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Found 11 results

  1. hello there i wonder, what is the max length of time in an pip dwp assessment, with no lengthy physical, only talking. is there a max or minimum time allowed? does the HC person have a timer on screen to remind there is a limit soon to be reached? Or is it the client who should note the time and say "time enough" Thank you.
  2. Hi all, I know the max number of HOURS you can work is 16, but is there a cap on what you may earn? I'm fairly ok paid WHEN I'm in work and am toying with the thought of doing some very minor projects, these could (if I'm very lucky) net me more than I get from JSA but I imagine the DWP have an upper cap. Only problem is I don't know if those projects will be any kind of long term thing.
  3. I will soon be being left money from a Will to the sum of 11 thousand. What can I spend it on and still keep some so it does not affect Income Support?
  4. Like mentioned in title I was caught shoplifting at TK Maxx. Long story short. The police was called and I was taken to their small room for a search. TK got all their stuff back. The police gave me a warning and I had to sign the paper saying that I am willing to give my personal details to the store so they can send me the letter from RLP. Their job ended there. I was told by the store manager to wait for the letter from RLP and so it came a few days ago. They want me to pay 270 pounds. In general Im not from UK. I am an exchange student going back home by the end of jan. In the paper (notice given by tk maxx) only my current uk address has been written down. They also have my full name and date of birth. My question is : What may happen if I just ignore the letter. Can Tk max obtain more details regarding my persona from the police in order to take me to court? Is it possible this can chase me back to my country (personally I dont think they will want to)? If you need any extra info, just ask. Could really use some advice. Cheers
  5. I initially had a credit card debt with MBNA which was then sold onto Max Recovery Limited. When the debt was originally sold it was under an IVA. Now the IVA has since been cancelled, so I have started written communication with Max Recovery Limited. As I understand it, when a debt has been sold on, there should be a Deed of Assignment to prove that Max Recovery Limited own the debt. I have asked for this document on 3 occasions Max Recovery Limited has not acknowledge this requests. To date Max Recovery Limited has sent the debt onto their own DCA a firm called Drysdenfairfax Solicitors for collection.Again, I asked their DCA for proof their client owns the debt, Drysden have not complied. I reported Drysden to the Solicitors Regulation Authority over the matter, the SRA said Drysden hasn't done anything wrong. So my question is this; because Max Recovery Limited have failed to provide proof they have purchased the debts, can they persue me for it!?
  6. Hi all, I'm not sure if this is in the right place, but I've lurked here in the past for help with parking tickets (in the same car-park) so apoloigies in advance if this isn't in the right place! In short, my vehicle has suffered damage after hitting an overhead concrete beam in an underground private car park despite being below the car park's "maximum height". The long version: My work car-park (a university car-park, enforced by a private parking company) is an underground affair, with numerous overhead concrete cross-beams. at the entrance is a sign which states, "MAXIMUM-HEIGHT 2.1 MTR." My car is a 1996 Land Rover Discovery, which has a height of 1.97m when new. My vehicle will likely be even lower after two tonnes has sat on the same springs for nineteen years. The vehicle is unmodifed, and has no roof-rack, etc. Anyway, I reversed into a bay which had a slight upward slope, causing my vehicle to impact one of the concrete roof-beams: There now damage to my paintwork above my car's back door, where the concrete roof-beam has removed a line of paint. This is now going to rust unless I do something about it ASAP. Being a graduate student, I definitely cannot afford to have this resprayed properly, and I feel a little bitter that I so naively trusted a bloody sign. I've taken a few pictures, and mocked up a diagram, but unfortunately I can't post them here yet. Any thoughts would be much appreciated, I've absolutely no experience of legal-ness. Thanks!
  7. Being a new customer of Hastings direct I was astonished to see that my many years of no claims discount (as submitted) had been reduced to 9 years by hastings when i was attempting to check the new policy details. It seems that whatever your actual NCD, if it is more than 9 years, Hastings directs' system only allows a maximum of 9 years to be entered and that this reduction is done automatically without notice (other than showing the substituted amount buried in the policy details). Both my prior insurance suppliers' systems had no issues with recording and reporting NCD in double figures. I noticed this and complained, to be told that if I sent evidence of my NCD, they would note it and report it if I left them..... Which leads me to assume that if someone does not notice this and raise a complaint, then anyone with more than 9 years NCD will lose it or potentially at least be put in an awkward position at next renewal time. This has clearly been occurring for some years and disturbingly the following related thread seems to indicate that Hastings will do nothing when this is found at a later stage. Referred Thread 217431 Problem with proof of NCD http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?217431-Problem-with-Proof-of-NCD-(no-claims-discount)
  8. Hi my partners car has had a warning light show up. It is a picture of a cog. Upon research he has found out it apparently means "fuel additive to be checked every 37,000 miles". Can anybody tell me what this means, and which fuel additive we're talking about and what additive needs to be added and where? Also a steering wheel with an exclamation mark in the picture of the steering wheel Many thanks
  9. I have checked my credit file and it seems that MBNA sold a few of my credit card debts to MAX recovery who has also made an entry on my credit file. It seems after bacnrupcy the debt was sold to MAX. I thought only the Oringinal Creditor can mark credit files?
  10. I have 2 very old accounts with MBNA, one for a loan and one for a credit card which I suspect are statute barred. Max Recovery took over the account in 2009 and absolutely no payments have been made to them during this time. Max Recovery send me annual statements and this morning I received the 2013-14 statements. Usually the statements just show an opening and closing balance but this year there is a very small credit been posted the account mid year for both the credit card and loan. The amounts are very small but I'm concerned. I am absolutely certain that no payment has been made to Max Recovery during the year so I'm very curious as to what this entry could be for. Obviously I would like to enquire what these entries relate to but don't want to imply ownership of the debt and consequently jeopardise the statute barred status. Would anyone know how I could phrase the letter to enquire what these entries relate or should I just not worry?
  11. Weeks away from celebrating his 90th birthday. Topped the London Palladium bill dozens of timesB eloved entertainer awarded OBE in 1982 Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2196740/Veteran-entertainer-Max-Bygraves-dies-aged-89-battle-Alzheimers.html#ixzz25DtBjaYy
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