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Found 6 results

  1. Just a query really.. .my son parked his car opposite our home. Now where we live there are white lines on the pavement where you are allowed to park two wheels on the pavement and two off then there is a line where it ends. This is due to the road being quite narrow when there are two cars driving on either side. My son unfortunately placed two wheels on the pavement on two off after the line. He received a ticket for this at 22:10 hours. Although he was in the wrong with the two wheels on the pavement, are they allowed to issue tickets at this time of night??
  2. Credit is given to mikeymack2002 for this find. https://tinyurl.com/z2nc5vq http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?393992-Bedroom-Tax-Sources-of-Interest-**Correct-as-at-Oct-2015**&p=4851541&viewfull=1#post4851541
  3. How can I stop these people they say I owe 4-5k for there insurance while I had a loan I've paid my contractual payments I complained to the Ombusmen but it was over a certain time but they tried anyway now they have closed the case so they must side with blemain so now I'm stuck
  4. Hi, I'm rather embarassed to have to enquire about my rights in this instance, but such was the stupidity of my actions the other night that I have no choice. I have been reading some of the threads about people's experience with RLP and I am somewhat releived to find that the advice given is suggesting that they don't really have a leg to stand on, which is kind of what my gut feeling was telling me anyway. However I did the crime and now I must face the consquences of my actions. I had not reckoned that that would involve anything like this though, and I am really quite stressed out about it, not least because I have not yet received the dreaded first letter. Short version of what transpired. I'm a part time alcoholic/binge drinker and when I start drinking I can rarely stop until the air touched the bottom of the last bottle. The other night in my drunken stupor I decided to vivist my local 24 hour Asda, and since I was unable to procure any more alcohol by paying for it according to to the law, I decided to chance my arm at stealing a 4 pack, and I got caught. They took me into the search room and coerced me into giving them my name, address and D.O.B otherwise they would call the police. The next thing I am being read some peice of paper and then given to me and I left. I got angry with them at that point and said a few things and left. They also refused to give me some water when I asked for it several times, my mouth was so dry that I could barely talk. Anyway, I'm currently awaiting the bad news, to find out how much RLP are going to try and scare me into paying them. I also broke several of the points on the Guidance for those Accused of shoplifting thread, especially point 12, because I'm not a career shoplifter, just a one time chancer who got caught. I went back in to appeal to them yeasterday and apologise for my actions and asked to be allowed to shop there again. The woman I spoke to was very understanding and suggested that I write to the manager to apologise, which I have now done. I felt so bad the next day and often confessing and apologising can make things better, but perhaps not in this instance. I no way though have I at any time admitted to trying to steal from them at any time though, and I worded the letter vaguely enough to possibly mean just the general way in which I behaved. Apparently they have me on cctv putting the item in my bag, which is quite possible. So I just wanted to ask, pre-receipt of letter if I have just shot myself in the foot by doing that. If it goes to court will that likely go against me, and count as an admittal? Should I write to them after the first letter denying any claim made by them, or should I ignore the first few? The woman said it would likely be £50 but I'm hearing some horror stories about people being asked for hundreds. This is my mind, whether shoplifting is right or wrong, is completely unethical and I can't beleive that this company are being allowed to act in this way. If it's only £50 I might just bite the bullet and pay for it, in installment, any more than that and they can sing for it! Any advice any has would be apprecaited, thanks. I know I did wrong and I'm ashamed of myself, but I seriously can't afford to pay any money to the RLP. If I get fined by the police, then I have to pay but they are not the police! They got their beer back, nothing was stolen. I therefore owe them or the RLP company nothing! p.s. I'm 36 (and should know better)
  5. on new years eve ! i believe i will 'fail', infact im certain of it. this has left me full of dread. basically my problem is that i am very very anxious, everyday i can be vomit from once up to 6 times a day, its been shown not to be anything physical as i have had tests such as the camera down the throat. judging from what i have read about ATOS, they appear to find everyone fit for work. i would be interested to hear how they believe i would be able to hold down a fulltime job whilst vomiting at any moment. it annoys me so much, because i absolutely despise relying on the ESA money every week and im barely scraping through as it is. what can i possibly do to pass this medical ?
  6. Hi guys, I have had several dealings with these idiots. (council tax debt) I know not to let them into my property or phone them, however 2 months ago when the baliffs turned up with the famous 'baliff removal letter - payment in full due in 24hrs' I called the call center, a payment plan wasn't set up due to me refusing to let a baliff in my home to list goods 1st. Nooo way. However I made it very clear that I was not refusing to pay and asked for a payment book. Letters continued as did visits. I then got the book.... have been paying when I can... small amounts as we can't afford much, but we are paying some. My husband works, however we are in receipt of child tax/working tax credits & housing benefit. But money doesn't stretch very far & we have to pay council tax in full every month. Today once again the visits have started. Just looking for some advice really? Shall I carry on as I am doing or anything else I can do? The baliffs must know I am in when they call as I have 2 noisy children lol. The first time around the baliff even asked my neighbour if we owned a car LOL! We don't though. Any advice appreciated. Thank You
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