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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, I've received a DRP letter yesterday. This was for a visit at a Costa from two months ago so I was very surprised, and annoyed. I contacted Brittania directly (see my correspondence below) before I had found this forum. I can't understand how DRP can successfuly send me a letter while Brittania can't. Is there grounds there for ignoring them? They have sent me timestamped photos of my car with an overstay of 13 minutes. I've read many similar threads with the general advice being to ignore the debt collection and parking agencies. Given that I have contacted them via email, have I compromised my situation? I have not yet formally appealed - I think. Please find more relevant info below. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. Many thanks 1 Date of the infringement 01/06/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] I have never received an NTK - only a DRP letter 3 Date received As above 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] As above 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Brittania have sent me timestamped photos. I exceeded the allowed parking time by 13 minutes. 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] Y To my great surprise I've received a Debt Recovery Plus ltd letter saying you have sent me a letter for a parking charge which was not answered which is completely untrue. I have never received a letter from yourselves and therefore wasn't able to contact you and appeal it. I was meeting clients at the Costa immediately next to where I had parked my car. I was with the clients for no more than 90 minutes. Is this worth noting we all were paying customers at the Costa. I find it completely unacceptable to have to pay the £160 fees for staying at a cafe for a mere 90 minutes. I was conducting my business and using the parking facilities reasonably. As such I hope this parking charge will get cancelled without me having to escalate this matter further with the owners of the Costa I frequently visit. Kind regards, Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up Y Thank you for your email. Please be aware that we have a record of sending correspondence relating to this Parking Charge Notice on 7th June 2018, with a subsequence letter sent on 26th June 2018 to make you aware of the outstanding contravention. Britannia Parking cannot be held responsible for postal correspondence remaining unread having arrived at the address provided to them by the DVLA. The terms and conditions of the car park detail that your information may be requested and shared with the BPA, DVLA , debt recovery agents and solicitors. The Final reminder that was sent to you also advises, “If this notice is ignored, further action may be taken including instruction of debt collection agencies, solicitors and or court proceedings, all of which will incur further costs. To avoid further unnecessary costs or actions please pay the Parking Charge within the aforementioned time period.” Britannia Parking laid clear the terms and details of our appeals process and payment to resolve this Parking Charge Notice, and cannot be held responsible for postal correspondence remaining unread. As this PCN has been passed to Debt Recovery, a separate company from our own, Britannia Parking have no further comments to add regarding this PCN and consider this matter to be out of our hands. Please refer all future correspondence to Debt Recovery. 7 Who is the parking company? Brittania 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Costa car park Lydiards Field Swindon SN5 8UY I've also attached the timestamped photos they have sent me. I look forward to your thoughts on this.
  2. Good evening everyone, A friend and I met up at the costa on the A40 in Greenford a few weeks ago, and we stayed there working on something for about 2 hours. A couple of weeks later he gets a PCN in the post, and I don't. Attached is what they sent him, apparently the max stay time is 90 minutes. Which is utterly ridiculous.. what if someone wants to sit in costa to revise, or work on something? These private parking companies do not have people's interests in mind and institute these ridiculous rules, and the business owners are utter clowns for allowing them to do so. Please advise, thanks! G24 Parking Charge R.pdf
  3. I have received a Parking Charge Notice from Britannia Parking for overstaying the maximum parking time. The car park in question is located next to a Costa, where I was in a meeting for 3 hours. The question is if I should pay the discounted charge, appeal the charge (if so, on what grounds?), or just ignore as it is a notice to keeper? The details of the notice are as follows: 1 Date of the infringement - 10/07/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 17/07/2017 3 Date received - 22/07/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? - N 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes ANPR with date and time signature of car (cannot see driver) 6 Have you appealed? - N 7 Who is the parking company? - Britannia Parking 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] - Lydiard Field (Costa), Swindon IMG_4145.pdf
  4. Hello guys, I was due to travel on a cruise this Saturday with Costa, the ship name "Costa Celebration." Unfortunately, at the last minute on Wednesday (only 3 days prior to departure) they call me up saying they have cancelled the sailing. I now find out that the reason for cancellation is that the owners have sold the ship. They are offering me a full refund + £40 per adult as compensation. This was a much anticipated holiday for us. As this was not a technical issue but I am guessing Costa making a handsome profit, they have ruined my holiday. Do I have any legal case here to claim under, "loss of enjoyment" or any other legal points? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Shads
  5. Hi all. I want to tell my story regarding these cowboys! I joined Costa Bingo a few years ago and played a few times. I however stopped playing some time ago and only very recently decided to join again. Three weeks ago I played on roullette instant game on their site and was lucky enough to win over 22k!. However, when trying to withdraw my winnings, Costa dragged their heels making every excuse under the sun in order to stall paying me. Eventually their "security department" contacted me by email and advised that they would not be hounoring my withdrawal, I susequently tried to log into my account only to find I could not. Their excuses wer'e nothing more than pathetic! The "security department" otherwise known as Cassava Enterprises kept all of my winnings and with no rock solid reason. The whole website is utterly suspicious As are their excuses. I won fair and square with my own money, I made withdrawals before with them, so why when I win big, do they suddenly have an issue?! Hmmmmm seems very convenient. These guys are nothing more than [EDIT]. I am exhausted trying to make thses idiots see sense, but they wont listen. Just come up with new excuse after new lame excuse. They need to be named and shamed once and for all!! It seems everyone has the same excuse regarding cassava, i'm so happy I am not the only one. I won life changing money and I want it back! I'm prepared to go/do anything in order to get my winnings............[EDIT]!
  6. Hi folks yet another idiot who has fallen for the high sale pressure from club La costa, we filled out the card to win a holiday and surprise we won, went along to the presentation, where we did go for the 3 year trial membership, I thought at that price it would just mean the next few years holidays are paid. Before we even got the chance to use it the calls started, and then the invite out to the main resort in Spain, which we went, and do have to admit the accommodation given to us was way out of this world at there malibu mansions, the first day of arriving we were plagued with calls and then invited to breakfast, then whisked off to the office on the resort, where we were stuck for several hours, filled with drink, and amazing deals and promises that now not true, we were both in good jobs and as we decided it was not for us at that time we walked away. Again once home a couple follow up calls, and again when we went out to the resort they harassed us yet again to attend another meeting with them, again same thing happened, high pressure sales, but a better offer if we traded in our trial membership which would be deducted from the price, and a further bonus off money knocked off, in the end we relented and signed up, after being informed that they would only go up in value should we wish to eventually sell. We then used some of our points to go out and have a break, again on arrival we were informed that a breakfast meeting had being arranged for us, and i thought what now, well this meeting was about us saying that we were interested in buying property abroad, and that they had an amazing deal for us, they had acquired knocked down points that would go towards the purchase of any club La costa property, and instead of £30 per point they were costing £18, but only these points could be used to secure a deposit if we wished to invest in a property, and as we were wanting to invest in a property and were a bit flush after the sale of a property we thought why not, i was still a bit apprehensive as now we had spent nearly 25k with club La costa. We then decided to go out and try the new resort they had out at turkey after an invite to invest in a property, was the week Jenny Bond was their, we were then whisked away again for the day taken away for breakfast and lunch, and up to their new mountain golf resort, where they then started the sales pitch on this amazing site that the were going to develop and only club La costa had the best development site away from the rest that was being developed, i did check out the prices of exactly the same apartments for sale that did not belong to club La costa on this development site and they were somewhat 30k cheaper, all the time while club La Costa were pushing that the golf was going to be a huge thing in turkey and no other site would compare to this development, so we decided as a paper to explore the costing, well club La costa were well ahead of us, they already knew about the points we bought for property, or as the sales rep called them property points, but instead of them being the same value as what we purchased them for, they were now worth £13 per point, so not only was there apartments 30k dearer our property points were also worth less than what we bought them for, which they sure as hell did not inform us off when we bought them. 2 years ago we were made redundant company sold out to someone else, we were both out of work and struggled to find work, needless to say we could not afford to pay the maintenance fees, we phoned club La costa as when we bought first points were informed people were always prepared to buy points cheaper as theirs always went up in value, surprise that this was not the case according to them, and as we were in arrears we could not sell them, and they would not buy them back, and our saved points where we had paid the maintenance on could also not be used as we were in arrears, we are now 25k out of pocket coming up to our 3 rd year of not being able to pay the high maintenance charges and just dont know what to do, as i have read they will cancel our membership and reclaim the points, which is all very well as they will be able to sell them again prob for another 25k while offering us nothing for them, does anyone know if we can do anything, if they even offered to scrap the maintenance charges we have not paid, claimed our points that would have being saved for themselves to sell and started us afresh it would not be half as bad, when we took this out they informed us people would snap the hand off us fora week at the resort and gave us a holiday book to offer to people that everyone taken would lower our maintenance charges, but we never could shift any, which they prob knew
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