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  1. Hi all, after 3 attempts, GE Money have FINALLY sent me a working SAR. First disc wouldnt recognise the password, second disc was completely blank! Anyway, Ive spent most of the morning going through this stuff and it doesnt look like they hit me for any insurances. But going right back to the beginning of the mortgage there is a list of charges that Im not sure about so could anyone advise if any of these might be reclaimable? Purple Loans Arrangement Fee £352.00 Lenders Legal Fee £170.38 First National Completion Fee £100.00 Insurance Fee £25 ( for processing documents relating to my own insurance) HLC (Higher Lending Charge) £236.19 Thanks all.
  2. http://invodesk.com/captivating-black-metal-bookcase/attractive-black-metal-bookcase_semi-open-design_three-shelves_four-caster-wheels_modern-style/ I'm looking for a sturdy three shelf rack for stacking printers on. It must have casters. I can't for the life of me find where I can get one of these systems in the picture – but it's ideal but there may be something just as good if anyone has any ideas. Ta
  3. Hi all. I recently asked my doctor to be referred to a specialist who deals specifically in concussions (I have experienced my second concussion in 6 months) and he kindly filled out something called an IPFR, which I had to Google to find out means Individual Patient Funding Request. I am not sure how many of these are turned down but I would like a little advice on how to appeal, and what information to include, should this request be turned down? Thank you all in advance. B
  4. Sca mmers have been sending out a host of fake vouchers, purporting to be from some of the nation's favourite supermarkets and high street stores. These fake voucher promotions have been popping up all over Facebook, Twitter and the rest. You will be led through some questions to get your voucher and you will have to supply your mobile number and your address – ostensibly so your “prize” can be sent out. In reality, your phone will be hit by premium rate calls costing up to £5 each https://www.lovemoney.com/news/26495/dont-fall-for-this-supermarket-voucher-[problem]
  5. Hi Hoping one or more of the gurus on here can answer this for me. I'm 64 years of age and live in Wales. Since having cancer treatment I have been having dental treatment to remove plaque from my teeth. Initially this was done at a hospital dental department and there was no charge for treatments, due to a shortage of hygienists the hospital passed me on to my NHS dental practice initially for 2 monthly visits which have quickly been reduced to 4 monthly simply because I'm managing to do a reasonable job of keeping the plaque down myself. Since going to the NHS practice the routine has been a visit for a checkup then a second visit to see the hygienist . I have never spent more than 5 minutes (timed) with the hygienist or the dentist. From my first treatment onwards I have been charged £43 each time. I queried this and was told it was because I have deep pockets between teeth and gums but I have found no mention on the NHS Wales site that this is a treatment that does not qualify as treatment included in the fee for a check up which does include a scale and polish and which I do not have to pay due to my age. Should I be paying for these treatments.
  6. Hi, Do you know what these numbers mean on my credit file. I hope it is statue barred? The numbers for each year and month starting from January ( Mobile phone company ). 2009: 39 0 63 0 89 0 40 35 0 25 0 0 2010: 46 74 112 129 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 2011, 2012,2013, until Mach 2014 show £221 for each month then the information disappeared. I have the above printed on paper in 2014 just before it disappeared. I am sure I stopped paying in some point in the end of 2009 or 2010. Can you please look at the above numbers? Is it statue barred? In October 2014 The same debt appeared under DCA- showing £221 for each month since November 2014 to date.
  7. I am trying to get my finances in order and have been reading up on forums about those who have had successes dealing with DCAs, but unfortunately my accounts don’t seem to make sense. I have four default accounts on my credit file, showing a D sign every single month on my account, but I have three payments from DCA going out of my account two I know why I am paying but PRA I don’t know what its for, and the two bank account overdrafts I have defaults for I don’t know what is happening with them and what to do. Should i send out CCA letters to all creditors including barclays and natwest? On my credit file are these four defaulted accounts Lender Idem Capital Securities Current Balance £1,868 I am paying this via direct debit reduced monthly installment at the moment, this has been passed from Agilent to Moorgate and now to Idem and I it was so long ago now I cant even remember who the original company was who I took a loan out with. Lender NWB Current Accounts Current Balance £1,691 It says I am paying £5 per month but I cannot see any standing order or direct debit going out of my account for £5 per month, so I have no idea what is going on with this account. Both Barclays & Natwest overdrafts have been passed over to DCA I am sure of it, but I am unclear on who they are or what is going on with these accounts. What shall I do? Do I chase up with the actual banks to see what information they can pull up (send SARS) Lender Barclays Bank plc Current Balance £1,590 Similar to my Natwest account, I do not have anything on my bank account showing I am paying them, yet it shows I am paying £18 per month, once again I do not know how to handle this and whether I have a DCA I am paying, I haven’t received any letters for a while and I don’t have a clue what I should do. Lender MKDP LLP Account Type Credit Card Current Balance £264 Finally I have a PRA Group direct debit set up for £8.86 per month but yet again I don’t know what debt this is for now, as it seems to have been set up some time back, with moving and getting married last year I lost a lot of paper work and I cant remember what DCA is for what account and why now. DCA payments: Idem Robinsons Way this is on my credit file under MKDP (are they the same company?)But there is nothing on my credit file saying I am dealing with Robinsons Way PRA Group £8.86 No clue whatsoever why I am paying this and for what account.
  8. They really are a curse! I have posted a couple of times regarding the nightmare I have had with one of these companies. With all the claims being made regarding Payday loan companies, I can't see any difference with these loans. I really hope we get some sort of compensation for all we have gone through. As with all these type of loans, once you've borrowed from them, it can be a vicious cycle, but in my case, when I first started until I finished not one credit check was made. They did an affordability check but how does that prove one's ability to pay. The desperateness of someones situation may mean they forget some debts or elevate their income etc. Easily done in the heat of the moment. Great day when they are banned or compensation awaits!
  9. Hi I pay smpl on Morgage but they are Acenden now. I've just sent them a Sar in the hope of reclaiming charges as I know I was in arrears about 7 or more years ago with capstone what's my chance of success here? I've just noticed they have cashed the cheque and £10 has been credited to my Morgage account. Is this normal practise?
  10. Following the new regulations in April 2014 many people (in particular those who support the Freeman on the Land ideology) have tried to avoid bailiff fees by making payment direct to the court (in the case of court fines) or the local authority (in the case of council tax ). In the early months of the regulations many local authorities were still trying to grasp the new regs and computer systems needed to be updated and accordingly, the local authorities (and magistrate courts) were slowly coming to grips with the way in which payments made direct to them after a warrant had been issued should be apportioned in line with the regulations (ie; the Compliance Fee of £75 being deducted in full and the balance being split on a pro rata basis between the debt to the creditor and bailiff fees). As many will remember on this forum, an astonishing number of Freedom of Information requests have been made to local authorities (and magistrate courts) by a handful of people seeking clarification as to how an individual local authority (or court) deal with 'direct payments' and sadly there are many examples on the popular Freedom of Information website; WhatdoTheyKnow.com of local authorities being subjected to costly 'internal reviews'. Worryingly, these 'reviews' have almost always been against those local authorities who had responded to the FOI requests confirming that they forwarded direct payments to the enforcement company. Yesterday an article appeared in a popular trade magazine that is circulated to all enforcement companies and local authorities addressing the subject of 'direct payments'. The article is written by the Director of a well known enforcement company and I have been given permission by him to reproduce the article on the forum.
  11. What are they and what do they do..
  12. A car somebody sold a few months ago has been receiving invoices from these people. The amount started from £100 then went upto £140 and then a few months later went down to £70. I attach the correspondance and hope it helps someone. As of yet court is being threatened. Before anybody asks. Commercial collection services LTD are running from the same address as the now defunct CCS ENFORCEMENT SERVICES which was a bailiff company taken over by rundell and co when they went pear shaped a few years ago.
  13. Hi Folks - Have been entered for an advanced tree felling course at my place of work , but my employer says if I leave in a certain period - I have to pay back the course . And wants me to sign a document to this effect . Provision and Use of Work Equipments Regs says otherwise I believe and there is nothing about this in my Works contract - yr thoughts ........ Q
  14. Sorry friends, I am not a pro. Please can you take a look at these and tell me if I was charged PPI? The copy I hv recd. is not very well scanned either. Thanks
  15. Hi Friends, These are a few examples of entries in my Barclaycard statements ... And a few from my Visa Debit card ... Please could you tell me which one of these could be unfair and worth claiming? Thanks. Autumn
  16. We were interested in buying some items from an Online store until I read this in their returns policy; Returns If for any reason, you are not completely happy with your purchase we will give you a full refund, or replacement, with no hassle and no fuss. All we ask is that you return the item within 7 days and that you return the item in its original unused condition (unless there is a defect with the product). To arrange a return or refund it would be really helpful if you could contact us first, as there may be circumstances where it may not be necessary for you to go to the inconvenience of returning the product. You can either call us or email us, as follows: Surely under DSR you do not have to return the item within 7 days, but do need to notify them that you do not want the product? If the time is faulty then they have to pay the postage otherwise according to DSR it is your responsibility.
  17. I changed my house phone a few months ago and keep getting constant calls from these people for someone I never heard of. I keep telling them this person does not and never has lived here. Now they keep sending recorded calls asking me to call a number to arrange a home visit. This is getting annoying as I am getting them 2 or 3 times a day.
  18. Hi all I'm two months in arrears with a company based near Doncaster as they haven't completed the job they were supposed to do almost 12 months ago. To cut a long story short, I had a call a few days ago to discuss this from a Mr Morley supposedly of 'Doncaster Debt Collectors'. Called from a mobile number. Has anyone heard of this company or had any dealings with them? I have googled it and there are no results. I suspect he is from the company that I am having problems with rather than a debt collector. I explained the problem and he agreed to remove all charges from my account and to send an engineer out to finish the job. I have previously discussed this with the company in question, sent a letter in the post etc, with no joy and now, as soon as I stop paying, 'Mr Morley' is offering to make it all better! Surely this is not the job of a debt collector? What do you think? Looking forward to hearing your views and thanks in advance.
  19. My wife has received a PCN for a Code 34: Being in a Bus Lane, which cannot be denied as she did indeed drive in the said Bus Lane. However, I believe that the Road Signs for this Bus Lane as seen from the road that she entered the Bus Lane are incorrect and therefore illegal. My wife was photographed turning left from a side road onto the Bus Lane which is on a 2 vehicle width road, the lane next to the Bus Lane is for travelling in the opposite direction to which the Bus Lane goes, which in effect means that anyone turning left from this side road MUST go in the Bus Lane. Could someone on here please confirm or refute my belief, Thank you. [ATTACH=CONFIG]47957[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]47956[/ATTACH]
  20. Today I had a visit from Whyte and Co bailiffs. Unbeknowst to me I had a pcn stat declaration rejected by Northampton county Court. They wanted £517.84. they gave no breakdown. They never sent any letters, claiming I had lost my right to any notification of rejection or correspondence from them as I appealed. I paid them all I had (£600, and they are returning every Friday for £100 until the balance is cleared. I had to pay them as they were threatening to clamp my work van. I am being sent an N244 form by the court, but am sure they have not behaved in accordance to rules. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  21. Hi I'm new on here - don't know if this has been asked before. I had heard or read somewhere that it is possible to reclaim Royalties fees that RBS introduced. Years and years ago when I opened an account it was a basic account with card/cheque book and a small overdraft. At some point I don't know when, the account was moved on to the Royalties and amounts were coming out of the bank monthly for this, I never agreed to this and I certainly never ever used it., it was a waste of time I am annoyed that this money was taken from me over the years on something that was of no use whatsoever to me, Any advice? thanks
  22. I missed the notices about restricted parking on a cul-de-sac overnight and ended up being issued with 2 PCN's. The restrictions that applied are park for no more than one hour, no return within one hour between 8am and 6pm. The first one from the evening was issued with the wrong road (it said I was parked on the road just around the corner instead) and then in the morning I got given another at 8.49am (this time the correct road was given). Can I successfully appeal both of these? I never have parked on the road on the first PCN and surely I would be allowed to park until 9am in the morning given the allowance of one hour starting from 8am. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  23. This morning out with the dog, I was admiring 4 new cygnets with the parents from a safe distance. All lovely and grey and fluffy still, just pecking about. Bit of an exposed place, but there you go. Then comes Bernard, this buzzard that's taken a liking to me. I could see what he meant to do, he was aiming straight for the cygnets, and I nearly had a panic attack for them. But wait, straight in from either side of Bernard came two huge crows, and they knocked him straight off course, then came a seagull, a massive one, and he also joined in. They chased Bernard well away making a terrible noise about it. All the cygnets were safe and mum and dad were hissing and flapping. So, what is gong on? I know Bernard was going to take at least one of those cygnets, but why would the other birds help to protect them? I wish I had my camera this morning, slate grey sky, two huge white swans and four grey cygnets against it, then Bernard flying in like that, wings spread out with those big circles things on his wings (go on, tell me he's not a buzzard!), and the two massive black crows flying in from either side, with a giant white seagull dead ahead and joining in - what a photo opportunity! Can any bird lovers tell me what is going on here? Cheers!
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