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Found 7 results

  1. Hello everyone Unfortunately, my husband has gone and got himself another PCN. This time it's one that was stuck on his car I haven't seen any photos of the situation yet - I think they will be uploaded tomorrow at the earliest as he only received the PCN today. I was trying to upload the pdf but this website says that I have the incorrect file extension Is anyone able to help me understand what I've done wrong? I tried following the instructions about uploading files. Thanks
  2. I'm living on a private street which is a dead end but my landlord isn't the owner of it, it's someone else. From one side we have access to the side road for a cars, and from the other a gate which leads to the main road. Three years ago the owner of the street decided to weld the gate for no reason. He done it in the morning when everyone living on the street were at work/school. I contacted my landlord to see if he has contact details to the person that owns the street, but he doesn't. Few months later someone made a hole in a wooden fence next to the gate and straight away we started using it because it's much safer than the side road. Few months later the landlord came back to put a new fence. But yet again in the morning hours when no one living on a street was at home. Then I contacted local council, but they said that the street is private and they can't help me. Half a year ago someone made another hole in the wooden fence. Yesterday they changed the wooden fence to the metal one. Again they did it in the morning avoiding people. In conclusion: The owner of the street welded the gate without giving notice, he is constantly avoiding people living on the street and no one has got contact detail to him. Side road even there are houses there is not safe in the evening because one of my neighbours was assaulted down there. Also one of the neighbours travels on a mobility scooter and because pavement is narrow she needs to drive on the road and avoid cars.
  3. Hello I live in a cul-de-sac and my house is the last house on the road and I have my own drive at end. Today, I received a PCN code 62 while parked on my own Drive. It states 'Parked with one or more wheels on or over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriageway'. My car was parked with the back wheels just on the edge of the footpath, something I have been doing since 1988 but for some reason I have received a parking ticket today. The footpath ends at my house, although a neighbour whose garden backs onto my drive has put a small gate in his fence so he can leave his house from the back. What can I do in this instance as I will have problems parking on my drive in future? With the back wheels close to footpath, the back of the car stands over the footpath by a foot or more depending on the car that is parked. I would appreciate any help or suggestions
  4. Hello Guyz, I am new to the forum and decided to join this forum to get some help against recently issued PCN. I recently parked my car with one wheel over a footpath. On this road, parking with one wheel on the footpath is allowed but only within marked space. Also there is no parking allowed between Monday to Friday from 8am to 6:30pm. On that road, people often park their cars with one tyre on the foot path. On the day, I was not sure if I was allowed to park there so I parked my car with one tyre over a footpath. I got out of a car to check the parking restrictions and realized afterwards, that I can only park on footpath within marked space. As soon as I realized it, I moved my car. The car was moved within 3 minutes of parking it. You can also see me in the background checking the parking restrictions. I really can't afford to pay the PCN so can you please help me appeal against PCN. Do I have any grounds to appeal?. On the basis that I only got out of the car to check the parking restrictions and moved my car withing three minutes after checking the parking restrictions. Or on any other basis? I have attached all relevant pictures and PCN as well. Any help will be much appreciated.
  5. :roll:Hi folks Little bit of help needed here! We live in a cul de sac and the last 4 houses (we live in the 2nd one) has a little access road for the four of us. My problem is that the neighbours who live on the main part of the road constantly park up on the footpath opposite our house! As we are in the middle myself and my wife at time find it impossible to get off our drive. Bad enough when it is one car but if they have family visit then there are up to 4 cars parked opposite. It's a small road so they park up with 2 wheels on the path but we still cannot get out without reversing 3 or 4 times. Any advice please ? They are pleasant enough people but just have no consideration on the parking.
  6. Reading the different threads on this topic I'm still not sure whether writing the "code 62" as "code 622" on a PCN invalidates it or not. I have received a pcn which has the following wording, .....(description/details of the car) was logged at 09:17 Issued at 09:23 on 02/10/2010 by Civil enforcement officer ......(number & sign) who had resonable cause to believe that the following parking contravention had occured. Contravention Code 622 Parked with one or more wheels on or overa foothpath or any part of the road other than a carriageway (2wheels on footway) Please can somebody help me on this. P.S can somebody also tell me whether this code 62 is enforceable on Saturdays! Thanks in advance. Bobo Myseen
  7. I have just received a PCN for “62- Parked with one or more wheels on or over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriageway”. The parking signs on the road actually said it was ok to park on the footpath but only in marked bays. I parked on the road but not in the marked bays. Unfortunately I didn’t see the latter bit as other roads adjacent to the road didn’t have the “only in marked bays” bit. I wasn’t parked on a yellow line or anything, neither was I causing an obstruction, I would have caused one if I hadn’t parked on the footpath like other cars as it is a very tiny road. Am I likely to be successful if I appeal this fine on the basis that the sign said it was ok to park on the footpath? Am I right in thinking the offence should be something else like “not parked in marked bays” instead of what they have said? I've only paid a PCN yesterday for turning right where not permitted except by buses due to my taking directions from a friend that only knows the bus route. I'm quite angry at myself as it is. Any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks.
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