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  1. I’m full of shame and a high level of guilt and a lot of remorse that I’m telling you that a few days ago I was caught shoplifting from Primark. This is not of my nature and I have never done anything like this before in my life. I have had a lot of home pressures lately and a marriage that is on the brink of divorce too. Not in any way is that an excuse for my behaviour though. I apologised profusely to the store and I apologise to anyone reading this too. I was taken to the holding room where the security guard asked me to put back all items I had taken. It came to a total of £62. The guard asked me if I had some ID on me but I had not so he said he would have to call the police. Having ID meant it could have been dealt with internally. Police came and I was issued with a Community Resolution slip. And as a part of this I have a store ban and expecting a bill from RLP to cover compensation costs. My questions are: 1. What does this community resolution means now? Am I a criminal? 2. I’m a teacher but had some time out to raise my family. What does this mean for my career? 3. I volunteer with Girlguides and the NSPCC and a few other smaller chairties. Is my role in jeopardy? 4. I am waiting to receive the compensation fee from RLP and will happily pay it as I know fully I was in the wrong. Just to reiterate, I’m so sorry for doing this, I would consider myself an upstanding citizen, and I had a momentary lapse of good morals and judgement. I feel so bad about this and so guilty and so fearful each day that the I may receive some communication that things have to be taken further by the police and I will be made to make up for my I’ll behaviour more. Thanks for any advice or help
  2. Just got back from an appointment to find the parking arrangements have yet again changed. It's not my local hospital and I attend maybe once a year. Things used to be simple with a barrier entry/ticket then after your appointment put your ticket in the machine then pay before exiting. Then the barrier got smashed off and they relied on a person taking reg numbers and times giving you ticket to pay in the coffee shop before you exit. Today's visit was most confusing, with people waiting at the ticket machine not sure whether to pay before of when you exit. It appears most people were of the opinion that you pay when you are about to exit as they have cameras set up. I checked with reception and they said you can pay before or after. Very strange I thought and proceeded with my appointment. When I returned I punched in the reg number expecting it to say how much, but nothing, you have to the guess how long you were parked up for!!! I paid for two hours as I checked my watch and it was correct. I've since checked my dash cam and i arrived at 14.34, took about a minute or two to find a space big enough for my van and left at 16.37 buying my ticket at 16.35. So worst case scenario is i overstayed by 3 minutes with the best case being 1 minute. Do you think this an automatic penalty from these sharks or do they have a grace period? Also, are the ticket machines linked to the camera system for timings. Don't want a £100 fine around xmas time. Tried to contact the hospital for clarification but they haven't got a clue.
  3. Hey Guys Thank you for having me on your forum, Been very incredibly stupid this evening on the way home from worOn my way home this evening from work I decided to go through the country roads. I was going though a smallish village, and just before exiting the village there were 3 guys in high viz with a speed gun pointing at me (not Police). Hands up far cop I was going over the speed limit as the guy holding the gun had a shocked look on his face. The road was a 30, and to be honest I just wasn't thinking. Saw the national speed up ahead and saw the guys too late (again no excuse) I could have been doing between 55-60 I honestly don't know. My fear is now what is likely to happen? Given that I was driving in excess of the limit, and probably over 50. Given the twists in the road there is no way I was over 60 (not that it makes it ok). What are the chances of them having a PCSO with them? We are talking a very small village here. All I could see was high vis jackets, no uniformed officers. I even drove back a little while later (not speeding this time) and there was 3 people in high vis, no officer as I could see. Absolutely gutted and panicking, so if someone can please help me out it would be much appreciated. All in all a bit of a bad day., and a foolish error
  4. hi, i'm joined a community and they want everyone to sign a doc which i personally think is a bit OTT also leaves me very vulnerable to be sued and kicked out at the drop of a hat. some advice around how legit this doc is and whether someone could actually sue me based on it as i am not sure a judge would see the terms as reasonable. the doc is attached thanks!!!!! contract.pdf
  5. I am about to move from a private lease to social housing and I need to apply for a community care grant to afford basic household appliances and furniture. On the online form with the local council (Scotland) there is a question asking me to specify "Allowable Benefit Type" and a drop down menu that does not contain the option to select working tax credits. Does this mean then that I can't apply for one of these if I am on WTC? I asked the local council on the phone but they were unable to tell me. EDIT. It does include WTC on the online form. I might be better just printing that off and filling it in instead.
  6. Has anyone had any dealing with Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)?? We have received a demand for a Community Infrastructure Levy for the sum of £23187.50 which has come as a great shock to us. We were not aware of any new procedure in dealing with this CIL charge and it is a genuine oversight on our part that we did not complete the necessary forms or notify you of the commencement date of the build. We are not builders or property developers and due to this we had employed an agent to act on our behalf with matters relating to our planning application and build. It is not until now that we we aware of this new procedure and I would like to add it still seems to be very complicated. Our planning application was submitted by our agent with the required forms notifying the Council that we were building the extension for our own use and do not intend moving within the foreseeable future, he did advised us that there would be a CIL charge but we would be exempt, at this stage we had no reason as to question him as he is the expert! Once planning was approved we received a letter advising of a CIL charge which was approximately £20000.00 we called our agent and advised him of this and said that if we had to pay this sum of money we would not be starting the extension, his response was that we were exempt as it was for our own use but we did have to live in the property for three years once completed. I advised our agent in January this year (2016) that we were intending to commence work early March and requested that he submit the necessary paperwork the council, he advised that he was just finishing it and would send it in the following day. We received a Invoice for £518.00 from the council which we duly paid, our work started quite a bit later that we had intended due to being let down by builders and weather conditions. Our footing was poured on the 7th of June 2016 and so far we have had two inspections of the work from the Council. To us the lay person this is what was necessary and we were not aware that we were doing anything wrong in this procedure. The works are still being carried and we are a long way from being finished. Currently the extension being constructed is not in a position to be occupied and indeed part of the existing property is not suitable for occupation either, and we currently have no heating not a good position to be in with the weather due to change at any time!. We were lead to believe that as this extension is for our own use we would be granted an exemption to payment of this CIL. The situation has not changed and the payment of over £20,000 to the Council does not appear to comply with the spirit of the Governments intention in setting up the Community Infrastructure Levy. We were lead to believe that the rules specifically allow house extensions for the owners own use to be exempt from CIL and our situation has not changed since our planning application was submitted. We understand now from our conversation that this is also not a given fact. We are going to be seeking some legal advice on this matter in the next few days, and will also make an attempt to complete the complicated appeal form relating to the CIL charge now that I know where to find them, as the demand that we received relating to this matter and the instructions on how to appeal are not clear, in fact my original appeal letter was sent to the wrong place as the instructions advising how to appeal advised appealing via the portal!! (it never said which portal or provided a link on how to get there) We do have a paper trail of correspondance between ourselves and our agent which will confirm what we have mentioned above. Please can anyone give me some guidance on this matter, I am guessing I will need to make a claim for negligence against the agent? the authority have offered a payment plan which is currently 50% of the demand and the final 50% being paid 60 days later but they said that they could possibly spread this over 12 months this equates to over £1600 per month I cannot possibly paid that amount I work part time 24 hours a week in retail and my husbands wages are all accounted for in our daily cost of living.
  7. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/support-within-the-royal-air-force-community-for-those-affected-by-domestic-abuse
  8. I can't sleep with everything going around my head... I feel like I'm going crazy... so I thought I'd write it down here to see what other people thought. I recently lost a family member to cancer, such a horrible illness that took the life of a beautiful innocent child. For years we were going back and to, to the children's hospital, seeing them go through surgeries, chemo and radiotherapy for it to just come back and then start attacking other parts of their body. Then to see them die, just like that. Its taking me a long time to write this as I just keep crying and can't see the screen. I just can't get why they had to get it in the first place, then all the years of fighting it, just for it kill them. I am not coping well and I just keep to myself. I hate anything to do with cancer.. the word, hearing it, seeing it. I am unemployed on JSA and I was told to go to Seetec to do a community work placement. I go in to be told I'm being sent to a cancer centre! I said no not there can't you find me somewhere else. They replied you do realise this is mandatory. Which I said yes but I've recently lost someone to cancer and I don't want to go somewhere were I'm surrounded by it. What do you mean they said. I reply what do I mean? I hate anything to do with cancer and your going to send me to a cancer centre at which stage I'm crying. You wont be dealing with people having treatments they said. But its a centre for that, there's going to be posters and leaflets everywhere I say trying to get them to understand. What do you mean they say again why would there be posters up. At which stage I couldn't cope and said I'd be back in a minute. I had to go outside for some air and to get away. I go back in to be told he doesn't like my tone and they don't see the problem in me going there. Really I said, you don't understand why I don't want to go . No they said they don't understand why I don't want to go and waived their hands saying lots of people have had someone die of cancer. I can't get that out of my head. I keep replaying it over and over in my mind and its making my angry and upset. They finish with I have to go to a interview with the place. I said and what if I get upset there. They said this is a interview you have to conduct it in a professional manner just like any other interview. I say buts its at a cancer place, bit different isn't it. To which they said again what do you mean. What do I mean? Why do they keep saying what do you mean all the time? How can they be that daft or heartless to not know what I mean. It ended with them telling me I will get sanctioned if I get upset or go there with a negative attitude. So that's it, I'm just supposed to forget about this, all the years of fighting, watching them die. The nightmares I have. The days I feel terrible and upset because something reminds me and everything comes flooding back like it happened yesterday. Since this happened I feel sick, headache, upset and crying all the time. I feel like I'm walking around in a dream / nightmare and I can't take it anymore. I thought things are supposed to get easier with time, well its not, It seems to be getting harder
  9. Hi I really need some help with what's happening with the jobcentre. Every time I go in there its awful and I dread it and always think what next So now I have been put on community work placement for 26 to 30 weeks! I finished the work programme in June 2013 so was put on post work programme when I went back to the jobcentre. In February I did mandatory work activity for 4 weeks. I was left alone for about a month then put on daily signing for 13 weeks, when I said to my advisor I thought this only applied to people who finished the work programme after April 2014 she said it applies to everyone now. Finished that and then about 2 weeks later I was put on a retail course. Just finished that and the first appointment I had at the jobcentre she says she's putting me CWP Can she do this? Fist I thought she couldn't because I finished the work programme before April and after reading what I can it seems you get placed on either daily signings or CWP not both If anyone could give me any information that would be great Thanks
  10. I've been told by the Jobcentre that I must attend a community work placement. However, I've just had a quick look through the Provider's Guidance for the scheme, and on p.5 I noticed the following paragraph: 1.14 JSA claimants referred to CWP will have agreed a Claimant Commitment (CC) with JCP which outlines what jobseeking actions a claimant must carry out in order to give them the best chance of getting into work.(my underscore for emphasis and clarity) https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/314475/community-work-placements-provider-guidance.pdf However, I only have the old style JsAg and have never been asked to complete a Claimant Commitment. So I'm curious if anyone knows if this would be sufficient to render me ineligible for a Community Work Placement referral? Or, is it essentially inconsequential and, if I brought it to anyone's attention - be that JCP or the provider - would they then simply make me create a CC so that I would then qualify for the scheme anyway? Thanks in advance. Zohar
  11. Hi there I am yet another person with problems with The Community Network TV. I had an appointment with a Sales Rep of the company who sold me a package which, it turns out, was mostly a complete fabrication. Here is what was offered: Two 42" screens in a GP practice, which were to be used to flash the name of the next patient to call them into their appointment. Full screen display of adverts, which would freeze when a patient's name popped up. I signed a contract on the basis of those promises, however, I became a bit suspicious about the company, when they did not get a reply from the sales rep for a week about an admin error on my paperwork. I popped along to the GP's practice to find that there were not two screens but one, which is 32" not 42", but to make matters worse, the screen was not being used to call patients into their appointment but to advertise the medical services the surgery offered. The receptionist confirmed that the screens will never be used for the purpose stated by the Sales Rep. The screen itself is in a dim corner of the waiting area with no one looking at it. I wrote to the Sales Manager with a full description of what their Sales Rep had offered and asked for a full refund of the 6 months paid on my credit card and the first month's direct debit, as the product had been mis-sold. My advertisement has not gone live. The Sales Manager basically stated that it's my word against the Sale Rep and that the contract I signed did not state exactly what service I would be getting!! I am staggered by their refusal to refund the money when they have not provided a service (he stated that they had done some work, as they had created the graphics, but I pointed out that I had created the advert, all his department did was make the image move on my request). My case has now been referred to the Sales Director, who has not got back to me. I have looked online and found that the Office of Fair Trading no longer exists and that I have to go the Citizens Advice Bureau. Does anyone have any tips from their dealings with this extremely dodgy operation? Cheers
  12. I wanted to ask if anyone could give me some advise on unpaid Spanish Community charge debts. We handed in our keys back to the bank in Spain 2007 and we understand the bank did not repossess the property until 2009. We purchased the property in 2005 and paid some of the community fees but the amount they are saying is well over what they are saying. The Uk debt collector contacted me last year and I disputed the amount but I have received another letter today saying we are still liable as the property was not repossessed until 2009 we are still liable for the unpaid community charges from 2005-2007. We have not received yet any official Spanish court information for the unpaid community charge or any letters from a UK court. Does any one know if they can take UK proceedings against us as we have not got this amount of money to pay this amount and are also disputing the amount as well. If any one has any advice please could you reply
  13. Hi A local developer has received planning approval for a project that will place a side wall less than 3m from several of the properties. It will also build over a public sewer that we have an easement for. The community believes the decision was taken without proper consultation, and ignores rules and guidelines for local planning. In addition it was possibly rushed through to meet the deadline to avoid CIL in July. Due to the council being short staffed, by the time we had an opportunity to explore options with them, the decision had been made and also the time limit has passed for us to request a judicial review. Complaining to the council for an incorrect decision via the ombudsman will only result in a slap on the wrists and fine but won't undo the wrong. The developer has put forward several arguments to support keeping the plan as is, as opposed to a simple modification that will not cost much. The residents feel cornered by a system that is loaded against the people it should be there to protect. Any suggestions welcome.
  14. I was handing out community flyers today for a charity/community event but was told I couldn't do it. Was I breaking any laws or could I have just ignored the request and what might have happened if I had done so ?
  15. What would the purpose of this name change be I wonder... ? http://www.theipc.info/home The IPC Ltd is now actually UNITED TRADE AND INDUSTRY LIMITED https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/08248531
  16. Having moved to Northern Ireland I am on ESA, in the support group because i have arthritis in both knees. I have been staying in a hostel provided by the local housing Executive due to my current needs. The housing executive have just offered my a ground floor flat that suits my needs for which i have accepted. My move in date is expected to be in 4-6 weeks after the housing executive have made the flat acceptable due to the last tenant. I have been given a Form (Community Care Grant) to complete and send to the local Social Security Office as there is no DWP in Northern Ireland. -It can take up to a month to process. This grant allows for help in costs setting up a new home with the basics such as a cooker, fridge etc Are there any dedicated web sites etc where you can list these household things and help in filling out the form
  17. Community Work Programme issued by JSA outside of 8 week period! Some advice would be really appreciated. Does the 8 week rule still apply? How to refuse the CWP? Where to count the 8 weeks from? After a 2 year period The Work Programme with Ingeus ended (2faced staff/ incompetent /useless), I was referred back to the Job Centre and issued with an appointment to attend in April this year. I was asked by myJSA to sign the My Work Plan (WS1 form) in May. I had to sign weekly for awhile and then back to fortnightly. Yesterday I was handed a letter to attend a Community WorkProgramme (CWP) later this week. I have been back with the JSA as I said since April or counting from May – either way it is past the maximum 8 week period in which they have to either allocate Daily Signing (DSR) or CWP (Community Work Programme). Has this changed? And if this 8 week max still applies how do I go about politely but firmly refusing the CWP without being sanctioned. Also which date am I meant to count the 8 weeks from – April is when I went back to the JSA – May is when I signed the “My Work Plan” – I am making the assumption this is the date of the WPCI interview but am not sure. Worried I will be sanctioned again – and a second sanction would mean months of financial punishment rather than weeks. (the first one was applied because despite having attended every single mandatory appointment Ingeus had given me and not missing any appointments/workshops of which there were many - there was just one I never received notification of in the post andby the time a text message arrived it was too late, I left a message for the advisor which was never passed on – I appealed the sanction and the Decision Maker in all his glory upheld the sanction as “the balance of probability is that the letter was not lost in the post”!!!!!!!)
  18. I wanted to know what the new rules are with regards to withdrawing consent for the WP to share your info/contact people on your behalf/claim their fat payment for my hard work when I get a job .. as I am sure I read it had changed since last year, also coincidentally each time I attend a review meeting I get loads of spammy job/credit emails in the weeks after which seems a little timely!! Am getting increasingly fed up with the WP provider, by and large I have had a year of having to attend weekly job clubs with slow computers and the like but since I hit the year mark it seems to have ramped up big time, I have a good work history with good companies and a degree and the minute my latest advisor saw it his eyes lit up and I have been pestered left right and centre. I was upped to two job clubs a week and also appointments/training sessions/interview techniques etc on one or more additional days a week and it was getting silly and made me ill so I had two weeks off with stress symptoms. I then had more blinking appointments and changes to my job clubs and was told a few weeks back at 1pm on a Monday that I was to stay after job club that day for extra sessions looking into agencies and applying for more jobs for 2 hours each day that week (mysteriously my letter had 'got lost in the post' telling me this), I kicked up a bit of a stink as I am a single parent and said I had to pick my son up from school at 3 so those times were unsuitable, so with a bit of looking at bus timetables he relented to sessions from 1-2.30 each afternoon that week which was still pushing it as am reliant on public transport which is never the best, I attended the first and then had enough, got upset (I am on antidepressants and suffering severe anxiety at the moment relating to a thyroid condition I have just been diagnosed with) and I decided to get another doctors note for 2 weeks. During this two weeks I had a letter from them saying I had to come in during that time and I politely told him NO, the day my sick period ended there arrived a letter saying I had to attend a review appointment in 2 days time and I just knew he was going to mess me about, sure enough on the Friday afternoon at the appt he says I need to up my attendance to daily sessions of 4 hours, which means dropping my son at school, a 45 min bus journey there, then getting back in just enough time to pick him up, I protested that I had a PC at home and why did I need to do all this on their premises and he said I might 'get distracted' at home (as opposed to their noisy office of course!!), that I had appts to arrange and so on which were being neglected due to them calling me in all the time willy nilly saying they are mandatory and have to attend, and he said as I was a jobseeker I should jobseek during those hours, I have no prob doing this, my JSA agreement says 5 jobs a week and they say 10 which I do easily and have never not done, he is also pressurising me to do full time work/get a better off calculation for FT work, which my JSA flexibilities say I don't have to pursue due to being a lone parent, there is no mention of any beneficial training, and any suggestions for that or clothing for interviews have been shot down in flames, its just flaming jobsearching in their offices every day, presumably so I can't attend any interviews without them knowing and that I get fed up with the arrangement. Its not as if I am not trying to get a job, I have had about 6 interviews in the last few months but none successful, am really fed up with the situation with the WP and its making me feel worse, we are reviewing the situation tomorrow after my session and I know he is prob going to suggest the same again next week when I have 2 inset days at my sons school, I really just resent the fact that they think they can pressure me like this and assume I have no plans for the week or anything else to do, and then get a nice big payment for MY efforts at the end of it all so want to know what my rights are, unfortunately at the beginning I signed all their docs as I was being too blinking nice!! PS. Sorry this is a bit of a rant having looked at it, but felt good to vent!!
  19. Ive just been released from custody after serving 5 years. Ive signed on and received Job seekers. Im privately renting accommodation in a three bedroom unfurnished house. I applied for Social Fund application to the sum of £2037. Among the items that I applied for was clothing as I lost over 4 stone in weight during my sentence and left prison with just pair of track bottoms, 2 t shirts, pair trainers, pair of boots and a coat. The prison has record of all of this. The other items I applied for were essential things like cooker, fridge, washing machine, bed, mattress and other household items. Any furniture I had previous was put in storage and has been sold or dumped by the so called friend and he has since left the country leaving me with nothing. I am trying to rebuild my life and career as I have qualified as a Microsoft Certified Professional and a Level 2 Gym Instructor. I am looking to go to college in September to attain my Level 3 Personal Trainer as this is the career path i want to follow. I have been turned down for the social fund payment in the later i received yesterday. It says i have a right to appeal. Where do I go from now?
  20. http://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/claims-parking-restrictions-discriminate-against-9319524 Relates to this old thread; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?405374-PE-sign.
  21. Hello My neighbour's son tried to retrieve is dole money, he was told, because he is doing community service at the moment, his money will be stopped until he finishes his time doing CS. Is this right? Thanks
  22. Parking charges are one of life's little irritations, but what's really annoying is ticket machines that don't give change, forcing motorists to make a 'donation' to their council.... grrrrr! Across the country these overpayments add up to hundreds of thousands of pounds. But one council has taken the sting out of the tail by voting to use that money to help fund local charitable projects Torridge council has decided that £40,000 overpaid to parking meters in Torridge will now go towards community organisations and charities, Read more: http://www.northdevonjournal.co.uk/Thousands-pounds-overpaid-Torridge-parking-meters/story-26073790-detail/story.html#ixzz3SwVxxvKH
  23. Ok due to a recent court issue I have been ordered to do unpaid work although I work Sunday to Wednesday on nights finishing at 7am Thursday mornings. I also look after my two grandkids on a Friday I so was instructed to do the work on a Thursday with the instruction to be there by 8.30am working to 4.00pm then have to travel back through a busy town centre after not having any sleep for over 24 hours? This is not only dangerous I am certain that it breaches health and safety and the working time directive? ( I would need to drive in order to be there on time ) I am also aware that the unpaid work cannot encroach on my paid employment however should I injure myself this may affect my ability to earn and jepordise my job so how do I go about suing for any loss of wage due to injury? ( which I would be intent on doing ) Also when asked if I had any ailments they need to be aware of I explained that my wife feels I may have a issue with my heart I also explained that I have arthritis and an ongoing back problem that has resulted previously in time off work however as I do not have faith in doctors none of the problems have been confirmed by a GP as such the probation officer neglected to note these possible issues which in turn will result in a incomplete risk assessment being carried out so making them negligent in their duty of care as I understand it. Obviously a judge has imposed the community payback on top of other stuff which I won't go into as it is not relevant and my solicitor felt the sentence was totally disproportionate anyway but if I'm being expected to do this unpaid work I must also have rights for redress if the probation service fail to act correctly? As they are aware that I will have worked the night before but failed to address that and as it is not my place to correct their failings I would assume I would have a case to sue for neglect of duty? Please do not be swayed by the reason for the post just advice on the above would be welcomed Cheers
  24. I am a small business offering guitar lessons in a town with approximately 20,000 residents. I was approached by the local post office (later found out it was on behalf of) with a view to advertising on the TV within the branch. The Company Called 'The Community Network' arranged a visit and I was visited today by one of their salesmen. I'm now feeling completely duped as I have taken out a 24 month contract to display my advert of 30 seconds every 10 minutes within my local post office branch. What originally looked ok at £12 per week has escalated into £1831.20 over 2 years with a deposit (that I haven't yet paid but have given my details for) of £374.40. I originally thought this might be a good bit of advertising within the local community. Local people visiting the post office will hopefully see my advert for guitar tuition and I'll get a few calls. From what I have read both on this Forum and on others I may well have made a big mistake. Lot's of downtime, nobody looks at it e.t.c. My biggest worry is this "This agreement is a legally enforceable business to business contract and may not be cancelled or terminated except as provided by these terms and conditions." Looking at it I don't think there is any way out of the Agreement, but I'm really wanting to cancel as this is a big expense for my fledgling business. Do I have any right to cancel or should I have been more firm with the salesman and just said I can't sign up now?
  25. now been referred to the 6 months placement Community Work Program, which is no problem, i have asked 2 job center advisers questions that they seem unwilling or unable to answer.... some background on me 44 years old male, suffer hayfever, high blood-pressure and 2x bad knees, I have also have worked 2 full time jobs in last 2 years that either ended due to being fixed length contract or injury. I have 4 children, 2 are Autistic (1 at home full time, 1 stays friday till sunday) i go for the 'provider' sign up monday... (Seetec) As it's a community work program for the benefit of community I shouldn't be taking a job that someone can be employed for?or makes profit for company and i will be working 30 hrs a week for no pay, just getting jobseekers, I assume i'm entitled to holidays just like anybody else who works over 16hrs a week? if not how can my lunch be un paid? I must surely being included in my attendance time. if i'm not classed as an employee and or don't get a contract of employment, will I be covered by insurance in case of a accident, if doing a job, rather than being member of public? also if im not an employee, what am i classed as? a trainee? observer? also i wont be subject to any of the disciplinary procedures ( which means they could use to there advantage) Basically my JSA advisor tried to bully me by classing me as a 'troublemaker' when i stood up to him, Due to the fact i asked about attending hospital appointments on Aug 6th and Aug 19th with my Autistic child, He said He could not see how having a autistic child should effect my ability of getting a job, and the CWP comes before looking after them.
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