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Found 17 results

  1. can someone please confirm to me how far back i can claim for being overcharged by my landlord, on the annual insurance premium on my leasehold flat? I have discovered that they have been overcharging me 4% of the premium since 1994. this equates to almost 5k Thanks.
  2. Hello, I employed a builder to do a loft conversion, and renovate my house which I had just bought. He quoted £72,000 to do the work including all electrics, plumbing, plastering etc. The quote was itemised and he visited the property twice and priced up materials etc before emailing it to me. He said that the work would be completed by the end of last summer. He requested an initial payment for materials into his wife's bank account quite a while before any work was done. When he started he told me that he didn't have a lot of money and that I would need to give him money for materials which he would not make any profit on, and he generally showed me receipts. He also asked for 'wages' for himself on a daily rate of £180. I'm a single woman and I realise now after googling that I should have had a proper contract in place and made stage payments; I know now that he took advantage of me for being trusting. I was renting alternative accommodation in another town as the property wasn't liveable. I would pop down once or twice a week or so to see how it was going and progress was slow. Sometimes there would be no-one there at all and most often when I arrived they would be in the kitchen drinking tea. He had decorators, plasterers, electricians and plumbers come in, who he knew and had arranged. He had me pay their invoices. He had initially one labourer working with him, but that escalated to three labourers - he was invoicing me for all of them at a daily rate. The work dragged on past the end of the summer for no reason. The builder told me that he had been diagnosed with leukaemia and I felt sorry for him, but now realise this was probably a lie. I was finally able to move in in November, The main house being finished. The builder seemed reticent to move on the the conversion of an attached brick outbuilding and seemed to be finding odd jobs to do around the house. He asked if I could do a favour and pay his building subcontractors directly as this would mean they would need to pay their own National Insurance instead of him. I made a couple of payments to them in November- the daily rate for the builder and 3 labourers was £500. I also gave the builder £7500 in cash for the roof, which he gave me a receipt for, but he has kept the money and not given it to the roofer as intended. When I started the renovation I had the money needed from the sale of my previous house plus another £20,000. That had all gone and I took out the maximum loan I could from my bank of £25,000. The work continued throughout December when I was away on holiday. I came home after Christmas and it still wasn't completed. I did a spreadsheet and found that I had paid through bank transfer to the builder and various of his contractors £105,000. I also had unpaid invoices from him, his building subcontractors and further other contractors of £12,000. There had not been any extra work requested on top of the original quote, I had chosen the cheapest option wherever I could and the work on the original quote is still not finished. I told the builder that there was a problem with the overcharging and not to return to site until it had been resolved. I asked for a list of his extras and he quoted putting up a shelf in the pantry and other trivial things which in no way add up to the total. The biggest overcharging has been in payments to the builder and his 3 subcontractors - £60,000, the vast majority of which is for labour. This does not include the £7500 for the roof. My house is not huge, it is ex local authority 3 bedroom, outside of London. I refused to make any more payments and had the subcontractors texting, calling round at my house and demanding payments. One morning I found concrete poured on my car, and when I got home that night the front and back door locks have been superglued so I had to call an emergency locksmith. I reported this to the police and bought security cameras. I paid to have letters sent the builder by a building disputes company explaining that he had overcharged me and needed to pay me back the money. Also letters to the contractors stating that any payments they had received from me were made in error because the builder had told me to and that they should get payment from the builder and reimburse me with the money already paid. In return I got seven identical letters back from the builder's solicitor, one for each contractor saying that he was looking into it. That was two weeks ago. I would appreciate any advice please - I am a woman on my own who is finding it hard to get advice which doesn't cost a lot of money. I don't have much funds left and need to get the work finished. The cost of a solicitor is very off putting and I worry that if I take that route I could end up owing more money. I am also a little concerned that the six subcontractors might try to sue me for their outstanding invoiced which are each in the £1000-£2000 range. There are also some issues with the work which has been done - the brickwork for example is shocking and needs re-doing. I have tried calling CAB who referred me to Trading Standards, I called Trading Standards but they said that they would only help businesses in my county and not individuals. The builder is a sole trader and he co-owns his house with his wife.
  3. Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/household-bills/repairs-rip-shame-millions-motorists-10907702
  4. Not for the first time but I have been overcharged on a food shop at my local co-op. It took me almost 15 mins to have £1.00 returned to my card so have just sent an email to request some vouchers, what are my chances of getting some kind of redress for shoddy service..
  5. Has anyone seen this: https://www.fca.org.uk/your-fca/documents/requirement-notices/preferred-mortgages-limited-vreq I have a Preferred account and have been in constant battle over fees. I received a letter today to say they are refunding overcharged fees from 2009 - 2012 and they have entered into an agreement with FCA to refund overcharged fees plus 8% interest. The fees in the scheme include: Arrears management fees, Litigation management fees and Repossession Management fees.
  6. Hello, this is my first post here and I desperately need advice. I owed £2,357.13 after a CCJ judgement to a veterinary practice. My dog had his leg amputated. The vet gave me a choice. Euthanize my dog or amputate the leg. I wanted neither. Did not have £1700 to pay for this. Hence the debt. No excuses for not paying, but my 6 year old daughter has a life threatening condition called 'Rett Syndrome'. She had been in and out of hospital around the time all this happened and nothing else seems important except her. The letters were put to one side and simply forgotten about. On the 20th July at 8am, A bailiff called from 'Court Enforcement Services Ltd' saying I owed £4286.76. This was the first time I had seen him, or even heard this! £2,357.13 to £4286.76 As soon as the door opened, his foot went across the threshold to stop me closing it. I explained I was getting my 6 year disabled daughter ready for school, and could he come back. He said no. He also said had I not opened the door, he would have broke in with the locksmith who was waiting down the road. If I didn't pay now, he was calling vans and porters to take my things and this would cost me £250 plus the porters too. I had to pay or he was clearing my house, everything but my daughters wheelchair. As a HCEO he was entitled to come in and I couldn't stop him or so he said. He would not part with any paperwork until I had paid him. I told him I never had that kind of money, which I didnt. The most I could get was £1300. That would have to be taken from my daughters account with charity money raised. I showed him this, (not that he cared). Transferred it into my own account and gave this to him crying. I then rang my Dad, who loaned me the rest. Both were paid by debit card. The debt was piad in full. All the time he was there, he sat on my sofa watching me feed my daughter smirking and on Facebook. No warning of him coming, no letters, nothing just him turning up. Ironically the next day. The notice of enforcement came saying I had till the 19th July to pay £2558.88!! A DIFFERENCE OF £1727.88 OVERNIGHT - no explanation of what for - I asked and was told 'probably solicitors fees' After an email to the said company for a breakdown, I was sent this High Court Writ - £2468.88 Compliance Stage (Administration Fee): £90.00 inc VAT 1st Enforcement Stage : £228.00 inc VAT + if the debt is above £1,000, there is a 7.5% = £228.00 plus £133.18 2nd Enforcement Stage: £594.00 inc VAT = £594.00 Sale or Disposal Stage: £630.00 inc VAT = £630.00 there is a 7.5% fee of the amount above £1000> = £130.81 There are 2 compliance stage fees of £90 - one is added to the notice of enforcement, a second to the final bill. The CCJ judgement debt was £2357.13 yet on their notice of enforcement it says its £2468.88. I hope this makes sense, and apologise if it doesnt. Im still in a state of shock. Can anyone please advise me what I can now do. I am devastated that I have been fooled and lied too like this. Thank You. Incidentally - The HCEO is one from the TV programme 'Cant pay, we'll take it away'
  7. Not sure if I am posting in correct forum. But here's my question. In 2008 we were charged twice for renting a space from a private landlord. (details little too complex to explain quickly). I have only just examined the documents I have kept since then and realised quite how much I overpaid. Is it too late to try and get this money back? I have invoices, but not original contract. Can anyone please direct me to the relevant legislation, I have tried to search but nothing seems to match my problem.
  8. Hi We closed our account with Npower in april this year. Before closing we were informed that we were £300 in credit. 2 weeks ago we received a final bill of £1577.24 When I spoke to the operator he informed us that we hadn't been billed for gas since sept 2013. I questioned this and suggested that even if this was the case we had been paying £100 per month and that this should have covered close to what we were using. When I was also surprised as our meter was read by a reader on christmas eve. I then enquired about the excessive electricity costs. The operator said that the meter was read at 12150 when in fact the final reading was 5958. We have now received another final bill for £873.81. I am also think this bill is a bit dubious as on the same page it states that our estimated duel fuel consumption this year would be £1150. We are at a bit of a loss as to where to start with all this. I have no way of checking their facts and charges and I'm also extremely unhappy that they (and for that matter I) haven't noticed that we haven't used any gas for 2 years. I just get the feeling I'm being shafted and would be really grateful for any help from someone with a bit of experience in this area.
  9. This has been going on for 7 years apparently. Full story.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30214471
  10. everthing started last year in January 2013 when I moved from the last address in harrow Wealdstone and I moved in harrow on the hill ,I simply forgot to change my logboog( from the old address to the new address and this is what happened ,on 27/1/2014 around 12 pm my car alarm came on when I go outside the car was on the big lorry to be taken away coz I did`t pay a parking ticket and they said the bailiff NEWLYN from harrow council came to collect a debt for a parking ticket I`ve been charged for that 856£ what I think is too much ,yesterday on 22/02/2014 I wake up and I just want to to shopping and my car was clamped ,I found the sticker on the window and I just call the number on tht sticker and they was from NEWLYN again I had 3 more parking tickets 1) 13 apr 2013 2) 3 apr 2013 3) 28 feb 2013 I`ve been charged for this 3 tickets 1475£ I paid and I ask for the packing tickets ref number so I can check them on harrow council website . when I chek them harrow council charged me 4 times 172£ for each oane and when I asked bailiffs why is so high amount they not tell me nothing and he also tell me ``you just come thru from harrow council to bailiff ``not even 1 day and I look on his ipad and was writing 3 visits in less then 1day is anything I can do with them thanks
  11. I have been personally dealing with my landlord for over a year now without any legal support to correct being overcharged for rent at my residence for 11 years. During my tenancy (before march 2013) I was issued with court costs as my landlord made applications to the court to recover rent arrears held on my account. I signed a tenancy agreement for a 1 Bedroom apartment in 2002. The rent was set and I never questioned it (Why would I??). In March 2013, I found out that from the start of my tenancy I was registered as a two bedroom tenant paying rent for a two bedroom accommodation. This came about as I received a letter from the council requesting payments from me to pay for an unused bedroom space. When I notified my landlord they adjusted my rent account to reflect the rent their tenant's would normally pay for a 1 bedroom property. In addition, they also debited payments from my credit balance to cover the outstanding court costs. I didn't agree to any of this nor was a new tenancy agreement issued to me. - (Do I still have a legally binding tenancy agreement contract with my landlord)? I used their complaint procedure to request returning the court costs to my rent account as I believed I should not be held liable. My initial complaint was overruled and was told by my landlord that they were justified in their actions as my rent account still would have been in arrears even after the adjustments. I used my old rent statements, with the correct rent charges to calculate any outstanding arrears before the court applications were submitted and found this not being the case. Again following their complaint procedures, I re-submitted a compliant insisting that the court costs transferred from my credit balance should be returned to my rent account. After nearly a year on, my landlord agreed and confirmed my calculations and produced a gesture of good will (GOGW) of £190 to draw a line in my complaint. I did not agree with the (GOGW) and issued my final formal complaint to return all court cost's. Eventually, (as of last month) my landlord refunded my account with the full court costs suggesting that refunding the full amount was way of compensation to me. I am in desperate need of sound advice as to what rights I have as a tenant, if I am being treated fairly, do I have any entitlement or due compensation, who should i contact for legal advice and generally just being in this position as I feel that my landlord is not being up front with their obligations.
  12. Hi all, Appreciate any advice you can give with this potentially tricky situation...sorry for the long post! My girlfriend had been thinking about spending quite a lot of cash (£300) to hire a venue / activity for a private session for a party in 6 weeks or so's time. She is not particularly well off and had saved the money in advance, as she'd been planning it for a while. She has gone down to book it, and has then been told that basically it's actually £350, and been somewhat pressured into paying anyway. She is not a very "sharp consumer" as it were so she felt obliged to pay up. Subsequently she's had a few days to think about it, and is regretting spending the extra £50 which she can't really afford and upset about being over charged. The website still shows the £300 price. They fed her some stuff about the difference being "the tax", but clearly it's the wrong percentage for VAT and anyway the website is aimed at consumers and makes no mention of the prices being vat exclusive. Obviously she wasn't forced as such to pay the money, but she in general doesn't like to confront people and is more likely just to let people get on with things that are slightly taking advantage of her if she feels like it will cause a fight. She is too "nice" for her own good sometimes! She now is quite upset about the whole thing and basically wants to cancel and do something else instead. The website says "XXXX is unable to offer any refunds for missed or cancelled bookings, regardless of how much notice is given of the cancellation" which is unhelpful to say the least. She has asked for my help as she doesn't really know where to go from here. I am to say the least firmer with this stuff and would not have let it get this far if I had known about it as it was happening. I run quite a substantial business and am quite used to fighting with people over deals etc. But I am much more familiar with these kind of issues in a larger business context than I am small retail / B2C type of stuff. I am wondering if we are able to try and get them to cancel on the basis of the overcharge, either by going to them and talking about sale of goods act etc or going with the threat of getting a chargeback on the card from the bank, due to the same reason. I feel like it was only booked a few days ago, the company has had to make no effort or arrangements as of yet and spent no money (the activity runs regardless - people will book per person if someone doesn't hire it like she did), they have taken advantage of her and upset her, and the appropriate thing to do in these circumstances would be to make a goodwill refund for her. But the tone of their Ts + Cs doesn't sound like this will be willingly given, so I wanted to know where the overcharge stands us legally in case we have to get heavier. So - really appreciate any advice and thanks for reading the long message! James
  13. I bought a car from Carcraft last week (big mistake lesson learnt) The value of the car was £8499. I paid £100 deposit and part exchanged my old car for £499. On the contract of sale the final price is 8095.25 (8449 for the car + 96.25 tax, minus the value of my old car and deposit) Looking on the documents for the finance agreement Carcraft have arranged finance for 8595.25. No deductions have been made for the deposit and part exchange of the old car. I've contacted carcraft who say it has nothing to do with them and I should contact the finance company, the finance company say it has nothing to do with them and i should contact carcraft! Any advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks!
  14. My Mum died in May and my Dad used the co-op for the funeral, I went with my dad to sort out everything and we were told the cheapest was £2,200, which we accepted. My Dad is a pensioner and had to get a grant of £1,200 from the authorities, he has no money so my sisters and myself paid the extra 1,000 which we paid up front, and My dad then paid the 1,200 when his grant came through, my dad has no way of repaying my Sisters and me and as it was for my Mum we have written off the money. HOWEVER. Yesterday my dad and one of my Sisters saw an expose on Co-op funeral service and it was mentioned that infact the cheapest funeral is £1,200 the same as the grant but employees were told not to offer it as the co-op didnt make any profit. With this in mind I am wondering if the co-op have infact mis-sold the funeral and would we be within our rights to try and get the 1,000 extra back we paid. The funeral itself was lovely but the cost only included one car and restricted times which we understand from the programme was the same as the £1,200 one. Mods please move this to another area if this is the wrong one
  15. I have been charged £4,534.00 for a simple funeral in Kent. Does anyone know if this is excessive and if so who do I go to for help? debgirl
  16. hello i was regularly purchasing items from a store online ( once every couple of weeks) after about 7 months i was overcharged, i had to wait a while but i was refunded . a week or so later I was over charged again , then again. it was only by chance i checked my bank statement. each time they said they knew about it, but they did not send out any apology emails, because the third time i kept quiet to se if they would ever email , they did not. they never refunded me , it was such a tiny amount that a phone call would have been far more that the funds taken, but the point is: they did not sort it out, proving they keep money they over change on and just wait for customers to call. This was 6 months ago. Recently I needed a specific part and decided to give them another go. But low and behold I am overcharged again. ( this is not a mistake on my part forgetting VAT or delivery) this is actually money coming out without my permission. So i have been patient. Should i just ask for my money back? Or should i do something else? there are people out there being overcharged, not checking their bank statement. bound to be fair few, this is not a small company. any help would be great.
  17. Hi, I have been sent a new TV License for the period August 31 2010 until August 31 2011 to be paid by direct debit. The thing is, i am moving out of my flat in early september to move back in with my parents until i move into a new flat hopefully around december. i phoned tv licensing today to inform them of this and they said that they would transfer my license to the new flat. i objected because this would mean i would be paying whilst not actually needing a license and when i did move in to my new flat the license would run for less than 12 months. this doesnt seem fair, i know its only a couple of months payments but what would they do if it was a more substanial amount? do i have any options? many thanks, chris
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