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  1. I had to have a complex extraction done and my NHS dentist recommended me to a different dentist (non NHS) who said that it was possible for the NHS dentist to do and was only charged the £70 charge even if it went to the different dentist.
  2. Why can't you ask for a copy of the agreement and see if it was filled out incorrectly? If so then claim back for insurance etc.
  3. I thought that the 'Yes car credit' agreements were all wrong legally as they used any deposit incorrectly and they had to refund all buyers or was that another company?
  4. Hi, thanks for the replies. BF no they just said that they got identical two prices and went ahead and brought them without seeing if we could get them or provide invoices. They have supplied photos of the flat and parts that needed cleaning etc but not of the shelf etc just put items to be replaced at cost. On the original inventory when my brother moved in there is just a list of the flat no photos of anything unlike when he moved out. Bearing in mind that he had been in hospital for over 4 months and unable to do much for a few months earlier I think they are being very petty. I don't know what deposit scheme was used I will try and find out.
  5. Hi, my brother has been diagnosed with cancer and been in and out of hospital since August last year. The hospital were reluctant to let him home as he lived in a top floor flat . His son managed to get him a down stairs flat so didn't renew his lease on his previous property. He had been there 2 years and paid upfront for his rent so was never behind etc. The letting agent are not releasing back his deposit as they are saying there is a shelf and egg holder missing from the integrated fridge along with a few marks on the wall due to my brother having a dart board. We accept the marks but my brother never used the fridge as he had his own that he used. The agency are saying the items were a specific size and not easily to get hold of, and want to charge him £115 for these parts !!! They are also saying the ice tray is missing but wont be charging for that (how nice). The parts have been replaced by them. Why my brother would of taken them if they would not fit anything else is beyond me. Is there any thing else we can do or just swallow the extra charges?
  6. We had a similar experience with Big Motor World and with the help of DX & Bank Fodder was able to return the car and cancel the finance. They do make it a hard as possible, just stick to your guns and hopefully it will get sorted for you.
  7. We got an independent report done and sent in the rejection letter, also take photos of any error messages on dashboard etc.
  8. My daughter brought a car from the West Malling branch and had similar problems with engine light etc. With help from DX and Bank Fodder we managed to return the car and cancel the finance, they do try and stall you and cause problems but they are not the easiest to deal with when you report a problem. Hope you get it sorted.
  9. Car dropped off at the auction today, took loads of photos of inside and out. Lets see what they try and complain about when it sells? But as they put in their 'independent' report before it will be fair wear and tear for a vehicle of its age.
  10. Said that we would drop it off, but they won't give us the address until we ring and book it in even after we told them we would drop it off. Just being stupid now I think
  11. I was thinking something along these lines: Thank you your recent email it’s content has been noted; Under s99 I am entitled to voluntary terminate this agreement. I am not liable for any collection charge, I am prepared to return the vehicle to the garage the car was purchased from. In your definition of good repair you say the paintwork trim must be original as at a time of purchase, can you please supply the exactly list that was made at the time of purchase so we can double check. The vehicle has a valid MOT certificate. As I have sent correspondence regarding this matter no further payments will be made.
  12. Exactly what I thought but they won't get the collection done without the £80 charge paid first, we could deliver it to the garage that sold it. Going to draft a reply this afternoon.
  13. Thank you: Sent in the VT letter last week and just had this email back: " Please read the full contents of this email carefully. Further to your recent enquiry regarding the voluntary termination of your above numbered agreement, please find below important information outlining the required arrangements. Upon termination of the above agreement you will need to pay: 1. The outstanding arrears on your account (applicable if already paid 50% of the total amount payable) = £0 2. At least one half of the total amount payable as stated on your Hire Purchase Agreement. This sum takes into account payments you have already paid, any deposit you paid at the start of the agreement and any arrears not shown in (1) above = £0 3. Any outstanding collection charges = £0 The total you will need to pay under this section is £0 If you purchased any insurance products, other than GAP insurance, at the same time as your motor finance and they have not already expired, they will be cancelled upon termination and a pro-rata refund will be applied to your account. In the case of GAP insurance the policy will be cancelled upon the termination of the agreement and a pro-rata refund will be applied, which will mean that no further sums will be payable (other than arrears) in respect of the policy. Any other outstanding sums (e.g. payments for expired policies and/or any overdue installments) will remain payable under the terms of your insurance agreement. In order to settle the insurance element of your agreement and claim any rebate to which you are entitled, you need to pay the amount set out below. This will also ensure that you have no further liability under the insurance element of the contract. The amount required to do this is £0 Less Rebate £0 Total amount payable under this section £0 Condition of Goods The goods must be returned in a condition commensurate with their age and mileage, both mechanically and cosmetically. Should the goods not be in this condition when returned you will be required to pay to us the amount required to return the goods to such condition. This amount will be in addition to any sums detailed above (please refer to the terms and conditions of your Hire Purchase Agreement). Our definition of good repair and condition is that the vehicle must: Require minimal refurbishment to be ready for resale Have a current MOT certificate or require little or no work for the issue of a new certificate Be free from mechanical or body damage Be in its original paintwork, trim and specification (as at the time of purchase) If you are in any doubt as to the condition of the vehicle, you may choose to obtain an independant report from an organisation such as the RAC or AA to confirm the above. The goods must be returned to us within 21 days of this email to complete the Voluntary Termination. In order to obtain details of our nearest agent to you please contact us on 01472 570610. Alternatively, we can arrange for the goods to be collected from your address. An upfront fee of £80.00 will be payable for this. Alternatively you may opt to Voluntary surrender: You may return the vehicle to us on a voluntary basis and it will be sold at auction at the best possible price. Net proceeds from the sale will be credited to your agreement in order to reduce the outstanding balance. You will remain liable for the remaining balance and an arrangement will be needed to settle this. The outstanding balance on the agreement is currently £4869.5. Without knowing in advance the actual price that the vehicle will be sold for, it is difficult to set out exactly what your remaining liability is likely to be, however it is estimated that the vehicle, depending on mileage and condition, would be sold for around £2488 (after costs)*, leaving a potential shortfall of £2,381.50. You should be aware, however, that this is an estimate and cannot be guaranteed. Any shortfall may be reduced with an interest rebate if the agreement is settled early. Should you decide on this option please contact us and we will make arrangements for the return of the goods. * In some cases it may not be cost effective to surrender the vehicle where the costs involved may be greater than potential sales proceeds. Please contact us for further advice. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Advantage Finance Ltd." It reads a load of rubbish, once you have paid the 50% the car is the final payment any shortfall is not liable. Also when I have done a VT before I have never been charged a collection fee Thanks JJ
  14. Hi, My brother has been in hospital since the 23rd August, and we have been trying to claim back the council tax he has paid, he lives alone and get the 25% discount already. It seems that you cannot claim for the first 6 weeks, but after contacting his local council (Tonbridge & Malling) they informed us that he cannot claim any other time back until he applies and is accepted on PIP, I can't see this listed anywhere online and just wondered if this is right. Also is PIP means tested and my brother does have quite a bit of savings. Thanks again
  15. I've just had the SAR back from the bank I used at the time and the last payment was made on the 10th June 2018 so 4 months before the default was registered is that right?
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