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  1. Hello! This seemed to be the place to put this, though equally it could have gone in transport or benefits. I had a look through and couldn't find any similar threads. I have fibromyalgia and have been trying for the last two years to get a disabled bus pass. It's been complicated by the fact that I have never been in receipt of mobility in PIP, something I decided not to appeal the first time round as I just didn't have the strength. When they re-assessed me, I decided to take it to tribunal and have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting... In the meantime, I have been trying to get a bus pass. There was a form on their application form for a doctor to fill in and stamp to confirm disability, which I made a (non emergency) appointment to do, she filled it out, I sent it off with a photo and expected it to be that simple. The first time was rejected for no reason, and again I did not have the strength to continue to fight, but a year later I decided to try again. Now they say that I must attend an 'assessment' with one of their County Council 'independent mobility assessors' to see whether or not I qualify. Apparently evidence from my GP and specialists is worthless. I have several concerns about this and was wondering if anyone had experience of this? How long does it take? How do they assess you? Do they seem genuinely interested in finding out if you have an 'invisible' illness or just in finding a reason to turn you down? I have a bit of a dilemma, because I *could* just wait for the court date (whenever that is) when I am hoping I will finally be awarded mobility, and then I can provide that as evidence and not need to undertake this 'assessment'. But then again, that could be a while. Thanks for any advice or info on your own experiences. I appreciate it.
  2. Hi We moved in to our rented property at Christmas 2017. We both work from home and took the property based on being able to do just that. My fiancé has a photography studio set up here with regular clients coming to the house. In May we found out that the neighbours had sold a patch of their garden to a builder who is now building a house on the land. The noise is unbearable, we are woken up every morning at 7 and we can't use the garden because of the noise and dust. The neighbours are also having their remaining garden paved by a separate company who also make noise from 7am. To top it off, our other next door neighbour have just started work on their house so we have to deal with hammering and banging all day on that side too. The landlord claims he knew nothing about any of it, which is rubbish and the builders have confirmed that they have had extensive conversations with him as part of the planning process and he in fact moved out of the house because of the construction. We have already asked for a rent reduction as we have been deceived in to moving in and the worst part is we pay nearly £2k in rent to live here! In this beautiful weather, we haven't been able to enjoy the garden at all. I have spoken to a solicitor who has told me whilst the landlord did have a moral obligation to tell us about the work, he unfortunately didn't have a legal obligation, which I just cannot believe! We have spoken to the builders who have now said they will try not to do noisy work before 8am, but even minor work causes enough noise to disturb us. We have to have the windows open because of the heat and there is no escape from it! We've requested a rent reduction but the landlord said no and we would have to pay to get out of our contract. There is another month left of the building works and we just don't feel like we can cope with it anymore. We're both being woken up in a state of stress and anxiety and its impacting on our work and our health! Is there really nothing we can do!?
  3. I bought my current Home Contents Insurance a few months ago from Intelligent Insurance and paid annually, upfront. Last month I lost my laptop and iPad after leaving one of my bags behind in a store. I returned to the store and periodically checked to see whether the items had been handed in. I also called the police to report the loss. The following morning I contacted my insurance company to make a claim. I was asked to explain what had happened and to email over receipts proving ownership of the lost items as well as photos of the boxes the items had come in. I did all this straight away. Then I heard nothing at all for 8 days. Finally I was told a Loss Adjustor from Davies Group would be ringing me to "interview" me. The phone interview with the Loss Adjustor lasted for around one hour. The Loss Adjustor requested an increasingly over the top array of documents. He accepted he'd already received ample evidence proving I owned the two lost items. He now asked for receipts and bank statements to document which grocery shops I'd visited to buy groceries in PRIOR to losing my items. Bus and train tickets proving I was in the area. Further receipts proving I was in the shop where I lost my laptop. And various other documents. I sent everything he had requested and answered all of his increasingly bizarre questions. A further three or so days later, the Loss Adjustor emailed me to say he'd sent his report over to the underwriters and they'd sort out settlement of the claim. That was over a week ago. I've now been told, today, all of the following by Davies Group: "We've not received instructions back yet from your underwriter" "Actually we have received instruction from your underwriter but we can't tell you what it says." "We may need to pursue further lines of enquiry." "We may require further communication." "It could take up to 40 or 50 days to give you an answer." "We can't tell you yet whether we will accept your claim." "We've no idea when we will have an update." "The person dealing with your claim is in a meeting." "The person dealing with your claim isn't in the office this week." WHAT ON EARTH?
  4. Hi everyone , I will try to keep this thread to the point and as short as well. I have a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge on Contract with Vodafone , I think the contract is about 5 months old and the mobile phone developed a fault that would not allow the phone to charge. Being under warranty: I contacted Samsung who arranged a collection on Thursday 5th of January 2017 using UPS Courier. On the 9th ANOVO (Samsung repair Centre) Horrendous reviews : https://www.yell.com/biz/anovo-uk-ltd-norwich-7746761/ http://www.192.com/atoz/business/norwich-nr6/mobile-phone-repairs/a-novo-uk-ltd/9968b8cc-c30a-4982-9fc3-5da74d6773eb/ugc/ It had taken them 2 Weeks just to even look at the phone and I was informed my phone was liquid damaged at the charging port. A full engineers report on request was not issued to myself however I did end up getting a written summary stating the following : "The first observation of our engineer was that the device is in worn condition. No cracks on the LCD or back glass were visible. No physical or liquid damage to the device was detected. The LDI is not activated on your IP68 rated device. The USB connector is contaminated with dirt and dust and green liquid residue is also visible. Liquid contamination may be transferred from charging cable. The cable is not waterproof." The repair centre's summary report then go on to say : "The Engineer has reported the device is repairable" Bare in mind the S7 Edge Phone is IP68 Rated - Water resistant can uphold 30 minutes of 1.5 metre in water. Apparently I had water on my charging cable causing S7 Edge to fry the charging port without any "moisture detected" warning which is a feature in the phone that should stop any charge to the phone to prevent the charging port getting fried. I requested the return of my phone which had taken 1 and a half weeks to receive. So now its been 3 1/2 , The condition I had received my phone is was horrifying, the back glass panel of the phone was hanging off, their was glue hanging out of the phone and their was a missing chunk of glass from the corner of my phone. ...... I have attached images. Their was also a letter saying my phone was not repaired due to it being out of warranty and that the phone would not be possible to be repaired as it is uneconomical repairable. I immediately called Samsung regarding this who raised a damaged in transit case with ANOVO and I was advised because ANOVO had used the wrong courier to return my phone out it was nothing to do with Samsung even though they arranged the repair? So now I am stuck dealing with Anovo about this which I think is wrong? After several times of sending my images to Anovo, they finally raised the issue with DPD and sent through a claim form. From here I have contacted DPD who have said ANOVO have claimed for £630 worth of damages and that it has been credited to ANOVO's Account? I have then contacted Anovo who have no information but that the investigation team is dealing despite DPD saying they have credited their account ? Anovo still say this will take 28 Days. I am being passed from pilla to post from DPD to ANOVO to SAMSUNG and back again nobody has a clue what has happened in my case and I speak to someone different all the time. It started off as a product lesion case with Samsung who do not have a contact number. I am on hold for Hours on a daily basis trying to sort this out as I am going away soon and I want my S7 Edge back for the holiday. It has been a nightmare from the start and I would not recommend Samsung or ANOVO to anyone, I have even gave a 2nd engineer to look at my phone who insists it not the charging port that is the fault when in fact it is the battery for the phone, he had tested the phone on a wireless charger dock and the phone still does not charge. so the engineer's report is IMO wrong too So all in all a conclusion : I still have no mobile phone and it looks like this is going to be for pretty much 2 Months +. Does anybody know if their is anything I can do to try and resolve this any quicker its is really getting frustrating for me dealing with all these clowns. Regards Craig
  5. Made a subject access request to Santander. One of the acknowledgement letters they sent says this (in bold): If anyone here has made a subject access request to Santander, can you please check the Acknowlegement letters to see if it says the same. If it appears can you include a scanned copy of the letter on this forum. The ICO has told me: Santander acknowledgment letter also says this about call recordings: Santander did send me call recordings, but one of the recordings had a bit missing from the dialog. I've reported it to the ICO. They've just got back to me after 2 months and said I need to ask Santander for the missing data. I'll probably do that, and let everyone know if Santander does locate the "missing data". BTW, about storing call recordings under telephone advisor's login (and not by customer name or account number). I'm pretty sure the Data Protection Law says if a living individual can be identified from the data, then it's classed as personal data. Here's the quote from the ICO website:
  6. Old Tawnyowl here with entrepreneurial adventure number 966. For various reasons,a small heart attack a while ago and i suppose slowly aging i had to change my life around. Could not do what i used to do.It hurts a little but just the way,i miss my life in the construction industry and the people and customers i met.To myself it was fun and looked forward to going to work each day for many hours. I find now after a few hours i have a little pain,probably due to the medication.Hospital and doctors says i am ok. At the time i did not go on the sick but struggled on after coming out of hospital,not one of my better ideas. Developed another small ailment that trapped nerves in my back and shoulder and had no choice but to go on the sick. Ended up at the medical centre for a assessment as many do.Being chirpy despite a little pain i received 0 point,fit to work. I wanted to work,many of us have that drive,it feels good to have a little money for lifes essentials. Such as food,warmth,heating,and perhaps if lucky a outing or two. My small business at the time was one of the top reviewed in the country,and no trickery could take place,things were checked carefully. Anyway after ending up at the job centre the week universal credit arrived in town i was accepted. Just did not seem to fit in,tried telling them about my ailments,not to avoid work but to find something that fitted to my new life.Say maybe 4 or five hours a day.I feel in all honesty i would be tricking employers applying for many jobs as i would be found out. Do you want to be a Kitchen Porter,a Taxi Driver,a Tram driver,Conductor. Nothing wrong with those jobs but knew i would not cope and maybe the medical for some would find me out. And my mind is funny ,i worry about what ifs.The idea of a weakened heart and moving the public about things like that. Hundreds were applying anyway,younger,fitter and correct for the jobs. I got along with the staff,not all of them but most.But just did not fit in it felt that way anyway. Nobody seemed to listen. Finally the greatest idea came,would you like to be a security guard perhaps,go on a course get a card. You felt obliged to apply for any job which is the way i suppose.If you do not all hell could descend on you. There is no doubt i felt intimidated and just walked out feeling absolutely useless.After enrolling. Excuse me sir would you not mind grappling with me i have a heart condition and please do not hit me with that bottle you have just nicked,my blood is a little thin,never mind chasing anyone thoughts were going round my head. I saw some sad things that people this day and age should not be going through. Phoned them up before the course and said i am off to take a chance. You cannot do that you need to see a adviser specially trained for self employment,a business plan and god knows what else.Fair enough for younger ones who have no experience and young but i am approaching 61 and have a little experience gained over 40 years. Which before i go on any longer i will have to mention my thoughts of a Basic Income for all. Many things will have to be ironed out but seems a idea fit for today,never mind the future. A idea whose time has come. A thread discussing this idea for those that like a good read perhaps with a few laughs.Not all is serious. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?461005-Basic-Income-Guarantee-Do-You-Like-The-Idea-Any-Views-Have-Your-Say. Now where was i up to i have lost track. It was now a few years since the old heart decided to give me a shock and slowly had started propagating and collecting things over these years with a rough plan. To set up a online business and the odd car boot and sell a few things. Registered with the tax man and away i went.It had to work or else. Maybe a year now. I know perhaps this seems a little funny but here are my adventures in car booting for those that have not read it. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?464368-Car-Boots-Dealers-Stories-People-i-meet-and-more-you-can-join-in.Your-story. Now this is what i am doing.You have to be pretty tough in business,so many ups and downs. My idea online is to probe away,looking for weaknesses in things i know about,like certain plants.And other things.Online and who is selling them and then try to get a market share.As big as possible with stock you have.And at a fair price with reasonable postage costs. It is funny if that is the word watching them watching me trying to outmaneuver me,Cockneys,and people from around the country wanting their share which is right.I know i am having a little effect. One line has now reached a,do not laugh,perhaps up to around 20 pound a week with much more potential next year. So obviously i am now probing elsewhere.trying things,trying to beat my competitors,checking things out,looking for weaknesses in my competitors as in my plant business. But with larger potential. Get perhaps 15 lines selling reasonable and you can see ,well in my lifestyle i will be like a contented cat. So this is where your expertise comes in for those selling online wherever. I know we do not like giving away places where things are selling well. But have you noticed some online sites weakening and people moving to other places. Things change so fast nowadays. Any tips for businesses who are just getting going,perhaps setting up your own website to cut costs a little. Where are the up and coming areas to try.The places to open a website and how.Not everyone knows and could save days making mistakes when time is so important. I have written so much now i do not know where i started from. Hope it makes a little sense. Bye for now. Tawnyowl.
  7. Our worst car buying experience ever - horrendous! I cannot underestimate how shocked we were at how Bullitt Cars in North London refused to refund us our money when we rejected a faulty car. We bought a car for over £12,000 and the first time it rained it was clear that the roof was leaking. We returned the car to reject it as is our right under the Sales of Goods Act 1979 as it was not fit for purpose and they refused to refund us our money. They then drove and fixed the car without our permission and attempted to force us to pick the car up by charging us £30 a day storage. The police were contacted who notified them they were acting outside the law but they continued on with the same threat. They refused to tell us what work had been done on the car or who did the work. We even offered to sell it back at a loss but their counter offer was for us to lose over £1,000. When told we were going to inform other consumers about them they threatened to sue us for libel if we posted bad feedback unless it was done after we won a court case against them. We are shocked and appalled that a Bullitt Cars could act in this way and it is experiences like these that we feel make people wary of buying from dodgy car dealers.
  8. I complained about Capital One who were harassing me with phone calls even though I had already told them not to contact me by phone but to write me letters or emails. I logged a 5 week period and they phoned me about 130 times. I complained to the Ombudsman service and after their investigation their representative basically come to the conclusion that Capital One were perfectly within their rights to phone me 130 times in a 5 week period.I was astounded. Capital One without taking any blame offered me £75 as a goodwill gesture,which I turned down. I was claiming £600 compensation for harassment which the Ombudsman rep basically stated I had no chance of getting in his first phone call to me, even before he had done his investigation. Anyway, I did some research and appealed to an actual Ombudsman. I included in my appeal quotes from a judgment from a UK high court in a similar case to mind, which wiped the floor with the logic of the guy who conducted the initial investigation. My appeal was successful and the Ombudsman offered me £400 compensation, which I accepted. I believe I could have got a lot more if I had by passed the Ombudsman and gone to court. So even though I was successful in the end, I expect a lot of people would have stopped when the original decision was in the negative. I really do not think a lot of the Ombudsman service, it was like the guy who conducted the original investigation was working for Capital One because he was just repeating what they had told me before. Absolute disgrace and I told him so.
  9. Hi this is my friend wantiing to know if anyone could help. will start with i was referred to this seasonal place few weeks ago as the job centre didn't have much info so i went forward for it because the employer would contact me to disscus more about the things i would be doing if i was to take up the offer and i was told by my adviser that my money would not be stopped even if i have been giving a refer letter as this is just for few weeks work experience and was told there would be a jobs going at the end of it. and it was my choice that if i didn't wanna do it then that was cool i would be fine and nothing would happen after i had a chat with the employer, so i had a chat with the employer and after been on the phone for a good bit of time i just fought it was not for me and the employer said that was fine so i told my adviser and let them know that i didn't want to go forward anymore for it. so now all of a sudden i spoke to this other adviser that was taking me instead the other day told me that now my case was been refer to the sanction decison makers because i turned the otfer down after been refer to it and but i am confused as work experience even if offer to you by adviser voluntry to take it or not? i have not heard anything back yet since i was told that my case was been checked my the makers. would anyone be help to give me help and advice on what to do?
  10. Hi, I'm not sure if I'm in the right place, or if anyone can help, but it never hurts to ask.... please I emailed a company with expired experience vouchers (by 17 days) explaining my situation, which is: My Mum bought me a sky diving experience and zorbing for 2 for my 'special' birthday (end of April 15). She bought them early April 2015, it's all a little vague as a family friend helped her as she isn't very confident with the internet. On April 12th, I fell very, very ill. I missed my birthday, and more things than I can count since. I've been in and out of hospital, had a multitude of tests, MRI, biopsies, and cameras. I've lost my position at work. I was also unable to complete a course, as I couldn't get to the exam. I'm still awaiting a diagnosis. I'm still very limited in being able to leave the house. I only include this to highlight why I haven't been 'on the ball' regarding expiry. I know it sounds somewhat My mum was under the impression that the tickets she bought for me were valid for 12 months. Again, I know it's our 'fault', we didn't read the vouchers thoroughly, but I'm also sure you can understand why booking a day out hasn't really been a priority when facing what we have been. I was severely ill when I received them on my birthday and have been since. I got the papers out today, as I wasn't feeling too bad. Good days are a rarity, so I figured I'd be productive. My good day quickly turned into floods of tears (not usually my style, sorry ), frustration (at missing out on yet another thing ) and guilt (as my Mum will probably end up losing her money, and now feels bad that she didn't get me anything for a 'special' birthday ...all while telling me I'm more important). She thought the vouchers were for 12 months, thus leaving us time to discuss the potential for an extension or refund....but they are only for 10 months. I emailed the company as I was too upset to ring, and explained all of the above, and that another company had been kind enough to extend a voucher bought even earlier under the circumstances, and could they help at all. I even offered to get medical letters to verify that I hadn't simply forgot, and that have been genuinely very ill. I very quickly (same day...today) received the following reply: "Thank you for your email and I am sorry to hear of the issues you had faced last year. For all eventualities that would prevent a customer from taking their experience(s), we do say that they can pay to extend their voucher(s). This will only be honoured all the time that the voucher(s) are still in date. Unfortunately as both of yours have now expired, we would not be able to assist you on this occasion. My apologies. Best Regards (name removed) Sales & Operations Manager (company name removed) :Cry: = my current emotions Do I have any way to get my mum her money back or an extension? Or has my illness cost my Mum her money and me my birthday gifts? I'm not sure if the vouchers were bought using a debit or credit card (family friend will check) but any help/ information would be greatly appreciated. Yours in hope and desperation, MissSocks
  11. Thank you in advance for any help, I will try and keep this as quick and factual as possible, my wife received a fine for no car tax, genuine mistake when the new system came into place, paper discs to online we missed the tax on one of our cars, and in the meantime moved house and did not get the reminder, our fault, genuine mistake. We had a fine come through the post so I paid and backdated the tax, set up new reminder for new address etc etc, I appealed against the fine for reasons listed above but lost my appeal, I paid the fine of £80 in 2 instalments 2 days apart on the 15th Nov 2015….at 6.30 am I had a knock on the door this morning from a rude gent element from a company called Marstons who is charging me £325 for non -payment of fines as he said the last payment was made 9 days late! and the matter had already escalated to the court!!! As I was due to go to work and I have a 5 month old baby and a 4 years old in my house , I paid it but I what I want to know is: Can I get the money back and from who? What is the process? I never received a 7 day letter or anything at all from Marstons even though the bailiff said it was sent, I asked him to provide a copy to which he said he did not have to, is this correct? surely if you are relying on something you must be able to shoe it, or proof of delivery? He only had a copy of a printout from his company is this correct?He threatened to knock on my neighbours door is this lawful? He even offered to fight me in the garden, is this legal? He said he could take goods straight away is this legal and made out to phone some enforcement truck to take my stuff away immediately, is this legal? Can I request a copy of his mobile video recorder ( camera) pinned to his jacket to which he told me everything was being recorded? He even showed me on his iPad the dates and time so of the 2 payment I made so I really do not know what the hell he was trying to collect? I understand the maximum i should of paid was £75 is this correct? I admit the fine was slightly late but £325 out of the blue, surely this cannot be right? Thank you.
  12. Hello, I am looking for some help please. I currently have 2 credit cards, one with capital one and one with Barclaycard, owing approx £7,000 on each. Whilst I have not defaulted on any payments and have not reached my limits, the monthly payments have become a struggle and I can't afford the requested minimum amount anymore. I have been looking at contacting them to request a lower payment arrangement and an interest freeze. By all accounts and looking through the library letters and other posts, my chances of them agreeing are pretty much nil, as most companies seem to simply refuse straight away. I was advised that I should stop paying and that may force their hand, but I suspect I will just end up with charges and increased interest rates, something I know Barclaycard definitely do. I was also under the impression that they cannot put a charge against your home, as this is jointly mortgaged with my husband and credit cards are unsecured borrowing, but I have received contrasting advice from someone at the CAB (not sure of her experience) who said if you end up with a ccj they can put a charge on your home? Any offers of advice or tips would be so much appreciated. Thank you all.
  13. Please excuse my spelling Hi on the 5th of june 2016 i was involved in a accident, which is a possible fault claim however this is still under dispute as i do not believe i am at fault. i called up hastings the next day to register my claim, they deemed my damage repairable and suggested i use a company called albany, the worst mistake i made. They also agreed my car was repairable. I was told i would have my car collected and given a courtesy car within the 24 hour time limit albany had to adhere to, I registered with them at 4pm on 6th of june and was told their approved garage which was miles away (long lane motors) from me will pick up my car and provide a courtesy by 11am the next morning. 11am came and i haven't heard a word from anyone, called up albany and they said the garage (long lane motors) was unable to provide an alternative vehicle and they have now changed my garage to one even further away place (thompson motors). I didnt even receive a call to notify me of this and had to call after their agreed time to find out that my car wont be collected today after taking a day off work. i thought fair enough but was told now to wait an additional 24 hours, which was unacceptable as i already had taken a day off work. When questioning this, as i already had waited 24 hours, the advisor told me that my 24hours had in fact started at 9am today as my claim was submitted after 5pm the day before which was a lie. I confronted her on this and told her where i could make a complaint, i was advised there was no official complaint procedure and no supervisors on site. I was not having it and was on there website looking at their page where i could make the complaint, i made her aware of this, to which she put me on hold for 20mins, came back and told me quite bluntly "sorry your car is now deemed a total loss, and we wont be handling your vehicle any longer and will report back to your insurers with this" I was perplexed as to what had just happened, and quickly got off the phone and called hastings. They advised me that my car was in fact deemed a total loss and albany use a matrix system to evaluate if the costs are economically repairable. Fair enough but would they not do this at the beginning before taking my claim on? It all seemed a bit fishy to me. I spoke to this girl from hastings that directly deals with albany (lauren i think) and she was appalled and made a complaint on my behalf. I told her my car has not been looked at once not even a photo so how is it you deem my car as a total loss. she sent out an "independent" assessor (AIA) and was also told i can use my own garage to get an estimate, the AIA assessor came on the 8th and viewed my car to see if it was repairable and value it. I asked him what he thought and he said it will be a total loss due to it being uneconomically repairable. i waited on his report, while i was waiting i thought id get a quote from a garage as to how much it would cost. I used thomson motors (the 2nd one albany gave to use) to get an estimate as i've never used a garage like this before. They asked me for photos and not to go in. It is now the 10th and i've called up my insurance about the AIA report and was told it had not arrived yet and they will call me on saturday to let me know and they said "it looks like it could be repairable". Ok i said to find out they are not even open on weekends! monday came and i'm now told it is repairable and the repair has been approved subject to striping of my car to check if there is no further damage. But i did not want to use this albany approved garage as i had a terrible experience with them. I only used them to get an estimate. I told my insurance that i was happy with a cash in lieu to settle this as they now have a pre accident valuation and also the repair cost. And i did not trust their process as i had been lied to on many occasions and told id be called back over 15 different times and got just one call and that was for me to send in my driving license! they passed this over to their in house engineers to give me a settlement i was told and would again be given a call back!. the next day arrived i gave them a call they had no idea what i was talking about and was told the in house engineers open at 9am. I then received a call at 11am but missed it due to work. I called back and they don't know who called me or why? I told them that i am waiting or an offer from the engineers to which i was told they do not do cash in lieu and that my car was a total loss and if i wanted to keep the car i would only be paid out 24% of the value of the car, i told him have you read my notes to which he replied "yes". Once again i was shocked, he was very rude and i asked to speak to another advisor. I was on hold for 45mins to a team that have nothing to do with my case. Hung up after getting fed up and have now just spoken to this girl and she had told me that they wont be now offering a cash in lieu and i should take my car to the albany approved garage to get it stripped to see if there is any more damage, even after i had mentioned i want nothing to do with albany! She has now referred me to a manager to again give me a call back. I have looked at the AIA report and believe it is correct and there is no further damage to my vehicle. How can i proceed with this as i have spent 8am-8pm all last week monday to friday on the phone to them. I did not go into work all week and it is now effecting this week. I have been lied to on many different levels, how do i proceed with this as i don't have faith in the their system any longer. Many thanks in advance
  14. Let me begin by saying this - I have never experienced such awful customer service on this level. Or in my life. Quite upsetting really. I upgraded with Vodafone for a 2 year contract and a new handset - an iPhone 6. I then discovered a fault with the screen. Went to the Vodafone store in Trinity Leeds and was told by the manager that it was Apple's problem. I was not even offered a repair by Vodafone as 14 days had passed. Got an appointment with Apple - they agreed, faulty screen and provided me with a refurbished handset. Once I got home that day, I discovered the new handset had the same problem, but it was 10 times worse than the first handset. You could actually hear the screen click when pressing on it gently. Went back to Apple the following day - got another handeset. Surprise, surprise...handset also has clicky screen. I subsequently called Vodafone and asked them if I could get another handset or even a different model. They said go in store as we don't deal with it. This was on Sunday. So, to recap, this weekend gone, I have been provided with 2 refurbished phones with faults. Monday - went to the store. Was told we don't deal with it, call customer service. It's also an Apple phone which is provided by them, so we can't repair. Called customer service - was told that they would look into the issue as this was my third handset in just over 1 month. Promised a call back. Vodafone never called back. They didn't even call back today. So, I decided to go back in store today. Was told that as it belonged to Apple, they had to repair and that they should have provided a new handset. Aaron at Trinity Leeds store seemed to be baffled as to why Apple had provided refurbished handsets. If it had been the phone Vodafone provided they could have sent it for repairs. Told him I was not informed of this. Went to Apple - spoke to manager. They are going to take steps to retrieve original handset provided by Vodafone, but can't guarantee it will be in one piece. They also queried why Vodafone had not offered repairs. Take note Vodafone, Apple's customer service was fantastic. Always polite and lovely, and the lady dealing with my issue was clearly going out of her way. Went back to Vodafone store - asked Aaron to confirm what part of the agreement related to faulty handsets. He rudely replied 'go online'. After having questioned him some more, he became defensive and appeared to have very little understanding of the contract. In addition to this, he was also training a newbie - might not be the best person to train him. Got home for 6pm, have spent the last 2 hours on call to Vodafone. Was put through to a lady in the billing department after I requested to be transferred to someone senior. She said she did not have the authority to send out a new iPhone but the only option was to send it back for repairs, and if it was faulty the 4th time, a new handset would be issued. However, I had to go in store to do this. I said this was not good enough as I use my mobile for work therefore I required a mobile. She put me through to someone else. Rather a very rude Scottish chap who ended up shouting at me, and cutting me off. And he also did not leave a note on the system. I was able to find this out as I was out on hold for 58 mins before someone spoke to me again. I have even screen shot this for my records. Perhaps this is a new record? The final chap seemed more concerned about finishing his call as it was nearing 8pm. The line also started to echo at this time, very convenient. He offered to repair handset, which would mean that I would be without a mobile for 2 weeks. No replacement phone to use whilst repairs taking place. I stated this was ridiculous for a professional person, he simply laughed and offered no alternative. He then started to accuse me of actually damaging the phone by stating 'how do we know you've not caused it if it wasn't evident in the first 14 days'. My response is this - I take great pride in an item, particularly handsets which I have contracted for 2 years. I would not intentionally damage my phone at all, and to suggest this in his line of questioning was unprofessional if not underhand. In short, Vodafone appear to be very good at making attempts to 'pass the buck'. I asked him what other options I had - he offered none. I asked him why a new handset could not be sent out, as this would simply solve the problem. I would not have to be without a phone whilst repairs were taking place. He did not offer much insight, the call ended with him taunting me and I cutting him off. Bravo Vodafone for employing professionals such as this imbecile. Can anyone advise some next steps? I feel like Vodafone customer service and instore are extremely unhelpful, I have been passed from pillar to post, with different accounts, and just general lack of respect. They don't even seem to have a complaints department hence my reason for this post. I honestly wish I had not upgraded with Vodafone. They are quick to sign you up to a contract, but when you actually genuinely need assistance, they simply do not care. I have experienced better customer service in countries from people who do not even speak the same language. Vodafone has some serious customer service issues. I welcome your thoughts and hope this can be resolved ASAP. If I get my original iPhone back from Apple, in pieces, are they going to attempt to fix it?
  15. Hi all, Hoping somebody may be able to shed some light on my question.. I have a judgment against an individual. I have come to realise his name is misspelt on the judgment. Have been advised by the court to make a formal application to correct this using an N244 form 'Notice Application'. My question really is regarding what court fee I am supposed to pay. Ive read the official fee guide but it doesn't make it very clear regarding this type of application. Any thoughts? Ive already emailed the courts to ask but thought somebody may have the answer on here. Thanks in advance
  16. http://diaryofabenefitscrounger.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/new-job.html The worst part of this is she went from being deemed unfit for work indefinitely to a £60k salaried management position, a nice point for IDS to press i am sure. Is she a sellout or could she do some good from within? (Her own words)
  17. Hi CAG, Not posted for a while but decided I would share my experience of the ATOS Medical I had this morning. Like I'm sure most of you have/will, I did a fair bit of research on what to expect and prepared myself mentally. I got very little sleep last night and was a nervous wreck on the way there as I suffer from severe anxiety in high pressure situations as well as the main issue I was there for which I won't discuss. I can full on understand people who don't normally have anxiety to be anxious as the day of the ATOS medical is one im sure we have all come to dread in the build up. Anyhow, Location: Manchester, Albert Bridge House Appointment Time: 10.00am 11/02/2015 (I went on to ESA in March of 2014) Arrived : 9.45am - Name Called: 9:55am - Was expected to be kept waiting but I wasn't...... Initially. My first note is that the bloke on the reception desk seemed pretty rude. Didn't seem to care, very to the point, slid a clipboard under my nose to do with ID, i had to sign it and then show my ID's. He then disappeared in to the back room for a minute and I had read that they sometimes keep you waiting purposely to see if you can. As I was just about to go and sit down because I was sick of waiting he returned and told me to take a seat. Maybe he was just a bit of a rude person, maybe it was part of the game, or maybe it was a combination of both. Now what my just be paranoia to me, but at an ATOS medical, I know you are pretty much judged from the minute you step foot inside, cameras everywhere, lots of staff wondering around pointlessly, but this is where I may have been being paranoid or misinterpreting something to be to do with me.... A few minutes after sitting down, the same bloke who dealt with me on reception popped out the back, looked me up and down breifly and then returned to the bit behind the reception. A few seconds later a female voice, said rather loudly "WHAT? HE'S FAILED THEN HAS HE? HAHAHA" Bare in mind I am the only person in the waiting room at this point, coupled with the fact the bloke had just come out and give me the once over and seconds after returning to the back office that was said, maybe it is paranoia but it just seemed an odd thing to hear when the day is simply about passing or failing. I was called through to a room just around the corner, maybe 20m away. I was for some reason expecting a room with about 3 people in it but it was just me and her.. She made a swoop behind me as we got to the door, so i would have to open it. It wasn't overly heavy so I pushed it slowly open. (I had read that they walk behind you on purpose so you have to open doors). There was barley any time for small talk on the way to the room. I was told that seemingly innocent questions are all part of the medical, so I was expecting some seemingly normal questions to be part of the medical. There we're none. As I entered the room she asked "Have you been waiting long?" to which i replied "about 11 months). That's me not being a smart arse and trying to be funny, but my little way of confirming what we and they already know, that ATOS is a shambles. She watched me sit down and asked me 4 questions before telling me she wasn't qualified to deal with my condition and so she would get somebody else, who was, to do it. She sent me back to the waiting room, I asked how long i could expect to be waiting and she said somebody would be with me very soon. To me this was all part of the game they play. From the most mundane waiting room I've ever sat it.. I've seen more atmosphere at the Etihad and that's saying something. 10-15 Minutes later I was called by another lady who took me to the room at the very far end of the corridor) most ofthe rooms on the way we're empty but I was taken maybe 50m to the far end, again, all part of the game i'm sure. This lady asked me the exact same initial questions as the first lady had and I immediately knew this was to catch me out or see if my story differed. I have seen enough detective shows to know this is how interrogations are often done. Thew first lady I saw was never going to do the medical, she was simply weighing me up. I was in for around 30-40 minutes for my medical with the second lady during which she asked about my condition, my medications/treatments, how it affects day to day living and because my condition is much worse on some days than others i mentally put myself in the mind frame of my worst day. I was thinking back to a day last week where i was bed bound because of the pain. With every answer I used the words Reliably Repeatedly and Safely, which I had seen on this forum as well as various other guides to the medical. Now the lady was very nice. She seemed understanding, she seemed to listen to my answer as she typed away. This could have been genuine but everything was telling me, it is this persons job to find me fit for work and I felt i was being lulled in to a false sense of security so she could try and trip me up, so after every question she asked, I paused, re-asked the question in my own head rather than just blurting something out which could and almost certainly would he used against me. She then told me we would do a physical test now. She asked me how far we had parked (my dad drove me) from the venue, which i told her about 100m and although I had walked it, I was already feeling the tension build in my lower back and was in discomfort. She told me I didn't have to do any of the things she asked me if I did not want to. The upper body stuff i was ok with because even on my worst day i can move my arms/hands. When it came to the lower half, bending over and anything involving using my back or legs i refused. She asked me to get on the bed, and again I refused as it was fairly high. Now there and then i could have, no questions i could have got on to that bed, but on my worst day there was not a chance i was getting on to it without screaming when i catch my back in an awkward position and feel the shooting pains up my back. My bed at home is at a height where it is fairly simple to just lower myself on to it when my backs in a not so bad way. The bed in the room she asked me to get on was certainly around 2ft higher and it was more of a climb on than a get in if you follow me. As with all my questions on the spoken part of the medical I kept saying, most of the time I can do this but if you ask me to do it x amount of times there will be a point where the tension in my back and the spasms get so severe I just can not do it Reliably, Repeatedly and Safely. She concluded by asking if there was anything i would like her to see. I gave her a letter from my GP stating all my dates, medications, treatments and referrals to specialists. I also gave her a copy of my MRI scan (dated 2012) and told her my condition is significantly worse now than when that MRI was done, and to include a note stating this when sending it to a decision maker. All of the GP's and Specialists I have seen since 2012 keep referring to the 2012 MRI scan results and it annoys me no end, that somehow now I'm assumed to be in that exact same physical state. She told me that was the end of the medical. That it would take 2-6 weeks to hear from the DWP with the decision and it is not her that makes the decision, it will be passed to a decision maker. She told me to go and wait in the waiting room while she took copies of the GP letter and MRI scan. Now on the way back up to reception (50m away), I noticed her walking much faster and I immediately knew that this was to see if i would try and keep up with here. She had told me that the medical was completed down in the room, but at all costs remember this. The medical is underway from the second you step in (reception staff are often, and i think in my case, all part of the game, and the medical will end when you leave the area, I still felt like i was being watched as I made my way out of the building and around the corner. Now this little story of how my medical went is in no way to scare or unnerve you when it comes to your ATOS Medical. It is simply an idea of what to expect. I'm sure some medicals will be similar, and i'm sure some will be almost identical. There's no changing the fact that the ATOS Medical is a huge thing for us all, and we have all done some research. The key is to remember this research come the medical day. As i said earlier I felt like I was being set up to stumble but I just stayed focused, re-asked the question in my own head and stuck to the words of Reliably Repeatedly and Safely. with every answer. To summarize: 1.) Reliably, Repeatedly and Safely. 2.) You are being assessed from the second you walk in. 3.) You are being assessed until the second you walk out. 4.) However nice they seem, be clear they are there to find you fir for work 5.) If you don't understand a question - ask them to repeat it. 6.) Re-ask yourself the questions in your head before answering 7.) If they keep you waiting at the reception upon entering, take a seat - they are testing you 8.) If you cannot open a door, do not try and open a door, make the assessor do it. 9.) Get the names and professions of all the people involved in your Medical - Use a voice recorder if necessary 10.) If you do not feel comfortable doing something, do not do it. 11.) Reliably, Repeatedly and Safely. (This isn't a dupe, drill this in to every answer you give if your condition fluctuates. I am fully expecting to get 0 points for simply turning up. Yet if I hadn't turned up my ESA would have been stopped. It's a catch 22. I hope in anyway this story can somehow prepare you and your answers and your general understanding of the medical. I was a bag of nerves last night, felt sick through anxiety and got very little sleep, but if there was one positive to take from today, I felt amazing once i'd got out of there. Not physically, my back had already locked up on me from the walking, sitting standing, and I am in a fair bit of discomfort as I type this, I am pretty much written off for the day.. After the day loomed closer for the last 6 weeks (when i got my date for the medical) and the nerves and anxiety grew stronger I felt amazing that it was over and done with. Adam
  18. Me and my wife as regular customers of Curry's Pc World went to this store with the intention of buying the ipad air for our daughter as a birthday present. We arrived around noon the store was really quiet at the time, we went to the ipad section and asked for help, one lady approached us few minutes after and we start our enquiries about product, she was very helpful and explained to us the prices and we were happy to purchase the ipad air. She also asked us if we would be interested in customers care plan as we immediately responded NO, she insisted that if something goes wrong with the product or if in the future any damage happen it will be covered by the plan for only £5.50 monthly, again we said NO we already have two tablets and we have our own insurance so we saw no point of getting this deal. Although she mention to us that was not her department and asked us to wait few minutes as she was getting the sector responsible to finalize the sale. We waited few minutes and she came back saying that she could not find anyone so she will finalize the transaction herself. As an O2 customer I received a promotion code to use on your stores when spending more that £200 in-store I would get £25.00 discount, I asked if I could use the promotion but the lady was very confused and told us that she would ask this to one of her colleagues. We went to the till and she started to look for a colleague to help her as it seemed no one was interested to help. Finally one colleague came by and she asked for help regarding the promotional code and the gentleman explained it was possible to use, and again the gentleman also asked us if we were interested on the care plan, again we said NO, the gentleman insisted and told us: "don't say no yet give it a month, you can try for FREE and then if you decided to cancel you can do it just with the simple phone call". After such persistence from both sellers and thinking I had nothing to lose as it was free for the first month I said ok. The lady proceed the bill and I paid for it this included the promotional discount of £25.00. As soon as the lady give me my receipt I noticed that I have been charged for an extra £5.50 which I immediately questioned about it to the lady. She also looked confused and could not explain to me why I had been charged for the care plan as her colleague had said that the first month would be for free. She called him back and I asked him why I had been charged for £5.50 on the care plan? He said because I had used the O2 promotional code the first month would not be for free and I would have to pay for it. I explained to the gentleman that I was not interested to pay for any care plan and the only reason that I have had accepted was because of the fact he told me the first month would be for free. At this point the gentleman said I must misunderstood him he never said the first month would be for free but even his colleague did not support him in this affirmation. At this point he was giving the impression that I was lying. I asked if it would be possible to have a refund of the £5.50 care plan, the gentleman said he would have to make a refund of everything and re-charge me for the price of the ipad and I would have to get another promotional code as this one was no longer valid, or I would have to pay the full amount of the ipad price without the £25.00 discount from my promotional code. At this point I felt deceived and I believe this is a really unfair customer service. As I could not get another code I decided to request my full refund and I was told that I would get my money back in 3 working days. The staff involved seemed to have very little knowledge of customer service and no team work at all as all of them tried to escape from the situation instead of trying to help. After all of this we came out of the store with less money on my bank account, lost my promotional code as well as empty handed with no ipad for my daughter. This whole situation ruined our special day, specially my daughter who could no get her birthday present on time. really frustrating experience.
  19. Since having Radiotherapy in 2006/7 I have developed Osteo Necrosis of the Jaw. I had surgery to remove a piece of my jaw bone earlier this year. About 6 weeks ago my Jaw became tight and painful and over a week became intolerable. I contacted facial/oral surgery at my local hospital where I was given an appointment, by the time of the appointment I was basically living on Porridge. At the appointment I told the Doctor that it felt like my jaw was broken, he asked me if I wanted an x-ray to which I replied I would. On examination he told me I had a serious infection and that an x-ray would be pointless as the infection was severe and would feel as painful as a break. I replied I would rather have an xray but was dissuaded. I did ask him if that was his professional opinion that an xray would be pointless to which he replied yes, and gave me a 4 week course of anti biotics and some Scandishake meal replacemnt drinks. The pain got worse and a couple of times I nearly went to A&E and was sleeping in an armchair as I was unable to lie in bed due to the pain in the jaw, in the end I got another emergency appointment with Facial / oral surgery dept. A different Doctor examined me and immediately called the consultant who came and examined me. She immediately put me on her surgery list for the follwing week. The whole experience of attending my appointement for surgery was farcical and is subject to a seperate complaint to the hospital. What concerns me is that during Surgery I had a fracture that needed bolting together, the pain and suffering that I and my family went through the preceeding weeks I feel was avoidable if they had granted my request for an xray as my body was telling me it was broken. But like many of us I did not want to have a " I know better attitude" and challenge the Doctors knowledge and experience and trusted him wholly. The question I am asking is how do I proceed. Am considering legal action, though I loathe to do it against the NHS of which I am a great believer, but this is not the first time I have had issues with this hospital. I had to stop my part time job and will be seeking a sick note to go onto esa for a short while whilst I recover, during surgery they removed one of my teeth and so now have to fork out for another partial denture. I am so frustrated and am sure I have missed out Information that caggers may need to help me, so I will reply as required Many thanks for just letting me vent so far. Back now to weeks of pain killers and anti biotic
  20. This was family's 1st real holiday after the birth of my son more than 5 years ago. I had promised my son a Disneyland trip when he was 2 years old when he saw his 1st cartoon - yeah u guessed it Mickey Mouse @ clubhouse. And when I finally booked the my 4 day, 3 night trip @ a Disney Hotel, I promised him a funfilled , exciting adventure and for ourselves ( wifey and me) a relaxing time. While the park delivered on its promise, the hotel stay was anything BUT. During these warm summer times, the most basic amenity one would expect in a any hotel room is an AC. And I am indeed pained to say that the AC in my room DID not work any of the 3 nights. Night 1 15th Aug - Since I had reached the hotel prior to the 3pm check in time, I was NOT able to checkin and hence collected my park passes and headed for the park. When I checked in my room (Room #1108 ) at 1030pm, I realized that the room temperature was quite high and turned on the AC and the blower to maximum, but the room didnt seem to cool down. I was too tired to wait longer and fell asleep but woke up sweating sometime during the night and realized that my son had escaped his duvet cover ripped off all his clothes and was lying on the carpet floor ... It was a sad sight as a parent to see an excited 5 yr old, who only a few hours ago was twinkling with excitement after his first roller coaster ride in the Thunder Mountain. He was breathing heavily and I was paranoid as he has suffered from breathing problems at night. I left a message at the reception on Day 2 - 16th Aug in the morning that the room AC is NOT working and needs a technician to investigate the problem. Night 2 - When I reached the hotel room after the Disney light show around 12 midnight, the AC still didnt seem to work. I called the reception right away and the lady at the reception mentioned that she will call up the technician to sort it out. I called her thrice in a span of 45 minutes and all the time she mentioned that it was her job to call the technician and he will come to the room , but he never showed up until 0145. I then rang her up and told her that I cannot stay up any longer and asked her not to send the technician as it would disturb us. But I explicitly asked her to ensure that she lodged a complaint on the AC to ensure it gets sorted the next morning, while we were out. We had to keep the window open to ensure my son could hopefully breathe regularly. BUt none of us had a comfortable night sweating profusely. Day 3 morning- 17th Aug - I did not stop by or call the reception as I expected the complaint to be actioned from the night before. Night 3 - When I reached the hotel, I stopped by the reception and checked with them whether the AC issue was resolved in my room. I was shocked to hear that there was NO complaint registered at all the previous night. My wife was in tears pleading. The receoption clerk passed us on to her team leader who for a change was understanding and offered to have the technician right over to our room to check on the issue. He also offered us an upgrade to a private breakfast for our troubles. When the technician finally turned up to our room, and spent no more than 15 mins checkng the vents, ( he hardly spoke any english). On querying the issue, he mentioned it was a security problem and that he had resolved it. I did tell him that the room temeprature still did not cool down to which re replied that it would take time and then left our room. A nd to our worst fears, the room temperature never lowered and it continued to be warm. We had a 3rd sleepless sweaty night. THanks to you guys SOme of the other problems in the room like a few insects crawling inthe crater corners beween the bath tub and the wall, I choose to ignore. My Question to the Disney Management is 1. Do you design the Disney package offer intentionally to include sub standard rooms/ hotels at inflated prices because you bank on the customers to spend most of the time in the park and ignore the state of your rooms ? 2. Is this part of your profitability strategy ? Surely, it cannot be a customer retention strategy. Please treat this email as a formal complaint, which I demand an explanation from the Hotel / Disney management. I wish to charge the Newport Bay hotel for damages for my holiday time, trouble and stress that this hotel stay has caused me and my family.
  21. i have currently been insured with hastings direct,i am in my second year with them and up until now never had a problem.... my issue has now come from me adding my partner to my insurance as a named driver,i did this in november last year. anyway on friday the 4th april,her car wouldnt start so she used mine,i must stipulate that it is very rare she uses mine,its only for emergencys,so on the m62/m60 to manchester in the smog/fog pollution that was around she lightly bumped a van in front in the fast lane but in very slow moving traffic,the highways agency came to move the car to the hard shoulder but said she couldnt drive it due to the sides of the bumper sticking out over 2 inch. my car was then taken to bury,not sure where and by who, my partner tried dealing with the issue the best she could but she was stuck 50miles from home so a tad upset. later that day i got a call from hastings total loss who told my my car was a write off,i told them it wasnt and at most would need a new bumper and very most a slam panel,no airbags had gone off,no damage to lights or bonnet or suspension. anyway the weekend passes and im thinking its fine,il just get the car back from hastings and fit a new bumper,i am a mk4 golf enthusiast and a member of all the forums,so i could prob get the parts free yesterday morning tuesday i call the number to see whats happening,i get told the car is now at a salvage place in wigan,even further from where i live,i tell them i havnt even taken my stuff from the car and they tell me to contact the salvage place directly,i do,so am now going over to collect my stuff. what bothers me is the car hasnt been assesed so dont know what cat it is or there class of damage,if when i get there to remove my stuff, there is stuff missing i will be getting the police involved as the car is legally still mine. i also asked about getting my car back from them,it is a mk4 golf gt tdi pd130,it has high milage but i also know these cars will do 2 to 3 times round the clock,1 owner from new and full service history,i just know when they have deducted my excess and the rest of the years premium i will be lucky to get £100!!!!!!! i want my car back,i am happy to pay the excess and not have hastings deal with my car,just give me it back, it concerns me they told me it was a total loss before even anybody had seen the damage,they obviously know how much money can be made from these cars in parts. i am not going to send in any documents as they will just sell the car with all my personal stuff in it. i have read other peoples dealings with them but untill you have an accident with hastings you really dont know how bad they are,i also need an explanation why the car didnt go to nationwide to see about repairs.. help needed before i contact the insurance ombudsman.. regards justin
  22. Hi all, I have been living in the Netherlands for four years and now in the process of sepearating from my husband - i left debt in the UK around 7k (bank overdraft, pay day companies) with the intention of repaying when i started living here, unfortunatley as my husand was out of work for much of the time i lived here i was unable to pay back. Can anyone please advise on the best way to tackle the situation. Thanks in advance.
  23. Hello All, Over the last few years i have received many letters from different credit agencies chasing me for an old debt owed to Lloyds credit card. All dealt with by filing in the bin. I have never contacted any of them or admitted the debt. Wrong, I know but that was how I decided to do it after reading some of the advice here. Thank you for all your reassurance. However, Lowells have now sent a county court claim form. I have read some of the posts here and again am grateful for the advice but would like to know how to deal with the specifics of this case. I believe the debt is over 6 years old as I think the last time I used the card was November 2007. I have checked my Experian credit history and there is no default registered (In fact my credit rating is good!) there are many address checks from Lowells and Lloyds and several others. The details of the claim Form are as follows: Issue date: 12/2/14 (I delayed posting this until now as i had to wait for my Experian pin number to check my credit rating) from: BW Legal Leeds 1.The claimants claim is for the sum of 397.41 being the monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a credit/store card agreement regulated by the CCA 1974 between the defendant and Lloyds TSB bank PLC under the account ref *********. 2.And assigned to the claimant on 30/06/13 notice of which has been given to the defendant. 3.The defendant failed to maintain the contractual payment under the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served and not complied with. 4.The claim also includes statutory interest pursuant to section 69 of the county courts act 1984 a a rate of 8% per annum from the date of the assignment of the agreement to the date of issues (10/2/14) being an amount of 15.82 I would like to ask the best way to proceed with this? Should I register a defence straight away citing the statue of limitations? As I said, I am not 100% sure of the date I last used the card or when it was registered as a default. I was living abroad at the time so don't have ay of the documents. Or should I send the CCA letter to Lowells and ask for a delay of the court proceedings whilst I do this? Will this be dealt with in time? My concern is that this is a new tactic by Lowells to get you to confirm your address and/or the debt. Many thanks in advance for your advice TMTF
  24. I have recently published a blog post about a terrible experience endured by Amy Kewell at her local Sainsburys in Tonbridge. The fundamental issue with her experience is that it is very difficult to shop in a supermarket with children in a buggy. We are very keen to find a supermarket who are willing to develop a simple solution to make it easier for mums and dads with buggies. [weblink removed for consideration by site team]
  25. Hi all I'm two months in arrears with a company based near Doncaster as they haven't completed the job they were supposed to do almost 12 months ago. To cut a long story short, I had a call a few days ago to discuss this from a Mr Morley supposedly of 'Doncaster Debt Collectors'. Called from a mobile number. Has anyone heard of this company or had any dealings with them? I have googled it and there are no results. I suspect he is from the company that I am having problems with rather than a debt collector. I explained the problem and he agreed to remove all charges from my account and to send an engineer out to finish the job. I have previously discussed this with the company in question, sent a letter in the post etc, with no joy and now, as soon as I stop paying, 'Mr Morley' is offering to make it all better! Surely this is not the job of a debt collector? What do you think? Looking forward to hearing your views and thanks in advance.
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