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Found 6 results

  1. Hi im looking for any advice anyone can offer regarding a summons I have received. I have just received a court summons for not having a tv license. The summons are not addressed to myself as it appears that they have spoken with a friend who was staying with me at the time. I am assuming that he did not let them in and they have claimed that they tested ch4, however I do not watch live tv as my property does not have an an external aerial or even an indoor one. I do not have a digital service or broadband connection and only use my xbox for games and dvds. Where do I stand? Many thanks for any advice in advance.
  2. Before I begin I feel I should say that I am a bit surprised that there is no separate section for TV License issues. That said, I don't have a television and I haven't had one for about eight years. I realise that probably makes me look quite peculiar to most people but I used to watch about an hour a week on a Friday night and then realised how much that was costing me per hour and decided that it wasn't worth it - something like £2.00 per hour, if I remember correctly, and asked my then landlord to take it away. He refused and I put the television in my wardrobe and wrote to TV Licensing explaining what I had done - they seemed happy with the situation. Since then, I am so accustomed to my blissful TeeVeeFree life that I would not have one if Jonathan Ross personally installed a gold plated 3D 60" 5.1 Dolby 8 valve organic FairTrade™ gluten-free Yamahonduki if the license fee was payable to me as reward simply for having the junk in my house. I actually feel physically sick when I visit other people and their televisions are on - they never have the manners to switch them off when they have company. Plus, I live in a rented unfurnished house with an aerial on the roof which drives me insane when it is windy. That all said, I do have an HD projector and a Blu-Ray player because I enjoy occasionally watching my own choice of films. And it is not a requirement to have a license unless you watch television programmes on any device, as they are being shown on TV' - their words. But I still get regular letters from TV Licensing which border on intimidating. I have written to them to tell them how I feel about the stupid things and invited them to come at their convenience to inspect my house. But instead they keep sending me letters threatening with 'a visit' and to treat my address as 'unlicensed'. It is unlicensed! For a very good reason. Surely, the license fee constitutes a service charge and the onus is on them to prove that I am using the service - not vice-versa. Sure, I could simply play their game and fill in their forms every time I get a letter or phone the non-free phone number which does not have any indication of the call rates - but I fail to see why I should simply to assert that my ownership of a television should not be taken for granted.
  3. Hi Guys, In July 2010 I was moving out of my old property due to illness (Skin Cancer surgery etc) and moving back to my parents to recoup orate. Anyway on Saturday while I was uploading the car full of my personal stuff I was visited by one of the TV Licensing "salesmen" who asked if I had a license. I pointed out o him that there is no TV in the property and that I was selling the house, hence the two For Sale signs he was looking at, my front door was wide open so I said to him that he could go in and have a look for a TV as I knew there wasnt one in there The guy declined as he could see that I was actually moving premises hence the nearly full cars. He asked if I knew who was moving in, I advised that it would be empty until the estate agents had sold it. He then said he would notify the TVL that the property is empty and that I had moved. He then asked my to sign a sheet to prove that he had been at the premises. I was never cautioned and the sheet had written on it that the property was to be left empty due to relocation. last week I received an arrest warrant for non payment of fines and was summonsed to attend a court hearing this morning at 10am. To my astonishment when I arrived I was told that it was for non payment of a TVL and I had been fined £175+£60 costs, apparently the case was heard in November 2010. I explained that I had vacated the property in July 2010 and had no knowledge of the hearing or fine The case has been adjourned until 13th Sept as the wish to obtain further info from TVL about the fine, I have been advised that I may have to do a statutory deceleration. I am absolutely livid and embarrassed about this as clearly this TVL "salesman" hasn't said what he said he would do and is clearly working on a commission or bonus scheme. I have sent the TVL an email advising the of the incident and advising that I hadn't lived at the property since July 2010. Is there anything else that I can do, I am crapping myself about this don't want to be sent to prison!!!! Please help
  4. Guest

    TV License

    I have read quite a lot on the internet about what constitutes to me requiring a TV license, but it is really vague and not clear. I have recently (2 months ago) moved to a new accommodation (rented). As soon as I moved in; within 15 days I started receiving letters from TVLA about the license fee. The letters are not addressed to me but to "The Present Occupier". I have received 3 so far and I have ignored them till now. I have a telly, but no aerial connection. I sometimes use it to play XBOX. Neither do I subscribe to any service nor do I plan to. I am planning to get rid of the telly as it is taking up space. Although, there is a black cable coming through a hole in the wall and there are 2 separate points where the telly could be connected. I don't know what is that black cable for or whether these telly points work or not. I have a computer and I have an internet connection. I do not watch live broadcasts on iPlayer or any other such online service. Questions: 1. Do I need a license? 2. What should I do about the letters? Should I keep ignoring them ( read it on the internet ) 3. How to prove to TVLA that I am NOT watching live broadcast on my computer? 4. I don't want to be part of the TVLA cycle of letters and checks. What should I do? I have always received excellent and useful advice from this forum. Thank you for your help.
  5. Please help, i have today recieved a summons for not having a tv license. it is true i do not have 1 at the moment but i also have a cut aerial from my roof to the front of the house so cannot use freeview boxes. i have no virgin or sky subscription (untill my installation date 03/10/10). included in the summons is a "witness statement" from the visiting officer. he proceeds to state i gave him my name and told him i was using a colour tv to recieve live broadcasts, as i dont have the facility to do this i certainly would not say i had. now i dont know what to do about it. obviously he noted i did not sign a caution, but he never gave me a caution. he was rude and aggressive at the time of the visit. i was dealing with my children and a friends kids also. when he came to the door i asked if i was obligated to speak with him at that point, he replied "yes". my response was that he was a liar (there is nothing to state you are obligated to speak with them) and i had to deal with a number of children and did not have a tv aerial anyway. i then closed the door and awaited a letter or further visit(hoping it would be a more convenient time). he also states that i refused him entry to inspect my equipment, he didnt even ask to come in!!!! is there anyway to beat these liars who are cheating money out of people??
  6. Hi, I have been sent a new TV License for the period August 31 2010 until August 31 2011 to be paid by direct debit. The thing is, i am moving out of my flat in early september to move back in with my parents until i move into a new flat hopefully around december. i phoned tv licensing today to inform them of this and they said that they would transfer my license to the new flat. i objected because this would mean i would be paying whilst not actually needing a license and when i did move in to my new flat the license would run for less than 12 months. this doesnt seem fair, i know its only a couple of months payments but what would they do if it was a more substanial amount? do i have any options? many thanks, chris
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