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  1. Hello, I've read other threads and the advice is to ignore all things related to RLP as they cannot legally fine you or collect a speculative debt without justifying the costs However, I wanted to ask in relation to this about what the guards said Firstly, they took my address, name and had me sign 2 forms, one being the RLP and another as a banning order They said that had notified/contacted the police and that no one was available after maybe 15 minutes I'm asking whether or not this notification to the police to check my identity will be recorded on my record of any sort They retained the alleged items and safely released me Should I be concerned with future police contact or is it unlikely it will go any further? Additionally, they said they had me on CCTV, if this changes anything Lastly, I am remorseful for what I've done and I'm going to seek help for it and I am aware that CAG does not support, nor encourage shoplifting Thank you very much for your time, Chaotic
  2. My partner was dismissed from work in Dec 2016 for gross misconduct - theft of employee. They had him say in statements that it totalled to over £22k (unsure if it was RLP or employer) but only £13k was documented on partners papers and £60 on CCTV. Police were called, he was taken into custody. No charge or bail. Some amount was recovered that night. He missed his summoning due to moving cities and they never updated the system, so he handed himself in after he received a phone call in which he was then escorted to magistrates - plead no contest at his solicitors request, in March 2017. The case was then sent to crown the following month. Hearing finished early due to CPS not handing in enough sufficient evidence in theft amount, they lowered the grand total to £15k. He had to plead guilty for £15k at his second crown hearing, the 'team' fighting for the employer was happy with the results and was given a suspended sentence (18 months suspended for 2 years), 150 hours unpaid work, fine and a victim surcharge. The fine and charge have been paid as well as hours. 7 months after sentencing, my partner received a letter from RLP demanding the first original amount of £22k + fees of surveillance etc, else it will be forwarded for court proceedings. We ignored it thinking it may be spoof, as they have little reputation. Another letter was received waffling how there wasn't a response . I told him to contact his solicitor, he read through the court papers and was surprised as it stated no further action would be made as they were happy with the outcome. He replied to them via email in February stating he does not admit to the amount of £22k as the amount on his evidence is £15k minus recovered. This week (5 months later) they responded with: Dear Mr XXXXX, We refer to our previous correspondence in this matter. Our instructions are that there was never any agreement not to pursue the substantial sums owed. Our client was not present at the criminal Court hearing but has confirmed that they did not seek an Order for criminal compensation as it was and remains their intention to recover the sums due by way of civil recovery as they are entitled to do. In view of the same, they seek to recover the full balance of £22,054.00 through Court action if necessary. We would therefore ask that you re-confirm your position. In the event that you are seeking legal advice in this matter, we would ask that you provide us with details of your solicitors so we may correspondence with them directly. Yours sincerely, Legal Department ---- Neither of us are in a financial position to pay off £22k in a suitable amount of time, especially to RLP. Surely it would have gone to court by now instead of dragged out as it isn't a typical £150 invoice they tend to throw out. Is it really worth paying for a solicitor to fight for him, will CAB consider this?
  3. Hi, I was caught shoplifting in boots today with my partner. He had no involvement in it at all. He was just with me. As we left, the street ranger came after us and told us the security of Boots would like to talk to us. We went back with him, thought there's no point in trying to fight it and admitted to what I did, and gave him the goods I had taken. I've never stolen before. It was a one off. I am on lots of medication for a long term disability, and have (mental health) BPD, which makes me impulsive, and silly sometimes. I told the security guard this, but he didn't respond. He was really lovely, not intimidating at all, and handled it really discretely. However, we were held in the room, which had a code to get into, and I asked to go to the toilet and was told no, and that I could go after. I was crying & shaking, and on the verge of having a panic attack (from feeling claustrophobic) he took our details, and "distinguishing features" (my tattoo on my leg) and then asked me to sign something to confirm I / we wouldn't return to the store. Now, he's said we will receive a fine each, from RLP, and threatened that if this wasn't paid, it would escalate further to the police. I asked him when we would receive this letter by, and he said he had no idea. now I'm just sat anxiously waiting. has anyone got any advice? I'm also signed off sick, so have next to no income, and my partner is supporting me. I'm awaiting disability allowance, but haven't heard from them yet. I was wondering if my mental health could be mentioned at all to them? I don't know what to do. Please help in anyway possible! is it right my boyfriend will receive a separate fine just because he was stood with me? Thanks so much. Oh I'm 21, and he's 22 by the way x Oh and i also signed to say I acknowledged I was banned from the store (I don't know how long for or if they actually recognise me?)
  4. I stole from primark, stupid choice and will never happen again. The goods totalled to £53 and I was told that, because of this, the police had been notified but will not show up today. This leads me to believe I will hear from them - will this happen? Regarding RLP, everyone has said to ignore the letters which is exactly what I'll do. My only concern is the debt collectors - will they show up at my house? Or just letters? The security guard took my passport and photocopied it with my address and mobile number. The local mall security also showed up and took my details. I know I'm banned from this store and now on some sort of list that, if I'm seen, they have to keep an eye on me. Basically, will there be any outcome from the police for this matter? I'm 21, female. I have never done this before and I am extremely embarrassed by it. I don't want my family or other half finding out, so will the letters be it? Thanks
  5. Hi everyone, Last week I stole from a TKMaxx branch. This is the third time I am caught stealing from a shop, and third time I am told about Retail Loss Prevention (It has never been from the same shop/company.) The first time I received a letter and I paid the money that I was told "I had to pay". The second time I actually never received a letter, therefore I never paid anything. However, as this is my third time, I wonder what the consequences can be? Based on posts I've seen on here I shouldn't take RLP too seriously but as this is the third time I'm caught shoplifting I am a bit worried as to what RLP can do and if they can take any legal action. I wonder if they have a database with my information and previous offences? Thank you
  6. So this is my situation... I was 21 and was visiting London for vacation back in few years ago (2015) ,I shoplifted in a Primark store, and I'm from Hong Kong. It was an item valued at around 12 pounds...And I did paid for other items at the cashier. I was followed and got caught by a security guard after leaving the store, and went back with the security to a room at the back of the store. They took the item back and I was scared and crying...AND was asked to sign a form(name, address, email), I was worried so I wrote down the wrong address and email which they cannot contact me and my parents wouldn't know it. They also photocopied my passport. Police was not called, and the security escorted me to leave the store via the exit at the back and told me that I cant go back to the store in the future. So there are some questions I've been worrying these days. 1. As I saw other posts on the forum, RLP will send letters for "fines", but in my situation, it is not possible for them to contact me because I left the wrong contact info. But will they still do this if I did left my correct address since I live in HK? 2. Will I have a criminal record because of this incident even the police was not involved? (Will they pass the case to the UK police since they can't get the fines from me) 3. I'll need to travel around because of my new job(including UK), will the immigration officers have the record and stop me/arrest me at the UK airport immigration if I'm going back to UK in the near future? Thank you so much! I've been so worrying about this, and I know wouldn't do this silly thing again in my life!
  7. Hi everyone, On the 3rd of April I made a stupid mistake of attempting to shoplift for the first time from TKMAXX. I was with my 15 y/old friend and as we were walking around the shop I saw a few items that I wanted but could justify paying for. I didn't take anything out of packaging as the items I saw were already just loose and not in packaging. The My friend pulled a bar-code off an item and stuck it in my bag. I went to the till and paid for a couple of items and then as I was leaving the store a man grabbed me and told me to follow him to the back of the store. We followed him and were taken into a small room through the back of the shop. In the room there was a man who I believe to have been the security guard and the Store Manager. I was asked to remove every single item from my handbag, my jacket pockets and my shopping bags. When removing all the items I was asked for receipts, which I didn't have as I don't carry receipts with me. The security guard told us that he had watched me walk around the whole store through CCTV and remove items from packaging (which I didn't do, my friend did), testing items and putting them in my pocket. During the time held in the room I was asked for ID and my full name, address, date of birth and a contact number. This was all written down on a scrap piece of paper. (The friend I was with didn't get asked for any personal details) Whilst this was going on the Store Manager asked another staff member to go and collect that packaging that I "ripped apart". The The staff member came back and they totalled up the cost of all items being around £50. The Store Manager told me they were going to get the police but then changed their mind and said as their shift was going to end soon they couldn't be bothered waiting around and wasting anymore of their time. I was told that we would need to sign a form that confirms that we will not enter the premises again, they never brought us the form and we were allowed to leave the store. When leaving the Store Manager said that we were lucky that no further action would be taken. Now today the 13th I have just received a letter through the door from the "Retail Loss Prevention Limited" asking for a fixed contribution to all of the losses in sum of £150.00. In the letter it explains that a court proceeding is a last resort. I am wondering if I need to pay this £150 and if I don't what will happen??? Thank you!
  8. Hi... I dont know if anyone can help with this, but today I was out shopping with my partner whom I am a carer for. To cut a long story short, I briefly left my partner sat down somewhere to nip into Superdrug for their £1 eyebrow wax strips. I always find it quite stressful leaving my partner as they are disabled and quite vulnerable, but on this occasion it was agreed between us. Being a saturday, it was busy and when I eventually found them, the first box I picked seemed empty, so I very very briefly checked and couldnt see anything inside, so I noticed the next box along was open, so I just took the strip out of the one after that and put it in my box and off I went. The reason at the time I didnt take the one at the back is because I didnt want a pile of boxes to fall over. Off I went to the till as you do, and at the checkout point after waiting in a long queue, I was approached by someone who said they were security and he asked the gentleman behind the till to check if and how many strips were in the pack. I explained that there was only one but it originally didnt have anything in it, however on the assistant shaking the pack, another one popped out that was already on the side of the pack. I was surprised and said oh there should only be one, and then the security asked me to come in the back, at first I was confused and explained I didnt really have the time. I went in the back, and mr security was extremely rude to me and very accusational, accusing me of concealing and therefore trying to 'steal' an extra item. I explained I was very anxious to get to my partner but the staff said unless I admit to it, they would have to ring the police and have them arrest me, and stay until they arrived. Under duress, and real concern for my partner, I said fine I admit it just to be able to leave. I wasnt asked to sign anything but they took a copy of my driving licence. I was told I would receive a letter / fine from the RLP? When I met my partner, he insisted on going back to speak to them, of which I had a severe angina attack due to the stress and anxiety of the situation. The manager said that she believed me and understood but couldnt go against security. I have no idea what to do as I have never been in a situation anything like this in my life. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Claire
  9. V. simple story, went to my local Asda, picked up two items @£7 each, put one in my jacket pocket as I took out my wallet, paid for one item, walked out, stopped at the door by RLP, went into their 'office', asked did I know why I had been stopped? ''No, not at all?''.... Asked to empty pocket, on realising what was in there, told them that I have a brain injury and that I fully intended to pay for everything I selected, just didn't have enough hands hence putting one item into my pocket, then forgot the item I had placed in my pocket. Signed the scrap of paper, only to be told that it was a lifetime ban?? Beg your pudding??? You're going to attempt to ban a customer who admitted, then paid for, an item, that they placed in their pocket, but forgot until you came and reminded them of? Is it worth the time and effort writing the manager to ask for forgiveness and allow me entry into his salubrious store, or just wing it and think no more of it in the hope no RLP staff recognise me in future........??
  10. Hiya, I tried to take about £30 of shopping from Waitrose today. I know I'm an idiot (hence the username) I'm not doing it again, I've been scared about it and want to just move on. I'm worried about the civil recovery thing. I admitted to having taken something before on one occasion from Waitrose and so they gave me a lifelong ban. They didn't contact the police but they scanned my ID and took a photo of my face. I got given a letter from RPL. What legal advice do I need to get? They told me I will get a fine 'probably around £100'. When will I get this letter, does anyone know? what happens now? The letter says at the bottom: 'In principle the Data Protection Act 1998 does not prevent the use of data for civil recovery and employment screening purposes... Your personal data may be stored and used by prospective employers within client companies to make employment decisions...' What does this mean realistically? I think I might want to work with kids as a teacher - will this stop me from being able to? Any help is appreciated.
  11. I was in a rush for a charity event, which the irony of the whole situation. I didn't have the change for the second set of chocolates (£2) I just walked out with them. I was taken into a small room and after being given a talk on not doing it again I wasn't banned or given anything to sign, as I was told it wasn't worth the hassle given the extent of the items, and was just given a verbal warning. However on a paper they wanted my address, will I be getting any fines in the mail, or third party fines? If so would I have to pay it?
  12. Hi, Ashamed and embarrassed to even be writing this but I made a big mistake / choice a few days ago. I was in Primark and was looking for Xmas gifts. I had one large item and 5 smaller items. As far as what I was thinking I really have no idea. I had several bags in my hands at the time and between queuing and paying 2 of the smaller items ended up in one of the bags I was carrying. I didn't think anything of it as I was leaving the store as I genuinely just paid what they asked for, picked up my items and left. I was then called back by security who checked my bag and found the 2 small items (£1 each). I was then called back into the store and they took my details (on a form) and took a photocopy of my driving licence. No police were called (can they be called retrospectively), no mention of a letter / charge / fine, nothing given to me by them at all. I was however banned from the store for a year and unsure whether this means my local store or all? I have read through pretty much all threads and seen all the guidance to ignore any letters, I just wonder whether I will get any really. I would really appreciate some guidance and advice specific to the above if you don't mind. Needless to say I will be a lot more careful and forthcoming in future. I feel terrible about the entire thing. Any guidance appreciated. Thanks
  13. Hi I'm looking for some help and advice please . I took an item from TK maxx value £16 stupid I know and am embarrassed and regretful I was stopped by the shopping centre security outside the store and made to return where store security took me into a room, I offered to pay for the item but the store security told me "don't worry the police wont be called but you will be banned from store" then proceeded to search my handbag, asking if I had receipts for all the items in there (paracetamol, hayfever tablets etc things I always carry) to which I didn't but he didn't pursue. asked for some ID with address on saying if I didn't supply he'd have to call the police. kept asking questions about where I worked to which I asked "do I have to tell you?" his reply was "no , but I can not pass on this information" so I declined. I signed a letter stating I was banned from store, and told id be contacted by a company "and id probably get a small fine of about £40". I was then able to leave. the whole process took all of 10 minutes MAX. Today I have received a letter from RLP saying I need to pay £149.50, this is a lot of money and I don't know what to do, I really just want this to go away, ive not told anyone about this as I don't want this to show up on my dbs please if anyone can advise thanks
  14. I made a very stupid and quick idea to take a few things from Tk Maxx with my friend last saturday, walking out a security guard and he walked us back in and told us to follow his collegue. We were then told because we were 16 and 17 that the police wouldn't be called but we would get a 'fine'. Our details were taken for this and we signed a banning letter, and were told to expect a letter for the fine. The letter has come through today and I know it's utter karma and I won't do it again, I've seen other threads saying to ignore it and not pay, but retail loss prevention is written on the envelope, and my parents will be bound to see it at one point which I'm dying at the thought of. Does anyone know what happens if I ignore the letters, such as going to court or police or ANYONE visiting my house? How long do the letters take to go and what can i expect
  15. Hello CAG! As stated im 16 years of age. I am ashamed to say that one day I was extraordinarily stupid and stole an £8.00 rucksack from primark. I was stopped and detained by two men (who were very rude and arrogant) who proceeded to demand my name and address, which they said they would check on "police radio". I gave them said info and they let me go. A few weeks later I receive a letter from "RLP" demanding £186.50, and claiming that I stole £12 worth of goods. I have a few questions. what should I do about the letter and fine? is the police radio thing legit or a scare tactic? could I get into any trouble with police? could I get taken to court if I ignore the letter? thanks a lot guys.
  16. Hello everyone yesterday out of stupidity and mostly boredom if i'm completely honest I attempted to shoplift a pair of £15 headphones from Tkmaxx, this is my first time ever shoplifting. Once being caught I was asked to come back into the store halfway down the street, upon entering some little room in side the shop I was searched and my bag and proof of my age, i showed him my provisional , being a bit nervous and realized how silly it was of me to do this I said to the man sorry etc and for wasting his time. Until he goes on to tell me i'm going to be getting a fine from the so called "RLP" and would have to pay 'debt' for losses , administrative costs ,investigation costs and time wasting which I believe is an absolute joke, especially after doing a bit of research these fines can be up to £190! The headphones were returned to the shop in pristine condition, i'm not bothered if they get the police involved all they will do is give me a caution for such a petty mistake. Does the RLP have any sort of legal right, or are they just preying on the vulnerable to make a profit, as I am certainly not going to pay that fine, is there any way I can get around it or send them a letter back to end this. Although this happened just yesterday I will keep everyone updated when I get the letter from the RLP Thanks for reading
  17. Hi, I must have done all forums upon the subject I guess. Got caught with unpayed wallet, wort 12Ph, security stopped me at the door.. not to repeat similar story. Took me to small room, I immediately gave the wallet, they didnt check I had other things all payed.. never did that before, I was totally embarrassed . They mentioned the police, they could call but wont.. I was out my self and begged them constantly to pay for the thing. They got it back, undamaged, totally resealable. Mentioned RLP, and I was asking how much, they dont know??? How can a staff , they work for RLP , dont know.. gave all truthfull info. Now my concern, Im not from UK, Im EU , just came for holidays. I gave the ID, mobile, he wasnt happy I dont have UK mobile, but explained dont need one as I have free all over EU calls.. And said more than once Im not living here, ore lying about living. I can easily proof that. they insisted I gave them FRIENDs adress Im staying with . Of course, I dont want them anything to do with my doings, I made a mistake to give it, I might as well stay at the hostel. .First letter came, I asked a friend to send me unopen. .I made something up. How to stop letters arriving at the address where I dont live, isnt that illegal to bother people who are in no way connected to me when I gave them my ID and made no lays about it. . I cant have any control about what they are sending. ..Im very tempted to call RLP and explain that they have to send all on my reall adress.. How to do that in best possible way.. Of course Im banned for a year, but that doesnt worry me much .I mean , I would pay, now Im sorry they didnt call the police as I would pay nothing, ore 50Ph , max 80, as I checked for 1st time offenders less than 100PH. I HAVE THIS SCENARIO THAT NEXT TIME I ENTER ENGLAND, LONDON, PLANNING TO COME IN SEPTEMBER ,I WILL BE HANDCUFFED AT THE BORDER LIKE A CRIMINAL ORE TAKEN BY POLICE. Dont know how they ended up in the 1st letter I should pay 150Ph.. And I really cant afford this.. How can they be above UK law which would fine me for 80 max. 150 is crazy, Im studying, Im unemployed, I was angry on the system caus day prior to my arrival some shady company took more than 500PH from my account and still the bank didnt return money.. Im not proud but I made a really stupid mistake. If Im living hier, I would ignore letters as all all suggested, but as Im not UK I m so tempted to call ore write to send all my letters to my home, outside UK. Its not my fault living abroad .. I would pay a sum up to 100, but all above is just to much. Any advice? I dread entering the country and I had plans to come with my boyfriend. He would be utterly disapointed as he thinks Im like some saint. There are no threads on tourist, foreigners getting the RLP letters. Thank you
  18. Hi, around a month ago, I was caught swapping over a pair of jeans in the changing rooms. . stupid thing to do I know. The police were called and they gave me a 'caution', I signed a piece of paper to say I will pay the RLP 'fine' even though the police man didn't have a clue what it was, signed to say I'm banned from primark and to apologise. I've looked online and realised it wasn't an formal caution as I would of have to of been taken to the police station for this. (Sorry have no clue about these things) but that wasn't explained to me. Before I left, I changed out of the jeans and gave them back to the security guard but had been wearing them for a couple of hours whilst all this happened. I've read quite a lot of things about RLP on this forum and other websites and read that the letters should be ignored, what I'm wandering in my case is, the jeans probably wouldn't of been put back on sale as they had been worn? And the tags off? I'm not sure if this makes a difference, the jeans were £10 so do I owe them just £10? Haven't yet received a letter but im waiting on it to come! Also i signed a letter by the police starting I would pay it. Sorry if I sound stupid, I really had no idea! Thank you guys!
  19. About a week ago my sister of 24 years of age and my under aged self arrived in London for holiday visiting our cousin,who is currently a university student. Neither of us has any source of income other than their parents and not having a lot of time to save up for this trip made it very hard for us to get by with the money we were given.Yesterday was our 7th day and we thought it would be a good idea to take some presents for back home but without much money it would be hard to acquire them. We finally decided to steal some but of course it was a STUPID idea.We were taken to the room downstairs by a really kind lady.She asked us for our info name,date of birth ,Addres.We contacted our mother with her help and she confirmed everything we told her. She told us a letter would come demanding we pay an unfairly high amount of money which could be 300-400 pound,around 10-15 times the amount of money we attempted to steal.After that she took copies of our ids and we returned home. I was mainly concerned about my mother as she would have to pay the "fine",so I started doing some intensive research and came across this site.Almost in every single case you guys provided amazing support to other members and always advised against paying the money. I know there are a lot of people like me out there but I wanted to know if the fact that I am a resident of a different country would change things.My personal opinion is that it would be even harder for them to do something that would affect me negatively. The security Guard constantly tried to remind me to pay that money and if I wouldn't they could inform the local authorities.I find it really unlikely but I would also love to have some feedback from you about my situation. If you made it to here I thank you very much and please excuse any mistakes i make made in English
  20. After reading the forums and many websites regarding the RLP I decided everyone should have a massive chuckle at what they are trying on with me. first and foremost, I am not paying the RLP a penny and just to make this clear after reading these forums I can clearly see that they are not nice. My case however is slightly different. in February I was called into a meeting at my workplace and informed that I have reduced an item without authorisation and had cost the company £17. The interesting thing to note is that the item in question had already been written off at store level as it was a display item, therefore there was no value to the item already. I cannot recall this incident and have suffered from a couple of lapses during my employment there, it was only when I was shown CCTV of me on the till doing it that I knew I had done wrong. I held up my hands, said it was out of character and said I would happily recoup any money lost. Now you would think after 5 years of employment with little to no issue that this would be that and I would get a slapped wrist right? Nope. I had a meeting 5 days later to be told that I was sacked for gross misconduct. Now here is where it gets pretty interesting. I appealed the decision hoping that they would take into consideration my mental illness (depression and anxiety, lapses) and hopefully reinstate my position within the company. After writing to try and obtain an appeal meeting, a week later I get a letter from the lovely people at RLP. It stated that I had to pay £215 for my actions that caused the company disruption to their business, diversions from normal duties and security costs. I rang them and said I am not responsible for the loss to the company as one the item was already written off at store level AND I was still awaiting my appeal decision (the fact they sent me a demand for payment BEFORE my appeal seems to me like a threat to drop my appeal honestly). A week later my appeal falls through and they stand by the decision to dismiss me. I thought that was that. No, lo and behold I had another letter today from the RLP. Here is where I had a massive chuckle, in the letter they say that the company still has the same position as they did before my appeal and I now have 14 days before civil court action is taken, the usual dribble. In this letter though it states they had made the claim in the previous letter although the last letter was headed "LETTER BEFORE CLAIM", a chuckle there. A bigger one was had when in this letter it also stated "the costs are calculated due to security staff members taking part in the investigation". The store I worked at had NO security staff and fell on all staff to remain vigilant. they are trying to get money for them doing their normal activities. For a final point and this is the funniest and most important part of the story, they have not even filed a report to the police nor have I been contacted by the police never mind been cautioned/warned by them. All in all I wanted to share this story to show how desperate the RLP are to try and get people to cave into their nature. Keep up the awesome work informing people on here everyone, you do stellar work. Also forgot to add, the latest letter is signed by not an individual but by the "claims department"
  21. Hi all. I have spent hours browsing through the RLP threads and they are very helpful. Thank you! Short version... I am in my 20's and recently (incredibly stupidly) took something worth under £15 from tk maxx and was stopped. Security guard was very fair. I told him of mental health problems and he dealt with it in store. No police. Usual ban and rlp print off. I am currently waiting for letter. I fully understand the position the forum has in dealing with RLP and plan to follow by the letter. My question is if the company start ringing the house am I able to ask them (via letter) to remove the number from my account? I recently moved back with parents due to my health and don't want them to know. I know from experience with DCA's you can threaten financial ombudsman but what about these guys? Any help would be great and thanks in advance! Trust me I will never do this ever again, I'm completely ashamed.
  22. Hi there, My daughter was caught shoplifting 13th December with two other girls, all 17yrs old, at Primark. My daughter had a £10 top in her bag and it was her first offence, the other girls had similar items but have been caught before. My daughter was brought home after been "warned" by police and the other two received a caution. On New Years Eve my daughter received a letter from RLP Civil Recovery Specialists demanding payment from all or one of the three girls totalling £232 or court action will be taken. Now after reading posts on here, speaking with CABS and also reading Google historic pages I am more confused than ever as to whether my daughter should pay some, all or anything at all to this company. Three things mainly concern me: * How can they ensure one or all will pay and if one doesn't when do the others become liable? * If we pay nothing will this jeopardise my daughters chances of getting employment in the future? I work for a bank and had to jump through hoops to prove my employability and credit file. (NOTE: she lost her apprenticeship due to her diabetes related sickness the week after the incident so is now out of work, full time education and no training) * Will they send in the debt collectors if nothing is received from us? My daughter has been on a downward spiral for the past month or so and this is not helping at all. She is receiving help from her diabetes team for her mental health but this is putting far too much strain on an already struggling person. I really don't know what to do. Please, any help is hugely appreciated....
  23. Hi , Yesterday I, my wife and 10 month son went to shopping at TKMaxx argyle street Glasgow. We are not from UK and, we are from Asia. After shopping I went to pay the bill for the good purchased worth £105.0. Meanwhile my wife went in another direction in the store started watching purse worth £9.99. After I have paid the bill I found my wife is not visible in the store and kept on calling on her phone. After some time the security person came to me and told are you looking for your wife, I replied yes. He told she is being caught stealing purse. I was shocked. Then he took me to the security room and he was very rude. He force fully asked to sign the ban letter and gave two letters one TK Maxx banning letter for my wife for 12 months and another RLP letter. After we came out from the security room I asked my wife about the incident she told me yes she kept the purse in the baby's cart to show me if I agree we will purchase the purse. She generally consults me for everything she likes to purchase. She has not taken out the tags, but the security person was saying she has removed the tag and she has hidden the purse inside the baby's cart. We are threatened a lot by that security person inside the security room. We are scared as we are not from UK what will happen next . Please suggest
  24. Help....worried sick mum here....and a newbie to this site, please tell me if I've forgotten anything on this post..... My daughter (age 16) was really stupid in July and tried to shoplift from Boots, she was stopped (thankfully - believe me lesson learnt - why does it always have to be the hard way?), the police were called who in turn called us. They had a 'discussion' with my very distraught daughter in front of me but said they wouldn't charge her and that this would be the end of the matter (before I got there they had already tried to calm her down telling here there would be no further action as she was falling to pieces).... As soon as the police left the security guard said that RLP would be making a claim (he didn't mention this once when the police were saying that there would be no further action taken and waited for them to leave), he pulled out a piece of paperwork and worked out what the amount would be (the goods taken were under 19.99, undamaged and recovered), so it was about £130.00. That evening I looked on your site and discovered the delights of RLP's reputation and waited for the letter. It has now arrived.... The amount they claim she attempted to take is way more than reality therefore the compensation cost has gone up (I believe they are set in brackets of value?). They have written a letter in a very 'you need to take responsibility for what you did' naughty girl way (believe me the police and we have utterly made sure she has taken responsibility) The letter is very much worded aimed at a juvenile, my guess is they got rapped on the knuckles for sending out scary letters to minors??? Otherwise the rest of it is pretty much what others have said in the past that they got from RLP, the problem though is that I can't find any recent threads. . is the advice still the same as in, write to them and say 'any liability to you or any company that you represent is denied' or have things changed? She would pay it off (slowly - she earns a pittance), I n fact she says that's what she deserves for being so stupid and disrespectful but I am worried that if she does it could show on a DBS check which she needs for work as well as me really being disgusted with the underhand way in which they dealt with this.. .(make no mistake I am totally disgusted at what my daughter did in the first place - just felt I needed to clarify that)
  25. A few weeks ago I had a moment of madness and thought I could get away with shoplifting a £6 nail polish from Boots. I didn't even make it out of the store before a man in casual clothing calmly told me to follow him to the back room. From there I returned the product (in a sellable condition) and gave him my name and address. No picture, bank details, phone number etc was taken. Police were not involved either. I was told that I was banned from that particular store for a year and that I should be expecting a letter from RLP soon. I left the store and that was that. I received my first letter a week ago and from reading around this particular topic, I know not to be stupid enough to give RLP any money. However, I am curious to know when RLP eventually give up and stop sending letters. As I'm currently at uni (I'm 19) the letters are being sent to my mum's house and I won't be travelling back home soon for a few months anyway. Any help is appreicated!
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