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Found 8 results

  1. £215 million boost for council homelessness services READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/215-million-boost-for-council-homelessness-services
  2. New boost to rogue landlord crackdown READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-boost-to-rogue-landlord-crackdown
  3. If you've been enjoying Tesco's Clubcard Boost events, where you can double the value of your points and the like - bad news - the last one is imminent, as the supermarket are scrapping the scheme. The last boost will be held from 16th May until 26th June, so don't dither. The idea is to make these schemes easier to understand, and to make Clubcard points simpler. Clubcard Boost events have given the opportunity to swap points online or in stores, in multiples of £5 for £10 vouchers which you can spend in specific departments. However, over on their website, they've said that these events will be axed after they'd heard customers requests to make the whole Clubcard system easier to digest. Tesco said that they recognise that the scheme 'needs to be simpler to understand and easier to use'. Instead of sporadic boosts, now, savings will be offered throughout the year. All the information you need about this, can be found over at Tesco, here. http://www.bitterwallet.com/high-street-news/tesco-axes-clubcard-boost-events-may-will-be-the-last-one-91829
  4. And the vein amongst us say we should give up our nuclear 'defence' system. President Vladimir Putin has said Russia will put more than 40 new intercontinental ballistic missiles into service this year. It is part of a wide-reaching programme to modernise the country's military.
  5. ,,my huband applied for pip in october after being made to graduate from dla higher rate mobility and no care he had his assessment at home in jan and i constantly phoned up to be told its with a manger etc so i made a complaint and lo and behold today i got a phonecall to say he had been awarded enhanced mobility and enhanced care i cried as its taken 15 years to be acknowledged that i care ft for my husband , so all i can say is keep going stay strong and believe .. the good guys nearly always win x
  6. Barclays Bank has announced a plan to boost the presence of Britain’s credit unions in the high street. These include: £1m cash injection for credit unions to help them grow and expand. allowing them to set up shop in its branches giving credit unions free infrastructure access to Pingit, the bank’s mobile payment service http://www.independent.co.uk/money/spend-save/credit-unions-boosted-by-bank-in-payday-battle-9304724.html http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/apr/30/barclays-branches-credit-unions
  7. I wonder if anyone has come across this weird one. After a series of issues leading to BT engineers coming to "fix the fault" ( This included the engineer waffling about going to the main exchange and changing our main box to the "new style") we have been left with a really odd internet connection. When plugged into the test plug everything works fine - although still a slower speed than before the fault (around 6000). When plugged into another line in the house the speed varies from nothing at all up to 2000. I guess this implies that the fault is with the internal wiring, although I am convinced that he just wired it up wrongly in the new box as this wasn't a problem before. Here's the weird bit though - when we ring Utility Warehouse (who provide our BT line) on the 0845 number, or when they ring us on the same number our speed jumps up to 6000+. When the call disconnects it gradually goes back down again to 1000 / off completely. Can anyone tell us what's going on? Utility warehouse certainly can't - it's taken 5 phone calls to persuade them to order out another engineer.
  8. Scotland and England have been given £363m to improve rural broadband in order to meet the Government’s target of 90% of homes having super-fast broadband by 2015. The Government is also encouraging local authorities and businesses to contribute, so as much progress as possible can be accomplished with the funds, which have come from the TV licence fee.
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