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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, this is my first post here and I desperately need advice. I owed £2,357.13 after a CCJ judgement to a veterinary practice. My dog had his leg amputated. The vet gave me a choice. Euthanize my dog or amputate the leg. I wanted neither. Did not have £1700 to pay for this. Hence the debt. No excuses for not paying, but my 6 year old daughter has a life threatening condition called 'Rett Syndrome'. She had been in and out of hospital around the time all this happened and nothing else seems important except her. The letters were put to one side and simply forgotten about. On the 20th July at 8am, A bailiff called from 'Court Enforcement Services Ltd' saying I owed £4286.76. This was the first time I had seen him, or even heard this! £2,357.13 to £4286.76 As soon as the door opened, his foot went across the threshold to stop me closing it. I explained I was getting my 6 year disabled daughter ready for school, and could he come back. He said no. He also said had I not opened the door, he would have broke in with the locksmith who was waiting down the road. If I didn't pay now, he was calling vans and porters to take my things and this would cost me £250 plus the porters too. I had to pay or he was clearing my house, everything but my daughters wheelchair. As a HCEO he was entitled to come in and I couldn't stop him or so he said. He would not part with any paperwork until I had paid him. I told him I never had that kind of money, which I didnt. The most I could get was £1300. That would have to be taken from my daughters account with charity money raised. I showed him this, (not that he cared). Transferred it into my own account and gave this to him crying. I then rang my Dad, who loaned me the rest. Both were paid by debit card. The debt was piad in full. All the time he was there, he sat on my sofa watching me feed my daughter smirking and on Facebook. No warning of him coming, no letters, nothing just him turning up. Ironically the next day. The notice of enforcement came saying I had till the 19th July to pay £2558.88!! A DIFFERENCE OF £1727.88 OVERNIGHT - no explanation of what for - I asked and was told 'probably solicitors fees' After an email to the said company for a breakdown, I was sent this High Court Writ - £2468.88 Compliance Stage (Administration Fee): £90.00 inc VAT 1st Enforcement Stage : £228.00 inc VAT + if the debt is above £1,000, there is a 7.5% = £228.00 plus £133.18 2nd Enforcement Stage: £594.00 inc VAT = £594.00 Sale or Disposal Stage: £630.00 inc VAT = £630.00 there is a 7.5% fee of the amount above £1000> = £130.81 There are 2 compliance stage fees of £90 - one is added to the notice of enforcement, a second to the final bill. The CCJ judgement debt was £2357.13 yet on their notice of enforcement it says its £2468.88. I hope this makes sense, and apologise if it doesnt. Im still in a state of shock. Can anyone please advise me what I can now do. I am devastated that I have been fooled and lied too like this. Thank You. Incidentally - The HCEO is one from the TV programme 'Cant pay, we'll take it away'
  2. I have just received papers from a sinister process server (at pains to tell me he was an ex detecrtive superintendent from the CID's fraud squad..) from the Florida circuit court to advise that in 20 days time there will be a judgement (CCJ) and foreclosure on my US property. I am struggling to find anyone with expertise in US law (state of Florida law). I have contacted some US lawyers but I would never be able to afford their fees which seem extortionate...... The main queries I have: Can anyone point me in the direction of how to enter a defence - I'm not even sure how to address the court.... ? Can a US judgement be enforced in the UK?? I've read totally conflicting advice on this point and could my UK assests be at risk? Does a US court have personal jurisdiction over me in the foreclosure action? I'm struggling to keep my head above water as it is without a $200,000 judgement against me.....at my wits end and can't find any assistance... Would really appreciate any help at this point thank you
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