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Found 6 results

  1. Please can you help confirm something for me regarding a back garden boundary with my neighbour of 35 years. The boundaries were old stlye and marked out by hedges, not long after we moved in we asked the neighbours if we could cut them and put a fence in instead. They understandably wanted to keep the hedge. So we put the fence up on our side. Now my beautiful neighbour is moving. I have started getting anxious over the boundary because my deeds are not ckear on that side and show nothing. I do not want the hedge row cutting down because it offers a countryside feel, height, privacy. We have been maintaining the hedge on our side throughout the 35 yrs. If I recall correctly from the party wall act, puttung that fence up does not mean losing the shared boundary? Is this correct? I am only interested in truth, not trying to claim anyting that is not mine or be awkard, only peaceful. If this is correct was wondering what folk do. Ask their neighbour for a letter stating these facts? Ask them to make it clear to new owner? It is important that I minimise stress due to health and I am not bothered about a foot of boundary but the privacy the hedge currently privides if cut will make it difficult to enjoy my garden anymore. Peace Clear33 thanks in advance
  2. Hi all, I'm not sure if this is in the right place, but I've lurked here in the past for help with parking tickets (in the same car-park) so apoloigies in advance if this isn't in the right place! In short, my vehicle has suffered damage after hitting an overhead concrete beam in an underground private car park despite being below the car park's "maximum height". The long version: My work car-park (a university car-park, enforced by a private parking company) is an underground affair, with numerous overhead concrete cross-beams. at the entrance is a sign which states, "MAXIMUM-HEIGHT 2.1 MTR." My car is a 1996 Land Rover Discovery, which has a height of 1.97m when new. My vehicle will likely be even lower after two tonnes has sat on the same springs for nineteen years. The vehicle is unmodifed, and has no roof-rack, etc. Anyway, I reversed into a bay which had a slight upward slope, causing my vehicle to impact one of the concrete roof-beams: There now damage to my paintwork above my car's back door, where the concrete roof-beam has removed a line of paint. This is now going to rust unless I do something about it ASAP. Being a graduate student, I definitely cannot afford to have this resprayed properly, and I feel a little bitter that I so naively trusted a bloody sign. I've taken a few pictures, and mocked up a diagram, but unfortunately I can't post them here yet. Any thoughts would be much appreciated, I've absolutely no experience of legal-ness. Thanks!
  3. Recently entered a car park with my van, at the entrance to the car park the sign states the car park min height is 2.5m however the car park internal height was 3.1m. My van entered without any issues however whilst parking a section of the car park is lower than the the 3.1m and drops to 2.6m and as a result i managed to damage the top of my van. There was no signage showing a difference in height within different sections of the car park. Would anyone know whether I have any chance legally in recovering damages for this from the car park owner. Any help would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks Sid
  4. Please does anyone know if there is a legal height for parking signs? I recently cut my head open on a parking sign in a local authority car park. I dropped something and as i straightened up I hit my head very hard on this metal parking sign which I am sure should not be at head height but much higher. I now look at all signs and they all seem much higher. High enough to easily walk under. I wrote to my local council but their reply was " the signs are of a standard height and size and not regarded as dangerous for anyone taking due care and attention" I am sure these signs are dangerous and should be raised higher but I cannot find any laws or guidance on statutory heights for signs. Can anyone help please ? Thank you.
  5. I have been given a parking charge notice on a pub parking which is supposed to be private parking. there is only one sign on the side wall at a height which is not easily visible. Usually signs which are right there on the pole are at good height to be seen easily. is there any required standard for having adequate signs and at a certain maximum or minimum height. please help kash
  6. I parked in the end space of a long line of bays in Highgate today. I was a bit surprised to find the space, and so I looked carefully for any notice that they might be restricted, but found none. There was a lamppost adjacent to the point I'd parked, and as there was no notice there, I assumed that it was in fact okay. Sure enough when I returned some hours later, I had a PCN (Code 12). I went in search of the notice, which I found fifteen cars along the street, and at a height of about 1m. This seems unreasonable. How far does one have to look for a notice? Is there any restriction on the distance that a notice can be for the governed space? I have photographs and a movie. Thanks for any advice. Paul
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