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Found 9 results

  1. Tens of thousands of drivers get increased fines for using mobiles at wheel READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tens-of-thousands-of-drivers-get-increased-fines-for-using-mobiles-at-wheel
  2. Purchased a new phone (online) on an O2 pay monthly contract via mobiles.co.uk. My current provider beat this deal at last minute hence me wanting to cancel the O2 contract and return the handset. I am within 14-days of receipt of handset but have used the SIM/handset (no calls - just testing coverage). mobiles.co.uk's return/cancellation policy (here) states use of SIM/handset signifies acceptance of contract. It also mentions that coverage issues should be discussed with them/the provider before a cancellation can be approved. Either way, the handset will be returned and I will not be honouring the contract - however, just interested if anyone has had experience with similar and best way to approach them - purely because I want the upfront cost of the handset refunded without any problems or protracted battles. Thanks.
  3. How about banning mobile phone use on buses, it really has got out of control with people feeling that they have to shout..
  4. Which? found nearly half of people (46%) who came to the end of their mobile contract did not switch immediately, collectively overpaying by a total of £355 million per year – an average of an extra £92 each towards handsets they had already paid for. Most contracts combine the cost of the tariff and the handset over the minimum term, usually 24 months. But this is not always split out, so people don’t know how much each element costs or when they have finished paying for their phone. Six in 10 (60%) people we surveyed told us that having a provider who separates its bill so you can clearly see the tariff and handset costs was important to them when switching. O2, Virgin Media, Tesco Mobile and Utility Warehouse have tariffs where the handset and airtime costs are separate while giffgaff have never bundled the handset in. Customers on Vodafone, EE and Three still continue to be charged one bundled price. For example, a contract with O2 Refresh for an iPhone 6 costs £49 a month for 5GB of data and unlimited minutes and texts. Of this, O2 is clear that the handset part of the bill is £25, so when the contract is over you only pay £24 per month. On a similar plan with Vodafone (4GB of data and unlimited minutes and texts) it costs £48.50 a month – but that price doesn’t change once you come to the end of your contract and have finished paying off the cost of the handset. Which? says "All mobile phone operators should separate out the cost of the handset so people don’t continue to pay after the contract comes to an end." http://press.which.co.uk/whichpressreleases/millions-of-pounds-wasted-paying-for-mobiles-people-already-own/
  5. Stolen mobiles are still causing victims "shock bills", in spite of government promises to cap call charges, Citizens Advice has said. The watchdog said consumers have faced charges of up to £23,000 each, after thieves used their phones. A year ago the culture secretary, then Maria Miller, promised that such charges would be capped at £50 by the Spring of 2014. The government said it was waiting for the industry to agree the details. Citizens Advice claimed as many as 160,000 people a year are hit by high call charges, following the theft of a mobile phone or a SIM card. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30429347
  6. Hello, in short, bought a faulty phone from Get Connected, refused refund of even replacement. Sent two letter before court action.The only response was if I want resolution, I have to travel from Bristol to Wales (I don't drive) to check phone in one of their branches. By that time I verified with an authorize repairer that the phone was indeed faulty and informed them about it. They wouldn't accept it. Started a claim with MCOL. Several days after the claim papers were served (today) received check for the cost of the phone in recorded letter. Just check, nothing else. Now that I paid to start the claim and for correspondence with them, I am not satisfied with the sum of refund. What do I do with the check? I think there's a formal letter I need to write to reject it? Do I send the check back or do I inform MCOL that I received partial refund? Please advise.
  7. Hi Im looking for some advise, in 2011 my mother took out a mobile phone contract on my behalf with mobiles.co.uk. On Friday I received a returned direct debit notice via email from a company called Gadget Helpline debited as (TMTI Limited) from my mothers account. Looks like this company has been taking 20.16 from her account since 2011 every 6 months, I am shocked that this has been allowed to happen, we have requested a copy of agreement from mobiles but I am still waiting this getting sent to me. I also spoke with Gadget Help Line to find out how they got my mothers financial information but they have advise they were passed the details by mobiles. My question is who should I persue to claim back these charges mobiles or gadget? And I would also like to send something of to gadget to see if they are legally allowed to hold my mothers details as my mum is really worried about them having them. Regards daviscup
  8. a little dickie bird just sent me a msg saying Advantis DCA are now using a series of mobile phones to try and get around debtors not responding to landline calls and letters. it took several exchanges to find out they were a DCA the caller just asked for the debtor by their first name saying they were an old school friend. he smelt a rat as he could here call centre chatter in the back ground. 07891891162 was the number others to follow or add them here if you know others dx siteteam.
  9. Can mobile phone companies moniter unusual activity on phones, as my son has had a company phone for 12 years and the average billis round £15.00 per month hes just been told the bill for this month is £7000 and he `s got no idea how this happend, he rarely uses the phone and its the same handset from years ago. Got no further details til later, just wanted to know wether the company should have alerted him or his company that something odd appears to be happening?
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