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  1. Hi all, Thank you for taking the time to read this. I was involved in a very serious car accident that left me requiring over a years worth of physical rehabilitation through the army, unfortunately i ended up being medically discharged in late October 2018 due to not meeting the physical requirements to remain in my career. Since then i have struggled to find work that meets my needs and i received a letter from Marstons demanding £600 for a speeding fine around the time of my accident. I was away at different rehabilitation centers for long periods of time and must have missed the letter from court, but Marstons are refusing to accept a payment plan or be understanding of my situation. I feel like i am going around in circles and don't know what to do. The magistrates courts have updated their system to classify me as vulnerable, as well as Marstons welfare/head office after i sent evidence of my medical discharge/injuries and blue badge to them, however when i spoke the enforcement agent as requested by Marstons head office he refuses to accept this fact and work with me in any way to resolve the situation, in his words that he texted to me, 'i'm just disabled, not vulnerable'... I currently moved back home with my mum and younger siblings and this enforcement agent has been very threatening towards us, saying he will take anything my family don't have receipts for and even making my 10 year old brother cry on his birthday thinking that he will be taking away his playstation, which makes me feel absolutely awful that i can't seem to resolve the issue and that nobody can help. The court seems very sympathetic and understanding and wish they could help but apparently the case is with Marston now? Is there anything i can do in this situation? i feel so stressed and lost.
  2. Car parts boss banned after failing to deliver customers’ orders READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/car-parts-boss-banned-after-failing-to-deliver-customers-orders
  3. An ajudicator made a decision to uphold my case 4 years ago, however the business appealed the decision. After constantly chasing the FOS over a period of 3 years and numerous missed deadlines, six months ago an ombudsman made a provisional decision again in my favour, however I was stripped of costs which the adjudicator had awarded. To date, no final decision has been made, and the pattern of broken promises for deadlines, and constant chasing them for a final decision is still ongoing. What can I do to get them to make a final decision after 4 years of the stress of this case and struggling to survive financially?
  4. Hello My husband apparently went the wrong way down a one way street. He didn't see any signs. I was going to ask if anyone can identify any technicalities we could use to avoid paying the PCN but I can't upload the photos as I don't have enough posts! So I will ask the only question that I can without photos...The PCN arrived yesterday, 21 June 2018, (with first class postage) but I note that the notice is dated 13 June 2018. This means there is a very short time before the 14 days expire. Does this give us anything to argue? Thank you so much
  5. My uncle has learning disabilities and has worked for a major supermarket for over 20 years. The company has now introduced minimum service levels and say he is not reaching these. One problem is getting cages out and the other is customer service. A mystery visitor gave a damning report of his interaction with my uncle who apparently blanked him. The manager says that he does know what to do but doesn't always do it. The company have offered my uncle a different job doing the trolleys but our family doesn't want him to take it. The company have also brought in an in work support advisor from a charity to help support him and given extra training. My question is can they change his hours and duties as they say he is not achieving these new criteria? There are not as many hours available to all staff as there were last year due to the supermarket not taking as much money as they did. Is it discrimination if they change his job? Thank you for any help.
  6. The consumer group Which? has criticised some of Britain’s biggest banks for failing to invest in security systems that would better protect their customers from fraudsters. Against a backdrop of booming bank fraud, Which? tested the UK’s 11 biggest banks and building societies and found that the security at five of them was still not good enough. Which? has called on the industry to make greater use of two-factor authentication at the login stage of online banking. This combines two identity checks – typically a password or pin plus a single-use pass code sent via a card reader or mobile phone. In its most recent test, carried out in August, Which? found that only five of the 11 banks had adopted such security checks to protect customers. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2016/oct/20/banks-online-security-is-failing-customers-says-which On-line Banking Security Rated http://www.which.co.uk/money/bank-accounts/guides/online-banking-security/online-banking-security-rated/
  7. So I will start with a brief bit on my situation - Two years ago, I was on ESA for social anxiety, failed the ATOS test and had to go on JSA. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?327891-Help-with-applying-for-ESA-due-to-social-anxiety My disability adviser was/is great and I was referred to an organisation who dealt with people with disability's looking for work. The programme was for a year and they found me a placement, suitable for someone with my condition. This all ended and I was back to the Job Centre, where I was told I will now be referred to "Triage"(Work Programme) Ive been with them for a few weeks, my anxiety is pretty high and they were understanding to an extent, one to one meetings and such, but that's changed and they want to stick me in a crowded classroom (Which a 10 on the richter scale of social anxiety for me) I explained this, but they claim as I am on JSA, their hands are tied. I dont know what to do now. I failed the ATOS test 2 years ago(Not been claiming ESA since) and wondering if I should see my doctor to claim it again? Would I even be allowed to or would it be denied as it is the same condition and I had previously failed ATOS and never turned up to my appeal(Anxiety be damned) Thanks for any replies in advance.
  8. A couple of years ago we lost our house due to ill health, we sold the house to a housing association so we could still live in it, as we liked the area. Thrilled to have a house in a popular area the HA snapped it up and promised to help us, and look after the house, so we'd have no worries except rent. They did some modernisation, including double glazing that apparently amplifies noise from outside, and redoing the kitchen floor and a new roof. About 6 months later, we noticed damp patches on my son's bedroom wall. Both he and my wife are asthmatic, so damp is a real issue. I called the H.A. and explained the problem. 2 weeks layer, they go on the roof and say the flashing is damaged. They redo it. About 6 months later again, the damp patch is still there, having faded a bit, it seems to be spreading. So I called again. 2 weeks later, new flashing. 3 months on, still damp patches with a bit of mould too. I call again, 2 weeks later someone comes out and once again claims it's flashing. I explained it's been replaced 3 times, if you include the new roof fitting. 'Oh right' he says, well see what we can do, leave it with me. 3 months later, I heard nothing. Damp is spreading. A month later, I called them. Recent rain had made it worse. Don't worry I'm told, it's being looked In to. A month later, still nothing. I called again. After 2 weeks of passing messages, I eventually got a date for yet more new flashing... despite there clearly being a bigger issue. It would be in 7 weeks. 4 days before work is due, the scaffolder turns up asking for permission to put some In the neighbours garden too. They're at work, so i ask that evening and tell the H.A. in the morning that it's done and it's OK. I do this in the office, the woman I told this to phones the head of the works team whilst I'm there and confirms it's ok. 3 days pass, no scaffolding. I call to complain and am told it will be up in the morning. First thing in the morning, sitting having breakfast in the front room when a card is shoved through. From the roofer, that says "no scaffold, no access" I run out, to try and talk to him about the scaffolding. He sees me, shrugs, smiles and drives off. I've called the H.A. today, but can't get through to who I need because as is common he's worked a half day. During this time, I've also explained that my son's wall is ruined. It has wallpaper that is peeling off, along with plaster, behind which is damp uneven wall. It needs work doing on. I was told the best they could do was a 25 pound voucher for paint to tidy it up. If I paint that wall, the paper will be too heavy and will fall. He'll, if I tap that wall you can hear it crumble behind the paper and fall. It has a main solid wall (uneven and damp as it is) but the plastered front layer is totally wrecked. When this complaint started my son was an asthmatic 3 year old, just about to turn 4. He's 6 now and they've shown no care. During damp weather he has to share our bed (I take his) to make sure he's not in the room where the issue is whenever it gets bad, which this summer has been quite frequently So where do I stand? Can I do anything besides complain to them and ask them to please hurry up time and time again?
  9. I was asked to defraud DWP by a work programme provider in July 2015. In short I signed off, I got acall from a guy asking to provide details and sign forms for DWP to pay them. I explained I just signed off without a job. He told me dont worry think of an employer and we both could get paid. I just laughed at the guy and put him on loud speaker and let my mum hear him going off his nut and getting angry. First point of call, go back see my old advisior, she just looked at me like I was stupid and asked what she could help with:S. For 3 months DWP told me they wont take my complaint as I must complain to the person trying to defraud them????? Anyway finally my complaint was taken serious on the 1st of September 2016. Someone collected all the dates and times I called trying to pursue this and reassured me something was going to be done. She even called me back 2 hours later telling me its been passed on and will get looked at. On the 12th of September I got a call lasting 12 minutes from an unknown number (have screenshot). This was a person from DWP fraud department who asked me for more information and told me I may need to provide a statement. I was told a follow up call would happen in the next 14 days. Nothing. Call up to enquire. The log on the 1st says no complaint was every taken as DWP dont deal with companies trying to defraud them. Also no call logs on the 12th to me. It seems it was no one from the DWP who called me???? I'm going absolutely insane here. When I try and sign on I get sent to the work programme provider who give me no assistance or help and my referral was not even acknowledged 9 weeks later. SO I just signed off again. JCP cant help me find work and jobs offered in the centre are for people not on the work programme so I feel attending the job centre a waste of time. What should I do? Just shut up about it in when put in that position next time just accept? Its only tax payers money right?
  10. Less than a quarter of couples eligible for marriage tax allowance are bothering to claim it, according to HM Revenue and Customs The allowance - introduced in April 2015 to incentivise marriage - is worth £220 in 2016/17 . However those eligible can also back-date a claim for last year, meaning £432 can be claimed in total. Out of 4.2m couples who could claim that amount, only 1m have done so, despite an HMRC advertising campaign. Marriage tax allowance lets one half of a married couple transfer part of their tax-free allowance to their partner. However one of the partners must not be earning more than £11,000 - the personal allowance - while the other must be paying income tax at the basic rate. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37702190 Married Couple's Allowance https://www.gov.uk/married-couples-allowance/overview
  11. Financial firms delivered fair outcomes in just 44 percent of complaints about mis-sold packaged bank accounts, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has announced. The FCA published findings from its thematic review of packaged bank accounts on October 20. It said firms are “well below the required standards” when it comes to complaint handling. Less than 50 percent of these mis-sold packaged bank account complaints being dealt with resulted with a fair outcome, the regulator said. http://creditstrategy.co.uk/article/18545/online-news/financial-services-failing-on-packaged-bank-account-complaints
  12. Hi I was in a pay monthly contract with o2, had a balance of around £250 remaining which i paid off in full to leave them to another provider. I asked for an unlatching code back in July, which it was sent within a day but the code did not work. I've now gone through about 4 of these requests with them and each time i was told to wait 7 days, only to have the same code sent out to me. After all this time they're telling me the only options are now to go to a side street shop and have it unlocked (they will compensate the costs but the manager at the end said we never advice customers to use these shops for many reasons) or i have to wait again to see if there is anything else that can be done. Out of interest and proper principals i chose to wait a few days longer to see what they will say. I'm not comfortable in using services outside the network provider. o2 have inconvenienced me in so many ways, i can't afford to go out and buy a new phone and my business relies heavily on data and need to always be reached. I have a feeling that o2 will just brush this off and leave me no option but to get it unlocked elsewhere. As the network provider, surely that have a responsibility to get the phone unlocked and i shouldn't be asked to do any of this. What am in entitled to claim back from them? for the inconvenience and now a phone that i've got no choice but to use an o2 PAYG sim card (3GB data and 1500 minutes per month for me drains in about 2 weeks). Thank you.
  13. Does anyone have a UK contact number/email for ASDA home shopping? I have been trying to get a refund on items missing from our shopping delivered 29 Sept but no one seems to want to do it and it's getting a bit silly now. I've called the number 3 times now and still no refund as well as using the online form and just had a call today from the most unhelpful woman based in South Africa who refused to let me discuss my wife's account unless I answered security correctly - which I did (they needed the email address on the account and my wife has just the one and they claim it's not the one, but it is as I have just checked it). This is despite me being the only one in contact with them and even calling me on my own mobile phone. Hopefully I can get some sort of contact from someone in the UK as after 2 failed refunds and suspecting the person on the 3rd call was simply trying to get rid of me when he said someone will call me back - I'm starting to get a little fed up. Thanks Lee
  14. Hello I am in dispute with The UW over the erratic and high bills I have been receiving. Since early September I have been emailing the CEO office and trying to sort out what is going on . In the past year my so called smart meter has never been read by anyone other than me and I am not sure how to check it. They send very long wordy emails saying how good they are but do not answer my concerns. Eventually they suggested fitting a test meter. A meter inspector was sent to read my meter and he said that my smart meter was very old and that particular type was unreliable. An appointment was made, confirmed by letter,email and text but no one turned up so I decided to call them. After a long conversation with no explanation another appointment was made for today and guess what - no show. In the mean time I decided to change supplier, after all enough is enough. Initially UW objected but the new supplier says they are taking over both gas and electricity later this month. So after this lengthy pre-amble; should I contact Uw and tell them about the no show or do nothing and see if it swops over to new supplier?
  15. Hi, this is my first post on the site and I hope someone can help. I am self-employed, based at home and have 2 Limited companies (1 active and 1 dormant). Business has been very difficult over the last couple of years and cash flow has been a major problem. On the 9th July a high court writ was issued against my dormant business for £1,717.66 and Court Enforcement Services Limited were given the job of enforcement but I did not receive any Notice of Enforcement from them. On the 1 Aug, 2 enforcement officers came to my home (where the dormant business is registered) and said they were High Court Bailiffs and had come to seize goods. I asked to see the writ but they only very briefly showed my an Ipad type device but wouldn't let me examine it. They then just brushed passed me and entered my home through a patio door. I informed them that I had not received any notification which they just dismissed out of hand and said that we were now at stage 2 anyway. I told them I didn't know what they were talking about and needed to see the proper documentation. I asked what the amount owing was and they told me £3,399. I told them that the business was dormant and had no assets and they said that they would take whatever they wanted from the property and began collecting my laptop and printer. I told them that those items did not belong to the dormant company but I was told I had to prove it. I began finding proof for them and I also told them that removing any other items was going to affect my ability to work and run my active business. They ignored this. Having proved I owned the items I was asked if I was refusing to pay which I said I wasn't refusing to pay I just needed some time to get the money. I was told I needed to pay immediatley or other goods would be removed. They threatened to remove a horse transport lorry whose value is far in excess of the amount owed. I was able to prove that that vehicle was on a HP agreement. They also threatened to remove horses from our field. I had to repeatedly ask to see paper copy of the writ and they eventually went to their van and printed one. That is when I saw that the original amount was only £1717.66 and I asked why they were demanding so much more. They said it was down to the fees that had been added. I asked for a breakdown of their fees and they said they would provide that later but said that because I wasn't going to pay we were now at stage 3. I told them I still didn't know what they were talking about but they didn't explain. I had also been telling them that I could pay because I was owed money through my active business and the payments were due to go into my account at any time (I even had remittance advice notes from companies making payments but they were not interested). They repeatedly threatend to remove goods and apply more fees unless I paid immediately and they then began going round the whole of my house (kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, childrens rooms etc.) looking for things to remove, I told them I needed some time to make some calls and get the money, which I did. Luckily I was able to get someone to pay me straight away and once I had received the money in my account I paid the enforcement officers by debit card. They wrote me a receipt but failed to give me a breakdown of the fees. I asked for one but they claimed they couldn't get an internet signal to print it from their van. They said they would email it to me but I didn't get an email from them either. I emailed their office the next day and they provided this breakdown: Dear Sirs With reference to your email dated 2 August, please see below a breakdown in this matter as requested: Writ amount: £1,717.66 Interest on writ amount (@8%) from date of writ to date of payment: £9.46 Compliance Fee: £90.00 Enforcement Stage 1 Fee: £228.00 7.5% Fee of amount over £1,000.00: £65.41 Enforcement Stage 2 Fee: £594.00 Sale of Disposal Fee: £630.00 7.5% Fee of amount over £1,000.00: £65.03 Totals: £3,399.56 The above fees are inclusive of VAT at 20% They also added: "There is no requirement to actually remove goods for the Sale or Disposal fee and 7.5% fee to be applicable, the commencement of the process is sufficient for the application of the sale or disposal stage fee." Having done some reading and trying to check the facts I think they have charged too much because this was their first visit and full payment was made, no initial Notice of Enforcement was received, they failed to give proper notice of moving to the next fee stage, no 'Notice After Entry' form was given, nothing was itemised or removed, no control of goods notice was written up or issued. They also knew the exact total figure (Including the fees) shortly after entering the premises. They provided no explanation of that, or their fees and no explanation of my options/consequences etc. They were just very high pressure and applied more pressure whenever I asked a question. I am going to make a complaint to them because I believe they have charged too much and I think I should be refunded some the fees. I accept that they attended my property so up to level 1 Attendance on the fees scale is correct but above that I think is incorrect. Can anyone with knowledge in this matter please advise me? Sorry if my post is too long but I wanted to give as much info as possible. Any help or guidance will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
  16. Today I received a court summons for failing to identify the driver from a speeding ticket I received at work in last august. The problem is, at the time I was technically homeless (sleeping on friends/family's sofas) but using my dad's address so missed the first letters. Then I found a room to rent last September, changed the address on my driving licence and receive the letter, which I filled in and sent off just before Christmas so I thought it was done. Now I have a court summons for failing to identify the driver. Twice I have admitted I was the driver. Once when they sent the form to my work place and once when they sent it to my address. Now I've had to move out of the room I was renting because my landlord wanted the room back, but my licence is still on that address What should I do? I don't want to plead guilty to something I haven't done. Any advice
  17. Hi, I have received a PCN for failing to comply with a No Entry Sign in Morris Place N4 London. It's a very confusing road which splits into a No Entry two thirds of the way down the road. What is particularly confusing is that there is still a 'Turn Left' sign at the end of the road - possibly from before a No Entry rule was introduced? This 'Turn Left' sign can clearly be seen on the photographs on my PCN notice. I've done a bit of googling and can see that this Morris Place No Entry has been the cause of much discussion previously with a number of people appealing and having success. I think some of the road signs have now changed (I don't think there was a No Through Road previously at the top of the road). Is it worth me appealing again? It was dark and I did not see the sign, I also used to live in Finsbury Park and it was always OK to drive down this road, but must have changed in the last few years. It seems ridiculous for such a tiny stretch of road. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks
  18. Ok. I'm a HA tenant and have been for 15 years. Last year I booked several repairs with my landlord, they consistently failed to show then cancelled jobs due to "no access". I had two repairs completed on an emergency weekend call out, one of them was done twice. I wasted a weeks holiday (5 days) waiting for them not to show. So far this year they've missed two appointments which is another two days wasted holiday, they were due to arrive today at 8.30 to replace a kitchen unit that is rotten and falling apart after numerous leaks that they've failed to fix. So far they're not here and on past experience I don't think they're coming. It was arranged that they would start the job and I would go to work and they would complete and then lock up and leave. This was because I refused to take any more time off although they weren't happy with this. If they fail to show obviously I have to go through the complaints process however can I invoice them for my wasted time? When we get a gas service appointment for the boiler they threaten us with £40 charge if we miss it, can I do the same to them? Obviously today I haven't taken a day off but I have lost two days holiday waiting for them to not show. I'm just not sure what I can do to force them to stop messing about and do the repairs they're supposed to. Last years repairs were, A rotten front door that started to fall apart when I knocked it with the hoover. One complete no show, one assessment done and then door finally replaced when I got ****y. Boiler replacement that they tried to cancel at the last minute because their fitter had a sore eye, I refused to let them. One leaking radiator in the bathroom that was forcing the boiler to cut out due to low pressure.... turned up 3 days early, 2 emergency calls, bathroom light switch, turned up 3 days early one emergency call. Seal in living room window gone, turned up 3 days early, job cancelled due to "no access". The window has finally been assessed last week and surprise it needs replacing. They're allegedly coming on 13th April for that one. If I didn't pay my rent I would be homeless yet they seem to think I have time to waste, so frustrated!!!
  19. Train companies are still failing to provide customers with accurate information about delay compensation, new research by the rail regulator has found. The research is in response to a super-complaint issued by Which? in December 2015 that highlighted how badly some train companies were letting down their passengers. The Office of Road and Rail (ORR) investigation has agreed with Which? that rail passengers are being doubly disadvantaged by train delays as the claims process for compensation is neither clear nor straightforward. One company even openly admitted that it’s not in its best interest to promote compensation to its passengers. How to claim refunds for train delays and cancellations Don’t miss out on the compensation you’re entitled to if your train is delayed. Use our guide to find out how much train delay compensation you’re due and how to claim it. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2016/03/train-companies-still-failing-millions-of-passengers-436881/
  20. I am writing this on behalf of my partner who is exasperated with the actions of his Benefits Advisor and does not know what else to do. He has been signing on as seeking employment for nearly a year now and during this time there has been issues with the online Jobsearch which only logs particular jobs that he has applied for and others he has to log in the Activity History. When attending the jobcentre this is a constant issue as his Advisor is always unable to access his Application History or Activity History through her own machine and accuses him on failing to seek work. Recently he was sanctioned for this even though it was untrue and he was asked to provide proof of his job search which he did. He was informed that this would be discussed with the Manager and a decision would be made. This was in December 2014, to date there has not been any reponse in writing or verbally. He has been on two courses which have been arranged by the Advisor which he attended however he was sent appointments to attend during these times and when he turned up after the courses had finished, she asked why he failed to attend appointments as she did not remember that she placed he on the courses! During this time, he was not paid as she has not update the system or informed anyone that he was attending courses and therefore should have automatically been paid. For these courses he was asked to provide receipts or a print out of his journeys to and from college in order for this to be refunded. He handed in the print out from Tfl Oyster card in December 2014 and during his appointment which was on Tuesday 13th January 2015 he was informed that she did not receive the print out and requested it again. Further to this as she was unable to access his Application and Activity History again, she again asked him to bring or email a print out to her. He emailed all the information to her on the same Tuesday 13th January and is still awaiting a response to the email. He has complied with everything she has requested and still has not received any payment since December 2014. In frustration he forwarded his complaint to Noel Shanahan who is named as the Director of Operations for the Department for Work and Pensions and is awaiting a response. He has not complained directly to the job centre as he feels that from experience nothing constructive will come out of this. What else can he do?????
  21. Hi everyone, we purchased an Indersit Washing Machine (IWE 91281 ECO) from Currys in 11/2012 the machine is now only 26 Months old and its starting to make quite a racket. If you turn the drum by hand you can hear a constant rumble the bearings are basically shot. The machine cost approximately £270 and we opted for the 9kg machine to cut down on loads. I was quite prepared to change the bearings myself until I realised its a sealed drum you have to replace the whole drum. I just called Indersit directly and I'm completely disgusted by their sales staff I was very pleasant and not aggressive in the slightest I simply asked how much to fix it. Basically I was given 2 options 1. Pay £109 callout plus parts approximately £150 so £250 2. Pay a Monthly fee of £15.49 for a year they will replace if they cannot fix it. (£186) I asked to be emailed the quote they are unable to do this I then said can I think about it to which I was told "What is there to think about? " I hung up at this point. Seriously this is disgusting. So the machine is basically financially none viable to repair for a £8 set of bearings. To put that in context its like scrapping your £10,000 car for a £300 repair bill after 2 years. Do I have any recourse with Curry's as this is not right at all? I have the receipt. Thanks Mr P
  22. just wondering if anyone can help im trying to buy a house at the moment and last tues 21/4/15 wanted money transfer from my account to my lawyers account by chaps got a phone call from yorkshire saying its complete i then called my lawyer to make sure but it hadn't,d appeared next day contacted bank in person said it had bounced back into my account was a very strange answer i thought but was assured it would be done by end of day (22/4) but surprise surprise it wasn,t and still hasn,t been transfered yet (25/4) all they can say its a computer glitch
  23. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-30087031
  24. Hi I'm a sole trader, and at the moment I'm busy paying off a council tax debt. The council were round last week doing a load of work next door, making noise from 8 in the morning and stuff, didn't bother to inform me despite the fact this is their legal responsibility. Anyway, the path I share with my neighbour is now a mess, it's not that bad but the guy didn't hose all the detritus off right which has left it in a worse state than it was before. I have been keeping very clean this summer, and now I have to sweep it and hose it again. As a sole trader, if I was to perhaps go out and clean it up, how much would I be in my right to send the council the bill for it?
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