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  1. So this is my situation... I was 21 and was visiting London for vacation back in few years ago (2015) ,I shoplifted in a Primark store, and I'm from Hong Kong. It was an item valued at around 12 pounds...And I did paid for other items at the cashier. I was followed and got caught by a security guard after leaving the store, and went back with the security to a room at the back of the store. They took the item back and I was scared and crying...AND was asked to sign a form(name, address, email), I was worried so I wrote down the wrong address and email which they cannot contact me and my parents wouldn't know it. They also photocopied my passport. Police was not called, and the security escorted me to leave the store via the exit at the back and told me that I cant go back to the store in the future. So there are some questions I've been worrying these days. 1. As I saw other posts on the forum, RLP will send letters for "fines", but in my situation, it is not possible for them to contact me because I left the wrong contact info. But will they still do this if I did left my correct address since I live in HK? 2. Will I have a criminal record because of this incident even the police was not involved? (Will they pass the case to the UK police since they can't get the fines from me) 3. I'll need to travel around because of my new job(including UK), will the immigration officers have the record and stop me/arrest me at the UK airport immigration if I'm going back to UK in the near future? Thank you so much! I've been so worrying about this, and I know wouldn't do this silly thing again in my life!
  2. Hi, I'm disabled and live with my parents. I claim IR-ESA and PIP, my mum gets Carer's allowance for looking after me my dad is approaching retirement age - he's on contributions based ESA, and receives a private pension from the job he was medically retired from. My question is - when I eventually get moved over to Universal Credit, will my ESA amount be affected by my dad's income? I don't think it should be, as it currently isn't I'm under the impression your parents' income has no effect on your entitlement. Hope someone with better knowledge can help me out!
  3. My question that I do not seem to get an answer for is this... Is my debt with Natwest time barred or do the inhibition and intimation affect it? I have worked to pay off/clear all my debts totalling about £20k but there is one I just cannot seem to be rid of. An overdraft of £600 that turned into a debt of £8k due to their charges and interests! Here's a brief timeline. . 2006 Default occurred. . 13.9.2011 an inhibition was granted by the Sheriff's court . At this point we had paid back much more than the original £600 and refused to pay any more. writing to them got us no where. From this point on we made token payments, which despite our income and expenditure they said they refused yet still banked. . 10/1/12 last token payment made . We have not acknowledged the debt since or written to them ourselves since January 2012. . 8/10/12 In an effort to sort out our situation we went to the CAB who put an intimation in place. We never actually used the plan proposed by CAB as it really didn't help us beyond what we were already doing to remedy our full financial situation. . 9/10/2012 Anderson Strathern send an earnings arrestment to the local authority assuming I was working for them. They disclosed my debt and personal details in a huge breach of data protection. . 15/10/16 We tried to apply to remortgage our home to clean up the last of our debt but the matter of the inhibition came up. I was told they expire after 2 years, now I am told it is 5. So it possibly hadn't expired when we applied for the remortgage. This was the only block to our application. There are dates and interest rates missing from the court paperwork completely, and we have letters that give different figures of what we owe (one month £8k then 3 months later £14!) the discrepancies are multiple. The debt has been passed to various other collection agencies although I'm not sure it's been sold.
  4. At the beginning of October I booked a one night stay at the Black Horse Hotel in Otley via Laterooms for the night of 15/10/2016 at a cost of £80. The terms of booking are payment on arrival and if you cancel less than two days before arrival you forfeit the cost of the first night’s stay. On 13/10/2016 a pending transaction of £80 showed up on my account On arrival at the hotel I was asked to pay, which I did. This resulted in a second pending transaction of £80 appearing on my account, which, when combined with the £80 from two days earlier reduced the available balance by a total of £160. Effectively, in terms of my available balance, what they’ve done is charged me a cancellation fee two days before I was booked in case I didn't show, charged me again for accommodation when I checked in but not refunded me the cancellation fee at the same time. The manager was unavailable at check-in I was assured they would be around in the morning. Unfortunately, in the morning, the manager refused to speak to me directly but said, via a member of staff that; it was just how the Laterooms did things, it wasn’t them that had taken the money, that it was security in case I didn’t turn up and that it didn’t matter because the money hadn’t left my account. Fortunately this hasn’t caused me any problems (at least not yet) because the balance in my account is high enough to cover both payments but I’m annoyed at being deprived of the ability to spend my own money and it certainly would have caused me problems if it had been nearer the end of the month. Leaving aside the dubious morality of the hotel’s behaviour have they actually done anything legally wrong or actionable? I suspect not because, when the transactions go through the £80 reserved on 13/10/2016 will be cancelled and I will have made no loss. The only thing perhaps is that, although on 13th it was certain that I was going to be liable to pay the hotel £80, either for accommodation if I turned up or cancellation if I didn’t, neither of those events could happen before 15th so it was only on 15th that my card should have been processed PendingTrans.pdf
  5. the other week I checked my bank and realised I hadn't got enough in to cover the insurance that was coming out the next day cancelled it with a view to ringing and paying and reinstating, forgot about it, went away for a few days came back to a letter ring us by this date etc and sort it I did all be it 3 days after the date on the letter. Yesterday I get in and have another letter from More than dated 4th July(10 days to deliver??) i.e. the date they wanted me to call them by. Enclosed a Default notice served under under s87(1) of the cca. It just says I need to call them by the 27th July to reinstate the direct debit to avoid action which is all sorted. The 1 and only thing I care about here is whether they can do anything to affect my credit file?, they have never added or updated it before so my gut instinct would be no. I presume in doing what they asked I have not defaulted it and the only thing they could do would be a ccj. Can anyone clarify? The default looks legit, whether its correct is another story but it certainly looks like something a creditor would send after 3-6 missed credit card payments. Would seem brutal if they were doing anything more than following due process for canceling the policy.
  6. My friend Lee, who I posted about on here a while ago, cannot work as he has severe epilepsy. He had his money stopped and was told to get a job, but won his appeal a while ago. All benefits have just been renewed this year. with no problem whatsoever. He gets ESA and is in the support group. He gets DLA at high rate. He has his rent paid by HB and also his Council Tax. He lives in a one bedroom ground floor council flat in a lovely little block, and has done for 20 years. The extra money has enabled him to kit it out so his home is safe as it can be for his disabilities. 4 years ago his father was involved in a dreadful motorway pile up in which his partner and her grandson were killed. Dad was severely injured and never recovered, and died earlier this year. He was a simple man, owned nothing, and there was no will. The insurance company who dealt with his claim paid out last week to the tune of 174K. Lee´s older sister dealt with it all entirely, Lee would not have been able to deal with it. The money has been paid to the sister direct. Lee now has access to 86K which his sister is happy to transfer to him whenever he wants it. He´s still reeling from his dad passing and this news coming four days ago has actually depressed him. (Shock if you like, not knowing what to do and the responsiblity of such a large sum of money). NOw, we have never dealt with anything like this but think we have a plan! We think Lee should buy his little flat from the council outright. That ensures a roof over his head in an area he loves, for life, as well as an excellent investment for him. What is concerning me, obviously he has to tell DWP about this . Clearly his benefits will have to be stopped, but does he keep his DLA? And if he buys the flat, and spends some money on making it perfect for his illness, would the DWP see this as squandering? A daft question perhaps, but who knows in this day and age. I realise he will be expected to live off his savings until they reduce to 8K when that happens, do the benefits get reinstated, or does he have to reapply and go through all that rigmarole again? And finally, and if I am asking advice on something illegal, apologies, I simply do not know, since this money has not been willed to Lee and is in his sisters name and in her possession, what would happen if she just paid for his flat, and then hung on to the rest for whatever comes his way in the future? Like, if she went on a huge family holiday and paid for lee out of that money, that sort of thing We just want to make sure that Lee is safe for the rest of his life (he is 40) in the best way we can. He is extremely vulnerable. Thanks for reading and we welcome any advice or pointers as what should be done.
  7. Child diagnosed with a disability at age 4, made a claim for DLA a few years later and has been receiving it to date, child now 16 and has made a claim for PIP after being invited to. With an unrelated issue, contact was made to GP to ask proof of disability, GP's can't find medical notes so were unable to help, all records computerised, there are notes relating to his disability though not an actual diagonsis - child has very rarely seen GP and his difficulties have been dealt with by his family. Fast forward with regards claim for PIP, child would not go to an assessment so Atos writing to GP. we understand its going to be very hard to get PIP, so are not holding out much hope - it's not a problem. Now to my question, if GP can't provide confirmation of diagnosis, can Atos/ Decision maker ask that previous DLA awards by repaid? Forms have always been filled in correctly and child has never been asked to attend an appointment for assessment prior to this, we assumed DLA would have already contacted GP, especially given the amount of times the award has been issued.
  8. I started claiming in December and from 23-12-15 I wa given an 82 sanction (dismissal from work) and 2 weeks ago I had a back to work appointment but couldn't attend due to me having a doctors appointment at the roughly same time. I called up universal credit and there was a problem getting me a new appointment so they said my local job centre would call me with s new app intent which they didn't (didn't bother me I understand they're busy) I didn't get a call so called up this morning and was given a new appointment for this Thursday morning with the same advisor that spoke to me like **** previous appointment I attended (it's on another thread I posted about the advisor speaking to me like ****) and it clashes with something personal (family) and + I do t want to attend with her again (he said on the phone only sh is available. So my question is with me already being sanctioned unroll pretty much April could I still cancel this on q phone call on the morning before it? I'm interested in getting back in to work but I am not sitting in front of her again, I would rather wait for my usual advisor who he isn't available for a few weeks I was told, would be cancelling Thursday affect my sanction further or is it ov been sanctioned anyway so it would be ok? Thanks in advance : )
  9. Today (6th April 2016) marks the official beginning of the 2016/17 tax year, which brings with it a raft of changes to pensions, tax and savings. Here's a guide to what you need to know. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/handy-guide-tax-010447129.html?cache=clear
  10. 950% increase in vehicle exist duty!!!! Feel free to comment on the vid or here if you prefer about this
  11. Hi There, I've just received a County Court Claim in respect of sum of money owed to a previous employer for a lease car. I dont want to dispute it although i think there are a couple of things wrong with it and will look to pay it in full before the 14 day deadline. My question is will this show on my credit rating that a claim was issued against me? Many Thanks
  12. We were granted planning permission for a rear and side (wrap around) extension which doubled the floor area of our very small bungalow. The approved drawings showed that all of the walls except the front facade are to be demolished and a completely new roof structure is to be constructed. All work is being carried out under Building Control supervision. However, a local busy body complained that we are undertaking more than just an extension. The council have agreed and requested that a new application for a new build/rebuild is to be submitted. The enforcement officer has been involved but (for the time being at least) has not issued any formal notices. The planning and enforcement officers view is that the planning permission notice description does not state that all of the walls and roof are being demolished and the drawings alone are not sufficient (!). Furthermore, had we built the extension first, and then demolished these walls and roof, we would have been ok (there is no condition in our Decision Notice to state the order of works). We are adamant that our PP is valid and are building to the approved drawings. We currently do not have a mortgage, but will be looking to either take out a mortgage or sell the property once complete. If we go down either route, I presume that any lender's or buyer's solicitor will undertake a Local Search, yes? If so, will they be advised of the local planners current opinion/dispute, and will this have any merit in view of the completed property looking as per the drawings in our existing PP for the wraparound extension? Via a telephone conversation, the enforcement officer stated that upon any future sale, the council would have to advise a solicitor that the property does not have PP.
  13. Hi guys, a little reassurance needed here to help with the sleepless nights! Long story short, both me and spouse are students and she works part time in a bank. We have a mortgage and have never missed a payment or even been late with one. Since becoming students we have applied for a few CCs and Loans, all which were approved, however we always selected 'full time employed' even though this was not the case (we really didn't realise how important that was, since we knew we could afford payments). We are going on holiday soon and a few days ago, through work my wife tried applying for another CC which was free to use abroad and this was declined. Since that happening we are overrun with worry that a CIFA or something will appear on our credit files, and that may affect our existing mortgage and us lose our house - is this possible? We have now paid off every loan and CC except one in my name. There are no missed payments on any of the accounts. She is also worried that her work place will find out and that will accelerate things. What do you all think about this? Thanks so much in advance.
  14. Hello, I have 2 current defaults on my credit file (both of which are being appealed). Both are from April 2010, and both debts become SB in August of this year. I am in contact with both debtors with the 3 letter process and nervously awaiting any action they may take before August. My question is regarding the affect these old defaults have. My noddle credit rating still say 1 out of 5 despite the fact I have no other problems and an up to date bank account and mobile phone contract, and on electoral role etc. What would happen after the 6 years, will these defaults disappear off my credit file, or do I have to request to have them removed. Could these 5 year old defaults be the reason my credit rating is so low? Thanks Everyone.
  15. The press are reporting a crackdown on nuisance calls with ever larger fines for the transgressors, such as PPI, onlime marketing etc. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2967040/Will-FINALLY-end-nightmare-nuisance-calls-New-law-make-easier-hit-firms-500-000-fines.html https://www.politicshome.com/home-affairs/articles/story/crackdown-nuisance-calls http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2865158/Britain-s-one-billion-nuisance-calls-face-crackdown-task-force-warns.html As DCAs engage in constant calls and texts even after being told in writing only, by letter I wonder if they can be snared in this trap, Arrow, Lowell, Muckhall Snotcall are you worried? No I thought not.
  16. Hi, long story short, I am currently on benefits and have been since April of this year. My previous employer has now agreed after a long battle, that I was underpaid for the last few years and is paying me the difference between the pay that I actually received and the wage rise that I should have received, for those previous years. However I am concerned that they will give it as a wage payment, as if it is earnings for this year, when none of it would be applicable to this tax year since I have not received any wages in this tax year only benefits. So does anybody know if my current benefits might be stopped or affected because of the backpay? Thanks for any advice.
  17. Had a one off payment from csa from backdated csa, and there wont be any other payments other than this, its a large amount and we get child tax credit, working tax credit and a little help with rent and council tax, does anyone know if this payment affects any of the above benefits?
  18. I'm in the process of claiming ESA as a single parent, not that I know if that makes a difference as my daughters now 16. If my partner was to move in with me, how would this affect my claim for ESA? His ESA has just been turned down and he's had to claim JSA as he's trying to appeal. I know this doesn't look good for trying to appeal, but he has to live on something whilst the appeal is being processed. I have been told he could claim Income Support whilst waiting, but he was under the impression, along with the Job Centre (who have told him the same) that Income Support no longer exists,
  19. Hi there, I wrote already a post in the employment forum and it may be that I will be dismissed soon. My partner is receiving ESA, I was working but I'm currently off sick. I send my SSP1 form yesterday to get paid for my sick days.. so I'm claiming ESA as well soon as long as my sick note lasts. After that I'm still on my partners ESA claim. Is that correct? If the worst happen and I will be dismissed, will I and my partner receive sanctions? I'm worried because my employer wants/will? dismiss me for a wrong reason and I'm still in probation period. So he can dismiss me for any reason, but say it was my fault. I read about sanctions for ESA if you don't go to appointments or work related interviews, but nothing about being dismissed while working and claiming ESA. Can somebody had similar experience and give me some advice? What do you must provide the jobcenter after being dismissed? Thank you very much!
  20. Currently I am receiving Attendance allowance as I am disabled and require care. The company that handle my care are independent organisation who were provided to me by my local council. Presently, I receive care from the company twice a day, however I am unhappy with their workers and the level of service in general. What I would like to know is whether I can withdraw all or part (i.e. receive care once a day) of the service from this care company without affecting my 'Attendance Allowance?' Additionally, would it be possible for me to cancel this care service and select another private organisation of my choosing? Do I have to inform the DWP? Will my attendance allowance be affected? Thanks
  21. Hello I've recently found myself out of work and am in the process of claiming JSA however as I 'technically' left my job I anticipate some difficulties with that. However, it's got to the point now where I literally have no incoming funds at all and as a result I've had to move back home to save money. I literally am unable to afford my outgoing bills to the following companies. I notice that in the CAG Library there are multiple letter templates that allow me to (a) ask them kindly to write the debt off (b) offer them a massively reduced payment each month with a copy of my income and expenditure report. I have commitments with the following. Pounds to Pocket Three Mobile Barclaycard Capital One My question is - will doing either of the two options affect my credit rating? I had a default a few years ago and have been working hard to make it better so understandably I am reluctant to do anything that may damage this hard work. I want to try and keep them on my side if possible. Thanks in advance.
  22. Hi there, Let me start by saying I hope I have posted this in the correct area, I narrowed my options down to two and ran with this one! Firstly, I have a UK debt with two high street banks and one high street shop chain. I would think total debts are around the £10,000 mark. I am working through my options as to what I can do about clearing this. Secondly, I am flying to the ROI via Heathrow this year from my home country of Australia and was concerned as to whether I might encounter any visa issuing problems as I pass through UK Customs? I have read quite a bit on this matter and have found a variety of answers which has led to my concern and confusion on the matter. Any information on the UK Entry query would be much appreciated. I would also like to say a general thanks to the contributors on this forum as there is some great information and very thorough answers being left! Thanks again.
  23. Hi. I`m self-employed (wife is not working), looking for new contract but no lack during last two weeks, so decided to claim JSA. I`m in receipt of WTC and CTC. should I let tax credit office know about my recent JSA claim or DWP would let them know and they will stop my WTC? (as now none of us is working). I`m still looking for work but there is nothing I could get. also I`m due a payment for work I done (invoiced 09/04/13 and 18/04/13. knowing guy I was working for I`m expecting payment sometimes in MAY don`t even know when. should I let them know about this? and how would that affect my JSA claim as it would be, if anything income based JSA. right now I`m using my credit card and money coming in for those invoices would covermy debts when I get them. one more thing as I made joint claim (now my wife can look for work as well, more chances to secure it), and my wife used to work as employee will that be possible to use her contributions to pay mine JSA?
  24. I will shortly have to pay the shortfall in rent as my house will be under occupied. I currently have non dependents here whose income is not taken into account wrt to HB or CTC as I am in receipt of DLA. If I were to get a lodger, would their income also not be taken into account as with my non dependent adult children, or as they are not related, is that different? Also, how would any money they pay towards the household bills be taken into account for HB, CTB or even my ESA (ir)? Thank you.
  25. Experian planning to add payday loans to CRFs but will be recording data differently to other FSPs Banks admit that having or applying for Payday loans isl likely to see rejection for loans even years after. Mortgage applications are likely to be affected. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2231040/Payday-borrowers-face-Christmas-credit-shock.html
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