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  1. https://www.ispreview.co.uk/index.php/2019/02/6-years-on-uk-isp-supanet-chase-former-customers-for-unpaid-bills.html A number of former Supanet (Supatel / TimeTalk) customers have been in contact (with ISPreview) to complain that the ISP has recently started chasing them for alleged unpaid bills, some of which include vague demands for up to nearly £800. In most cases those being targeted left the broadband provider 4-6 years ago. From Linked Comments "This all relates to former Time Computers and the subsequent string of offshoots, where money (quits a lot actually) moves in and out of the UK via Jersey. Broadly, there is Supanet, Internexus, Tpad and 6G internet."
  2. Hi I'm pulling my hair out with an ongoing council tax issue or issue's' rather ! I recently received 8 letters from my local council about old council tax bills dating as far back as 2008! The bills are for a number of different properties (I've moved around a lot) A couple of them are final small bills that I've missed after moving out, another is for a shared property where I paid my share and unfortunately someone else didn't and another is for two months after I moved out of a property. In 2012, my car was seized unfairly (I used it for self employment at the time and the bailiff used very dodgy means to remove it) to cover a £217 bill, the car was worth £3k and sold for £700, only £200 of that went to the council. On the day he took it, I rang the council while he was there to offer payment of the £217 and they refused to accept it. After receiving the letters recently, i have raised an issue (not an official complaint yet) to say that I do not owe them said council tax, number 1 because they took a £3k car and got nothing for it even though I offered payment and the bailiffs took so much for illegal fees at the time and also because the other property was shared and they can chase the other person on the bill. I can also provide evidence of moving out of the other property. I have been going back and forth with the council for a couple of weeks now who are refusing to listen to me and keep repeating that I am liable for all properties and accounts. The total outstanding is nearly £2000. They refuse to acknowledge that they did anything wrong in taking my car and actually said if I had offered to pay the bailiff or the council they would've much rather have accepted it, which is rubbish! When I received the letters, I contacted them immediately and asked that any further bailiff action was placed on hold while they investigated my points but the council ignored me and I have received numerous letters from THREE different bailiff agencies adding on further fees so the outstanding now totals £3,200!!! Its insane. My time to make an arrangement was up with one agency so I have had to agree to make payments of £400 a month to clear the £1,400 that they hold otherwise they would've visited my property. Another agency have given me 7 days. How is this OK? They have already taken a car which they should not have done ( I complained at the time and obviously my complaint was not upheld!) There are other people named on two of the bills yet they aren't being pursued. I have provided evidence of not living in one property in the time they claim but they have ignored it. I read something about a liability order only lasting 12 months? Is there anything I can do? I would even be willing to just take the council tax arrears on the chin and pay the council, but I cannot afford to pay £1,200 on top of that in bailiff fees! help!
  3. I got my fuel bill on the 8th Mar with an rather inaccurate estimate i gave them the actual readings and a new bill was issued the same day, arriving in the 13th Mar. On the 14th Mar I got another bill that was an estimate for the fuel used on the 9th mar. Today I have received another estimated bill for the fuel used on the 11th Mar. Talk about payment by instalments!. I spoke to their CS people and guess what they suggested? I give them todays meter reading and they can send me an updated bill for the last week to go with the correct one of earlier or they can update the one of the 8th and I pay the new one all together . At no point did they suggest that they would stop sending out bills on a daily basis. I suggested that at least they wont have to ask for a meter reading when I switch suppliers if they continue with this nonsense and therein lies the problem , they cannot see that it is nonsense to send customers bills every day (even if by error)
  4. Hello Friends, Scottish Power, my previous energy provider, had some misleading text on the bills about my current and the best tariff possible and this caused me to not switch to the best tariff. I raised this with energy ombudsman, who agreed with me and asked Scottish Power to pay me Goodwill gesture of £30.00 for shortfall in service. However the ombudsman said they cannot ask Scottish Power to pay for consequential losses due to misleading literature, which would be to apply correct rate retrospectively. Ombudsman said that compensations like consequential losses, stress etc are not in their scope and that's why they can only recommend a Goodwill gesture compensation for shortfall in service. Can you please advise where can I go for consequential losses, other than court. I tried Financial Ombudsman but they said such cases are in their scope. Financial Ombudsman suggested going to ICO. Are they right? Can ICO look into this case of consequential losses due to confusing literature.
  5. I've lived in my property for a while now, and have never received a gas bill. I did phone up after a few months, as they they also supply my electricty which I had a query about so asked them when I could expect my first gas bill, and I got passed around a couple of departments, eventually spoke to someone who took my details and then put me on hold, and after what seemed like an eternity, eventually gave up and put the phone down. And no bills ever materialised. But now I've received a letter from them addressed to 'The Occupier', which says they 'notice there could be a gas supply at this address' and that it needs to be registered; that they can set up an account for me, but I'm 'free to choose any supplier you'd like'. I was a bit surprised by the somewhat 'laidback' tone of the letter, but then wondered if this was just their way of encouraging people to contact them, before hitting them with a huge backdated bill..... I've contacted the National Grid and now have my MPRN number, but they don't seem to have a record of who the supplier is. Can anyone advise me on what I should do now, and what to expect?
  6. It's only taken them 20 months to tell me this. I applied for council tax online in Feb last year and got a letter in standard size print. Ok, fair enough, there's no option for letters to be sent out in large print. I spoke to someone in the council and asked for my letters to be in large print. I was told this would happen. It never has done. I've asked every single time I've received a letter and have been told each time it would happen. In August, I was told they had put something on my file stating that I needed my letters in large print which someone had missed. I was then told that they'd put a pop up on screen, which would mean you couldn't miss it. I put in a complaint. The response was it's not possible to provide letters in large print because of the software used. But they then said "Whilst individual letters can be presented in a larger font size if they are copied to an application like Microsoft Word, this would only be possible if your claim was being reviewed by a Housing Benefit assessor." I was told to print the letters out myself. But why should I? if I wasn't disabled, they'd send the letters to me in a format I could read.
  7. Hello I am in dispute with The UW over the erratic and high bills I have been receiving. Since early September I have been emailing the CEO office and trying to sort out what is going on . In the past year my so called smart meter has never been read by anyone other than me and I am not sure how to check it. They send very long wordy emails saying how good they are but do not answer my concerns. Eventually they suggested fitting a test meter. A meter inspector was sent to read my meter and he said that my smart meter was very old and that particular type was unreliable. An appointment was made, confirmed by letter,email and text but no one turned up so I decided to call them. After a long conversation with no explanation another appointment was made for today and guess what - no show. In the mean time I decided to change supplier, after all enough is enough. Initially UW objected but the new supplier says they are taking over both gas and electricity later this month. So after this lengthy pre-amble; should I contact Uw and tell them about the no show or do nothing and see if it swops over to new supplier?
  8. I am having problems with British Gas. To explain they sent me a bill one month after I moved in that was grossly wrong based on three weeks of use. I sent them a letter correcting this and complaining. I pointed out in this letter too that I was deaf. The response of me being deaf was for them to ask me for a mobile phone number so they could discuss it with me. I paid the bill even though it was out by a huge amount because well,.... it wasn't that much as it related to not much use - about £200 for three weeks use! They failed to adjust the meter readings for the property though despite being supplied them with them in writing, failed to credit my account with the overpayment. Now they have sent me another gas and electricity bill which is even more wrong. They want me to pay £718 on the basis of my meter readings they have guessed as being 24339 for electricity and 14545 for gas. In reality my meter readings are 24073 for electricity and 14038 for gas. How can I actually deal with overcharging where basically they consistently over estimate my use by 100% and fail to adjust even when informed? They won't adjust the previous bill not because I am wrong or because they provide any reason. They don't... it's like it goes in one ear and out of the other. They won't correct the meter readings even though I have supplied them with the correct ones and seem eager to simply overcharge as much as possible.
  9. Hello, it's been a while and just wondering if anything has changed. I have a customer who has three council tax accounts for previous years which have been handed to Rossendales, the initial (pre fee) amounts come to about £1000, no doubt will be substantially more by the time Rossendales add their pound of flesh. same old story, she offered a repayment amount, they want treble her offered and won't budge. It used to be the best advice was to simply ride ride it out, lock the doors, relocate the car, allow no access and sign nothing and hide everything, so they couldn't get a WP, try to get the accounts returned to the council, is this still the best advice? What is the general period they have to collect on an account before it's returned?
  10. Hiya, we moved into our current rented property in October 2015 and were told that Spark energy are the gas and electric suppliers. Ever since then they have sent us a monthly bill of which we've always paid. This morning we received a bill for 315.64 for electric and gas, 288 of that just electric, upon ringing them up we were told it's because all our previous bills were estimated and we should have been giving monthly meter readings (of which we were NEVER told) and that we have to pay that plus any future bills (set up a dd for a minimum of 150 a month) after telling them no one has ever told us we're supposed to give readings and that they never come to read the meter like a 'normal' energy supplier they've just been worse than useless, not even took my complaint about them not telling us about the estimated readings etc. Long story short do we have a leg to stand on? We're a low income family of 2 adults and 3 children (one being 5, another having suspected adhd) We don't have any disposable income, we've always budgeted to pay these 'estimated' bills and they're ramming this bill down our throat. Thanks in advance, kylie
  11. Just a quick note to all BT Business Customers. BT in their wisdom decided to add an extra charge of £12.28 per month for 'Classified Paid Line Entry' without telling anyone since December 2014. I have spent most of the morning trying to sort out this with them and finally will be getting back nearly £100. Worth checking your bills to see if they have added this to your account.
  12. Hi everyone, I've registered on here looking for advice as I'm at my wits end. I live in a rented flat and have been with Scottish Power since I moved in. In March 2014, I was in my online banking and noticed that Scottish Power hadn't taken anything out of my bank account since January. I checked my DD was still active (it was) and tried logging into my Scottish Power account but kept getting an error. Tried calling but couldn't get through to anyone so tweeted them. Cutting a long story short, they had closed my account without explanation. They said they would investigate and get me all set back up. It's now January 2015 and I am no further forward. Every time I speak to someone on Twitter or Facebook, I get a different excuse. I've been told that it was a system error, been told that the National Grid requested it's closure. I was assigned a customer service agent who is supposed to be dealing with it but she doesn't respond to e-mails and any requests for a call are ignored. I have no way to manage my bills, no way to work out costs. I have made it clear to them that I will not be paying for the time that this goes unresolved as I don't feel anything is being done. I am now moving out of this property in April and I don't know what to do.
  13. Water and sewerage bills will fall after April 2015 and even more help will be available for customers struggling with cost of living pressures. The average water and sewerage bill in England and Wales for 2015-16 will fall by £9 (2%). In this period, companies will provide a package of measures worth more than £40 million to support customers struggling to pay or in debt, for example through trust funds, debt matching and write-off schemes, debt advice and water efficiency measures to help customers on meters reduce their bills. http://www.water.org.uk/news-water-uk/latest-news/water-and-sewerage-bills-falling-201516 Most companies are cutting prices, but a few are increasing them. See here: Forecast average household bills 2015-16
  14. Ofgem Investigation into npower and its compliance with Standards of Conduct (Standard Licence Condition 25C), Standard Licence Condition 27 (provision of final bills), and the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Complaints Handling Standards) Regulations 2008 Publication Date: 19th June 2014 Company being Investigated: npower Ofgem are investigating whether RWE npower is complying with the Standards of Conduct (SOC) (SLC 25C) of its gas and electricity supply licence and with the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Complaints Handling Standards) Regulations 2008 (‘Complaints Handling Regulations’). On 4 July 2014 the scope of the investigation was widened to include SLC 27.17 and 27.18, in relation to final bills. More info: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publ...complaints-handling-standards-regulations-2008 New Standards of Conduct: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publ...clearer-fairer-energy-market
  15. Thames Water has a fund in place which can help to pay your water bills if you satisfy their hardship criteria. If you have used this fund before or if you decide to use it now, we would be interested to hear about your experiences of it. You can post in the Utilities forum:- http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?121-Utilities-Gas-Electricity-Water Other water providers may well provide similar schemes. Check on their websites and let us know.
  16. What Regulations apply to the case of a Tenancy Agreement being entered into, but the gas company refuses to reconnect the gas to the boiler until the debt paid by a previous tenant is paid. Can the Utility Company insist that a new tenant accepts liability for the debt owed by the previous tenant.
  17. Hi, I keep getting reminders for electricity bills that I never received in the first place from npower. I have paperless billing and can be sure that I have had no emails from them. I have spoken to them about this before but they say they have sent the bill. I'm going to change my supplier anyway, but wondered what the legal situation is. Do I have to pay a reminder for a bill I never received? Thanks
  18. New Which? research reveals that three quarters of you are completely confused by your energy bills, with 74% of people who receive energy bills finding them very complicated. . Our research, where we surveyed nearly 1,600 Which? members about their household bills, also revealed that 18% of the people we asked are not confident they can check the accuracy of their energy bill. It's vital to be able to do this if you want to be sure you're not paying more than you should for energy Which? believes that energy bills should be easy to understand, which is why we are running a campaign calling for fair energy prices. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2015/04/energy-consumers-bamboozled-by-their-bills-400728/
  19. Smart meters widely used in Spain can be hacked to under-report energy use, security researchers have found. Poorly protected credentials inside the devices could let attackers take control over the gadgets, warn the researchers. The utility that deployed the meters is now improving the devices' security to help protect its network. The discovery comes as one security expert warns some terror groups may attack critical infrastructure systems. Many utility companies are installing smart meters to help customers monitor and manage their power use and help them be more energy efficient. "We took them apart to see how they work," said independent researcher Javier Vidal who, with Alberto Illera, found the flaws in the smart meters. "We suspected there could be some issues with them and we wanted to check. "We feared the security would be easy to break and we confirmed that," he told the BBC. Network nodes BBC
  20. This has been going on for 7 years apparently. Full story.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30214471
  21. Stolen mobiles are still causing victims "shock bills", in spite of government promises to cap call charges, Citizens Advice has said. The watchdog said consumers have faced charges of up to £23,000 each, after thieves used their phones. A year ago the culture secretary, then Maria Miller, promised that such charges would be capped at £50 by the Spring of 2014. The government said it was waiting for the industry to agree the details. Citizens Advice claimed as many as 160,000 people a year are hit by high call charges, following the theft of a mobile phone or a SIM card. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30429347
  22. Good Afternoon, I have been trying over the last couple of months to deal with a council tax issue where I haven't been getting bills. These have been sent to a previous address and we have been getting them late. I got a letter from this old address and sent a payment, way over the odds to be credited. I've now had two letters from the old address, one a final notice and then a summons. The summons, for last year has 50% in costs added, but the previous letter stated we had until 16th June to pay it and it was paid on 16th June. The summons was issued on 6th June... I have asked them in a letter to change the address but they haven't and I have now missed the court date (yesterday). The final notice pertains to this year, but some of the payment would have been made in the amount paid for last year. No invoice or breakdown of account has ever been received. I've sent them a harsh email but need to check where I stand. How do I get court fees removed? Where do I stand on this? Does anyone know what the legal basis is for duty to notify of council tax to the correct address? Thanks for you help on this guys.
  23. Which uses more energy in standby mode, a computer or a phone charger? You might be surprised Most of us know that to cut our energy bills we should turn things like televisions and computer monitors off at the wall rather than leaving them in standby mode, which consumes power even when they’re not being used. But smaller gadgets and appliances quietly running in the background could be pushing your energy bills up much faster than you realised. The Energy Saving Trust estimates that an average household will spend up to £80 a year powering appliances left on standby and not in use. Annual energy usage while on standby: Wireless Router (e.g. BT Hub) - £21.92 Printer (Laser) - £18.26 Set-top (Satellite) - £18.26 Amplifier - £12.18 Compact Hi-Fi - £12.18 iPad charger - £12.18 Nintendo Wii - £12.18 Set-top box (Freeview) - £7.31 Alarm Clock - £6.09 Microsoft Xbox 360 - £6.09 Modem - £6.09 Sony PlayStation 3 - £6.09 Air freshener plug-in - £4.87 CD player / Tuner - £4.87 Television (Plasma) - £4.87 Video Player - £4.87 Inkjet printer - £4.26 Desktop PC - £3.65 Nintendo DS - £3.65 Oven (Electric) - £3.65 Microwave - £3.04 Television (CRT & LCD) - £3.04 Mobile phone charger - £2.44 PC monitor (CRT) - £2.44 Electric toothbrush - £1.22 Childs night light - £0.73 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/household-bills/10920520/The-devices-quietly-running-up-your-energy-bills.html
  24. hello all, this may be a long story lol i cancelled ALL my 79 year old mother in laws services from virgin on 31st march (phone and tv). after the 30days cancellation period i cancelled the direct debit. virgin left the phone line on and are still sending bills because the direct dibit failed and is charging late payment fees. i phoned them on 13th may and said theyve made an error and are still billing her , they said they'd stop and sort it - they didnt. just incase they made more errors i sent a letter explaining to head office. no letter/call to acknowledge receipt of the letter i sent. the other day she received a letter saying that bailiffs/court action etc is going to follow unless she pays. ive phoned them 4 times in the last 2 days which has resulted me in coming on these forums because they are just sending me round in circles. ..nothing is getting resolved and on one occasion they just disconnected me. i found out that the error they made was they left the phone line on incase she wanted to 'port' the number (which she didnt) and because of this error this is why they are sending the bill each month and are saying we didnt cancel when we did. headache is an understatement. what can we do except go to court/wait for the bailiffs? what is the procedure? any help is gratefully appreciated.
  25. BT has warned millions of customers it is increasing its prices by up to 6.5% from December this year. It will increase the line rental for direct debit customers by 6.25% to £16.99, and the rate for calling UK landlines by 6.44%, while the pence per minute (ppm) rate for calls to UK landlines and 0870 numbers will go up 6.44% from 9p a minute to 9.58p. The set-up fee for landline calls will increase from 15p to 15.97p, residential calls to the Timeline speaking clock will go up from 36.6p to 38.97p and call return will increase from 19.9p to 21.19p. Broadband prices are going up by as much as 6.49% http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-28902300
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