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  1. Makes you wonder if this is just restricted to the one hospital !! https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/police-investigate-nhs-waiting-list-fiddle-0skjz03rt?shareToken=9b3148be41ddfe207c14ef73011774a0 Human and/or IT errors.... ready made excuses.
  2. Hi all. I recently asked my doctor to be referred to a specialist who deals specifically in concussions (I have experienced my second concussion in 6 months) and he kindly filled out something called an IPFR, which I had to Google to find out means Individual Patient Funding Request. I am not sure how many of these are turned down but I would like a little advice on how to appeal, and what information to include, should this request be turned down? Thank you all in advance. B
  3. Hi all this is a long & winding story thanks in advance for your patience in reading it, ive tried to keep it as short as I can. I have been using a local garage for years, the owner (John) became a trusted friend. I needed a quad bike to help me get about my land, I asked John to help me look he insisted quad bikes are too dangerous & id be better with a tractor, between the John & my husband they persuaded me so I agreed to buying an old tractor & gave a budget of £1000.00 for an old working tractor. John quickly produced a tractor with a topper and harrow for £1600, I reminded him of my budget, he explained this was a 3 way deal, the person who currently owned the tractor owed John £1600 & would give the John the tractor in payment & I would give John the cash, I refused the additional extras but agreed to the working tractor, once it arrived & after I paid the £1000 John told me it needed an oil seal & the clutch needed freeing off then I could have the tractor & he would do the repair in his spare time so I expected it to take a long time to do. 1 year later, still no tractor, I started to really complain at which point he demanded £500 for the job, not happy I reluctantly paid it as I had bought a working tractor which it obviously was not, 2 years on still no tractor, I started to make calls texts & visits on a daily basis & eventually I lost my patience & suggested we just get a 3rd party involved which then escalated the situation & John went into a free fall demanding to deal with my husband who gave him another £500 so the £1000 budget has now doubled! John presented me with a long list of parts he had bought a year previous & was now demanding the money for the parts & labour which he did without asking me yet the week before demanding this money he had told both me & my husband that he had replaced the oil seal freed off the clutch & only had to bolt the engine back together nothing was mentioned about the long list of parts which he is now trying to charge us for. Before all of this became such a farse I had also given him my 4x4 along with a new engine to put in it, he didn't do that but decided to botch up the old engine using good parts off the new engine without my permission, he took it for a spin & completely wrecked the car all over again, we told him to replace the engine which he did but still no 4x4, it then transpires that the engine he has now put in is more powerful & he didn't take into account the extra torque thus damaging the clutch plate we are now coming into the 4th year of waiting for the two vehicles, both of which are loosing value, I have noticed the 4x4 dumped amongst the rubbish & scrap in the garage, the 4 new tyres have perished & are flat, scratches all over it & Mold growing on the seats, this was a beautiful car when it went in, each time we phone were told they will be ready by the weekend, we are being fobbed off at every turn, Im now at the end of my tether & have made a complaint to trading standards & about to hire a solicitor to take up the case but im now fighting against my husband who is worried that we will end up with nothing at all & thinks John will try to charge extortionate storage for the two vehicles, does anyone know what our rights are & can anyone make any suggestions as to what we can do. this is having a detrimental effect on my health & relationship with my husband & there isn't a day goes by without upset about this situation. Thank you for reading.
  4. Hello, I'm looking for some advice. At the end of May this year I purchased a used VW Golf GTD from a main VW dealer in West London. The car was six months old and sold to me as a former demonstrator. I paid £22K for the car. At the point of purchase the dealer informed me that he was waiting on the spare key and I drove away with only one key. Seeing as this was a VW dealership, I felt I could trust that said key would be sent to me. After numerous emails between myself and the representative at the dealership, he finally informed me at the beginning of August that the key had arrived, yet needed to be coded to the car. This would require me to return the car for a morning. I live fifty miles away (a trip via the dredded M25) This is easily an hour and a half trip, each way. I challenged him on why it needed coding if it was the spare key, it should already be coded. He simply ignored me and advised me to bring my car in. Due to injury requiring hospitalisation, I was unable to do anything during July and August. I am now picking up where this left off. I contacted the dealership today to find out that the representative that sold me the car has since left the company. I spoke with the used car sales manger who simply told me that the car HAD to be bought to their dealership to have the work done. I have suggested that I take it to my local VW dealership but he refused claiming that they had issues in the past when dealing with dealerships not in their franchise group. As a 'gesture of good will' he has offered to have my car collected and driven to them to have the coding done. Then the car dropped back off to me, with some fuel added. I have no signed documentation from the purchase day stating that the spare key was missing and was 'to follow'. I only have the email chain from the dealer, confirming that he is obtaining the key for me. My wife is my only witness to the transaction and arrangement over the spare key. What are my options please?
  5. Hello I am in receipt of CB ESA with the support component having been migrated from Incapacity Benefit several years ago. I also receive DLA High Rate Mobility and High Rate Care. I had no entitlement to Income Related benefits as partner was in full time employment. New scenario - Partner has to leave employment due to chronic lung condition. We ask at Jobcentre how and who should claim. Were told partner should make separate claim for ESA which he did. Was placed in support group without a medical. When he asked for housing costs (SMI) to be included, these were added from 13th week, (this was waiting period at the time). My question is - When I advised DWP of the change of circumstances (partner leaving employment), should this have prompted a supersession exercise to establish potential entitlement to Income Related ESA, and the issue of form ESA3 ? If my claim had been made into the joint claim would SMI have been payable straight away or would I be subject to the waiting period. In addition to housing costs, several premiums would also be included in the applicable amount. I have raised this query with DWP and have a letter that says if I had made the claim for Income Based ESA, I would still have had to serve the 13 week qualifying period. Having looked online the information I have found suggests this is incorrect. Any thoughts on this would be gratefully received. Thank you.
  6. Hi, I applied for a provisional driving license in October 2016. To this day (Aug 2017) I am still waiting for it. Today DVLA told me it's still in a queue for a doctor to review but would not tell me how many months or years it would take for that review to happen. DVLA refused to tell me the average or approximate time it takes for a medical review to happen. No info whatsoever...just keep waiting... Is this normal? How long does this normally take? Is there a way I could get a provisional license and my lessons as well as the actual driving license abroad and then use that here? - Sorry, this might be a silly question, but I need options. I desperately need a driving license for work/shopping/doc appointments due to bad back, and it seems it's not possible to do it in the UK due to some internal DVLA backlogs. Thank you for any suggestions x
  7. Could I ask please. I bought a tumble dryer online from Co Op electrical 4 months ago. A week and a half a go it just stopped working. I called AEG the manufacturer, the chap got me to press several buttons in sequence so he could see what the fault was. Seemed to think circuit board had gone. I called Co op, they said I have to have an engineer sent out to fix it. They were supposed to show today but called to cancel saying the part had not arrived and don't know when it will. I called Co Op again and told someone would call me back, but that did not happen as promised. I tried quoting them the under 6 months old and deemed to have the fault from new and would like it replaced, but they said no has to have an engineer to fix it. So I've waited a week and a half already and no idea how many more weeks before an engineer can visit. I've got wet washing hanging everywhere! Any pointers to how I should proceed with this appreciated. Ideally I just want a new one, if its gone wrong in 4 months it does not bode well. Many thanks
  8. Waiting days are days at the start of your claim for Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) for which you are not paid benefit. New rules from 27 October 2014 increase the number of waiting days from three days to seven days if you’re making a new claim for JSA or ESA. This means you won’t get paid for the first seven days of your claim. The increase in the number of waiting days doesn’t affect your entitlement to Housing Benefit during this period. You can still get Housing Benefit as if you’re getting JSA or ESA, even though you’re not being paid it. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/news/jsa-and-esa-waiting-days/
  9. After waiting 10 weeks for payment because a month in arrears and then a two week wait till end of month pay date, so at last the day has come for payment 31st dec 2015 i got 554.00 pound out of after tax 1660.00 and he wont tell me when i get the rest, other work mate told me it will be in two or three payments over a couple of weeks, not good enough is it, what can i do,
  10. Hi all I wonder if you can help I sold a item on ebay and I sent the item throught parcel2go. I book the parcel on the 17/02/2016 and they was due to pick up the parcel the next day The courier came on the 18/02/2016 to pick up the parcel. parcel2go told me that the parcel would be delivered by the 22/02/2016. It wasn't until the end of the month that that told me by email that they lost my parcel . I put in a claim for the parcel they lost. which they Approved. Since then it been nothing but a nightmare to get my claim money back. I have waited 4 working days for the money to show in my bank account and I'm still waiting for this claim money from parcel2go. I have checked with my bank to see if they know anything and they told me they can;t see anything on their system . I have contacted parcel2go vie live chat and have been told to wait another 2 days and it will be in my bank account. I'm getting so much miss information from parcel2go that I don;t know where I'm going or coming and how many more lies I will get when I talk to them on the live chat service. Can someone help me with this problem with parcel2go as I'm not sure what to do for the best .
  11. Hi all, Our LA is proposing to change waiting restrictions in our neighbourhood, supposedly on the prefix folk use our area to collect kids from school, which is not the case at all, however we do get a lot of white van man up the next road and some local business parking from 7am to 3pm ish.. maybe a few station parkers but nothing too extreme. But my main concern is A) the cost to me and B) the state of the footpaths and lighting locally, and C) this will push the parking to the next available road that has a width restriction to its already narrow entrance that goes out of the estate which will undoubtedly cause chaos. esp for the poor folk that live on that particular corner, apx 100 meters away from us. Any advice please consultations end 26th June.
  12. Hello A month ago I posted news about being successful BUT am still waiting for DWP to action!!!! Is there a time-limit for DWP to put this decision through and pay arrears?? (they clear a WCA decision speedily but not a reversal) Even intervention from an advice centre hasn't moved things along. Like DWP don't care and fob off.
  13. ,,my huband applied for pip in october after being made to graduate from dla higher rate mobility and no care he had his assessment at home in jan and i constantly phoned up to be told its with a manger etc so i made a complaint and lo and behold today i got a phonecall to say he had been awarded enhanced mobility and enhanced care i cried as its taken 15 years to be acknowledged that i care ft for my husband , so all i can say is keep going stay strong and believe .. the good guys nearly always win x
  14. My wife entered a private pay and display car park in Blackpool, and drove around looking for a free space. After about 20 mins of waiting for a space to come free, she gave up and drove out. Some time later we received a parking fine for £100 (£60 if paid in 14 days). Their evidence was a photo of the car entering the carpark and leaving 21mins later. We obviously felt this entirely unjust as she never actually parked! We apealed in the first instance directly to Parking Eye, who rejected it and said we should appeal to POPLA if we wanted to take it further, which we did. We have just now received a rejection from POPLA saying that as there is proof that she spent 21mins on the car park, and that "it is more likely than not that the appellant deliberately stopped the vehicle for a significant length of time. This means that the appellant parked, whether or not they left the vehicle." They say that we must now pay £100 within 14 days to avoid any charges. We are furious about this and are determined not to pay for Not being able to park. Any ideas what we should do next?
  15. New universal credit rules which could leave 200,000 claimants waiting six months for benefit http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/7878/ So much for making work pay, eh.....
  16. I wonder if anyone from Renfrewshire is having the same problem. I have been waiting 7 months for my DHP application (to pay the bedroom tax) to be processed. I have contacted the office a few times by email and get the same response "we are dealing with many of these forms and your claim will be reviewed". I have also sent in a new claim for DHP starting this april 2015 and have still heard nothing. I successfully got DHP twice before but since the SNP announced they will be fully mitigating the bedroom tax everything seems to be at a standstill.
  17. Hi Folks, I hadn't been to Liverpool airport in years and went to pick up relatives at the weekend, not realizing the new 'traffic management' was in force. I picked my relatives up on a road leading to the carpark and was kindly warned by a local taxi driver - I researched the parking at the airport when I got home and am expecting a PCN soon. I want to fight these vultures every step of the way and actually have already 2 template appeals written out, one for VCS and Popla. My question is, as I know it is recommended on here not to ignore a PCN, would it make sense to not open the letter and write on it 'moved to France'. Would VCS give up or pester me, or would they go down the debt collector or bailiff route? I know I have a good chance with the standard templates appeals but just wanted to double check my strategy before I get the PCN. Thanks in advance!
  18. Hi, I moved in the house on the 27th July 2013 and we had a 12 month contract. This obviously ran out on the 27th July 2014 and we are still waiting for a new tenancy. I rang him 4 weeks prior to the 27th July to see if we would be stopping and to make arrangements to get a new tenancy sorted. The landlord said he has it in his diary and he would be around before it expired. But every time something crops up. Every single time he is meant to come something important happens and he never tells me. I find out by ringing him and asking if he is still coming. I rang him today and he never answered so I left a message. He rang me back two hours later to say he would be around today. So I cancelled any plans I had with the kids and stopped in. Just rang him again and again something cropped up. It is nearly two weeks now since our tenancy ended and its starting to annoy me. Any advice? or has this just been a rant and a case of me waiting? Cheers
  19. I often pick my daughter up after work from the town centre bus station. It's a one way system and I have to drive through a car park to get to the bus station. She's usually walking through the car park when I get there but a couple of weeks ago she (or the bus) was 15 minutes late and I waited at the exit of the car park. Today I received a parking charge notice from Parking Eye for £100 as I was in the car park for 17 minutes in total. The notice is addressed to my husband, as he is the registered keeper, but I am the main driver. At the time my daughter was also insured as a named driver (we'd added her to the policy for 30 days to get some practise) and in fact, although I drove into the car park, she drove out. The photos on the notice show the 'L' plates on exiting. I've read through quite a few of the stickys and posts on here and think my best course of action is to write to Parking Eye as the registered keeper but I'd like advice on what to put in the letter. My husband was out of the country with work at the time, is it worth mentioning this or should I just say he is not obliged to name the driver? I would never intentionally not pay for parking but feel £100 is totally excessive. In future I will drive straight out of the car park and wait on the road for her. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Hi All, I'm still waiting for my claim form to come through, should I be concerned that it hasn't arrived yet or are others still waiting? I did call them and update my address details over a month ago, so there should be no reason why it shouldn't arrive. Thanks, Andy
  21. Hello All. I have a CCJ which was registered in November 2009 and satisfied in June 2012. I have been waiting since 4th January 2014 for a letter of satisfaction from Bryan Carter Solicitors. I phoned them today and they say they are still waiting for Co-op to validate the evidence I sent in. Apparently, they will contact Co-op but cannot tell me how much longer it might take. Does anybody have any advice about what I should do next? Many Thanks, Tenant_B
  22. Ive made a claim for ESA. Dis so begining of December 2013. I'm 22 weeks into claim (13 weeks of which is the assessment period ).....I've been told it'll take months to sort out my claim but not as long as a year I'm still on the lower rate. Everyone I see on forum sites talk about getting their appeal dates, I haven't got that far.....How long is this gonna take, anyone got any ideas???
  23. I put in a claim for ESA in November 2013 for Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue, IBS, Chronic Asthma and other issues, over the last few months I've also been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and COPD. I filled in a very thorough ESA50 and sent a lot of medical evidence with it and stated sections 29 and 35 stating it would be a risk to my mental and physical health if I was found not to have a limited capacity to work after a WCA. I also requested that if I had to have an assessment then I wanted it at home and recorded. Haven't heard anything, I have complained to ATOS who said it would be passed onto the customer relations manager or something, my MP contacted the DWP and was basically fobbed off. My Asthma Nurse and Respiratory Consultant say I shouldn't even have an assessment. Can I send in more evidence? If I get some more supporting letters from my Asthma Nurse and Respiratory Consultant is there any chance that this could prevent me from having an assessment? I do have copies of two letters from my respiratory consultant already but waiting for another one to arrive. My main concern though is the fact it' nearly 10 months now and II've not heard anything. Does anyone have any email addresses for the DWP or ATOS where I can send them more evidence? I don't trust them to get it by post even via recorded delivery, too much stuff seems to go missing. Thank you for your time.
  24. Hi all, sorry for the formal layout of my question but I think it best gives the details. 6 weeks ago my wife developed a stiff leg and before the end of the day had to be brought home from school (a teacher)unable to walk. Doctor diagnosed sciatica and prescribed tablets. (these have been increased weekly as there has been increased pain and unable to sleep at nights) Also the foot had dropped in this time and a hired wheelchair is now used for mobility. We waited 4 weeks to see a consultant. Consultant diagnosed the drop foot and pain as being related to a disc operation approx 15 years ago. The consultant also stated the case was 'urgent' and a scan was to be arranged from which we shouldn't be surprised if we were told to travel straight to another hospital from the scan for an operation. This meeting was 2 weeks ago. My wife now in a desperate state suffering continuing pain, lack of sleep, and only able to walk with a stick a few steps around the house. We contacted hospital regarding MRI scan date and they said it was a 'routine' case and could be anything up to 3 months! We contacted the consultants secretary regarding the 'urgent' 'routine' statements who told us she would contact the consultant. My wife is/was an active lady and a busy hard working teacher, to be told that the scan could well be in a number of months time has left her devastated. My question is, we are sure the consultant said the case was 'urgent', and so how long would we be expected to wait for a scan? Sorry the question is specific but someone may be able to answer. many thanks, GHLB
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