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  1. Hi, Just after some advice regarding parking on my local road. A business operates on my road, it is generally a quiet road with about 15 terraced houses on each side. During opening hours of the business the customers literally use both sides of the road to park leaving very little space for residents who live on the road to park their cars. It has causes so much traffic on the road and stress to the residents. I have spoken with the council and they have said there is nothing they can do. Does anyone have any experience in dealing with this kind of issue?
  2. Hi Car was parked on double yellow lines - ticket inspector observed car from 1.02pm - 1.02pm gave a ticket 01 Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours - one picture of the front of the car was taken at 1.02 another was taken at 1.04 when I got into the vehicle to drive off. (I was definitely there by 1.03. what's the best way of appealing this? technically its parked on double yellows - not on a restricted street during prescribed hours as there are no prescribed hours on double yellows? thank you for all the help in advance
  3. Hello All, I received a PCN from HX Car Park Management in the mail a few weeks ago. The contravention was that the pay and display ticket was face down. The "charge" was £100, discounted to £60 if paid quickly. Needless to say, I appealed, pointing out that: I would not identify the driver. There was no suggestion that the daily parking fee was not paid. Their photographs show a ticket displayed on the dashboard. The tickets issued at this car park are a different colour each day making it obvious that a valid ticket had been purchased. These is an attendant on duty to take payment, making parking without paying the fee extremely unlikely The tickets issued do not make any reference to the terms and conditions, merely point out that "parking at own risk" No loss has been suffered by the owners of the car park HX should have enquired with the attendant as to the validity of the ticket in my vehicle. No notice was attached to the vehicle, nothing to indicate anything was amiss until the PCN arrived in the post. That this behaviour strikes me as a predatory and underhand tactic That this was a "Fluttering Ticket" caused by the wind at the time or soon after the driver left the vehicle, A reference to case C8GF30W7 Link Parking v Mr H, 14/11/2016 Port Talbot, where the court rules it was the responsibility of the parking company to provide self adhesive tickets. That the signage is confusing, instructing motorists to "park in marked bays". This car park is on rough ground and not a single marked bay is present. This makes any "contract" void. That their obtaining keeper details from the DVLA was most likely unlawful. It will come as no surprise that the appeal was rejected, since HX act as judge, jury and executioner in such cases. So I have also appealed further to the IPC, pointing out the same. HX's response is the same old BS … that the driver breached the terms and conditions and I am liable for the PCN. I now have a few days remaining to add any further information to the IPC appeal before the adjudication. Any suggestions as to anything else I might add? Am I wasting my time fighting this? Have I gone too far and should I just pay these blood suckers to go away ? -- skeet23
  4. I'm living on a private street which is a dead end but my landlord isn't the owner of it, it's someone else. From one side we have access to the side road for a cars, and from the other a gate which leads to the main road. Three years ago the owner of the street decided to weld the gate for no reason. He done it in the morning when everyone living on the street were at work/school. I contacted my landlord to see if he has contact details to the person that owns the street, but he doesn't. Few months later someone made a hole in a wooden fence next to the gate and straight away we started using it because it's much safer than the side road. Few months later the landlord came back to put a new fence. But yet again in the morning hours when no one living on a street was at home. Then I contacted local council, but they said that the street is private and they can't help me. Half a year ago someone made another hole in the wooden fence. Yesterday they changed the wooden fence to the metal one. Again they did it in the morning avoiding people. In conclusion: The owner of the street welded the gate without giving notice, he is constantly avoiding people living on the street and no one has got contact detail to him. Side road even there are houses there is not safe in the evening because one of my neighbours was assaulted down there. Also one of the neighbours travels on a mobility scooter and because pavement is narrow she needs to drive on the road and avoid cars.
  5. Whilst parking for my case against WY Parking (which I won), I return to my car with a PCN attached (FML) I paid (confirmed money has left my bank account also) using my debit card - The ticket machine gave 2 tickets (both saying DISPLAY THIS WAY UP ON DASHBOARD). I took the ticket showing my parking fee more clearly to claim for costs.. Still displayed the counterpart though. I am still within my appeal timescale: Just want to confirm what I should write where it says "Why do you think you should not have been given a ticket" Tickets.pdf PCN.pdf Manchester Council Pictures.pdf
  6. Hi All, Any help would be greatly appreciated on how I appeal this parking Charge, I paid for the days parking via the PayByPhone app but selected my previous vehicle in error (same make and colour in list with similar number plate!). As per the sticky post here are my answers to the questions; 1) Date of infringement: 17/05/18 13:24 2) Appeal lodged: No (I have however opened the web page to do so!) I also have not received an NTK. 3) NTK Mention Schedule 4 PoFA: N/A NTK not received 4) Appeal after receiving NTK: N/A NTK Not received 5) Parking Company: SIP Parking Limited (SIPcarparks.com) 6) Car park: Tariff Street, Manchester. (Code 88841) I was parked legally in a marked bay and paid for the parking upon arrival, unfortunately I used my previous vehicles registration number. I have a history of using the car park on a monthly basis with receipts / records of each parking transaction and Reg number they are against. If paid within 24 hours: £35 7 days: £50 14 days: £60 Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  7. What are the correct marking for residents street parking bays(Residents permit)? I received a ticket in Wimbledon area for parking in areas allocated for permit holders only, however there are no rd marking at all but there are signage to indicate permit holders Is this legal?
  8. Hello My husband apparently went the wrong way down a one way street. He didn't see any signs. I was going to ask if anyone can identify any technicalities we could use to avoid paying the PCN but I can't upload the photos as I don't have enough posts! So I will ask the only question that I can without photos...The PCN arrived yesterday, 21 June 2018, (with first class postage) but I note that the notice is dated 13 June 2018. This means there is a very short time before the 14 days expire. Does this give us anything to argue? Thank you so much
  9. Hi all, I'm trying resolve this issue with PCN I have received recently from Athena ANPR Ltd for overstay at Lidl. The overstay was 14 min. 35 sec. Arrived at 09:43:43 and left 11:28:18 = duration 1:44:35 Shops opens from 10AM Sunday. Short story, it was Sunday just before 10AM and I saw ppl outside Lidl so I thought it might be open. Parked my car and there was just a queue in front of Lidl..., so went for a walk, as this was my first stay in Mablethorpe. Off course I did forget to take my swimming shorts with me, so spend bit longer in Lidl, looking for shorts. Few days later got this PCN. I think this isn't fair as if you look at the time the shop opens and the time I have left the parking is just within 90 minutes. Normally I don't spend this much time inside the shop. Do you think I have a chance to get this PCN canceled ? Just want anyone's thoughts before I do appeal. 1 Date of the infringement 01/07/2018 2 Date on the NTK 04/07/2018 3 Date received 07/07/2018 4 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes. Driver and occupants not visible though. 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] No. Here's the question: do I have to appeal to Athena and Lidl ? and what would be the best way to appeal, by post or email ? Also is there a template how to appeal, this will be my first time. Do I have to write my story or just complain how unfair they threat the customers ? 7 Who is the parking company? Athena Parking 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] LIDL Mablethorpe - High Street, Mablethorpe LN12 1EH Appeals Body says the IPC. The occupants of the vehicle did shop in LIDL on the said day. Thanks for any help
  10. Received this pcn today for driving in a street during restricted hours. This is a fairly new restriction that I had no idea about. The only warning is on a sign above the bus lane on the main road that the restricted street is at a right angle to. As my focus was on the oncoming traffic and the junction itself, I didn't notice the new sign. As it is,I have never seen a restricted street displaying this kind of sign. Do I have any grounds for appeal?
  11. For anyone facing court action regarding this car park, be advised that Excel parking is deemed to be the Creditor .. the legal entity entitled to enforce parking charges and legal action. Excel have a contract with the landowner. Any legal action launched by VCS is not relevant in law as they have no contract with landowner and are not the Creditor. They are a separate legal entity. If you are facing court action from VCS use this as your defence.
  12. Hi All. The SIP and Euro carpark are both right next to each other. I bought a Sip ticket on my first day parking and parked in the euro car park side. Was parked here for 5 days. Made this mistake on the Monday. Then bought 4 Euro car park tickets for 15,16,17,18 of August. I have retained the ticket for all 5 days. It's a confusing area to park. The Euro car park is on the left of the big Sip car park. This is where I parked. Google maps location link: edit. won't let me paste link. 1 Date of the infringement (Date of event 14/08/2018) 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 04/08/2018 3 Date received. (Date issued is 21/08/2018). 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] n 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Photos of number plates on entry and exit 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? Euro Car parks 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Browncross Street, Salford, Manchester.
  13. Hey guys, I just received a parking notice, the observation time is 10:19 to 10:27. I went and saw the same cars which were parked right next to me, and they didn't receive a parking ticket, but I did? I'm not sure how this has happened, it was a single yellow line, with no time restriction sign anywhere. Please help. Thank you in advance, if there is more information required from please let me know Cheers. Hope you aren't having a bad day as myself.
  14. Wow so happy to have found you CAG. Fingers crossed I can beat this. I am devastated, treated myself and a friend to a theatre show tickets were about £7 each. We are both pretty skint and I have now had a charge for £60-£100 quid!!! Theatre Delicatessen (voluntary run theatre) had just moved to the address above when I went to see the show which was on the 24th October 2017. Yesterday 6th Dec 2017 I received a letter asking me to pay £100, or £60 if I pay within 14 days of the date of the letter 29/11/17. (Why have they taken so long to respond but yet I am pressured to pay so quickly just before Christmas and I have two small boys!) The building they have moved into is a retail outlet which used to be a Mothercare outlet. Next door to staples. The show was at 7:30pm. I checked to see if there were any pay and display machines but did not see and other signs (tempted to go back to check where they are) The letter shows registration recognition (but does not show the driver) points out that I stayed 152 minutes and the maximum time of free parking is an hour. I can understand why this is in place as I guess some people could take the mick and go into town but I was visiting a building that the carpark was for and the rest of the carpark was pretty empty except a few others which expect will also have received a charge. I have rang the theatre who sypathetically said that I'm not the only one and that there is nothing they can do about. She pointed out some other places I could park in future and that they have got signs inside the theatre. These were not there when we visited as as it had just opened my friend and I had a good look around. She said they are trying to sort something with the council which is a bit strange as the letter I have had says "Private land" and is from Vehicle control services who are accredited by the IPC. I think I probably ought to call back and ask about this. Could the council have employed VCS. Please can anyone advise me what to to for the best. Should I ignore? Appeal? Contact the company direct and explain the situation? I sense they would not show goodwill. Have I got a leg to stand on??? I look forward to hearing your wisdom I only have 6 days to pay the lesser price if you think I should. Thank you, Gemma:|
  15. Hi, the driver parked at Walmer Street car park on 8/4/17 and went over the parking time by 20 mins. After 28 days i received the 'Notice to keeper', which after reading online i ignored and any further correspondence thereafter. Unfortunately it is now being taken to court. My argument was that I did not receive any photo of the parking as i or any other driver of the vehicle couldn't recall parking at the relevant car park. I have a court case on 27th February 2018 and just received the Witness statement from Gladstones Solicitors. I have attached a few of the pages, please can someone advice on what i can do. I do notice from the photos the ticket that was purchased states 'Wilmslow Road' which is acknowledge in the statement but the case mentions 'Walmer Street', can i use this in court as my defence? if there is anything else that i can use so i can prepare before the case. If you need any other information please feel free to ask. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks
  16. I have had a long and frustrating situation with my car which has recently come to a frustrating head. 29/04/2017 - I bought a used Peugeot 208 Style for £8,399 with finance in the form of an unsecured loan. I was not informed of this at the time, the vehicle did not have a full service history, and I didn't know to ask, this being my first car, and my dad specialises in old cars, which are lucky to have any service history at all, so he didn't think to ask. Within a month, I was having issues with the car stalling and pulling to the right on larger, open roads where you actually drive in a straight line for a period of time. I brought this up to the dealership, who did not record anything, did not inspect the car and simply said that as I was a new driver, I'd get used to it. I never had issues with stalling a car previously, and passed my test on the first attempt, but I figured that it was likely that this was normal. But the stalling wasn't the usual kind, it happened shortly after I finished changing gear, I would change gear, there would be a short moment and then the car would stall. The issue kept getting worse, until the car was stalling regularly, several times a trip. This is when I took it back to the garage on 04/09/2017, where they initially blew me off, then agreed to look at it. But they would not provide a vehicle. I had to hire one, which was only possible through their account with a local car hire company. I returned the following day to be told there was nothing wrong with the car. Shortly after driving it away, it stalled again. I was then informed by my insurance company that it had been driven at 85mph in a 50mph limit area, at a time that it was with the garage. When questioned, the garage replied that I hadn't told them it had a black box, as if that was relevant. They reluctantly provided a letter for my insurance company, so that my insurance would not be cancelled over the issue. I took it back to them on the 8th, they had it for a week to investigate that and multiple other issues, with squealing brakes and the gearbox grinding, and told me there was nothing wrong. I then said I wanted to reject the car and was told to speak to the sales team. Who then lead me through a bait and switch, pretending they were honouring my request to reject the vehicle, instead setting me up for an unfavourable part exchange, the finance for which was not approved. They then suggested that my dad take out finance for my car. There is one provider where doing this is legal, and yet they proposed three credit checks. I called them out in the illegality of this procedure, and yet they still harassed me and my father about going through with the illegal finance application. We declined. In a further incident, there was a problem with the oil, and it was taken back to the garage, where they fixed everything, didn't charge me, said it was not done under warranty, and yet said the issue was my fault. The issue was that the oil filler cap had not been on properly. I had never touched the oil filler cap. They also showed a picture which clearly showed a buildup of mud under the car from when the vehicle was pulled backwards during recovery, and tried to claim that this happened when I pulled up on the verge. I wrote to the garage at this time and said that if they were unable to fix the vehicle, I was rejecting it. This email was ignored. I then took it to an independent garage to have the clutch assessed, as I was starting to think that the car had been significantly worn by the previous owner. I was told by the head mechanic that the clutch was significantly worn, and even without any issues, it would fail in 3-6 months. He said in his professional opinion, there was no way this had been caused by my wear on the car. He also said that there was something wrong with the pedal, but he couldn't put his finger on it at the time, said he would need more time to investigate it to be definitive, time he did not have at that moment, so he could not include this issue in his report. 10 days later the issue that was causing all these clutch problems became a lot more apparent- the clutch was sticking, just below the bite point. I hadn't noticed this before, as it was sticking close to the top of the travel, near the bite point of the clutch, so when I removed my foot, the reduced pressure from the clutch pedal seemed natural, related to the bite point of the car. The stalling was being caused by a milder "stick", as I was pulling the clutch up, then it must have been fading slowly over the bite point, causing the strange stalling motion, as it stalled when it actually pulled over the bite. By now the car was revving excessively, as if I hadn't removed my foot from the clutch at all, and although I couldn't identify it at the time, as I was used to the clutch stopping before the end of the travel, it was not coming all the way up. The clutch failed that day. The car was recovered to the dealership, and I wrote them another rejection letter, authorising another garage to inspect the vehicle to confirm the issue. At no point did I authorise the Bristol Street Motors that I had purchased the car from to inspect the car. In a phone conversation, one of their managers suggested they would assess it to see if I could have a warranty repair, but this was prior to my letter, where I clearly stated I wanted a different garage to look at the car in line with the rejection. During this period, I needed a car, which I am unable to hire privately, and there was no spare car around for me to insure myself on to drive. So I said that they could either provide a hire car, or I could insure myself on one of their cars, so I could be mobile. I had previously been denied a courtesy car from them, based on insurance underwriting, but when they had been checking my licence, I was given the full impression that this was a free service. The dealership emailed me back saying the only way I would get a car was to hire one, through them, for a maximum of two weeks, at £20 per day. As I did not have information on their courtesy car policies, I had to accept the information at hand, and said I would pay. This would change, as it turned out the information provided was false. They called to ask for authorisation to remove the gearbox, which I provided. These two statements were the only authorisation I ever gave. Then, the dealership removed the clutch and handed that to an independent company to inspect where, as one would based only on this evidence, they stated that it looked worn, consistent with abnormal operator technique. After a conversation with a mechanic, I have been advised that one remedy for a sticking pedal is to remove the parts and manipulate them, so even if I have the real issue inspected now, its quite likely that they have removed the evidence of this. They then wrote to say they will not be accepting my rejection of the vehicle, sending a document full of inaccuracies, which I corrected in a reply. They then stated that despite this, they would not consider their position, and I would be expected to collect the car. In this letter, they then proved that the information provided about a hire car was false; they stated they were unable to provide courtesy cars to those with less than 6 months of driving experience. They clearly knew, as they stated the date I passed my test in their letter (20/04/2017) and the date I purchased the car, that I had over six months of driving experience, and therefore should have been eligible for a courtesy car, at no cost to me. They had lied to me, and thus caused me to go to an expense that I should not have incurred. Hence, I disputed the hire costs in full. Especially as they had now left me without a vehicle, and reliant on my father to get to work, 20 miles from home. It's also worth noting that they expected me to collect the vehicle with it's gearbox and clutch still out. A couple of days later, on 21/01/2018, after the dealership had closed, I was informed I would be charged £10 per day storage, starting 22/01/2018. I was never given any terms and conditions when dropping the car off, and was awaiting a response from their chosen mediation service, the motor ombudsman, before taking any action. But based on this, and the idea that I was willing to entertain an alternate resolution, where they paid to repair the car and then give me a partial refund down to the current value of the goods, I prepared to collect the car. I went to the dealership 31/01/2018 to collect the vehicle. I had also called consumer helpline, as the only charges I had been informed of were for hire cars and storage. They stated that the garage had no right to hold the car over these charges unless they had a high court enforcement order (they don't) and should they try to hold the car over these charges alone, I was to call the police, as the holding of my car was in this case, criminal. I asked to leave with the car, I was told that I had to pay the hire and storage charges before I leave with the car. In line with this, I told them what consumer helpline had told me, and they informed me their legal department had said they should not release the car until payment had been made. No mention was made of any costs they can exercise a lien over. So I called the police. Two days later, I had an appointment with an officer, who listened to my side and then spoke to the garage to get their side. They wouldn't even confirm the registration, stating they had been told that the only person allowed to discuss anything regarding the car was their general manager. In discussions with the general manager, they were sent an invoice, which detailed costs for an inspection of the car, and "environmental charge" and "tool manufacturing for gearbox support", plus hire costs and storage for nearly £700, stating all would need to be paid before they could release the car. They then made an "offer" to fix the car for £650, including car hire, spinning the angle that it was my "legal responsibility" to keep my costs as low as possible trying to say "Pay our ransom, allow us to butcher your car, because we have a big well-funded legal department who, if it gets to court, will win!" My complaints to trading standards have been referred on three separate criminal breaches, just by the by. Which leads me to the actual current issue. In my opinion, there is nothing, even on the revised invoice, that they can hold the car over. As far as I know, the right to exercise a lien arises when you have done work that has improved the car, that the customer requested, the charges for which are not under dispute, which have not been paid. It's for situations where someone says "thanks for fixing my car, I'll pay you on Tuesday, but take it now!" rather than situations anything like mine. As far as I know, the following applies: - Hire charges have to be agreed in terms and conditions up front, before the car is dropped off, not added in an ad hoc email when you are already preventing the release of the car. -If the customer didn't request the work, and the garage can't "undo" it, they are to absorb the cost and release the car -If the charges are under dispute, they can't hold the car -If the costs are still accruing, they can't hold the car -If the work done has not improved the car, they can't hold the car -If the work has not been done by the garage holding the car, they can't hold the car -If the charges they are awaiting are not to do with work done on the car, they can't hold the car So on all fronts, they can't hold the car. The other thing is that there is no specific right to get back money that was paid but not owed in British law, even if you write on an invoice that you are "paying under protest". Plus I don't have £700 just lying around, plus costs for recovery and repair! You only get it back if you can prove things like duress, threat of physical harm, etc. I have disputed their outcome with their chosen dispute service, but this isn't enough. The police say that whilst the garage believe their entitled to hold the car, they can't recover it, and consumer helpline said all they can do is refer it to trading standards "without commitment", meaning they don't have to get back to me. So the points that I need clarifying: 1. Is there anything I'm missing regarding their right to hold a lien on the vehicle? 2. Where is it written in law about the right to hold a lien on a vehicle? 3. How can I recover my car without paying a penny to these swindling con men? Apologies for the long post, but anything anyone can advise to help would be appreciated!
  17. Hi all, Received an NTK about a civil parking charge notice from Athena in the post today, I've done some reading on the forum so haven't contacted them and will not disclose who the driver is. Car was parked at LIDL for 50 mins but the driver did not register at the terminal for the 1.5 hrs free parking. The driver did a full shop with debit card (we have receipt as well). LIDL address is: LIDL Walthamstow 43-49 High Street, Walthamstow, London, E17 7LD (google says 7AD but notice and other sites say 7LD) What's the best course of action? Letter to LIDL CEO department? Anything else I should do also and any tips on the letter? (e.g. should I attach a photo of the receipt?) For tickets received through the post (Notice to Keeper) please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement [/color]21/11/17 2 Date on the NTK 24/11/17 3 Date received 27/11/17 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012?No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes, a picture of the car leaving and entering with date and times, license plate is clearly visible but driver is not 6 Have you appealed? No Have you had a response? N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Athena ANPR For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check here IAS Will upload pics of sign shorty but doesn't say anything out of the ordinary really apart from register at terminal for 1.5 hrs free parking, 90 mins max stay, you will be charged if you breach any of the other terms of parking. Thanks in advance Thanks convert-jpg-to-pdf.net_2017-11-27_14-56-44.pdf convert-jpg-to-pdf.net_2017-11-27_14-57-11.pdf DEFAULT CHARGE 27-11-17.pdf
  18. Hi, Please could someone offer some advice please regarding a PNC I have received. Amount due: £100.00. Incident Date: 19/07/2017 Reason for issue: Not parking correctly within the markings of the bay or space. Thanks.
  19. Lodhi finance limited was liquidated in september last year. However the director has previously done the same . He did this with rasul finance limited same address and bought out the debt ledgers via a business named Crawford Business Services . This was not a limited company but was one that had been set up as a transfer vehicle. Once Crawford businees was assigned the ledgers then Lodhi finance Limited bought this business out for £30000 and persued the unpaid bedts that had been mounting up at a rate of 39.9 % per annum. This meant a lot of people lost their homes etc. However it seems that the directors are the same and also the same time spans etc. This time the fsa have had the business shut down. However if there are people around who were mucked up by his [problem] or what ever you would call it. I would seriously urge them to make what he did previously well known.
  20. Hi all Looking for a bit of help, again. My wife was shopping and overstayed her free welcome by 18 minutes as shown in the attached file (hopefully have deleted all pers info). I havent contacted them to say, cmon its 18 minutes over, however wondering if there is anything legal I can go back to them on? I know that local authority tickets have to be issued within 14 days however any chance that works with private companies such as this? Any help appreciated. Thx
  21. Hi all, I'm wondering if you guys can help us out with advise. We have applied for a dropped kerb (also called vehicular access) for our house where the front garden has been paved as a drive way. When we applied we were under the impression that we would get the permit to create vehicular access based on the fact that 75% of our neighbors already have their kerb dropped. To our surprise, the Northamtonshire Highways have denied our dropped kerb citing new regulations that came into effect in 2014. We were told we could appeal, but that we probably lose this based on the new regulations. Is there a way that we can appeal based on the other dropped kerbs (in legal terms called a precedent) or do we just need to accept the fact that we won't get the kerb lowered? Thanks for any assistance.
  22. Hi, I have today received a Claim Form from BW legal. The Particulars of Claim read as follows: 1.The Claimant's Claim is for the sum of £100.00 being monies due from the Defendant to the Claimant in respect of a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) issued on 01/04/2016 (Issue Date) at 13:38:43 at Smyth Street - Wakefield Anpr Vcs Scheme Std (60-100). 2.The PCN relates to xxx under registration xxx. The terms of the PCN allowed the Defendant 28 days from the Issue Date to pay the PCN, but the defendant failed to do so. Despite demand being made the Defendant has failed to settle their outstanding liability. 3.The Claim also includes Statutory Interest pursuant to section 69 of the County Courts act 1984 at a rate of 8% per annum a daily rate of 0.02 from 01/04/2016 to 06/01/2018 being an amount of £12.92. 4The Claimant also claims £60.00 contractual costs pursuant to PCN Terms and Conditions. The total amount of the claim is for £100 PCN + £60.00 legal costs + £12.92 interest plus £25.00 court fee plus £50.00 Legal representative's cost giving a total of £247.92. For a bit of history, I first received a PCN shortly after the above issue date, looked into it, and opted to ignore it. I have received several more since and opted to ignore them all. I have now, today, received this Claim Form. I have yet to take any action. What should my first course of action be? Should I respond to the claim online (as stated on the form, at moneyclaim.gov.uk?). What should I then do upon doing this? Please advise as soon as possible. Thank you in advance, Card_Owner.
  23. Hey guys, Looking for a bit of help. Got this parking ticket while dropping my daughters medicine off to nursery. I was literally in and out. I have checked the signs and road markings, I don't think I have grounds to appeal on those. My only saving grace might be the fact that the ticket was issued at 9.50 am and it was observed from 9.50 to 9.50. I know some councils have an observation period but I couldn't find anything relating to this on Havering councils website. I found some in Camden council (3 minutes) and Brighton council (5 minutes). Could anyone give me some advice whether I have any grounds to appeal this? Many thanks, Bogyo79
  24. I was looking for a place to park near a local station. There is an NPC park and ride there, with a few bays, but I've noticed there is a road that goes around the bays with no yellow lines, and it's not clear whether or not it is a part of the car park or not, as there is only 1 sign at the back. There is plenty of room to park here, and others do, but just wanted to know if it is a part of it or not. Here is a google street view link which is pointing at the place I want to park, spin around and you will see the entrance road and the car park. https://goo.gl/maps/oJRbp There are no "You will be charged" signs anywhere, nothing on the entrance, if you took a right turn from the road leading in, you wouldn't even go past the sign. EDIT: Here are some pictures of the sign taken today. I couldn't even read the T&C's while standing right infront of it. http://imgur.com/a/G9sOM
  25. Hi, I need your advice I parked on a street where nobody shows the timer this is on disabled and non-disabled cars, I parked in a disabled slot and placed my blue badge, when I came back 20mins later from a dental appointment I was given a notice, I have only had a blue badge a few months CODE 40 "Parked in a designated disabled persons parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled persons badge" The images shown on the enforcement site showed 2 images taken at an angle so you could not see the dashboard or badge. I questioned this with photo evidence they came back and said it was for not showing the timer, I questioned again that the notice said nothing about a timer. They sent back more images showing the blue badge they had there was no mention of this in the first reply from them. Where do I stand on this? Does anybody know what the codes are for the parking notices, and is there one for not showing the timer? your help appreciated
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