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  1. Hello, we have only just discovered letters from both britannia and Debt recovery plus about a parking charge. the date of the charge states: 20/01/2018 Date of this notice: 18/05/2018 The creditor: Britannia parking Location: Swindon Lydiards field, swindon, SN5 8UY Reason for issue: Parking longer than the maximum time permitted We're pretty sure we were in costa at the time and had an issue with our daughter who had terrible stomach problems at the time and so we couldn't exactly run out of the building to move the car. We have been into costa and it states in several places within the building that they are not liable for any parking charges. In the letter they are suggesting that they are offering a "Final settlement offer of £136 to avoid court action" to be paid at a date no later than 01/06/2018. Which is a ludicrously large amount for a parking charge. We have been doing some research on parking charges and have seen varied thoughts on the matter. Many leaning towards ignoring the companies or corresponding with them to not accept the charge but have also seen a couple of cases with people having to pay court fees of £24,000 which is frankly terrifying. The letter also states that "a court judgement could affect your creditworthiness" I realise that it is the job of DRP to scare people but nonetheless we are extremely anxious and panicking about this situation and really could use some advice as to what action to take here as we seem to be running out of time. We would be incredibly grateful if you could please help us with some advice as we are debating whether to pay, but obviously we don't want to. Thankyou in advance!
  2. Hi, I've received a DRP letter yesterday. This was for a visit at a Costa from two months ago so I was very surprised, and annoyed. I contacted Brittania directly (see my correspondence below) before I had found this forum. I can't understand how DRP can successfuly send me a letter while Brittania can't. Is there grounds there for ignoring them? They have sent me timestamped photos of my car with an overstay of 13 minutes. I've read many similar threads with the general advice being to ignore the debt collection and parking agencies. Given that I have contacted them via email, have I compromised my situation? I have not yet formally appealed - I think. Please find more relevant info below. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. Many thanks 1 Date of the infringement 01/06/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] I have never received an NTK - only a DRP letter 3 Date received As above 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] As above 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Brittania have sent me timestamped photos. I exceeded the allowed parking time by 13 minutes. 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] Y To my great surprise I've received a Debt Recovery Plus ltd letter saying you have sent me a letter for a parking charge which was not answered which is completely untrue. I have never received a letter from yourselves and therefore wasn't able to contact you and appeal it. I was meeting clients at the Costa immediately next to where I had parked my car. I was with the clients for no more than 90 minutes. Is this worth noting we all were paying customers at the Costa. I find it completely unacceptable to have to pay the £160 fees for staying at a cafe for a mere 90 minutes. I was conducting my business and using the parking facilities reasonably. As such I hope this parking charge will get cancelled without me having to escalate this matter further with the owners of the Costa I frequently visit. Kind regards, Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up Y Thank you for your email. Please be aware that we have a record of sending correspondence relating to this Parking Charge Notice on 7th June 2018, with a subsequence letter sent on 26th June 2018 to make you aware of the outstanding contravention. Britannia Parking cannot be held responsible for postal correspondence remaining unread having arrived at the address provided to them by the DVLA. The terms and conditions of the car park detail that your information may be requested and shared with the BPA, DVLA , debt recovery agents and solicitors. The Final reminder that was sent to you also advises, “If this notice is ignored, further action may be taken including instruction of debt collection agencies, solicitors and or court proceedings, all of which will incur further costs. To avoid further unnecessary costs or actions please pay the Parking Charge within the aforementioned time period.” Britannia Parking laid clear the terms and details of our appeals process and payment to resolve this Parking Charge Notice, and cannot be held responsible for postal correspondence remaining unread. As this PCN has been passed to Debt Recovery, a separate company from our own, Britannia Parking have no further comments to add regarding this PCN and consider this matter to be out of our hands. Please refer all future correspondence to Debt Recovery. 7 Who is the parking company? Brittania 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Costa car park Lydiards Field Swindon SN5 8UY I've also attached the timestamped photos they have sent me. I look forward to your thoughts on this.
  3. 1 Date of the infringement 20th September 2018 2 Date on the NTK 27th September 2018 3 Date received 29th September 2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Only the ANPR Photos 6 Have you appealed? Yes, As the registered Keeper, asking for evidence of adequate signage and denying liability or contractual agreement..in essence to get a POPLA Code. Have you had a response? Yes, Appeal rejected on the basis that the notice was correctly issued and vehicle was parked in breach of terms. 7 Who is the parking company? Britania Parking 8. Where exactly Lydiards Field, Swindon Hi all, just wondering what to do next? They've given me a POPLA verification code to appeal.. Shall i appeal and on what basis? or shall i wait it out and do nothing? Regards, Jordan
  4. I have received a 'Parking charge notice' from Britannia for staying over the 1 hour time. This is the first time I have ever been charged in 3 YEARS as Costa themselves said before that the parking restrictions were not acted on. The car park is based at J16 of the M4 and is shared with Subway, Greggs, Londis and Costa (+drive through). There is no option to pay for extra time or at all.
  5. I have received a Parking Charge Notice from Britannia Parking for overstaying the maximum parking time. The car park in question is located next to a Costa, where I was in a meeting for 3 hours. The question is if I should pay the discounted charge, appeal the charge (if so, on what grounds?), or just ignore as it is a notice to keeper? The details of the notice are as follows: 1 Date of the infringement - 10/07/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 17/07/2017 3 Date received - 22/07/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? - N 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes ANPR with date and time signature of car (cannot see driver) 6 Have you appealed? - N 7 Who is the parking company? - Britannia Parking 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] - Lydiard Field (Costa), Swindon IMG_4145.pdf
  6. Hi guys, I went to the hospital today with my heavily pregnant wife and spent 10 mins queuing first of all to get into the car park, then 10 more minutes to try to find a space after being let in at the barrier... there were like 5 cars circling the car park looking for a space and I found it ridiculous that the barrier (usually would say FULL and not let anyone in) would let cars in without actually having any spaces available. By this time (after 20 mins!) I was already late for my wife's appointment and my wife was alone making her way upstairs. In the end I had to just find a space next to a car that's not obstructing anyone and parked there. Obviously it wasn't a proper space, and I came back to find a ticket... I then didn't know about this forum and sent an angry email to the parking operator, foolishly admitting that I was there and parked not in an allocated space. I then got an email back saying sorry, obstructive parking, pay up or appeal... My question however is that if anyone else has had the same problem? What are the chances of appealing to POPLA? I just feel really gutted that I would be let in to the car park if there were no spaces, and that I also had to pay full parking fees only to find that I'd be penalised further for their inability to provide parking facilities after beckoning me in by opening the barrier... surely that's wrong no?!
  7. In 2012 we had a policy with Swinton for about 4 months and then cancelled as the vehicle was sold. They refunded the balance however now every year we keep getting their marketing junk and it is getting annoying. The one car is due for renewal in September and we have been plagued with their marketing junk mail since beginning of July. Every week we get a letter from them imploring us to renew with them. Obviously we have no intention of renewing with them even if they offered it to us FOC. I sent an email to them requesting that they stop them sending us their marketing junk mail and their reply was that it would take up to 60 days as they were in the middle of their marketing campaign! They also advise that if we did another Online quote with them, it would restart the process. Is there anyway I can escalate this to a relevant authority as we normally tick the opt out boxes and feel fairly certain this would have been done with Swinton.
  8. Glad to see that Swindon Council are cracking down hard on irresponsible parking http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-22158829
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