shopping center owners that charges for parking would never be imposed. I have since learned that this covenant expired in 2013. As a result they are now issuing charges for anyone exceeding a 3 hour limit. I am disabled and currently in receipt of Employment Support Allowance. I am not disputing parking there but was totally unaware of any new parking rules. Having not visited my local shopping center for over 18 months I wouldn't have been looking for any signs to suggest such restrictions. I wouldn't mind so much but I was there volunteering for a local charity (Monday and Thursday mornings 14/18 April). On both occasions I exceeded the time limit by 15 and 16 minutes respectively and I suspect that I will receive yet another for Thursday 21st April. I really don't know what to do about these as I simply cannot afford to pay, I don't have the means!! both charges are for £60 if paid within 14 days or £100 if paid within 28. I would really appreciate anyone's advice on this matter as I really do not know what to do? Many thanks Roo
  12. I am asking on behalf of a friend. He has got a NTD for parking on double yellow lines of a road. The road is public accessible so I would assume it is a public highway. He happened to see the employee putting tickets on all cars up the road and apparently he even said it is a public road and he shouldn't park there. He has also got a letter from the council to say he is allowed to park there. It's a new build estate, and as of today, Google street view doesn't show the road. The company on the ticket is "UK Parking Management Ltd" and is defiantly not a council issued ticket. I would assume it is not a private road as I have been there myself, and it is not sign posted anywhere, other than the double yellow lines. I am awaiting images from my friend who is sending me a copy of the ticket, and the letter he received from the council about parking there. I have advised them not to pay anything, and not to contact the company until the NTK arrives in the post. I would like to know peoples initial thoughts on this. Thanks
  13. About 10 days ago I parked on a double yellow, and got booked by the traffic warden from the council. Can an empty ticket be a reason for appeal? I've had this ticket in my pocket since and by some weird coincidence, all the details except the date and traffic number came off, including the reason of the contravention (the basics such as reg number, ticket reference, date and amount are on the payment slip though which is attached to the ticket, but there's nothing on the ticket itself; might have to rub it against the pocket to get that off too ). Would this invalidate the charge, or is the photographic evidence on the website of the car parked on double yellows sufficient for them to reject the appeal? If not, is there anything to do to appeal the charge and hopefully win? I know that I was wrong, and that I'll have to pay if there's nothing that can be done , but I'd rather get this reversed.
  14. Please can you help confirm something for me regarding a back garden boundary with my neighbour of 35 years. The boundaries were old stlye and marked out by hedges, not long after we moved in we asked the neighbours if we could cut them and put a fence in instead. They understandably wanted to keep the hedge. So we put the fence up on our side. Now my beautiful neighbour is moving. I have started getting anxious over the boundary because my deeds are not ckear on that side and show nothing. I do not want the hedge row cutting down because it offers a countryside feel, height, privacy. We have been maintaining the hedge on our side throughout the 35 yrs. If I recall correctly from the party wall act, puttung that fence up does not mean losing the shared boundary? Is this correct? I am only interested in truth, not trying to claim anyting that is not mine or be awkard, only peaceful. If this is correct was wondering what folk do. Ask their neighbour for a letter stating these facts? Ask them to make it clear to new owner? It is important that I minimise stress due to health and I am not bothered about a foot of boundary but the privacy the hedge currently privides if cut will make it difficult to enjoy my garden anymore. Peace Clear33 thanks in advance
  15. It was with some annoyance that I discovered that Cirque Du Soleil's head office is in Luxembourg. After having our show (Amaluna at Royal Albert Hall) ruined by double-booking of my seats at Valentine's Day (of all days - myself and my date were appalled) I have decided to go after them for a full refund of the £150 I paid under the Goods and Services Act 1982. We basically missed the first 15-20 minutes due to their bungling of our tickets and jilting us into inferior side seats. I emailed them at their 'customer services' email (info@ ....) and have not had a reply. Like as if that's an actual customer service email address. there is no other contact for customer services. Another sneaky way to get out of dealing with annoyed customers. Mainly it's the principle. They think they can go and create some dummy office in Luxembourg and try and sneak people out of their consumer rights here in the UK, well they can think again. I have never claimed refunds from businesses based outside the UK but I imagine the process is similar, send letter asking for refund...wait 3 weeks, send final warning (however on this occasion I have already emailed them so they don't get another warning)....apply for European Payment Order....send bailiffs into the London venue if they do not pay with possible shut down of show due to health and safety because the bailiff took the show props and show equipment to recover costs. Anyway, I have written them a letter as of today which will be posted to their Luxembourg address: 16 Avenue Pasteur L-2310 Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg I will give them 3 weeks from today before making my application for a European Payment Order and then possibly get to send the bailiffs in to Royal Albert Hall. Does this sound reasonable?!
  16. Hi there. Finished work today and found that when I walked back to my car I had been given a ticket. The place I had parked on had double yellows but I am wondering if there are any grounds for an appeal. The lines were only added about a week or two ago, it isnt like a proper street and looks more of a car park, before these lines it was used as a car park essentially. This is the location on google maps. 52.4119603,-1.5061521 I am posting the information on the ticket as well and am wondering if anything seems incorrect to anyone on here as this is my first ticket ever.
  17. In last week's White Paper on the future of the BBC, the Culture Secretary; John Whittingdale confirmed that watching TV without a valid TV licence will continue to be a criminal offence. At present, 13% (approx 180,000 cases) that go before the magistrates each year are in relation to TV licence evasion. In the consultation paper it was stated that 'more guidance' was required in relation to this offence together with 'proposed culpability factors'. Presently, the Sentencing Council are undertaking a large-scale revamp of sentencing rules for 27 common offences dealt with by the magistrates and if approval is given, the new sentences will take effect in the autumn. Yesterday, it was announced that substantial changes are being proposed by the Sentencing Council in relation to TV licence evasion. These proposals (if approved) could see many of the fines significantly increased, and in many cases....doubled. The most significant part of the Sentencing Council's proposals concerns the new 'culpability factors'. Under the proposal, the crime will be considered more serious if the individual: Has not tried to buy a licence; If they have tried to evade detection; Have additional subscription television service (Sky, BT TV, Netflix or Amazon) The effect will be that JPs will consider that an individual who is a Sky, Netflix, Amazon or BT TV subscriber will have committed a Category Two crime rather than the lesser Category Three offence for which they would currently be guilty. For individuals who have failed to pay for a TV licence for more than six months the offence will be Category One, which would mean the fine would be at the top of the Band B range.
  18. Hi, I know this post is 4 years old but it's the only one I can find with the answer I'm after. Do you have a link or file to the letter before action you wrote for me to pilfer? Cheers Paul
  19. Hiya all, Personally I think that the fine I've received is absolutely unjustifiable on the grounds that it was completely unclear, even clear in the opposite way, that this spot was restricted- and every colleague/friend/family member I've consulted has agreed. However I'd like to sense check that before I waste any more time dealing with the glacial process of formally appealing it now that the informal one has failed. I was parked at the end of a cul de sac, which had no signage about parking. There were double yellow lines alone the sides of the street, but they appear to me to visibly not cover the end of the street (indeed everyone else has come to this idea, as the end of this street is regularly full of cars parked at the end). As the PCN and the rejection of my informal appeal only mentioned double yellow lines, It can't be anything else. Hopefully everyone can see my attachments; the first two less grainy photos are some of the ones I took to demonstrate the situation, which I sent along with my informal appeal. Long dead end street, no obvious double yellow lines at the end, no signage banning parking The third grainy photo is to me the most damning photo they sent as evidence. Interestingly the white paint splodge of no clear meaning right next to my car that you can see in my photos looks as if it could be a double yellow line due to the angle of his photo. I'm sure that this was absolutely a coincidence and I have absolute faith in the traffic wardens honesty and integrity. Only a cynical person would suggest that he's deliberately misrepresented the situation. So what do people think? I'm currently waiting until the notice to owner arrives and plan to make a formal appeal, but if people think I was actually in the wrong then I'd rather not waste everyones time. additionaly I'd be grateful if anyone could answer the following: Can I make a formal appeal directly even though I'm not the registered owner of the vehicle? The "Notice to owner" apparently has to go to the owner, is there a limit on what representation I can make by myself?
  20. The UK's biggest payday lender - Wonga - saw its losses double last year as tougher regulation in the industry continued to bite. The short-term lender saw pre-tax losses grow from £38.1m in 2014 to £80.2m last year. It has overhauled the way it assesses applications for credit, and extended the repayment term for some loans. However, it suggested 2016 would be a "turning point" in its financial performance. The company, along with other payday lenders, faces tougher rules from the regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which has ruled that customers must go through stricter affordability checks. The regulator's main weapon is a cap on the cost of payday loans of 0.8% of the amount borrowed per day, which came into force in January 2015. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36201486
  21. READ MORE HERE: http://www.independent.ie/business/irish/thousands-of-three-mobile-phone-customers-double-charged-due-to-technical-error-34970802.html
  22. Hi, I'd really appreciate some advice on how best to tackle Ladder Loans. In summary I borrowed £2000, have missed a few payments but even so have paid them more than £4000. I'd now like to know whether a full and final settlement is the best option, or whether I can fight this and pay nothing more The details are as follows: 1 - Ladder Loans is part of Inventive Finance Ltd, which I've found out runs a network of payday lenders. I was offered £2000 in July 2013 on an 18 month repayment schedule 2 - The APR per annum is an eye watering 299%, meaning that according to the CCA (which I now have), I agreed to pay them £5031.36 for that original £2000! 3 - I made 15 payments of £279.82 on time, so I've already paid them £4192.80 4 - Due to further financial difficulties (problems with my business), I missed payments no 16 (end Nov) 17 (end Dec) and what would have been final payment no 18 (end Jan). They've added £12 penalty charges for each of the missed payments 6 - They've never written to me about these missed payments or about adding penalty charges, I suspect they have been trying to call my mobile though. I asked for the CCA about 10 days ago and it arrived on Friday. I'm now thinking of doing one of two things. 1 - Offering them a final settlement on the £862.56 they say I still owe, to get them off my back Or: 2 - Making a formal complaint and seeing if I can eventually take it to the FOS. I'd base this on them adding on penalty charges but not writing to me as well as the fact that I already paid them more than double. Am I correct in thinking that payday lenders can't now charge more than 100% of the original loan? Or did I read that wrong? Can a hugely inflated interest rate be challenged? I'd really appreciate which is the best of the two routes to go down. Do I have a leg to stand via the complaints route, or would I be best just offering maybe £300 (so a third of what's still owed)
  23. Hi I have received a PCN contravention code 01 for parking on double yellow lines as shown in the diagram below, are these lines enforceable i.e. do I appeal or pay? any help appreciated [ATTACH=CONFIG]56692[/ATTACH]
  24. I am also with SIMARC and recently moved house. I notified them online that I'd moved house and got a bill for double the amount owed (£140 - I sent a cheque for the original amount (£70) we owed and they returned it. They said it was not accepted and if we wanted to resolve the matter to send double. I wrote another cheque keeping the returned one, and their letter and that has just been returned also. This has gone on now for months and is stressing me out. Are they not obliged to take the money? What do i do now? Please can you help? kindest regards Karen
  25. Hello all. We came across CAG through Google searches about Everest and their cowboy antics, as we have suffered pretty badly at their hands over the past 3 years or so and thought you may be interested in our experience of Everest. They were so bad that we ended up creating a website detailing everything that has happened to us, but in a nutshell we experienced heavy leaks (one was like someone pouring a cup of water down the inside of the window), and water pooling near electrical outlets. If that wasn't bad enough, 2 glass roof panels (the inside sheet on each) separately crashed down on us, narrowly missing me as I leapt out the way. Everest refused or were utterly unable to put matters right and after the second panel collapse we were advised by our lawyer to get a replacement roof fitted for our safety's sake. This (and damaged items in the roof collapses) cost us £8k but Everest were unwilling to pay for it, and can not be sued due to the clever way they construct their "company" in Jersey (where we live). Even a lawyer we employed couldn't find a way to sue them to recover the costs. Needless to say, their support was non-existent throughout and sadly our so-called "Trading Standards" department don't want to know, claiming their remit is "Weights and Measures" (is this normal in Trading Standards on the UK mainland?). Having tried every avenue possible, we have now resorted to putting a large sign on our house advertising our website which has much more info - if you are interested please PM/email me and I can send the link to you. It makes for some pretty damning reading. Thanks for reading, any advice would be most welcome. I am off to post some helpful info (I hope) in the computer section as I am a self-employed IT Consultant by trade! Tim Clayton.
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