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Found 8 results

  1. Name of the Claimant ? Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd Date of issue – 07 July 2017 date to submit defence 8th August 2017 What is the claim for – 1) The Defendant entered into an agreement with Orange under account reference ..... ('the agreement'). 2) The Defendant failed to maintain the required payments and the service was terminated. 3) The Agreement was later assigned to the Claimant on 21/12/2016 and notice given to the Defendant. 4) Despite repeated requests for payment, the sum of £160.09 remains due and outstanding. And the Claimant claims a) The said sum of £160.09 b) Interest pursuant to s69 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue, accruing at a daily rate of £0.035, but limited to one year, being £6.91 c) Costs What is the value of the claim? £242.00 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? Mobile phone account When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Lowell Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? I was aware Lowell had acquired the debt when they suddenly began bombarding me with communications. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Unfortunately I can't recall. I've heard nothing from them (I don't think) since Orange was acquired by EE, and that was years ago. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? Actually I cancelled the account in full accordance with the original claimant's cancellation procedure. As a safeguard I also cancelled the direct debit agreement, knowing that no more money was owing. Unfortunately they later claimed that more money was indeed owing on the account, which I completely dispute. However I wasn't able to properly dispute this with them, as they had already referred the debt to a third party, who I beleive was Moorcroft. What was the date of your last payment? I can't be certain, again because this whole matter has been quiet for so very long, but I think it was circa September 2011. That would place us close to 6 years, which I'm guessing may not be a coincidence. Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Very much so, although I can't evidence this in any way at this late stage, and it's difficult to recall the finer details. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No. There were no financial problems. As far as I am concerned the account was cancelled correctly and paid up in full. Hello all. I've been referred here by a long standing user, and I hope you guys can help... I have received a claim form from Northampton County Court Business Centre, for a claim issued by Lowell in relation to an old mobile phone debt, the validity of which I question. They are claiming £167.00 plus costs, fees etc. I have completed the Acknowledgement Of Service, and I would very much like to defend the full amount of the claim. My answers to the standard questionnaire are above My thanks in advance for any and all assistance you can offer. Dave
  2. There was a story in the financial section of today's Daily Mail about a chap who lived in south London and always had done being chased by Robbers Way for a debt that beloned to someone in Essex. it transpired that Experian does a people matching service and came up with the poor fellow's name and DoB being similar to the defaulter so they sold Robbers his details and they then put a default on his credit files and changed the original address to match the new erroneous data. Now I know that this crookedness and deception was down to Robbers Way but they wouldnt have ever had the opportunity to do so if Experian wasnt touting this service and then blaming others when they then hold false records on their system. RW even needed a big kick up the backside to remove the default as they werent going to do it willingly even after they were caught out by the DM. Vindictive sods.
  3. Hi All, I'm hoping someone here can assist me with MKDP/Compello/Raven etc. For some time (years) I have been receiving letters from the above to my mothers house about an outstanding debt to Welcome Finance, I was duely ignoring them as I was not aware of any debt. Some time ago I re-registered on the electoral role after getting married and moving to a new house with my now wife, it would seem this meant the "group" knew to send letters there instead. I finally decided enough was enough when the "group" started calling the house, and so wrote them the attached letter. They responded after a few days saying they would supply the requested information which arrived today In the envelope they sent is a signed Welcome Finance Personal Loan Agreement that I had taken out in 2003 and several "Welcome Financier : Loan History" sheets showing direct debit payments that I had paid with the final one on the 22/02/06 (which is when I started University not that this is relevant). Then there is an entry for a "Cash Payment" on the 22/12/2008 which I have no recollection of at all. I guess my questions here and advice I require are: By my asking for proof of the debt mean I have accepted knowledge of it? I believe this is to be Statute Barred this year even working off this dubious cash payment date? Could it be possible this Cache payment has been fictitious added to skew the dates? Thanks in advance, Glenn
  4. Hi all I'm two months in arrears with a company based near Doncaster as they haven't completed the job they were supposed to do almost 12 months ago. To cut a long story short, I had a call a few days ago to discuss this from a Mr Morley supposedly of 'Doncaster Debt Collectors'. Called from a mobile number. Has anyone heard of this company or had any dealings with them? I have googled it and there are no results. I suspect he is from the company that I am having problems with rather than a debt collector. I explained the problem and he agreed to remove all charges from my account and to send an engineer out to finish the job. I have previously discussed this with the company in question, sent a letter in the post etc, with no joy and now, as soon as I stop paying, 'Mr Morley' is offering to make it all better! Surely this is not the job of a debt collector? What do you think? Looking forward to hearing your views and thanks in advance.
  5. Hello Caggers, Long time member, first time poster it would seem! Anyhow, the story so far. A long time ago in a suburb of Croydon, far far away, I had a credit card with MBNA. They didn't put a hold on it when I fell into difficulty and added a further 4 or £500 to my outstanding balance, made possible by the extension they gave me to my credit limit. How nice of them! They subsequently offered me a 2nd credit card and said I could move the balance over at 0% for 6 months. Thinking they were genuine, I accepted the new card. Despite having asked beforehand the new card didn't cover the outstanding balance. I protested but they came back with some BS and that was that. I immediately stopped making payments on the first card and shortly after on the second as I was drowning and disagreed with the balance as it stood due to their charges. Shortly after this I managed to do the penalty fees thing and instead of giving me a cheque for the outstanding fees, they took them off the balance on the second card! They sent me letters regarding a default in January 2007 and, I think, might even have hit me with a CCJ, I know somebody did, many years ago. In February of this year I noticed my credit score go down from 973 to 870 as a default had been entered by Lowell relating to the original MBNA credit card. In the back of my mind, when considering claiming back my PPI fees, I was fairly sure that the SB date of this default was March or April of this year. I have statements going to near the end of 2006 and I am still making payments, the next statements I can find are from mid 2007 and I make no further payments. By the facts I can prove, the SB date should be August of this year but Lowell claims it is Spring 2014. It seems I am not quite up to speed on things anymore and perhaps stupidly sent them a CCA request. As of today, it has been 30 days with nothing other than a reply saying they are still looking for it. Have I made a huge mistake in even asking for a copy of my CCA? Surely my £1 postal order didn't restart the clock!?!?!? In light of their failure to find it, can it be applied retrospectively to get the February entry by Lowell removed from my credit record? If they can't find it now they wouldn't have been able to find it then either and the entry would be unlawful! Should I send a prove it letter or stick to my original conviction and tell them I believe it is already statute barred? Any help/thoughts/ideas/letters/Brandy or Opium you can proffer would be gratefully received. I'll be on the window ledge if anybody wants me.
  6. So, today I had a puncture on the motorway, managed to get the spare on and drove straight to Kwik Fit at Manor Royal in Crawley, which is just a few yards from my work.. Several things happened that are obviously dubious, and repeated thousands of times all over the web where Kwik Fit is concerned. 1. The sales guy tried to quote for new tyres even before he inspected the flat one. 2. When he did look, he pointed out hairline cracks that were found to be superficial by the Mercedes garage. 3. He said both back tyres needed replacing 4. He then checked the front tyres, of which I had to let him down on a sale by telling him they had been replaced two days ago with its new MOT ! 5. The price quoted to replace was £384 , this is TWICE as much as any other garage, including Guy Salmon Jaguar just meters away. 6. The two rear tyres were subsequently inspected and found both to be repairable. So, its very probable that they wont take any notice of this complaint, or even respond, so, in one weeks time I will post this email to all 7000 employees of the company I work for, warning them, although, the ones I have spoken to already are well aware of just these issues first hand with Kwik Fit. Its no wonder Kwik Fit Crawley (Manor Royal) has no cars in for repair...
  7. Written by Martin Cutts, of the Plain Language Commission, who was recently featured on BBC Watchdog when he won a court case against Excel, with additional research by Nev Metson: Parking firms whose income depends on unclear signs and payment demands are being supported by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) through a little-known agreement with the British Parking Association (BPA). It’s led to about four million drivers being pursued for charges that many of them mistakenly think are real parking fines. In the current year alone, BPA-member firms are chasing drivers for these phoney (ie, not official) fines worth £160million using names and addresses they’ve got from the DVLA, a government agency that’s making £5million from the deal. http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/pl...y2012AsPub.pdf Also a speech given by Martin Cutts at the Parking Review Enforcement Summit 2012. There were a number of guest speakers, including Patrick Troy of the BPA, the new BPA Head with her "Masterplan", and representatives from APCOA, Parking Eye and other PPCs. He was asked to provide an advance copy of the speech, but refused. After he spoke and sat down, you could have heard a pin drop, apparently. This is the speech: http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/pl...ly2012copy.pdf
  8. Hello Lowell have been pursuing me for old catalogue debt from Catalogue firm empire stores for some time, i had a letter back months ago saying they could not obtain an agreement because it was such a long time ago, but to my amazement i received a photo copy of a customer shopping card with my name and old address fom the 90's on it no signature or date and are demanding payment forthwith. By the way the handwriting is not mine. Can someone tell me if this constitutes an official agreement,a ny advice would be gratefully received thankyou
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