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Found 5 results

  1. Hello everyone Unfortunately, my husband has gone and got himself another PCN. This time it's one that was stuck on his car I haven't seen any photos of the situation yet - I think they will be uploaded tomorrow at the earliest as he only received the PCN today. I was trying to upload the pdf but this website says that I have the incorrect file extension Is anyone able to help me understand what I've done wrong? I tried following the instructions about uploading files. Thanks
  2. Lambeth Council issued PCN on 21/9 for Contravention 622 Vehicle was parked on clients private driveway with consent, its a new van and was backed up tight to the clients house, the client had moved his vehicle to the street as he had permit. The van/vehicles front 2 wheels were just on the footpath, there was no obstruction to the footpath and a double buggy could easily get past, it was also a wide foot path. 622 does state with one or two wheels on any part on an urban road other than a carriageway (foot way parking) ((partly on foot way). Do i have a case to contest as the vehicle was 99% on private driveway with its nose and front wheels just on the pavement. There is no clear intention to breach the traffic management act just a vehicle slightly to large for the driveway. Thank you.
  3. Just a query really.. .my son parked his car opposite our home. Now where we live there are white lines on the pavement where you are allowed to park two wheels on the pavement and two off then there is a line where it ends. This is due to the road being quite narrow when there are two cars driving on either side. My son unfortunately placed two wheels on the pavement on two off after the line. He received a ticket for this at 22:10 hours. Although he was in the wrong with the two wheels on the pavement, are they allowed to issue tickets at this time of night??
  4. I have just received a parking ticket for contravention 622 where I was parked next to a cobbled garage entrance. Because this was on a busy road, I made sure I was not jutting out beyond other cars parked along the road in front and behind me. These cars were parked next to the pavement. In doing so I had my inside wheels a few inches onto the cobble of the forecourt and I assume this is why I received the ticket. 622 states 'parked with one or more wheels over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriage way'. Well this was not a footpath because the footpath ended where the garage entrance began. Is a garage entrance a 'road' ? I know about not parking on pavements but this seems draconian. Any suggestions? Have I got grounds to fight it? From previous threads on this its seems that this used to be specifically used for people parking on pavements but they have now removed that clarification so it applies more broadly. How are we supposed to know about new rules and when changes occur? I have attached a photo..(I think!) Thanks Tessa [ATTACH]43344[/ATTACH]
  5. Reading the different threads on this topic I'm still not sure whether writing the "code 62" as "code 622" on a PCN invalidates it or not. I have received a pcn which has the following wording, .....(description/details of the car) was logged at 09:17 Issued at 09:23 on 02/10/2010 by Civil enforcement officer ......(number & sign) who had resonable cause to believe that the following parking contravention had occured. Contravention Code 622 Parked with one or more wheels on or overa foothpath or any part of the road other than a carriageway (2wheels on footway) Please can somebody help me on this. P.S can somebody also tell me whether this code 62 is enforceable on Saturdays! Thanks in advance. Bobo Myseen
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