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Found 10 results

  1. Speaking to an advisor today who informed me I shouldn't be paying council tax!!!!!!!!!!! Turns out if you're classed as severely mentally impaired, (SMI) and is likely to continue, and are in receipt of certain benefits, OR are eligible for certain benefits, including but not limited to, Incapacity Benefit, PIP, ESA, SDP, etc etc. then you are exempt from council tax, variable from LA to LA, some 100%, 50% or 25%. I'm going to put my LA to the test, having a severe traumatic brain injury, which is well documented in my medical history, I have just rang my LA to enquire about this exemption, whilst the call handler was very polite, she was of the understanding that you're only eligible if you suffer from dementia or parkinsons.......however she is sending me the forms. I fill them in, then when the LA receives them, they get in touch with your GP who will confirm or deny your diagnosis, then the LA applies said discount. AND you can put in a claim to have them repay any previous CT paid from the date you were eligible. Mine will go back to 2007!
  2. in a few days time we will no longer be entitled to mortgage interest payments, instead what the DWP was paying in mortgage interest payments will continue to be paid however like a load of other people we will have to pay this back with interest, and on top of that our property will be subjected to a charging order. our mortgage interest payment does not even reach £150 every 4 weeks. yet we get stuffed for having our own house, by the way i was in full time employment until health deteriorated and could no longer work. my question is ...how come we have to pay the interest payment back with interest when there are lots more people on benifits who have larger rents that get paid and they dont have to pay that back. seems like those who where working and doing their best and have their own homes gets penilised for having it.
  3. Hello I am in receipt of CB ESA with the support component having been migrated from Incapacity Benefit several years ago. I also receive DLA High Rate Mobility and High Rate Care. I had no entitlement to Income Related benefits as partner was in full time employment. New scenario - Partner has to leave employment due to chronic lung condition. We ask at Jobcentre how and who should claim. Were told partner should make separate claim for ESA which he did. Was placed in support group without a medical. When he asked for housing costs (SMI) to be included, these were added from 13th week, (this was waiting period at the time). My question is - When I advised DWP of the change of circumstances (partner leaving employment), should this have prompted a supersession exercise to establish potential entitlement to Income Related ESA, and the issue of form ESA3 ? If my claim had been made into the joint claim would SMI have been payable straight away or would I be subject to the waiting period. In addition to housing costs, several premiums would also be included in the applicable amount. I have raised this query with DWP and have a letter that says if I had made the claim for Income Based ESA, I would still have had to serve the 13 week qualifying period. Having looked online the information I have found suggests this is incorrect. Any thoughts on this would be gratefully received. Thank you.
  4. What happened was I have aspergers and my support worker to claim a SMI ( severe mental impairment) for council tax exemption. I took it to the doctor and she stamped the letter but she reworded it moderate instead of severe, but . My local council tax office said something about because of severe disability premium, ESA support group and h rate care l rate mobility means I still qualify , then I phoned the city council tax call Center they disagreed, my local one says they not specialists and she asked her council tax practitioner she agreed again that I still qualify. But nobody will tell me there details of how you get a severe mental impairment council tax exemption if it's only moderate
  5. the dwp have been helping me for the last 15 yrs now they want to turn this into a loan is it from now or are they backing dateing it very worried about this in the budget
  6. HI After my ESA review I am in support group. I have received SMI payments toward £56,000 As when they started paying my SMI it was before you could get interest on up to £200,000 And so it never applied to me. However as my benefit went through a review for ESA it is treated like a new claim? In my tiny mind I thought that maybe assistance with payments would now be times by 4 But it hasn't been? How do I work out what they are meant to pay? I have looked for an online calculator but cant find one? OSW
  7. Hi, Hope some one can shed some light for me. I'm on E.S.A I get help with mortgage which is 132 pound's a month. I've been informed that in April it will go to 18.90 a month. When i asked why they said the bank inform's them every year and that's what my new payment's will be. I thought the interest rate has stayed the same .so there would be no change in the amount they will pay .
  8. I was on JSA allowance for 11 months then straight over to ESA of which I have been claiming 9 months. For both I was/am also in receipt of SMI. Now I know that on JSA SMI is only paid for 2 years. Does anyone know if my if they add JSA and ESA SMI time together (hope this makes sense), in relation to the time allowed on it.
  9. What is the criteria for climing SMI as in what or where can I find the rules/regulations on a claim? Person has been on IB soon to be ESA for a number of years, 2008 I think. At the time of making a claim they were not able to claim for help with the mortgage because for whatever reason they were barred/didn't meet the criteria/ disallowed. They've met their mortgage payments for the past 4 years with no help from the DWP and it's been a tough hit every month. Have the rules change or are they still in place and much the same as what they were almost 5 years ago? Where can the reaons for disallowing a claim for SMI be found?
  10. I have been advised by my local Jobcentre that the DWP are planning on cutting the rate they use to calculate mortgage help from 6% to 3%. This will mean that mortgage payments will drop by 50%!!! It has not been confirmed yet, but has obviously been communicated to local offices. Urgent letters to MPs methinks, here is mine.. If you cut and paste this, ensure you change the LHA rates to the correct amount https://lha-direct.voa.gov.uk/Secure/LHARateSearch.aspx?SearchType=LA and insert your own figures. The 2011 LHA rates will differ from region to region - but my guess is a 10% average reduction.
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