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Found 15 results

  1. I took my car in to have the tracking looked at, and it was also making a drumming kind of sound at low speed that I wanted checked (the noise sped up at higher speeds so you couldn't hear it). Came back to me and said the left side shocker needed replaced. Just got the car back, and after having a look, it seems the right side shocker has been replaced, and the left side has also been removed, and replaced with a metal rod? I'm not a mechanic, but is this right? Doesn't seem safe to me, if anyone can help me out with this, it would be great, thanks.
  2. This morning I had a phone call from an Enforcement Agency who had been to my old address. They want almost £500 for a traffic ticket where they said I went into a bus lane last May. Obviously I cant remember and they said they are going to post me some papers out as I live in a different town now. I did give DVLA my new address and its on two MOT's since but apparently its not updated on the system. I know its on my credit report. Can anyone please tell me how I can fight this as I dont have the money to pay and they say it has been to court and finalised and now I have to pay and they are talking about taking my car away if I dont. Worse thing is I am disabled and cant get around without the car. Really stressed and worried now as never had to deal with anything like this before?
  3. My sister passed away in January and before she died she absolutely assured me she had no debt or credit cards. She said I'd find it easy to deal with her affairs as she owed no money anywhere. There was some money in the estate, but when everything (or so we thought) was paid and settled I wrongly assumed it would be alright to use the money in the estate to pay bills and expenses we'd incurred moving into a flat near her to help care for her. In other words, I was the beneficiary of the estate, being her only relative. She died intestate and there was no need of letters of administration as her bank were happy to pay money in her account directly to me as her next of kin. It was a huge shock when a letter arrived for her 4 months later at her previous address (her partner opened it) from Cabot (Marlin). It seems to be a statement and says she owes £11372.27. We both in a blind panic tried to phone them but they refused to discuss until we send a death certificate. I have sent the death certificate and I assume what comes next is that they will make a claim from the estate. There are no records that I could find at her home of any such transactions, but they say original lender was HFC Bank PLC - Credit Card. It says Agreement date Jan 2000 and says Date Assigned 11th August 2010. I have no way of knowing whether 6 years have passed or whether she has made any payments, no original documents or agreements and no copy of any assignment documentation. I don't know whether the estate can request these? I feel absolutely sick about this as I was only just coming to terms with losing her! I'm assuming the worst and they will have a legitimate claim against the estate and that I will somehow have to find a way to pay the money. Can anyone advise?
  4. 950% increase in vehicle exist duty!!!! Feel free to comment on the vid or here if you prefer about this
  5. Hi, Ill make this short and sweet but I had my 'MEDICAL' assessment yesterday at ATOS and im so shocked with what it was like. I suffer from mental health issues and have been in the throws of this for around 10 years and have just been granted ESA to support me alongside my long awaited therapy which will last 12 months plus. I was asked to attend an assessment and did so and was abs nervous etc about going but I did and went through what i can only describe as an interrogation. In all my years under mental health care I have never been second guessed about my symptoms, made to talk about why i am ill (this has to be done delicately for someone with my condition), had my answers questioned on my feelings and when I tried to describe my emotions (again not wise for someone like me) I asked for reassurance if she understood and her answer was 'kind of'. Even in my therapy or during going through the system under mental health care have i ever been probed and questioned and worn out by this interrogation style, almost made to feel like a criminal in some ways. I dont think I was heard....how can I condense 10 years into 45 mins anyway? All this and they expect YOU to get evidence aswell?? The reason I am posting this is because i cannot see someone with a worse condition than myself coping with this atall...it has left me very anxious and low but i have a good support network others DONT. How can I effectively complain about this so it stops?? should I write to my local MP? Thanks for listening. PL
  6. Hello, I'm wondering if anyone can help. I recently bought an HP Pavillion Laptop via Very.co.uk on buy now pay later. I've had it about a week but went to unplug it from the socket last night and got a big electric shock. i.e massive spark/bang, electricity went off in the whole house, and sore, tingly hand/arm. I contacted Very last night to advise them of this and they said to email them which I did, I received an email this morning telling me I'd have to contact their Customer excellence team. I forwarded the email straight away but heard nothing back. I then spoke to someone on twitter to query timescales and to ask who the customer excellence team were. They told me its the complaints dept and that it would take 5 working days for me to receive an acknowledgement and then a reply would be given after that. I said I didn't think that was very good service having to wait 5 days after having a shock from faulty charger. Eventually someone has emailed me with two options. 1. they will arrange collection of the laptop and charger and offer 5% discount, also reorder if required. 2. I can buy a new charger and send them the receipt which they will reimburse and also offer 5% discount on the laptop. Its likely that I'll return it and ask for a replacement as I need a laptop asap for uni work however I feel that they haven't addressed the fact I got a shock at all and a 5% discount doesn't seem good enough to me. I'm not sure what I should do, can anyone offer some advice? Thanks
  7. Stolen mobiles are still causing victims "shock bills", in spite of government promises to cap call charges, Citizens Advice has said. The watchdog said consumers have faced charges of up to £23,000 each, after thieves used their phones. A year ago the culture secretary, then Maria Miller, promised that such charges would be capped at £50 by the Spring of 2014. The government said it was waiting for the industry to agree the details. Citizens Advice claimed as many as 160,000 people a year are hit by high call charges, following the theft of a mobile phone or a SIM card. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30429347
  8. Hello there, My contract with t Mobile is for 500 minutes and what I thought to be free unlimited landline calls. for £26 a month. This month I received a shock bill for £255. I rang them and they said I had gone over my allowance by 517 minutes. I requested a bill and yes I had gone over my allowance by this many minutes but they have charged me 40p per minute for every minute, landline or otherwise. I can't find my original agreement with them which I guess I can ask for (will they charge me?), but my main question here is whether they are really allowed to charge 40p per minute, which is daylight robbery! Also they at no point le me know when I had used my allowance, obviously I wouldn't have used my phone if I had known. The bill has been paid by the way as I didn't have a choice, but I shall be writing to complain, but I just wanted to ask if anyone could give me some advice on how to deal with this. Many thanks
  9. I bet you didn't know this Callcredit boasts it holds the personal details of 43  million people. This includes 26 million residential addresses, 20 million landline numbers and 15 million mobile numbers. Among the data it may know about you are the ages of your children, the angle of your garden (useful information for firms that sell solar panels or satellite dishes), whether you have a burglar alarm fitted, the make and mileage of your car, how much you spend on wine, sports and vitamins, if you gamble, where you go on holiday and what you read. These details aren’t on your credit file but are collected because they’re a gold mine for any company that wants to sell you something. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/news/article-2324451/Credit-spies-making-millions-watching-move.html#ixzz2TdEO50jL
  10. Hi I was stupid enough to take out several payday loans with the same company. All but one have been cleared. I very recently noticed that the company in question has recorded them against my Credit File within the last week. The problem is that they are all recorded with outstanding balances even though they are months old. These loans have been paid back. It is even displayed as satisfactory on the status. Each one is recorded as a new account, affecting the credit score that I had displayed. Entries have been recorded for 2012 even though they have never shown up before on my report. I had checked my credit file in the last month and these entries were not recorded so these are new entries during that check. What should I do? This has been a total shock from the massive negative impact on my credit score from the concerned credit agency. The company in question has recorded information from 6 months back and given a last status of this year. My understanding of a Credit File was that they could only record forward, not entries six months back. Any advice would be appreciated.
  11. Couple see red over £163,000 Orange mobile bill For the full story : - http://money.aol.co.uk/2013/05/22/orange-mobile-bill-makes-couple-see-red/ Apparently the consumer had taken one of the phones into the store where it was purchased as it appeared to be overheating. It was replaced. However,
  12. I have not been anywhere near these hollowed parking forums for quite some time- nice to see the regulars about. Hello everyone! Now, this silly law that came about in Oct- this doesn't affect the usual "ignore the beggars, they'll go away eventually after threatening you with eternal torment in hell for overstaying by 3 mins outside Mr Nobbys mars bar shop" does it? I don't think it does myself. Cos, that's whats coming. a big fat ignore. I G N O R E. who are they..... oh yes A S parking.
  13. Hey was wondering if anyone could help. my girlfriend works as a health care assistant in a Hospital. Yesterday she went to unplug a machine from the socket which seemed fine but when she pulled out the plug she got quite a shock and the socket came partly off the wall. She felt a lot of pain shoot all up her arm and jumped backwards. Her fingers and arm started to go red and was told by a nurse to go to A&E to get seen to .She had an ECG and then was told to fill out a datix form. Thankfully everything was okay apart from her whole arm tingling the whole night. Today there's no tingling but her arm still feels a bit numb. She was told to go back in a few days to get checked out again. When she got home last night she told her friend what had happened. This friend was a health care assistant on the same ward as my girlfriend but left a few months ago to pursue another career. Her friend told her that she had complained to a staff nurse about the very same socket months and months ago. The staff nurse just said to her "there's a screw driver in the draw in the office". this socket has been faulty for months and months and has resulted in my girlfriend getting an electric shock due to the Hospitals negligence and failure to ensure the safety of its staff. My girlfriend has taken a picture of her arm which clearly shows redness and also the socket hanging off the wall from where she pulled the plug out. i'm wondering if she has a case for claiming compensation ?. To be honest i'm just glad she's okay but i'm VERY annoyed that it could of been avoided had the Nurse acted accordingly once being told of the faulty socket. Amazingly straight after it happened they had an electrician come and sort it.
  14. Posting on behalf of a new Cagger with low post count. Thanks for this. 'Shock tactics' used by some Bailiffs www.bbc.co.uk
  15. hi im new on this site, been reading some of the threads re:esa appeals, ive got mine in 2 weeks and im really nervous/anxious about it, i suffer from lower back problem and anxiety/panic attacks. i failed my atos last june (nil points) a lot of information is missing from the atos report, ie it states i was there longer than i actually was , never asked questions re:anxiety or the incontinence i suffer with ,and a lot of it is exaggerated to say the least, i got a solicitor involved to help with tribunal, with the info i gave her she had scored me more than 15 points ,the only downfall is that my dr,s report is not helpfull says my solicitor, which has made me feel worse than ever ,solicitor thinks i will scrape through with out the dr,s report which she is not submitting, she told me to go through the atos report and make notes of which i agree, any help would be gratefull as im very down about this ,todays not been a good day. other thing is i have to travel out of town to the tribunal and they are paying for a taxi to and from the tribunal, but dont have anyone to go with me, the solicitor says it will not go against me as there will be the taxi driver with me going and the clerk when i get there, as i get really anxies/panic attacks in unformiliar places ,and usually rely on help from friend/family, but they are unable to come with me, do you think this will go against me. many thanks.
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