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  1. This is a summary & later details are from other things I have read here. All correspondence with Lidl has been by email, excluding the first which was via their website, but I kept a copy. My house was badly flooded when we were on holiday, a major burst that probably ran for over three weeks. Relatives helping me used my car to take things to the dump, then drove into a Lidl I had suggested nearby to buy baking powder for cleaning & tea. (They also bought cakes, as the receipt was in the bag, but I don't know where it is now). The car is a coupe & is quite low (as standard) & hit a speed bump making "the exhaust sound funny". They bought what they went in for then found the car could not drive as the exhaust had partly fallen off & jammed under the car. There's pictures of this that have been sent to Lidl. They had tried to release it but couldn't then called me & I called my garage who are not far from that Lidl, but they could not go for hours so I called the breakdown company, who appeared later & released the exhaust, leaving the car drivable but without a back box. The staff in Lidl had already given them a long cardboard tray thing to put the exhaust in so the boot would not get dirty when they had been told what had happened. A letter arrived a week to the day later saying the car had overstayed ?90 mins? & owed £90. This was sent to me but was shoved in a brown envelope & the date put on it by my niece. About 2-3 weeks later when at the house I opened it, but left it there & its now part of many bundles or might have been binned, as even as the house was drying water/dampness would collect on the hall floor. The letter was not from Lidl but from a parking company & "as the car was registered to me" So I contacted Lidl telling them what had happened & sent the exhaust pictures & explained I can't find their parking company's letter & they told me to contact the parking company "with the reference number on the letter". I wrote to them explaining they had sent a standard reply & they said they would look into it. I then contacted my breakdown company & asked them to send confirmation the car had "broken down" & they also gave me the name of the breakdown company who had attended, so I could obtain their vehicles registration that must appear on the records Lidl have for that day. I then wrote again to Lidl telling them the letter was coming from the breakdown company & the registration of the breakdown truck. So today again an email appeared telling me... "You will have to contact Athena ANPR directly." But without an email address or contact details, or the reference number they have told me I need. So I'm feeling pretty harassed along the lines of I appear to be dealing with monkeys whose speed bump has trashed my exhaust & want me to pay £90 for the privilege. I'm in Scotland & use Lidl fairly often, having swapped from Waitrose when they became political during the Scottish independence campaign. But they've shot themselves in the foot on that one now. Looking through things over people have been asked & answering them. It happened mid January, & the letter arrived a week later to the day but was not opened until later. The date will be confirmed when the breakdown company's letter arrives. No appeal has been submitted as I don't have the letter or reference number & Lidl don't seem in a hurry to give me this. I'm guessing Lidl is trying to take it beyond an "appeal by" date. The letter did have pictures of the car going both in & out & said how long it had stayed. Other than that there is not much I can tell you. The carpark was Lidl Govan, under a 5 min drive from the dump. We are not staying back at the house yet & the date for moving back in is the start of March.
  2. I got my fuel bill on the 8th Mar with an rather inaccurate estimate i gave them the actual readings and a new bill was issued the same day, arriving in the 13th Mar. On the 14th Mar I got another bill that was an estimate for the fuel used on the 9th mar. Today I have received another estimated bill for the fuel used on the 11th Mar. Talk about payment by instalments!. I spoke to their CS people and guess what they suggested? I give them todays meter reading and they can send me an updated bill for the last week to go with the correct one of earlier or they can update the one of the 8th and I pay the new one all together . At no point did they suggest that they would stop sending out bills on a daily basis. I suggested that at least they wont have to ask for a meter reading when I switch suppliers if they continue with this nonsense and therein lies the problem , they cannot see that it is nonsense to send customers bills every day (even if by error)
  3. Hi Guys, I accidentally dropped my iPhone 6 down the toilet about 2 months ago. The damn thing was in my top pocket and slipped out when i bent down to pick something up. Nightmare, as the toilet had bleach in it. I fished the phone out, gave it a very quick rinse, because of the bleach and towel dried it, then stuck it in some rice, as I've heard of people doing this. I called Protect your bubble to start the claim. I left it in there for a day then tried the phone. it was all over the place to start but then began to work properly and continued to do so for the next couple of days, so i cancelled the claim. last week, the phone died after i installed ios9. i took it to the apple store, who opened it up and said that the water damage had finished it off. I explained what happened and they said that they would never replace this phone because of the water damage and more importantly the bleach. I reopened the claim with PYB and sent the phone off to A Novo, who is their repair company. After a few days I called PYB to get an update. they said that the phone is still being repaired. I questioned this because of what Apple said. PYB said that their contract with A Novo was to repair the phone rather than replace and that the phone would be fine. that got me thinking, so I cold called A Novo to get their opinion. They said that they would never repair a water damaged phone, let alone one that had bleach in it. I mentioned PYB and they said that their contract with PYB is to repair 1st and only replace if the phone doesn't pass the 40 point check. They also said that their work is guaranteed for 180 days. Im still waiting for the phone back, which should be Tuesday, so my question is Where do I stand with the repair? My concern is that it may work now but as time goes on , the metallic parts will corrode and the phone may fail outside of the 180 days warranty many thanks EOS-5D
  4. Hi Just looking for a bit of advice. My husband has been on DLA for just over 2 years and in May he was asked to apply for PIP. I filled out the forms for him and sent all evidence from each consultant he sees. We received a letter in June to say all had been received and his assessment would be in 12-16 weeks. I called just before the 16 weeks and was told it would now be 26 weeks but ATOS would be coming to us. His last ATOS assessment for ESA I had to take him and we actually found the lady very nice and she included me quite a bit in the assessment. He was placed in the SG. Is a home visit usual/unusual? Should I be worried? Thanks
  5. Hello everyone, First of all I wouldn't be making such a thread if I wasn't in such eager need of advice ( the people in charge are incredibly vague ). Myself and partner (with 10 month old baby & dog) are in a very stressful situation. Essentially we're being booted out of my grandparents house because it's not "sustainable" for them and we both feel it's the next step which is needed. I have just left the Ingeus program and currently self employed (My online comic store will be open next month) and business' take time to build and be self-sustainable. I haven't the slightest incline what we're entitled too because when we ask, we're just fobbed off with excuses that we are not entitled to them. I'm here to ask what as a family are we entitled to in terms of additional benefits to support my family whilst my business starts to take off and how I can sort out my living arrangements immediately. We have seen various houses on RightMove that accept Pets and something that's called DSS which one of the people at Job Seekers explained I was entitled too? I would love some explanation about it because the information scattered around .gov websites isn't that useful. We have around ~2 months to be gone and the stress alone is causing myself deep emotional problems so I can only imagine what it's doing to my partner. To sum it up, I'm asking for advice on what I should do next to acquire somewhere to live and have enough supporting money to provide for my family. Currently I get the following if it's any help. Working Tax: £95.50 Child Tax: £62.50 Child Benefit: £20 This is weekly (every Tuesday). I would appreciate any advice, thank you very much. Warm regards.
  6. Hello all, I'm new to the forums so please bear with me. Firstly, let me request that judgemental posts and posts advising me what "a ******" I am be kept in your head. This entire problem was cause by terrible judgement on my part. Let's say, hypothetically, I obtained a £100 loan from Minicredit by giving them false employment information. Gave them a normal monthly wage, the company's full and correct contact information, and falseified NO documents and made NO effort apart from filling in a fake wage and real company contact information. I could not pay the loan on time. I actually applied half out of curiousity, and half out of sheer desperation of not being able to eat and heat, having exhausted my assistance from the social fund. When the money was awarded to me, I spent it believing that I would pay it back when my next benefit payment went in. I was then sanctioned (the reason I dispute, but this is irrelevant) and could not pay. Anyway, to cut a long story shorter, my loan was due on October 15th 2012. I could not pay. I noticed the balance slowly (at first) increasing, so emailed Minicredit to ask they froze the interest (like Wonga did in the past, which I obtained lawfully, by the way), otherwise the part-payments I made would not actually lower the balance of my loan, not even a little bit, due to exponentially increasing interest. And charges, but I'll get to that. They of course refused. Minicredit eventually blocked my account, but continued sending me emails. You can't send a question to minicredit about a general enquiry without choosing from a drop-down list of questions. All of which end up in a (pathetic) automated reply email. If you log in (which, of course, I couldn't) you could send a custom question. I am skint (hence the reason for the stupid decision in the first place) and do not have a landline and hardly EVER top my mobile up. So I couldn't call the number on their site. This left me out of contact with them. Now, this is where I'd like to re-iterate: I know what I did was bloody stupid. But having said that, I still think the following is disgusting, as it would be the same for someone who wasn't dishonest. Initial loan: £100. They deducted a fee for "fast transfer" even though fast transfer is free, and I didn't see an option for any other kind of transfer, I definitely didn't select it manually. So I ended up with £85. Long story short by roughly Jan/Feb this year the balance had reached £1066. I cannot believe it. My irresponsible decision has left me with a debt I have absolutely no chance whatsoever of paying in a reasonable time-frame. It has been passed to Opos limited, who to be fair have a decent website and seem relatively professional. But I have some issues with them: 1. In about 3 weeks of constant emailing to [email protected] and a "Vicky Johnston", I have had about 2 maybe 3 replies. They do appear to be ignoring me. I also filed a dispute over the amount via their website's dispute form, as £1066 is surely unlawful, if not it's still quite immoral (I know, hypocritical of me, I agree). They've now sent me the "Intended action" email, threatening "Debt Recovery Service". 2. The reply I did have once from them asked me for income/expenditure. If I'm honest here, and tell them I am in receipt of only £55 local housing allowance and £71 Employment and support allowance, will they shop me for fraud? Will they report back to, or check with, Minicredit? Because Minicredit will tell them they thought I was working. I could do without being jailed for fraud. Again, I know I probably deserve it, but please believe me when I say the intention to pay was originally there. So in short: Do I give Opos the truth or will that be making a rod for my own back? I apologise for the length of this email, I am now very concerned that my stupid stupid idea has lead to me apparently facing very little option but to pay £1066 or end up in court for fraud. Please could somebody advise me on any ideas to perhaps get the amount down? Get a small repayment plan agreed? I have other debts but this is the largest and most worrying. Thanks VERY much to anyone who reads and considers replying.
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