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Found 14 results

  1. hi Drove into carpark didnt leave car just sat in car and admired the view for 10/15 mins. i didnt buy a ticket as i thought I didnt need one as I wasnt leaving the car, only sitting in it. Received a parking charge through the post, Ignored as friend said too.... Have just received 2nd one, which i ripped up. I am becoming scared and regretting ignoring the letters. Please, any advice?
  2. I overdid my stay in Lidle as I could not decide over a walllnut loaf or a graian loaf (honest). Have had a letter come in the post saying I owe £45 (£90 if not paid in 14 days). I understand a lot of these private car park firms have little legal legs to stand on, can I just tell them to shew or is there a small amount I can pay, I heard if there is an hourly rate they can legally only charge you per that hour that you stayed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Just read this.... Dairrty old buggers aint they. http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=4694729
  3. My wife has today received a PCN from Parking Eye stating that a car registered in her name was in a motorway services car park for over 11 hours! This has come about because the driver has entered the services area via the service road, at 7:07 to access the motorway, they have therefore not parked at all. they have then entered the services again at 18:32 and left via the service road. Looking at the photos it would appear the 1st one is of the rear of the car and the 2nd one is of the front, I would have expected that the 1st should be the front, entering and the 2 the rear, leaving. What is the best course of action with this, I could prove, with witnesses that the car was not in the carpark for that long, as it was 70 miles away on a construction site. would I be best to ask PE which cameras the photos are from or just point out that the car couldn't have been there and I have witnesses to refute the photos. All help and advice would be gratefully appreciated, I have attached the letter received. Thanks Paul PCN Parking Eye.pdf
  4. As a taxi driver, I sometimes go to BHX 5 times a day in summer, so im no stranger to the chaos there. This August I was dropping off a family of 8 AND picking up a family of 7 at same time. Both families had many young kids As i entered the drop off carpark, I noticed my clients waiting on the left by the disabled park bays. There are 12 or so bays and 10 were vacant. The park has become very busy and dangerous this season due to more flights and its always a worry that someone will get run over, specially as its a free for all with cars going in all directions The car park is opperated by NCP. i pulled into a bay and whilst unloading cases etc, a copper who had been leaning against a fence came to me and asked if I had a disabled badge I told him we cant have them He asked why i was parked in a disabled bay I explained about the mayhem and the danger to the kids and I have a duty of care etc He said those people are nothing to me, and I have no responsibilty to them He continued to be arrogant and rude, asking why I thought I had a right to do as I pleased and park anywhere etc He demande to see my driving licence and then said he WASNT going to write me a parking ticket, but WOULD be reporting it to NCP who own the park On the way home I thought about it and then googled the POLICE and CRIME COMMISIONER for West Mids Police I asked the Lady how I submit a Freedom of Information request She asked why. I told her I want to know how much public money is spent policing PRIVATE car parks She wanted to know why, so I told her the story. She was MOST keen to assist me. I said I would wait and see if I got a ticket, which I didnt. Police have NO right or jurisdiction in a car park like that. I normally dont park in disabled spaces, but under those circumstances I felt it was safest option. 2 weeks later, whilst dropping off a Lady with a plaster cast on one leg, a NCP opperative became abusive because I was using a disabled bay without a blue badge, even though passenger was on crutches and had booked passenger assistance/wheelchair He took my car details and said he would issue a ticket, but i never got one. Seems like they all love being Hitler
  5. Hello. Parkingeye run the car park in our local Aldi, when you have finished your shopping and paid, you then go to a terminal and enter your car reg details and then leave. We shop there on a regular basis, spending £50 or more per visit, on Sat 13th June my partner entered the car park, shopped in Aldi, spent £8.05 and then left the car park 27 minutes later. On Monday 22nd June we received a PCN for £70 reduced to £40 if paid within 14 days. I have been reading with great interest some of the advice regarding appealing this fine and I think I have grounds for an appeal! I wanted the opinion of those amongst you more familiar with this type of dispute. This is a draft copy of the letter I intend to send to ParkingEye 24th June 2015 ParkingEye Reference – To whom it may concern I am appealing as registered keeper on the following grounds. I shop at the Aldi store, where ParkingEye operate the car park, on a regular basis. Often spending in excess of £50 per visit. On the date in question the driver of the vehicle purchased items in Aldi to the value of £8.05, upon leaving the store, the driver believed they had entered the car registration details and left the car park some 27 minutes later. The above is a screen shot of the drivers bank statement clearly showing the £8.05 purchase from Aldi, which was debited from the account on the first available working day, which was Monday 15th June. Should you fail to uphold my appeal then I may appeal to POPLA on 1 or more of the following grounds. You will be expected to provide a full breakdown of your alleged loss, and your full unredacted contract with the landowner. 1) The amount being claimed is not a genuine pre-estimate of loss to your company or the landowner 2) Your signage does not comply with the BPA Code of Practice and does not form a contract between motorist and yourself 3) You are not the landowner and do not have the authority to offer contracts to park 4) You are using ANPR data for a purpose not registered with the ICO If you do reject the challenge and insist on taking the matter further I must inform you that I may claim my expenses from you. The expenses I may claim are not exhaustive but may include the cost of stamps, envelopes, travel expenses, legal fees, etc. By continuing to pursue me you agree to pay these costs when I prevail. Any communication that does not either confirm cancellation or include a POPLA verification code will be reported to the BPA as a breach of their Code of Practice - the BPA recently issued guidance to all members to remind them of this fact. Such communication may also be deemed harassment and pursued accordingly. Any comments, good and bad Thank you for your time
  6. Hi all, I'm not sure if this is in the right place, but I've lurked here in the past for help with parking tickets (in the same car-park) so apoloigies in advance if this isn't in the right place! In short, my vehicle has suffered damage after hitting an overhead concrete beam in an underground private car park despite being below the car park's "maximum height". The long version: My work car-park (a university car-park, enforced by a private parking company) is an underground affair, with numerous overhead concrete cross-beams. at the entrance is a sign which states, "MAXIMUM-HEIGHT 2.1 MTR." My car is a 1996 Land Rover Discovery, which has a height of 1.97m when new. My vehicle will likely be even lower after two tonnes has sat on the same springs for nineteen years. The vehicle is unmodifed, and has no roof-rack, etc. Anyway, I reversed into a bay which had a slight upward slope, causing my vehicle to impact one of the concrete roof-beams: There now damage to my paintwork above my car's back door, where the concrete roof-beam has removed a line of paint. This is now going to rust unless I do something about it ASAP. Being a graduate student, I definitely cannot afford to have this resprayed properly, and I feel a little bitter that I so naively trusted a bloody sign. I've taken a few pictures, and mocked up a diagram, but unfortunately I can't post them here yet. Any thoughts would be much appreciated, I've absolutely no experience of legal-ness. Thanks!
  7. Hello im new here, just joined for some advice from anybody who would be kind enough to help me. I received a PCN last week for not displaying a valid ticket on my dash board, the ticket is in my possession still, it must have slid off the dash board, The tickets from the machines aren't adhesive just little squares of paper with a date on. I appealed to the company ES Parking enforcement who like i imagined rejected my claim and i was advised to either PAY or APPEAL to the IAS. could anybody be so kind as to give me some advice on what to do next. I paid and displayed correctly when i left the station, what happened after that to my vehicle sureley i cant be held responsible for it. If i was in an incorrect bay or blocking an entrance i wouldn't even bother appealing but i paid and displayed correctly. If it slid off through wind or somebody nudging my car that's totally beyond my control. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.
  8. Hi, I am a totally clueless newbie to this and genuinely somebody who likes to tell the truth and probably ends up getting advantage taken because of it.. I would love some help in dealing with my current issue. Short version: Girlfriend on way home from london to Wallington train station which is right next to lidl's car park. I am a worrier of partners and recently in the area we have had a few police incidents with regards to females attacked in the area. Nevertheless I get to the empty carpark a little early and enter the car park at 23.01. I didnt notice the signs but they are clear and in the open. my girlfriends train is late only by 3minutes but I leave the car park at 23:23 and drive home. This was 4 days ago. Letter was sent to my partner who's the owner of the car (im insured driver) and I decided to simply email them my justification and below is what I wrote: So after reading old threads on here that i googled I am worried that I've admitted I am the driver and even more worried that if I ignore the letters I will become that statistic whom pays through the nose. HELP PLEASE! Many Thanks.
  9. Iv received a letter from Euro car parks with a charge of £80 stating that on the 14/09 there was a failure to adhere to signage on car park site. This is the first notice of this we have had we had no ticket on car I'm very unclear as to why we have had it as we definitely had a valid ticket. Do I ignore?
  10. Hi there, not really sure where the best place to put this is, or if it's even something the kind experienced Caggers can help me with. Last week I parked my car at an airport using their on site Valet service - basically means I pull up at the terminal and they go and park my car for me nearby. I returned late at night a few days later, but by the time I got home I noticed my sunglasses were missing from the driver side door pocket. The next morning I did a more thorough search of the car and found nothing. I called the reception desk who confirmed they had nothing in their lost property and should contact head office and provided me with a number. I've called that number, and another I found on their website maybe a dozen+ times but never get an answer. I've penned a letter to them (below) but wonder if I should add any other wordings / take other actions in the mean time? Any thoughts? thank you
  11. Hi all my question is as follows A family member and partner and passenger parked in the Car park of Iceland sign states no free parking for disabled drivers. Free parking for 2 hours, photo to prove this. Driver overstayed by 30 mins or so. Due to the following A late add to the story, the passenger in the car a (Motability car) is disabled and had an epileptic fit and was unable to get about for nearly an hour after the fit. Hence the late return and getting the PCN. Otherwise they would have left the site within the time limits. PCN issued by ANPR to the RK the company is EXCEL PARKING The RK can not drive PCN issued by post within 7 days (calendar) and clearly states that parking is for ONE hour only free, sign says TWO hours but was still over time regardless. The signs (contract) are on boards at 7 feet high on poles as seen in picture one, I am 6ft 2" tall and the angle to get the sign in full was as displayed in the photograph. in picture one the 2 hours HAS NOT BEEN EDITED AT ALL I have attached a PDF with the redacted PCN with pers removed, please can I draw your attention to page 2 where the "time limit is 1 hour" on the PCN sign says different. Any advice please MM
  12. hi just come home to a parking charge notice from SMARTPARKING it shows a picture of my car entering at 14.53 and leaving at 21.38 that's 8 hours ! i did shop their at the 1st time i usually do after work but how can i convince them i left and came back again i cant find a receipt
  13. Hi i need some advice... My car was damaged in a MacDonalds private car park because of a high kerb made by a wall. My car has parking sensors and i carefully parked at a very slow pace. The parking slot was very short and the way the car park is made if i didn't get as close to the wall my car would be sticking out quite a bit and with the small space made for a car to go round i had to try to get as close to the wall as possible. However i didn't realise this kerb (which had no purpose to it as it was built just before the wall and not big enough for pedestrians) was so high that it scrapped the bottom of my bumper. The parking sensor didn't pick it up and my car has not been modified or lowered in anyway so is there a law regarding such kerbs being made? Can i claim some sort of compensation for my losses? Thank you in advance
  14. I parked next to a van (which had been there for approximatly 3 days) at work in the communal car park in a business center. When I got back to my car, the drivers door is beyond repair and is going to cost in the region of £800 to fix. No details where left by the other driver and no one witnessed the incident. My problem with this apart from being hit is that the business center manager tried to get CCTV footage but explained the cameras where pointing at a tree at the time !! the other camera just takes reg plate numbers. Again, not working. Iv contacted the police and as its an offence, it was on private property, they can take action with relevant details,but thats as far as they will go. My insurence explained, yes I can claim but without any details from the other driver, ill be left to pay, my premium will double and I'll lose my no claims of 8 years.... Somthing doesnt click here, any help much appreciated.
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