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Found 17 results

  1. Hi, I am in the process of getting payment from my ex boss through the small claims court. I have received judgement from the courts and would like to make a warrant of execution. However, the only addresses I have for him are his parents house (where he used to live) and the apartment block he now lives in. But unfortunately I don't have his flat number. Would I be able to just give the apartment block and hope that the bailiffs would be able to get his flat number from the people on reception at the building or not? Thanks!
  2. People trapped in huge west London tower block inferno – reports A 24-story tower block on Latimer Road in west London has been engulfed in a horrifying blaze, with reports saying people have been trapped in flats in the upper stories. The massive fire has engulfed the Grenfell Tower in North Kensington from the 2nd story to the top floor, the London Fire Brigade has tweeted. It added that at least 40 fire engines and 200 firefighters have been battling the blaze. Live.RT. https://www.rt.com/uk/392135-west-london-tower-inferno/ BBC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcnews
  3. In view of two similar threads regarding right of forced entry for criminal fines, it might be good to clarify the situation where the front door of the debtor's residence is not immediately accessible: Flat block with secure entryphone system no trade button Postie has access code Flat block with secure entryphone system with trade button Secure OAP extra care facility with entryphone, Resident might have a speeding fine for their mobility scooter when plates were cloned or camera garbles the reg no of a speeding car (actually happened to a Flint Pensioner) Gated development with entryphone to street gates are 2 meters high and electrically operated by keypad and phone to residence Presumably unless they get in when someone lets them in or they ring flats at random hoping someone will let them in they cannot force entry to the external main door.
  4. A major crackdown on the abuse of county court judgments is announced today following a Daily Mail investigation. Ministers are pledging to block banks, debt firms and parking companies from sending court claims to old addresses. The move would halt the scandal that leaves thousands of families financially crippled because of debt judgements passed against them without them knowing, or having a chance to defend themselves. The pledge is made today by the Ministry of Justice as it launches a public consultation on the judgments, known as CCJs. It follows an investigation by the Mail, which found firms are obtaining hundreds of thousands of CCJs every year over alleged debts of as little as a penny. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4060508/Victory-Mail-debt-rulings-cripple-families-Ministers-block-companies-fro-sending-court-claims-old-addresses.html#ixzz4Te39AKtE
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/jan/01/new-12-sided-pound-coins-royal-mint-currency
  6. The war on mobile ads is heating up in the European Union as several mobile carriers are preparing to block these ads on their network. The latest carrier to be considering such a move is O2 UK. O2 & EE customers could soon be browsing the web free of adverts, as the company has admitted that it is in the “well advanced” stages of testing the technology that would see ads automatically blocked network wide. http://news.sky.com/story/1594267/mobile-network-plans-to-block-adverts-on-devices
  7. A client of mine has had her drive done and is not happy with some alterations made. The company involved are refusing to come back to put the job right. She has paid £4000, is 82 years old and on her own. What should she (more likely me) do? Any help appreciated.
  8. Hope someone can help me. I purchased a phone two weeks ago which was working fine until few days ago. Upon research I got to know the phone was blocked/blacklisted by EE. I tried contacting the seller, filed complaint with action fraud and contacted EE but no one is being helpful. Seller has switched his phone off and the address he used apparently he no longer lives there. His brother said he went to Pakistan. Action fraud I know they wouldn’t do anything. I emailed EE CEO and received a call back from the executive department while at work. I called on few occasions but the person I spoke to said the executive who called me is on 2 weeks holiday so she would address my concern. All she said was I shouldn’t have purchased a phone from third party and there is nothing they can do. My argument was that there was no way for me to know this phone belongs to EE, it was unlocked and sealed. The seller was happy for me to collect from outside his house and I had no reason to doubt him. When I purchased the phone I tried my sim and worked fine. By blocking the phone they are punishing me and not the person who they claim obtained the phone fraudulently. The phone is not reported stolen nor has insurance claim the problem is the seller never paid his bill. Is there anything I can do? At least when buying a car I could do checks to confirm there is no outstanding debt but with phones there is nothing I could have done to avoid this situation. I didn’t want to get in a new contract so best option available was to buy a sim free phone. Thank you in advance for your replies and help
  9. I made a cash giro payment on the pre-printed T-Mobile EE payment slip at the bank in Oct, then in Nov I received a letter from T-Mobile stating my account was in areas by 2 weeks and it would be suspended if payment was not made. I got onto the phone and spoke to a 'customer advisor' in India who did not help me at all.. .he kept saying 'we have no payment I can't help you' I asked to speak to a manager, I was told 'all the managers are in a meeting' - so I said thats fine I'll wait, the advisor said 'i'll get a manager to ring you'...i said 'no i'll wait'... eventually a manager picked up and I said 'your customer advisor said you were in a meeting.... '...the manager said 'no i was not i was listening to a call elswhere...' I explained I made payment at the bank in Oct, the manager said the 'missing payments' section deals with this and he has no phone number for them. ..he tried to make out I made a mistake filling in the wrong details on the payment. I said 'how is this even possible when the slip is pre-printed with all the details, so I can't have made a mistake!' I was asked to email a copy of the bank giro to the 'missing payments' section, which I did. The 'missing payments' section sent me an email the next day.. .saying they had sent it across to the bank as part of their investigation and T Mobile would investigate and get back to me by 48hrs. ..I waited a few days and rang T-Mobile again it went through to a call centre in India. ..the advisor kept on saying 'sorry we have no payment, you must go to your bank and investigate it, t-mobile has done everything on its part....etc' I said 'tmobile is responsible for investigating whats happened to my payment I made over 4 weeks ago, its not my job to take time off work to go to my bank in person and ask them, its YOUR job not mine' - The manager just laughed in my face and said 'its YOUR job to go to YOUR bank because YOU made the payment, Tmobile has sent the investigation to tmobile NOW its YOUR job NOT ours...etc' I asked to speak to a manager.. ..he was just as worse so I said I would make an official complaint against him for being outright rude towards me and the phone call was being recorded on their systems. ..I told him to end the call and he then goes 'YOU have to ended the call. ..we cant do that....etc'...so I said 'ok I'll just wait even if it takes 1hr for you to end the call.. .you work in a call centre and your telling me you don't have the option to end the call from your side?!?' - eventually he ended the call I spoke again to a different advisor explained the situtaion she said she was 'shocked' I made payment over 4 weeks ago and tmobile have not investigated or found where the payment is, then she started to blame me for the error I have an email from tmobile saying the investigation would take 48rs, its been more than 2 weeks so far, so tmobile have broken the promise in the email (can i use this to take to the financial ombusman) Ive spent close to 3-4 hours on the phone to tmobile....but they don't help at all on the phone or even by email. I've rang the bank they took some details the bank has confirmation the payment has been made. So I had to take 1/2 a day off work (loss of pay) plus car parking in town to go to the bank arrange to see the manager and get the proof payment has been made, which I now have in my possession. I have emailed this to tmobile and they are not responding back to my emails. I asked tmobile if it would effect my credit - they said no (but i don't believe a word they tell me) The bank said if tmobile had put a note on my file that has effected my credit rating, the bank would give me evidence to say payment has been made, which I could then ask tmobile to remove the not from my credit file. Ive paid off all the outstanding balance on the account and I want tmobile to admit they messed up and say sorry for the hurt distress they have caused me and for me having spent hours on the phone and on email only for nothing in return - no help at all. I'm worried tmobile would put a note on my file which would effect me credit rating for things like credit for good or morgtage in future. I want to take this all the way...they are also not replying to my emails and sending me in circles when I speak on the phone with them, they have failed to 'reply within 48hrs' as stated on the email to me - broken their own policy and guideline.....etc Who do I complain to in person at tmobile at what address and what do I put in the letter? I want compensation for tmobile messing up with processing the payment the bank sent them and for blaming me and the bank, then for me spending hours on the phone and on email, plus loss of wages for taking 1/2 off work and for car parking, then I want them to admit they messed up and to credit my account with the original payment made over 6 weeks ago and a letter of apology, please can the experienced posters on here, please help me and i'm sure my case will help others as well and be a point of reference for others, thanks
  10. I've seen some posts on stolen phones abroad and massive bills. Please help someone... My scenario: I had my phone stolen in Spain and some criminal gang used it to make 369 phone calls (sometimes simultaneously) to Serbian premium numbers before I was able to report it stolen. This has left me with a 6.2k bill which I received on 16 Oct (the calls were made on 27/28 Sep). Not surprisingly this freaked my out as when I reported it stolen the rep told me that there was no suspicious activity on the account. I immediately called Vodafone and the rep I spoke to advised that this was obviously fraudulent activity and that he would have the charges reversed. I received multiple assurances that I wouldn't be charged and that he would send me a confirmation email (he wanted to send a text, but I wanted it in writing). Phew, I thought! No email for a few days and so I called back on 20 Oct to find out what was going on and boy oh boy had their attitude changed. Not only had they refused to acknowledge the contents of my prior call but also refused to acknowledge that any type of fraud had taken place at all. The "you are liable for all calls up until reported stolen" line was being regurgitated at will. The calls over the last few days were basically me pleading with them to explain how they did not notice such high call volumes and take no action whatsoever. I had made 12 voice calls in the whole of September, but 369 calls over a 30 hour window didn't raise any flags?!? I was told repeatedly it takes more than 24 hours for the systems to update. Then the breakthrough that exposes this myth of "not knowing" they seem to perpetuate. I kept referring to the incident as a fraud and one of the many reps I had spoken to replied (prob out of frustration), "it's not fraud, your account was checked on the night of 27 Sep at 23:40 (12 hours after the calls began) due to suspicious activity and it was decided that no fraud was taking place". This was re-confirmed by a supervisor 3 hours ago. In other words, they have the technology to identify suspicious activity, they just don't feel like acting on it. When I pushed the supervisor on the duty Vodafone has to assist or act in the customer's interest when this type of activity is occurring I got a response that pretty much sums up their whole attitude, "Sir, show me where in our T&C's it states that we should act in the manner you are describing". Now the threats of debt collectors and credit scores have started. The only thing they said they would do for me is offer a payment plan over 6 months (as this was an exceptional case). I find myself moving between anger and anxiety constantly now... How do I fix this??? I'm so close to having a deposit to buy a flat after years of saving. This whole episode looks like ruining that dream...
  11. My mother has been recently been receiving 4 or 5 nuisance marketing and phishing calls per day from one company so I rang BT on her behalf to ask for a stop to be put on the particular number making these calls as she was an elderly lady and it was making her ill with stress, they advised me that I could either register with the TPS which would mean that after 28 days, hopefully the calls would stop, or they could block it for me within 24 hours providing I was willing to pay for a £3-4 per month service. Surely this can't be right, requesting payment to stop harassment calls? I'm fuming and want to hurt BT, other than moving to a different phone provider, any ideas?
  12. Dear Caggers, I need some advice. I have a contract with EE. I cannot afford the contract anymore as I have other priorities (my gas usage is increasing rapidly as it gets colder) When I got the contract, I was under the impression that the handset was "free" and the monthly payments is for a "service" (calls, internet, texts etc) not a product too. Can anyone clarify whether (when I default) my handset will be blocked/blacklisted or just the contract SIM? I have tried to help myself by looking for the answer but all stories are conflicting. EE say they block the phone AND sim (but I am told this is scare mongering on the handset part into forcing you to pay the monthly contract)
  13. Hi, It's a bit long, sorry. A friend was burgled, and had his spare phone stolen. It is locked to orange and the contract had finished, ie out of contract. There was no active sim inside as kept for a spare phone. Insurance require IMEI to be blocked. The IMEI number was on a laptop, also stolen. So he explained this to '3rd party electricals' (who are dealing with claim on behalf of insurance company). They said, IMEI MUST be blocked, friend requested they contact insurance company to establish what happens in this situation and to call friend back. One week passes, not heard anything. Calls 3rd party again. Seems no action taken. They state they will contact insurance company again. One week passes, not heard so calls 3rd party. They are Waiting to hear back from insurance company. By Failing to block IMEI on this phone, the 3rd party are refusing to replace ANY electricals, I.e. failing to get this phone blocked is holding up the entire claim. So, after some great advice on here he calls orange and manages to attain the IMEI number. He asked orange to block phone. ORANGE REFUSE TO BLOCK PHONE AS OUT OF CONTRACT. It is still an orange phone. He called '3rd party elctricals' explaining situation. Still no joy, no block = phone holding up all of claim. 3rd party state it is orange responsibility to block IMEI. Calls 101, enquiring about 'blocked IMEI' register. 101 state orange responsibility to block IMEI. Calls orange again. Same answer - refuse to block as out of contract. Tried to phone insurance (yesterday) = cant get through, in queue (understandable from previous nights storm). So I call orange (this is 4th time), same answer. Again no contract= no block Request to speak to uk. Declined. Request to speak to fraud department. Declined. Request to speak with manager. Put on hold and left for over 10 mins. I hang up. So, stumped as what to do we email [email protected] Brilliant response: Call orange (yes already done that 4 times) If not happy escalate to team leader (tried that, was left on hold) That's it. So now stumped. Looked on twitter, seems other have problems blocking phones too. Obviously formal complaint, but who to? And how to get this sorted ASAP? Anyone any ideas how to escalate to somebody in orange who isn't abroad, and who can help? Thanks me_too
  14. Ofwat, the water regulator, says it plans to block Thames Water's request to increase customer bills by up to 8% next year. The regulator has published a draft decision blocking Thames Water's request for the interim increase. Thames had asked to add an extra £29 to the annual average household bill. The draft decision will be followed by a short period of consultation to allow for any new evidence. The final decision is due in November. Thames says it has faced extra costs of £291m, because various items have cost more than the amount estimated when the price regime was set in 2009. Ofwat and Thames disagree about how much these items will cost the company. These include bad debts, the transfer of private sewers, land purchases and higher Environment Agency charges and could not be fully estimated at the time. As part of the regulatory process, Thames Water had planned to apply for an increase once the figures were known, In response to Ofwat's statement, it said: "We will review Ofwat's draft proposals and submit our response in due course." Evidence Every five years, Ofwat sets the prices that water companies can charge. It said it had now looked at the evidence that Thames Water had provided and that although the company did face higher costs, they were not high enough to trigger a price rise. Thames is the only one of the 18 regulated water companies to have applied to the regulator for a bill increase in advance of the next pricing review. Ofwat's chief regulation officer, Sonia Brown, said: "We said we would challenge Thames Water's request. We have looked at the details and do not believe the current evidence justifies an increase in bills." The regulator's consultation on its draft decision gives all parties, including Thames Water, the opportunity to submit new evidence. Any price increase would start from April next year. Ofwat's previous agreement with Thames allows it to increase charges by 1.4% above inflation in 2014-15. More on this story...
  15. a little dickie bird just sent me a msg saying Advantis DCA are now using a series of mobile phones to try and get around debtors not responding to landline calls and letters. it took several exchanges to find out they were a DCA the caller just asked for the debtor by their first name saying they were an old school friend. he smelt a rat as he could here call centre chatter in the back ground. 07891891162 was the number others to follow or add them here if you know others dx siteteam.
  16. Hi I am desperate for help! Years ago this site helped me limp out of debt and beat down the horrible debt collectors and keep them away. I am now blessed with a clear credit history, two morguages and a baby! Righto, I bought a flat in a block of flats with a service charge of £1,500 annually.a few years later i met my partner and let the flat to my dad at a discounted rate, the bank gave me another residential mortgage and we now live in a lovely little two up two down. Life is great...we'll... The service charges on this flat have now gone up to £3,000 per year! But thats life, what I cant handle is the invoice i got earlier in 2012 for £6,000 for my share of the new boiler. Not good, but i managed to pay it. Today I have just had another invoice for "phase 1" of the new building works. for £5,600. I can just about pay this with our new car, rainy day and holiday fund savings. But that it. They now tell me there is going to be more bills this year and next for roughly £10,000!!!!! I owe £131k on the flat and it worth £120K if i am lucky. The lease is 67 years and a new one is £12k. What are my options? I don't appear to have any. They say if i don't pay they will issue legal proceedings. But there is no more money, i would pay if i could but i would need to borrow the money. Any advice on this, or where best to get advice would really help me. Please please help. Thanks. Don
  17. Hello, I live in a small block of four flats, each of which faces a small communal hallway with a single shared door onto the street. We all have the same landlord, who owns the freehold on the building. One of my neighbours appears to use their flat as a second home, and post stacks up for a few weeks at a time, after which they only return for a single night. They also appear to owe a year's council tax and baillifs appeared today to try and recover the debt, but did not get past the communal door. Regarding the bailiffs: Do the bailiffs have a right to force entry on our communal flat block door? Do I have a duty to let them into the communal area? Does my landlord have a duty to allow them access to their flat? Obviously it may be in the landlords interest to do so, to minimise damage. Thanks
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