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  1. Hello everyone, First of all I wouldn't be making such a thread if I wasn't in such eager need of advice ( the people in charge are incredibly vague ). Myself and partner (with 10 month old baby & dog) are in a very stressful situation. Essentially we're being booted out of my grandparents house because it's not "sustainable" for them and we both feel it's the next step which is needed. I have just left the Ingeus program and currently self employed (My online comic store will be open next month) and business' take time to build and be self-sustainable. I haven't the slightest incline what we're entitled too because when we ask, we're just fobbed off with excuses that we are not entitled to them. I'm here to ask what as a family are we entitled to in terms of additional benefits to support my family whilst my business starts to take off and how I can sort out my living arrangements immediately. We have seen various houses on RightMove that accept Pets and something that's called DSS which one of the people at Job Seekers explained I was entitled too? I would love some explanation about it because the information scattered around .gov websites isn't that useful. We have around ~2 months to be gone and the stress alone is causing myself deep emotional problems so I can only imagine what it's doing to my partner. To sum it up, I'm asking for advice on what I should do next to acquire somewhere to live and have enough supporting money to provide for my family. Currently I get the following if it's any help. Working Tax: £95.50 Child Tax: £62.50 Child Benefit: £20 This is weekly (every Tuesday). I would appreciate any advice, thank you very much. Warm regards.
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