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Found 4 results

  1. Hi there i need a bit of advice please, i bought a car from carcraft 27 months ago and am looking to VT when the 50% mark is up, i have just been looking over my Docs as i am shocked by the settlement figure i have just had from them, on the Docs it shows a Document Fee and a option to purchase fee that i am being charged interest on is this allowed? I really dont understand how i managed to get myself into this, the car was only 7800, i paid 1100 deposit and have paid so far 5300 back yet i still owe 5600 to them as a settlement fee! bonkers think a lesson learnt thankfully they have now gone pop i wonder why!
  2. Hello all, I'm new to the forum and would greatly appreciate some advice on my current situation. Long story short I have attempted to VT my HP agreement with Marsh they have refused on the basis they have already terminated the agreement. Here is a timeline of what has happened so far February 2014 - Agreement started through Carcraft/All in One Finance November 2014 - Payment missed 1st December 2014 - Notice of Arrears received December 2014 - Marsh agreed to a repayment plan to bring the account up to date 5th January 2015 - Default Notice received 24th January 2015 - Notice of Termination received 20th May 2015 - Default Notice received Now Marsh claim that they actually terminated the agreement on 24th November 2014 and have provided a copy of this letter however it was sent to the wrong address so I didn't receive it or any default notices which may have been sent prior. The incorrect address was on the original agreement (I didn't notice at the time I signed it) and I only correct this with Marsh at the beginning of December when I called to make my payment arrangement. There are potentially quite a few issues here however I am not at all clued up on these matters so would appreciate if anybody could tell me if I have a case to argue that I should still have the right to VT?
  3. Hi looking for some advise here, i purchased a car from Carcraft in 2010, we were missold a warrenty which i am still disputing with all in one finanace. The car fianace was with Marsh Finance, we made full paymenst for teh first year or so and then run in to financial difficulties " new baby" this caused a marriage breakdown, i contacted Marsh and advised of teh sistuation they were helpfull and i asked for the car to be taken back. the car was taken and i had figure of around 2800 oustanding, i argued this with marsh as teh car was worth a lot more than they auctioned it off for. payments were reduced and my marriage dissolveed it has been 2 years and were are still divorcing, in this time i had contacted Marsh and given them a statment of means as i could not afford payments. this led to a charging order on the house etc. as i had my head in the sand for a while i over looked a lot of what was going on.. i am in a position where i may be able to clear off a few debts inorder to clean up my credit file, borrowed money off family, Marsh have refused any negotiation or offer to clear the debts.. id there any way i can push this ? thanks in advance
  4. http://diaryofabenefitscrounger.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/new-job.html The worst part of this is she went from being deemed unfit for work indefinitely to a £60k salaried management position, a nice point for IDS to press i am sure. Is she a sellout or could she do some good from within? (Her own words)
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