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Found 8 results

  1. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/shop-lets-you-save-hundreds-9195194 This looks interesting.
  2. Hi. I took my BMW 3 series to my local garage to have a 2nd hand engine put in as my last engine died due to no oil after a leak in that engine. the RAC took it to the garage and the garage gave me a quote of £800 that's the engine and delivery then about 30 mins later they rang me back and said it was £900, so I paid. I got the car back after about 3 weeks the engine was fitted and they also charged me for a new clutch plate but not the labour this was an extra £250 that they didn't even ask me about. altogether I spent £1,900 on this engine and I drove it round for a week and it started making a noise and loosing power again so once again I called RAC and they said I had an oil leak. so took it down garage and they said they couldn't find a leak but cleaned the engine and told me to go back in a week to see if they can see where its coming from. in the mean time I took it to another garage for some advice and they said I have 3 leaks in this engine. what can I do to make sure they repair the engine and also they said that if they have to take the engine out to repair it it will cost me labour even tho its their fault for not checking before putting the engine in. PLEASE help Thank you
  3. http://diaryofabenefitscrounger.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/new-job.html The worst part of this is she went from being deemed unfit for work indefinitely to a £60k salaried management position, a nice point for IDS to press i am sure. Is she a sellout or could she do some good from within? (Her own words)
  4. Hi all I am currently helping 2 friends sort out their debts with the CO-OP both have current accounts and credit cards. Both debts in default 2013/14 both pre 2007. Defaults in 2013/14 all debts currently showing on credit files. I am waiting for the monthly updates on the CRA files Last payments both were 2013/14 I sent a CCA to them 07/07/2014 no reply to either. Follow up letters sent still no replies to both. Both sent via RM and signed for receipted and still have the screen shots of the signatures date and time. So on 01/12/2014 I SAR them both. Via RM and signed for receipted and still have the screen shots of the signatures date and time. On the 19/12/2014 I receive a letter from the CO-OP saying the debts have now been sold to HOIST. Why would the CO-OP sell the debts in access of £20k? I know that the CCA's and SAR are still valid what would the next steps now be?
  5. http://metro.co.uk/2014/10/15/alzheimers-pensioner-sells-home-to-pay-for-care-then-gets-all-clear-4906574/
  6. Hello guys, I was due to travel on a cruise this Saturday with Costa, the ship name "Costa Celebration." Unfortunately, at the last minute on Wednesday (only 3 days prior to departure) they call me up saying they have cancelled the sailing. I now find out that the reason for cancellation is that the owners have sold the ship. They are offering me a full refund + £40 per adult as compensation. This was a much anticipated holiday for us. As this was not a technical issue but I am guessing Costa making a handsome profit, they have ruined my holiday. Do I have any legal case here to claim under, "loss of enjoyment" or any other legal points? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Shads
  7. Hi there - newbie here - I have had a letter from Lloyds saying they have sold my OD debt to Marlin Europe - have had a quick scout on the internet and read shocking things about them. I have been in a self maintained DMP for about five years so I am unsure why they have done this and I pay the agree amount on time every month. They did send me an income/expenditure form a few months ago but I ignored it as they never take any notice and I cannot pay any more money. Does this mean that even though I am paying my debt off and the interest is frozen (or was) that I am now going to be taken to Court nad interest will be applied? Any pointers on this would be great, thanks.
  8. Tenant A had to undergo cancer related operations and decides to sell business through agent X. Four accepted offers fell through and tenant A gets forced into a early release contract (5 years left on the lease). Tenant A never signs any contract to be released from contract due to disagreement with terms of contract. Landlord approaches agent X to sell tenants A business and building. Sale goes through successful and tenant B moves in (while tenant A is undergoing treatment) with a 15 year lease. Tenant A had 'vacated' the building in good faith pending the terms of the release contract which allowed the landlord to sell building as well. Tenant B contacted tenant A asking where is the staff and stock - had been sold a running concern by the landlord. New landlord demanded a tenant in the building with a 15 year lease as part of the building sale. It does look like the landlord had to get rid of tenant A and the 5 year lease to sell the building with tenant B and a 15 year lease. Selling business and building without tenant A's signature on an agreement to do so is illegal?! Surely tenant A has not given up the 5 years still left - which has a value equal to the profit the tenant could potential generate and the landlord has denied the tenant the legal opportunity to do so?
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