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Found 15 results

  1. Hi all, I need your advice regarding to parking matters. I have received a letter from the management committee as they said in the letter I am only allowed to park 15 mins where I live. If I park my car in a private land more than 15 mins I would get the tickets. It haven't say anything in the tenancy agreement about the parking restrictions. I guess there is no contract with the parking company. And also it say in the letter that they are allowed to remove my car if I don't move it. I know it's illegal to tow a car as the Law have banned the private firm to tow or clamp in 2012. The committee don't have the powers to remove my car as they dont own the land and they are not the Law firm. I guess that I should ignore them, but I am not too sure. Can someone please advice me whether if I should ignore it or not? Here is the picture: lettera.pdf
  2. I have been granted a Tier 2 ICT Long Term Leave to Enter Visa valid for the next 5 years. I just wanted to clarify a remark which says 'Restricted'. Just wondering what restrictions apply to me in terms of employment. Can I continue working with my current sponsor and take an additional job in the same profession and at the same level as my main job for up to 20 hours per week?
  3. Hi Just after some good advice if anyone can help. I received a PCN about 2 weeks ago for parking in a street with temporary restrictions. The town is Tenby in SW Wales and an Ironman event was going on. I challenged the PCN on the basis that to me, there appeared to be no restrictions in place where I parked. There were no yellow lines anywhere near my vehicle and although there were temporary yellow signs strapped to lampposts, the nearest one was around 50 yards from my car and I was not between any of them. I took photos and supplied them with my challenge. The challenge has been rejected. Have I got any grounds to appeal this? Its only a £35 fine if I pay within about 2 weeks. An extract from the challenge rejection letter says: "I note from your letter you say you had ensured you had parked where there were no restrictions. I also note you say you di not park on yellow lines. I also note you say the nearest sign showing a restriction was 50 yards away. However, the restriction was clearly shown throughout the area, (please see attached photograph). It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that they check for signage and are aware of restrictions before leaving their vehicle. Unfortunately your reasons are therefore not accepted as grounds for cancellation of the Penalty Charge Notice." The photo that they have sent me is attached. The vehicle in the photo is not mine and this sign must have been at least 50 yards from my car.
  4. http://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/claims-parking-restrictions-discriminate-against-9319524 Relates to this old thread; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?405374-PE-sign.
  5. Hi all, Our LA is proposing to change waiting restrictions in our neighbourhood, supposedly on the prefix folk use our area to collect kids from school, which is not the case at all, however we do get a lot of white van man up the next road and some local business parking from 7am to 3pm ish.. maybe a few station parkers but nothing too extreme. But my main concern is A) the cost to me and B) the state of the footpaths and lighting locally, and C) this will push the parking to the next available road that has a width restriction to its already narrow entrance that goes out of the estate which will undoubtedly cause chaos. esp for the poor folk that live on that particular corner, apx 100 meters away from us. Any advice please consultations end 26th June.
  6. My car is normally parked on a roadside with no restrictions. I parked the car on last Friday and there were no notices on the pole. On Sunday morning my car along with other 3 were picked and moved to another road and also given a PCN of £110 (discounted to £55). When i saw the proof online they had put the parking restriction cones and also stuck a new parking restriction notice on a pole not next to the car but one outside the parking zone. Does the council not have a minimum period to inform the residents for the change of restrictions? Also there was no change of parking restriction notice anywhere. The council is behaving like it can do whatever it wants however it pleases. I have challenged the PCN but i am waiting for the response as to what their counter argument is? Any help will be much appreciated.
  7. Hi, new to ere, Please can some1 help. I have 2 restrictions on my property. Joint mtg. sole debt in my name. I have accepted a offer of sale on my property, however these 2 restrictions are on from 2008. I have read a lot about from 2003 law changed an my solicitor only has to give notice to the creditors of my sale and they can't force to have full funds. My ex partner put the deposit in and won't give me any which is understanding, well he has offered me £4k which I offered to one restriction to take off but they said no. So does my solicitor just have to give them notice.? Any1 reccomend a solicitor who is keyed up on this to go through? Thanks in advance
  8. There is a very annoying short bus lane in Romford, which makes cars have to go around it if they want to turn left on to the A12. Many cars (including me) ignore this and just use the bus lane. I havn't got a fine, nor do I know anyone that has, but I see a lot of confused people straddling both lanes, including my father than recently brought it up. There used to be a sign with the time restrictions, however the sign is no longer there. Are the same restrictions still in place? Here is streetview with the sign in place. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.588407,0.171717,3a,75y,126.18h,86.06t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sReS--ARWQwjtIp_gSHvcjw!2e0
  9. I have booked a local venue for a wedding renewal next year, they have stipulated a list of suppliers for services such as chair covers etc that I "have" to use ! However I have already found companies that I would like to use. Can they legally force me to use their preferred companies ????
  10. hello all can anyone explain to me how a company places restrictions on a landline. I ask because the day my bill was due o2 put my landline on incoming calls only. This wad the 20th august. I paid my bill on the 22nd august and still the restrictions have not been lifted. i have called them 3 times and each time get told different things. First it would take 24 hours then it went to 48 hours then it went to four days and the last occasion i was told it e four working days. when i asked why they said an engineer would have to go to the exchange and lift the restriction. i don't believe this to be true mt line is on and i can make free calls just not charegable ones so why does an engineer need to be called out surely its done remotely via computer? Can anyone explain how it works thanks as at this rate i wont be able to use my phone till Thurs this week nine days after it was restricted.
  11. Glad to see that Swindon Council are cracking down hard on irresponsible parking http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-22158829
  12. Don't know if I am in the correct Forum?? I have sold on ebay for over 10 years - have 100% positive feedbakc. Mainly sell vintage items, clothing , collectables etc for a hobby etc. Have had had low seller ratings only for dispatch time ( due to postal strikes, delays at Olympics time & personal circumstances) no unresolved cases. I moved house recently and mislaid some parcels - I had no phone or internet so had to use public library network till reconnected. Offered my customers a refund until I located mislaid parcels so no problems there. Reeceived e-mail from ebay mid September telling me I am permanently restricted from selling due to low seller ratings - removed all my listings with bids on them. Felt like a criminal!! I contacted their customer services who said nothing they could but offered me a £25.00 voucher to spend on ebay. I then wrote to the CEO who responded and said I was still restricted permanently from selling and that ebay was not the platform for this sort of selling practice?? I appealed and was told that I hadn't improved enough over the twelve month period even considering postal strikes etc and personal circumstances. I think this is very harsh - I don't sell fake or inferior goods, am honest and fair. Is there a petition anywhere I can sign thanks
  13. I'm currently filling out my housing benefit and have under £23,500 ( which I read somewhere was the cut off ) but reasonably close because I've not been out spending cash on things due to being housebound. 3000 of that is in Isa and the rest - or 15,000 -is in my current / saving accounts at the same bank. Will this be penalised in an way. if I'm between say 18,000 and 23.5000 , and if so what are my options ? thanks again , mike
  14. Good morning, I would really appreciate some assistance if possible. I am currently in the process of selling a property. The land registry title contains three restrictions, two of which are in my name and one in my ex-partners name, with the property being in joint names. My conveyancer has written to all three creditors listed on the title requesting settlement figures. We are currently waiting for their responses. However, I have since found out that one particular creditor, namely, ‘Shoosmiths’ have since passed on my debt/details to ‘Eversheds’ for some reason. I only found this out yesterday after contacting Shoosmiths asking why things were taking so long. I passed this information onto my conveyancer, who is obviously waiting for an official response of sorts. Can anybody please tell me how this will impact on the sale proceedings? Will Eversheds need to apply to have their name put on the title before any further progress can be made or can they simply ride on the back of Shoosmiths? Many thanks, Borris
  15. Spray irrigation restrictions Under Section 57 of the Water Resources Act 1991 the Agency can reduce or stop spray irrigation to protect the environment. This is a last resort restriction but it may well be needed this summer on groundwater reserves. The Agency has released a note below explaining Section 57, its implications, and what will trigger its use. http://publications.environment-agency.gov.uk/PDF/GEHO0412BUNH-E-E.pdf
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