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  1. My 82 year old mum hasn't been too well recently and her local Nat West Branch has closed down and the new one is a nightmare for parking and she doesn't walk too well. She also got caught out by a phone holiday spoof to the tune of a few hundred quid and became paranoid about the company knowing her account details so we decided that maybe a change to a new bank was a good option. Barclays is my and my sisters bank as well and as difficult as it is to talk about if something happens to mum before it happens to me we theorised that if we are all at the same bank things would be easier to deal with, but it has all become a bit of a disaster!! We had a meeting with an advisor who looked into it and after doing her bit on computer stated that mum qualified for a basic account which would not include an overdraft or the option to loan. To be fair mum has plenty of money in her account and gets very good pension and investment returns so the need for an overdraft or loan is highly unlikely as her balance stays pretty much the same each month and it's far higher than my balance is!!! The one thing the advisor forgot to mention though was that mum wouldn't get a cheque book and I wouldn't have know that anyway being a Barclays Current Account holder since I was in my teens!! This was only brought to our attention over a week later when I rang Barclays to ask because mum mentioned she hadn't received one, which we obviously thought was the norm, but was told that she couldn't get a cheque book for a basic account. We then went back for a meeting because this was baffling. It then became clear that mum had been declined a current account (hence the basic) but the reason for why she has been declined is unclear and apparently the advisors do not get told the reason so obviously the customer cannot argue against it. The advisor to be fair did apologise profusely for not explaining clearly and for forgetting to mention the cheque book and said the reason could be something to do with a credit score. I've however checked mums credit score on Experian and it was 999. She has no debts, mortgage paid off years ago, no loans taken out for years if ever as far as I know, plenty of cash in the account and has never had an issue getting credit cards, of which she pays off in full...… Could this be the problem?! The annoyance is that mum relies on her cheque book and is in a muddle and is having to either get me to send cheques for her or she has to withdraw large amounts of cash. The bank suggested waiting a couple of months and when they have seen how the account is managed and that Barclaycards have been paid off etc then they can reapply for a current account. If it is still declined then the only option is to go back to Nat West who have already said she can have a current account with cheque book like she did before, but it will obviously be a pain switching once again and I suspect all of the Direct Debit companies will be baffled as to what is happening!! Barclays have also made a mess up with statements as well with mum not receiving one statement in the two months since the account opened so I am chasing up that as well mum called Barclays Head Office last week and the guy on the phone couldn't understand why she hadn't been given a cheque book so we will wait and see if he gets any joy, although I would say probably not!!! So any ideas as to why this happens? Especially as I as an 18 years old got a current account without an issue and with probably no job at the time albeit 35 odd years ago!! It seems bizarre especially as they hide the reason. I am wondering in part if it's because she is a retired widow so upon first check they may not have known what monthly income she would be receiving but they would have seen from the account surely? Help massively appreciated.
  2. Woman leaves abusive note on Ambulance. "A woman has been arrested on suspicion of public order offences after an angry message was left for paramedics attending a 999 call in Stoke-on-Trent yesterday afternoon (18th February)." http://www.itv.com/news/central/2018-02-19/woman-arrested-after-abusive-note-left-on-ambulance/
  3. Hi there, First of, any help or advice would be very much appreciated. my sister ended up getting into around £1300 worth of debt with orange due to her teenage daughter running up a very large phone bill in one month. My sister, I assume - has just ignore it all. I only found out yesterday due to her asking to lend money to resolve this. She received a county court claimform on the 27th September and a letter from Lowell's to state court proceedings would be the next option on the 2nd of October (after the claimform had already been submitted). Had I have known earlier I would have sent a CCA or SAR I think it is for her but now obviously things are a little more tricky. I told her to hold off doing anything until I had done some research (prior to this she offered them half but they refused). she totally ignored me because she's a royal pain and sent off the court letter saying she intends to only contest part of the claim. I imagine a few will be slapping their foreheads over this haha. what would you advise to do? She is also a new foster carer and has been informed if a CCJ does register against her she could lose her place as a fosterer. So obviously want to avoid the CCJ at all costs Thanks for reading!
  4. Judge has said to expect PRISON pmsl http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4274430/1-million-home-owner-jabs-electrician-walking-stick.html oh how the mighty fall:whoo::whoo::whoo::lalala::lalala:
  5. ‘Where are my contributions?!’ Pensioner TAKES DOWN Government over £42,000 shortfall A BRITISH pensioner has taken the internet by storm after she demanded the Government reinstates her pension. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/793599/Pension-contributions-WASPI-Election-2017-payments-foreign-aid
  6. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nurse-walked-out-care-home-10166243 The Nurse was giving evidence at a Coroner's hearing into the the deaths of the 3 men. The tale told was quite shocking and I was surprised that the coroner reckons that neglect was not a contributory factor into their deaths !. I think I would rather go to Switzerland and take my own life than end up in a care home. I guess you cant tar them all with the same brush, but even those where residents pay very high fees are coming under scrutiny !
  7. I rang the GP surgery due to having problems with the online booking system, this particular bad mannered receptionist talked down to me in a demeaming manner, telling me to use the online booking system at 7.45am in the morning. I tell her the online booking system is showing the next 3 weeks as not available to book an appointment and question her why? Her response to use it 7.45am in the morning or ring for an appointment at 8am. I tell her I can't because I'm travelling to work that time, she responds thats the only option and she gets more and more agressive during the call, like she's on a power trip. I tell her I'm making a complaint. I ring back after a few days, its the same receptionist, she takes my details (d.o.b), I ask to speak to the Practice Manager, she tells me 'We don't escalate calls to the practice manager. you have to put it into writing'. She keeps on repeating this over and over. I feel I'm getting no where and she's looking for a verbal confrotation after realising its me who and she asks "is it about the complaint against me?" I say no, but she asks "so whats the complaint about about you want to tell the practice manager or is it about not getting your appopintment within the 3 day time limit (I was given it 3 weeks later!!!) She asks "is it about the complaint against me? or about your appointment in 3 weeks time" I tell her its neither, but she keeps interrogating me over and over. Her tone of voice is aggressive, she talking loudly and I can hear her colleagues in the background. She tells me "I can't give you the practice manangers details, put the complaint in writing" and she's questioning me time and time about what issue is about (she's trying to find out why I want to speak to the practice manager, so she can pre-empt and try to cover her tracks before the practice manager receives the complaint. I can hear her colleagues in the background and tell her, she's breaking confidentiality/privacy by talking loud about my matter in from of her colleagues (she's buzzing of the power trip in front of her colleagues". She tells me I'm breaking confidentiality by talking to her in the presence of my family because she can hear them in the background!!! She tells me the call is recorded and we are not getting anywhere and she will end the call. I say her attitude towards me is bad, she's not professional and she's now talking over me, interrupting me constantly, then she slams the phone down. My health is not good at the moment and this effected my health....what can I do now to put her strong complaint in and get this receptionist dismissed because of above and she's openly discussed my issue with her colleagues and she went through my notes when she took the call, trying to find out if she could find out why I wanted to speak to the practice manager. Please help.
  8. My partner has a CCJ against her which we found out about when applying for a mortgage recently. The CCJ was created by Vehicle Control Services Ltd. PCN at St Andrews Retail Park because she alledgedly parked incorrectly or for too long. We still don't know which. She changed address a month after the parking occurred in November 2014. She didn't receive a ticket at the time (in fact we think she was in her shop at the time of the 'incident' and not even in the St Andrews retail Car Park), she hasn't had any communication about being taken to court and she hasn't had any notification of losing the case either. We think all correspondence must have gone to her old address. The 'offence' occurred on a Monday at 4.19pm. Her shop is a mile away and doesn't close until at least 6pm. BW legal must have sent the forms to her old address and not bothered to check if the address was still valid even when they took her to court in September 2016. I'd be grateful to hear how to remove this CCJ without paying the £255 to contest it. Surely a person can't be issued with a CCJ without any written information whatsoever? That can't be legal can it? There was no parking ticket issued either.
  9. Hi hope you can help A friend of mine works as a seemstress she is Bulgarian & employs a few members of staff to help her in her busy shop. All her employees work as self employed. In October 2015 she employed a woman who doesnt speak English who lives with her daughter who speaks adequate English. My friend asked this person many times to provide her with her tax & NI number so that she could register her for tax. Cut a long story short she refused to give it to her eventually resulting in my friend refusing to pay her the last months wages until she supplied her with the necessary information required. Apparently this women does not want to give her the necessary information because she lives with her daughter who is getting benefits (housing benefit & child benefits) & these benefits will be reduced if the income is declared. Does anyone have any ideas what to do here
  10. Hi everyone, looking for some advice My daughter started an apprenticeship in hairdressing in September and was today dismissed on the spot. She was told it was because the employer had had 2 complaints from clients that she hadn't shampooed their hair correctly, but this was the first she had heard about it. Naturally she is very upset. I called the employer and politely asked why and was told that she didn't do what she was asked, and he had had these complaints from clients. I spoke with my daughter who said the employer gave her a list of things to do in the morning, so she would start the task, then someone would call her away to sweep up, or make tea etc, so the tasks she had been given originally wouldn't be completed so he would tell her off. He also said he had gone over and over the shampooing procedure with her, but she tells me he showed her once, and once only. She is 16 and she does have some learning problems, this was brought to the attention of the college, so they were fully aware of her needing a little extra support and guidance. She also tells me that a girl who is permanently employed there has been making fun of her and generally being mean. I brought this up with the employer and he said "well its just banter". Can they dismiss her like this? I can't get hold of the tutor until Monday, but naturally i am not very happy at all and wonder if there is anything I can do? She doesn't want to go back to the salon, but she dearly wants to carry on with the course. Thanks in advance
  11. My daughter is 14 and has been a poolside assistant since May. She works 1 hour per week and is paid £5. She is basically in the pool with young children and assists them during their swimming lesson. She ensures they don't get into difficulty and supports them if they become scared or upset. She has been told that she needs mandatory lifesaver training to continue with the job but it will cost her £90 to do the 7 hour course and won't get paid for her time either. This means that it would take her 18 weeks to pay for the course. We were told she would need training but not at our own cost. I thought that mandatory training for a specific job should be paid for by the employer and possibly paid the hours? Surely their request isn't legal and it's an employers responsibility to provide the training? Please advise
  12. Hi to anyone that can help My Fiance and I have been awaiting her Decree Absolute to arrange our wedding and it has come to light that her previous marriage of 10 years wasn't lawfully carried out due to an administration error of the Registry Office. We have been told her case is to be heard before a DJ this week to confirm that the marriage wasn't legal, and that the registry office will send out a form to complete regarding compensation that will go before a DJ to award compensation accordingly. Does anyone know how much compensation is awarded in these matters and what can be taken into consideration at all?? Many thanks Hadituptohere
  13. There are many reports of debtors being arrested for obstructing a bailiff (Section 68.1 of Section 12 of the Tribunal Courts & Enforcement Act 2007) or more commonly; for removing a car clamp but it is rare to read a report about a debtor being injured during a bailiff visit. This particular press article featured on SCOOP yesterday. The background to the matter is that the debtor (a young mother) had been fined for using a TV without a valid licence. The balance of the court fine was £200. For reasons that are not known, she did not deal with the debt at the Compliance stage (when the fees were just £75) and accordingly, the debt was passed to an enforcement agent. It would seem from the article that bailiffs were attempting to apply a wheel clamp to her vehicle and upon witnessing this, the debtor admitted that she started 'running around' her car 'like a crazy woman in a panic'. Foolishly (in my opinion), she then picked up one half of the wheel clamp and flung it across the garden towards the gate. Following this, a struggle broke out between her and the bailiff and it was later discovered that she had suffered a broken bone in her wrist from the incident. Police are investigating and examining footage from the bailiff's body-worn camera. A neighbour volunteered to pay the debt of £525 to avoid her vehicle being taken. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/mum-claims-bailiff-broke-wrist-10008184
  14. My sister gave me two CD's for my Christmas, David Bowie and the Eagles. My wife said, "I hope to god she doesn't send you a Neil Diamond one
  15. My Mum owns the freehold to her flat - one of 16. Most of the flats are owned as second homes (It is at the seaside) The management committee have a rule that the flats cannot be commercially let/ rented - they can only be occupied by the owners and their families. My question is: is such a rule enforceable ? Thank you for reading !
  16. There is a press report on SCOOP today regarding the much publicised recent eviction that took place at a quaint cottage in Glossop belonging to a maths teacher. The following is taken from the newspaper article: This is the moment bailiffs smashed their way into a teacher's quaint home to evict her after an alleged row over roof stones. Footage has emerged online of enforcement officers hacking at the door of Rekha Patel's home in Glossop as they try to gain entry. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/moment-bailiffs-smashed-maths-teachers-8240906 PS: As is frequently the case, the press article failed to provide the 'background' information !!
  17. Hi, My good friend has been on sickness benefit for a long time at one point she was on dla too. It may have change and she may just be on a pension now, I do not know but will find out. she was taken very ill and is in hospital. However they say they will release her soon. However there are some urgent functional problems in her home that have not been repaired that need repairing plus lesser urgent but equally important work needs doing maybe costing altogether £5,000 upwards. This is aside from cosmetic re decorating that seriously needs doing too. I recall a lady on the programme 'benefits street' got a benefit loan of a £1,000 which she pays back in small amounts, to redecorate her house from orange to purple. What benefits, emergency funding etc. is available? I can pitch in and help, but sadly I can not pay for the work to be done which I would prefer to just be rich so I could just have it all done in a few days for her! Thanks in advance, Clear33
  18. I am writing this on behalf of my partner who is exasperated with the actions of his Benefits Advisor and does not know what else to do. He has been signing on as seeking employment for nearly a year now and during this time there has been issues with the online Jobsearch which only logs particular jobs that he has applied for and others he has to log in the Activity History. When attending the jobcentre this is a constant issue as his Advisor is always unable to access his Application History or Activity History through her own machine and accuses him on failing to seek work. Recently he was sanctioned for this even though it was untrue and he was asked to provide proof of his job search which he did. He was informed that this would be discussed with the Manager and a decision would be made. This was in December 2014, to date there has not been any reponse in writing or verbally. He has been on two courses which have been arranged by the Advisor which he attended however he was sent appointments to attend during these times and when he turned up after the courses had finished, she asked why he failed to attend appointments as she did not remember that she placed he on the courses! During this time, he was not paid as she has not update the system or informed anyone that he was attending courses and therefore should have automatically been paid. For these courses he was asked to provide receipts or a print out of his journeys to and from college in order for this to be refunded. He handed in the print out from Tfl Oyster card in December 2014 and during his appointment which was on Tuesday 13th January 2015 he was informed that she did not receive the print out and requested it again. Further to this as she was unable to access his Application and Activity History again, she again asked him to bring or email a print out to her. He emailed all the information to her on the same Tuesday 13th January and is still awaiting a response to the email. He has complied with everything she has requested and still has not received any payment since December 2014. In frustration he forwarded his complaint to Noel Shanahan who is named as the Director of Operations for the Department for Work and Pensions and is awaiting a response. He has not complained directly to the job centre as he feels that from experience nothing constructive will come out of this. What else can he do?????
  19. http://diaryofabenefitscrounger.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/new-job.html The worst part of this is she went from being deemed unfit for work indefinitely to a £60k salaried management position, a nice point for IDS to press i am sure. Is she a sellout or could she do some good from within? (Her own words)
  20. My elderly mum 76 was very ill so I made an emergency GP appointment for my mother. I suspected she had pneumonia she was finding it difficult to breath, had immense aches and pains she was vomiting throughout the day. She was unable to stand up herself and was on the verge on collapsing. She had visibly got worse and worse as the day professed. Me and my brother struggled to get our mother into the car to get to the GP. My mother was in immense pain it was terrible. She was made to wait in the GP's waiting area for at least 20mins in great pain and her lungs were tightening up and restricted her breathing (no body from the GP's office took any notice of the state my mum was in). We were repeatedly told 'your will be next soon'...we struggled to get our mother to get up off her chair she had to be supported by me and my brother on each side getting her out of the house and into the car and from the GP car park inside the surgery. Eventually it was our turn and me and my brother held our elderly mother on each side and struggled to gather off the chair and to walk the distance along the corridor into the GP's room. Once inside the GP room.. .the GP just looked with a blank expression at my mum. ..my mother was struggling to breath and tell him she was struggling to breath and had a terrible burning sensation in her chest and terrible pain in her head as well as chest. Then GP checked my mums temp and heart rate and said my mums heart rate was a little high. The GP told my mum 'I'll give you antibiotics and go home and rest you should be ok.. .the antibiotics will take 24hrs to start working and if she gets worse you can call the ambulance' I turned around and said I think my mums got pnemonia and he said 'what makes you say that?'. ..I replied 'She's 76 she's been coughing for last 4 weeks but today she is on verge of collapsing finding it hard to breath..' then the DR used the stethoscope to check my mums lung and said 'She's got Pneumonia in the right lung' 'I suggest she goes home takes her antibiotics and rests'...I replied 'no I want her to go to hospital look at her state...' The GP gave us a letter and told us to go to the hospital with the letter to the 'Medical Assessment Unit 4'.. . I asked the GP can you please call the ambulance the GP turned around and said to me 'the ambulance I just like a taxi all they will do is take her to the hospital...you can take her in your car' I was left gobsmacked at his response...we struggled to get our mum out of the surgery not the car. At the hospital I went to main reception whilst the car was parked outside the main reception to the reception. There were 4 porters sat behind reception and I asked 'I need a wheel chair fort elderly mum, she's got pneumonia' The porter turned around (with 3 other porters sat around him) and told me 'go find the wheelchair yourself we have to do the same as you and look for a wheel chair. ..go find one somewhere in the hospital' I replied 'its your job to find a wheelchair, there's 4 of you sat in reception your porters' he looked at me and then instructed one if the porters to find a wheel chair. I needed the wheel chair to get my mum into the hospital from the car park. I turned around and saw my brother bringing in my mum into the reception, just as the porter was bro moving the wheel chair' We then went to the medical assessment 4 gave paperwork to a girl behind the counter who to is to wait in the ward on a chair instead of a bed. As 'no beds were available' we waited close to 2hrs my mum was in agony day on the chair. I went back to medical unit assessment reception told them my mums in agony with pneumonia she needs a bed asap. I was told again to wait. I saw a consultant walking towards me and told him 'my mums 76 she needs a bed asap'. He replied 'I'll go speak to someone for you' Eventually a health care worker came over snd said 'your GP sent you to the wrong ward. ..he should have sent you to ward 3 which is for elderly people'. I told my superior to send your mum to A&E and she over rode my decision, we are sending your mum to another ward and will find a bed for her' She got a wheelchair and took my mum to the other ward. ..where she was eventually a consultant came examined her too her blood pressure, heart rate and bloods and examined her chest. ..she said your mums got pneumonia I'll get her onto a bed asap. Eventually my mum was placed on the bed still in agony with her burning chest and difficulty in breathing, later she was placed on a drip for fluids as she look pale and very dehydrated. The next day I was told they had also given her antibiotics and the oxygen mask to loosen her lungs. I was told the bloods would be sent and looked at and a chest X-ray would be done the same night to determine what damaged if any happened to the lungs etc and the course of treatment. The next day I rang the hospital to enquire about my ma and was told 'she has a virul infection' when I got to the hospital the healthcare nurse dealing with my mum said 'it's not pneumonia but a viral infection.. .' I replied 'Our GP confirmed it as pneumonia' She replied 'it's a viral infection like people get it's common...' She said said we are waiting for her xrays which have been taken this morning (I was told the xrays would be taken last night!) She tells me 'your mums asking to go home, she's been walking independent...she'll be home today' I went to my mum and told her this is what the nurse is saying my mom said 'I never said I want to go home, why they sending me home I'm in agony. The nurse helped me get out of bed and helped me to the toilet' This healthcare worker kept denying my mum had pneumonia and it was just s viral infection. The way she came across was that she wanted my mom of of bed even though she was unconscious and in pain on the bed with pneumonia. They put the oxygen mask on her face again. Later in the evening I went back and the same healthcare nurse told me 'she's going home she had no pneumonia she's needs rest and to take her medicine at home. We asked for a wheel chair as my mom was not strong enough to walk ...the ward had become empty of healthcare workers who had disappeared too I asked a consultant who was passing through we need a wheelchair as my mum is being discharged. He rang the porters downstairs to ask for a wheel chair to be brought up. We waited 20 mins and nothing do I faked a nurse on the ward I need a wheelchair, she told me 'go to reception and find one yourself' I waited close to 30 mins and nothing do I faked another nurse who asked another nurse. My mom was sat on the bed still in agony. .. I went down to reception and the told the guy at reception 'I've been waiting for a wheelchair for over 40 mins'. He just looks at me and goes 'there's one behind you use that' I took the wheelchair to the ward gotynmum into it and took her home, The discharge letter confirms my mum has 'community related pneumonia' and the xrays showed some damaged or cackles in the lungs etc - complete opposite to what the healthcare assistant who was keen on my mum to leave kept sAying 'it's just a viral infection' My mum is 76 with pneumonia she's been sent home with medicines and antibiotics. She's ill and should never have been sent home until the pneumonia was cleared. What can I do to get justice with the horrendous way my mum has been treated and what action against the GP can I take and against the hospital? My mums health is important and I want justice even if it means taking the legal route and going to solicitors who deal in medical cases like these? Now everyone on the household is ill and coughing - my elderly father is coughing very badly and wheezing sometimes. The hospital and GP are to blame, why was my mum discharged if she at 76 still has pneumonia?
  21. I am hoping I can get some help or advice from someone here My daughter has just renewed her tenancy(December 2014). She has had a friend staying with her as a 'permitted occupant'. The situation now is that the friend has gotten herself pregnant(not planned) and has left the property without giving any notice to my daughter, she simply took her belongings whilst my daughter was at work and she refuses to answer any calls to her mobile. So we don't know whether she is coming back but it seems very unlikely. This leaves my daughter in a difficult situation as she now has to find the rest of the rent, as if it wasn't hard enough as it was, and it would appear that, as she is the only one on the tenancy, she is going to have to stay there until next December. My question is does this friend have any legal obligation to pay her half still? or can she just walk away from this? And she does have an obligation what's the best way to make sure she adheres to it? I hope I have explained this clearly enough, apologies if I haven't. As you can imagine im pretty angry at this friend of my daughters but I no there's a right way and a wrong way of doing things and im determined to do it the right way. Thanks for any help that be given, I really appreciate it
  22. Hello. My Mum lived all her life with her sister who bought their house under the right to buy scheme. Sadly, my aunt died prematurely last November leaving no will and an outstanding balance on the mortgage of 70k. House is worth about 120 approx. The mortgage company are Amber Homeloans and are notoriously dreadful. They have merely sent letters saying she has 12 months to sell. In the meantime she is paying the interest only. My Mum is sole executor and has been granted letters of administration. Under intestancy rules she is only entitled to a 6th of the estate as there are 6 siblings (all comfortably off, married, secure) but 3 of them think they are entitled to their share despite my Mum being left with hardly anything to secure her future. Just wondered if there was anything I've not thought of that would allow her to stay in her home
  23. She suffers from panic attacks and has never worked due to being on the sick. She has 3 children one under 2. She has a partner but Ingeus or JC has told her it is up to her to go to work not him. My Dad has just got off the phone from my sister because she has an appointment today. She can't go in because her boyfriend has gone out knowing she had an appointment and left her with her son. Ingeus has moaned at her because she can't come in, but they also moan at her because she has to bring in her son. She can't work, has no expirence. Her boyfriend would rather go drinking with friends a few times a week then look after their children. What can she do? She was denied PIP.
  24. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2802677/woman-rips-apart-atm-bare-hands-wouldn-t-let-withdraw-cash.html
  25. Hi I really need your help I have a £500 deposit and the landlady had said I have left the mattress in a disgusting condition which I have not it was not in the best of shape when I moved in...I have disputed it with her and she has said she will leave £200 in my account from the £500 deposit...the mattress was thin and rubbish and not even a memory foam which I have seen from £169 from top shops....Just get most of my money back I offered to get her a mattress....what are my rights/what can I do.... Thanks
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