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  1. My partner is a carer. She has been sent to work for a lady who wasn't equipped with the correct device to keep her upright. She fell on my partner and my partner suffered a back injury leading to incontinence, pain and time off work. We took the case with xxx LLP, who wrote a letter to the employer and got a response, offering 4000 pounds as final settlement. xxx advised us to reject that offer, saying, over the phone, that we can always fall back on the 4000, but they believe we can get much more. Since then, my partner has been to Royal Berkshire Hospital, where the doctor said he doesn't see any injury and any pain she might have is a result of earlier injury. Her incontinence might be an infection (totally rubbish). Now it feels like the case might fall through, as the doctors do not want to confirm her injury and we see the 4000 pounds as a better-than-nothing solution. However, when we WROTE to xxx, they said the offer is off the table and we can't fall back to those 4000 pounds. 1. She will be seeing a doctor from xxx privately to assess her but I reckon a judge might be more interested in an NHS doctor rather than a doctor from an interested party? 2. What can we do in regards to xxx making us think we could get at least 4000 pounds and now they are implying we can come out empty handed? 3. Any other advice regarding the situation in general will be appreciated I will just add that the reason my partner was injured is that she grabbed the falling lady and saved her from rolling down the stairs. And that my partner is truly injured. It took her 2 weeks to admit that she's incontinent because of the shame.
  2. Just got back from an appointment to find the parking arrangements have yet again changed. It's not my local hospital and I attend maybe once a year. Things used to be simple with a barrier entry/ticket then after your appointment put your ticket in the machine then pay before exiting. Then the barrier got smashed off and they relied on a person taking reg numbers and times giving you ticket to pay in the coffee shop before you exit. Today's visit was most confusing, with people waiting at the ticket machine not sure whether to pay before of when you exit. It appears most people were of the opinion that you pay when you are about to exit as they have cameras set up. I checked with reception and they said you can pay before or after. Very strange I thought and proceeded with my appointment. When I returned I punched in the reg number expecting it to say how much, but nothing, you have to the guess how long you were parked up for!!! I paid for two hours as I checked my watch and it was correct. I've since checked my dash cam and i arrived at 14.34, took about a minute or two to find a space big enough for my van and left at 16.37 buying my ticket at 16.35. So worst case scenario is i overstayed by 3 minutes with the best case being 1 minute. Do you think this an automatic penalty from these sharks or do they have a grace period? Also, are the ticket machines linked to the camera system for timings. Don't want a £100 fine around xmas time. Tried to contact the hospital for clarification but they haven't got a clue.
  3. Good day all, I'm in a bit of a panic here. I have a £4500 season ticket with SWT. I managed to lose it about 1 month into the ticket and was interviewed by revenue protection and subsequently given a replacement. Last night as I got up to let a lady off I folded the tray back with my season ticket in there and forgot to take it down again before getting off leaving my ticket on the train. Realising my mistake I tried to call the guard and SWT 30 mins after. However there were no numbers I could get through to. I spoke to the guard this morning and he advised that I wouldn't be given a duplicate and I would have to buy a new season ticket as I'd already had one replacement. My current season ticket had until June to run, so about £1500 worth of travel. I've got a new daughter being born soon and I can't afford the travel to get to work. Surely SWT can't refuse to let me travel? I've paid for the service not the ticket right? Is there anyone who can offer me any advice on how to go about coming to a resolution which doesn't end up putting me into debt or losing my job! Any advice greatly appreciated!!! thank you T
  4. I had a bill from Inter-credit international demanding £275 for an outstanding water bill on behalf of south staffs water. I paid it in full on 31/3/17 as it was an oversight. However, they have not passed the payment on to SSW. They are being very awkward and wont help me trace the payment. I spoke to SSW today and they confirmed they HAVE NOT passed my account onto Inter-credit??? why did Intercredit have my details? Is this a breach of Data Protection? provided SSW with the bank acct and sort code and bacs ref again and they said they would sort it out, eventually. But i don't know what to think - can anyone offer any advice please? Thanks
  5. Hi guys, I'm having an issue over my student oystercard usage. I received an email on the 8th of November stating that i would need to interview at a southwest trains station with regard to "several incomplete journeys" with relation to my oystercard. Admittedly there does appear to be instances, based on my oystercard transcript showing me tapping my oystercard in at one station and not tapping out. I have never been approached by a ticket inspector etc without a valid ticket, and i have never intentionally travelled without a valid ticket. My question is can i be prosecuted based on my oyster card transcript alone, I remember a couple of occasions were i have tapped in and not gone through because I instead decided to return home. It is also possible someone else may have used my oystercard without my knowledge. I have spoken to a lawyer who has spoken to the swt prosecutor and he has said there were gaps with no recorded oyster card validation or ticket purchase, he also said if i did not attend the interview that he (the prosecutor) would apply for a consideration for prosecution under bye law 18.1. thanks for your thoughts in advance. First time posting so if this is the wrong place etc let me know and sorry!
  6. My OH has recently been contacted by these clowns regarding a water rates debt from 2003. There is nothing on her credit file relating to this and it is quite obviously over 6 years old. No contact has been made before now and no acknowledgement or payment has been made. Question is, will a standard statute barred letter be sufficient for this or not? Of course, being SSW they will have taken the matter to court back then and obtained a judgement but can they claim that it isn't statute barred because of an old CCJ? Any advice appreciated as these type of things really do stress her out.
  7. I wrote an email in february to harlands asking to cancel my partners membership at the end of the 12 month period. I gave them her name and account number (which was wrong as I used unique pin from lifestyle fitness). however i asked them if they needed any more infomation to let me know and i will give it. They got back to me and stated the member ship would be cancelled, the last payment taken in march and use of the facilities upto april. I also cancelled mine at a later date in the same manner and again using the wrong account number. however they got back to me and stated it would be cancelled and no further payments will be taken. this was done correctly however my partners was not. In july i realised they were still taking payments from my account for my partners membership. I contacted harlands over the phone and they stated they had no evidence of this email I sent. I had also sent multiple emails to harlands during this dispute, around 6 questioning and asking for reasons and not one email was responded to from harlands. I proceeded to contact my bank who advised me to open an indemnity claim against harlands to recieve the money back that had been taken for the months of march to july which i did. I have since been contacted from harlands on the 3/08/15 stating to repay this balance and remove the indemnity claim otherwise an admin of 25 pound would be added if not done in the next 14 working days. I planned to contact harlands the following day. however I recieved another letter the following day stating that because i had not withdrew this the 25 pound admin fee had been added. this letter was dated 4/08/15. Some 14 working days that was. I have since phoned harlands who do nothing but pass me through to credit resolutions. The man i spoke to at credit resolutions asked me to send all evidence of the emails i have sent to the email i have provided which i have done on 06/08/15 so have not recieved anything back as of yet. The way harlands act is unproffesional and they have no customer service skills what so ever. So i have no reason to believe my evidence is going to get anywhere. in the meantime i am writing on this forum to recieve any advice over what i should do next and what powers harlands and credit resolutions carry to take this money. An example of the poor customer service is when i told the lady at harlands over the phone "i have sent an email to yous asking for membership cancellation in february", she says "you never sent me an email".... obviously not idiot woman im talking about the company that you work for and are currently representing on the phone lol!
  8. I purchased a ticket before travelling today, only to discover that my train was cancelled and the next one wasn't due for an hour. I went to a member of station staff, asking who I should speak to about receiving a partial refund due to the delay. My ticket was then taken from me and they wrote on the front of it that it wasn't valid. I looked for the station manager to complain, but I was told that I would have to purchase another ticket if I wished to travel. I was then told that, as my new ticket was purchased after the cancelled train was due, I would no longer be entitled to a refund. I have been delayed by an hour and have had to pay twice as much for the privilege of waiting over an hour for a train. Is there anything that I can do from this point?
  9. I am writing this on behalf of someone else. Where i use the words me i or us means the person involved. Not me. I was employed as a mobile with a well known security company. My main job was to respond to alarms and deal with them. When i started my job off i was told that i was on a gauranteed 24 hour contract (weekly). I was not given any paperwork apart from some paperwork to show how and what i should be doing. I was told be my manager that i would recieve my contract in the post during the next 4-6 weeks. I also emailed my manager and he confirmed that i had indeed signed upto a 24 hr gauranteed contract that gauranteed me work of at least 24 hours a week. This manager left and work was going on well until october when my vetting was complete and i was sent a 0 hours contract by Human resources. I immediately phoned up and was told to query this with my manager. 2 emails were sent and nothing happened. Again in january this year my manager changed and i raised this again with hr. The new manager said he would investigate this. He came back to me and told me that the email i had was worthless and that i was on a 0 hours contract. Worst bit my days have been cut where i was without any income for 6 weeks. Since august last year i have put in several uniform requests and have had 0 back as manager keeps on claiming he has lost paperwork. This is despite sending 2 emails to him. I now come to the part After having nearly 6 weeks without work i started back a few weeks ago. The first night back i was pulled by traffic police and asked why i was watching a video playing while driving. The mobile is on a stand. I told the officer i was not watching i was only listening to the music and mobile was facing other way. Officer gave me words of advice and then took my details and after a few minutes told me i could go. No probs so far. He then phoned my employers and told them he was concerned for my safety. I only found out when a fellow officer came looking for me. As far as i was concerned the matter was finished. I did not log it either. Fellow officer told me that a call had been recieved and that the matter had been escalated to the manager. No probs here. The manager phoned me the follwoing day and told me i was suspended pending a investigation and that suspension would be unpaid. I have been to the investigation meeting and i was shown a picture of me sitting in my van with the mibile facing me. I was told this was taken by the other officer and he was allowed to do this. I have now been told that a decision will be taken and if needed a disciplinary will be held. I have been told not to contact any of my fellow workers. What do i do ?
  10. Hi All I received a letter today from South East Water stating at the top LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. Stating that I over £1600 is now due for payment? I have no idea what period this is for as it does not have any dates on the letter? I live in a 3 bedroom house and the water bill is on a meter. Is there a standard letter I can send to request a full breakdown of this bill i am supposed to now owe. Any templates would be really helpful Many thanks in advance
  11. Sorry, yet another Harlands thread. I joined my local gym back in June 2015 and the first payment was due on 1st July 2015. I was recently diagnosed with Anxiety and I really just couldn't face going anymore. I know it was stupid but I cancelled the DD without informing my gym (think it was in March) Before I cancelled, I moved addresses and updated this onto the gym membership system online. Harlands had sent threatening letters to my old address which is luckily my parents home. By the time I went to collect my post, I had 2 letters from them. The money owed on the second letter was considerably more than before. I don't know how on earth they work it out! I contacted them via email with the following (on 1st June 2016) Hello, I am writing to you in regards to my gym membership. It has come to my attention that you have been sending threatening letters to my old address and that my account is now in arrears of £109.00. I moved from this address in March and I updated this on my online gym account. No one from Harlands or my gym have tried to contact me on the phone to inform me of these letters. If you were to do your job properly you would have noticed this change of address and I would have known about this earlier. Please send all corresponding letters to my current address: ****. I have attached a proof of address. Therefore due to this error, I will not be paying any admin fees in relation to this. If you confirm in writing in 14 days that you are happy to take off any admin charges, I will settle the amount by debit card. If you fail to accept my offer within 14 days or you demand any other payment, I will pay you nothing and my offer will be withdrawn. I do not appreciate being threatened with debt collectors and threatening language. I suffer from severe anxiety which I receive prescribed medication for and this is affecting my health. And this is the reply I got: Dear ****, Further to your recent contact to our offices. We thank you for your email, One of the terms of this agreement, which you have agreed to be bound by, is that “If you fail to pay any monies due under this agreement or if any Direct Debit is returned unpaid or if any cheque is returned unpaid or if any other form of payment is not honored for whatever reason, you shall pay us on demand an administration fee of £25.” £25 is the amount deemed by our directors as representative of our costs in dealing with the administration involved with a missed or returned payment. When we submit for a payment by Direct Debit which is then returned, we are also charged by the bank. The charge also covers the costs we incur to reapply for the payment out of your regular payment dates and sending letters. The administration charge cannot be removed as it has been applied correctly as per the terms and conditions of your membership. For all Enquiries Call Harlands : 01444 449166 () Quote Reference : 32938724 / GH Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm Yours sincerely, Harlands I just ignored this and I haven't heard anything back since. Did I have grounds to cancel because of medical reasons and how do I go about proving this? I feel if I go to my doctor, they wont advise against exercise. I have prescribed medication so can provide proof of this. Please let me know your thoughts, thank you
  12. Myself & my wife had up until April this year, a limited company which ceased trading at the end of October 2015 & was dissolved in April this year. South West Water have obtained a County Court Judjment for outstanding charges for water usage before the company was dissolved, and they are adament that they are going to push for payment, even though we have informed them of the companies status. We used our home address as the Registered address and it was the address for correspondence, but we traded from a different address, and it is the trading address which ran up the debt. I am confident that they would be unable to pursue us personally for the money, as we are not personably liable, but would love to hear some reasurance on this, as I really don't want a bailiff calling at our home with threats etc, I think they are trying to call our bluff. Any advice would be welcome. Cheers
  13. my sister received a demand from intercredit international demanding payment for £1283.16 from her previous address that she moved out off in march 2006. with a start date 1/4/2005. she phoned south staffs water and authorized me act on her behalf because she is disabled and i look after all her affairs i explained that there is an error because all her bills are paid by direct debit and the facts are she moved into the property in May 2003 and a direct debit was set up and moved out March 2006. i myself called them up and stopped the direct debit and set up a new one for the new address still with south staffs. were payment has been taken ever since with no arrears. she told me that they were unaware she had moved out and continued bill the old address as the new tenant did not register themselves at the address. i asked why they had not sent any letters out as i redirected the post for a year. she said she did not know but confirmed there was not arrears on the account until the date of moving out. and would get credit control to call back. credit control called back and said she had readjusted the bill and wanted payment of £144 as she said that whats outstanding. she said the direct debit was cancelled about 10 months earlier. i told her that i,m not going to argue about it because it was a statue barred debt and its paid any way this annoyed her and said not its a statue barred debt as they have been trying to trace her and makes it enforceable. i said well your 3rd party debt collectors found the new address. why couldnt you, she got quite irritate and said they will now use the county court to enforce it if she doesn't the amended bill any thoughts
  14. Hello, I just received this through the post. I honestly have no idea what it for but looking at the amount it seems old. Can someone advise what I do next.
  15. I received a PCN from ParkingEye for parking at the Welcome Break Warwick (South) services for 4 hours 40 minutes on the 22/05/20015 I received the PCN today, the 12/06/2015 the Parking charge is £100 discountable to £60 payable by the 07/07/2015 I was completely unaware of there being a time limit to parking there, it was dark and i have no idea if there are visible signs or not. I expect there are signs, but were they illuminated I've no way of knowing, it was dark and late i was knackered from driving back from Liverpool after a full days work. Clearly i did park more than 2 hours as i fell asleep in the car, but what course of action do i take, pay the £60 and take it on the chin?
  16. Good evening, thank you for taking the time to read this. Any advice would be very gratefully received! In what is probably a familiar story for the regulars on this forum, I have come seeking advice having been stopped without a train ticket. I was interviewed under caution and having spent the day reading the internet in a panic am now expecting a summons in the next few weeks. I hope I've understood the usual process, but would be grateful for confirmation. To provide a little detail, I had been to the dentist in the next town over and dropped by car, but needed to get back to the office. A train arrived whilst i was queueing to buy a ticket so I got on. This is not uncommon in this area where buying a ticket on the train is often required, and trains are infrequent by London standards. I enquired of a conveniently placed member of transport police if this train was going the right way and sat opposite another (you'd think that might have nudged me out of my stupor) I didn't attempt to find the guard. Jumped off train 4 mins later and with no further thought headed towards my office. At which point I was promptly stopped & read my rights by another chap by the exit (no barriers here). Assuming I was about to be fined on the spot, I was polite and accepted that I had no ticket etc. I didn't attempt to run, talk my way out of it, or offer to buy a ticket. Instead he interviewed me under caution (PACE I assume) and sent me on my way. I now see that my existing understanding of how ticketing processes work in practice, is somewhat different from the legal situation. Today i was (very) stupid rather than malicious, but that is no defence and if this reaches court I would inevitably have to plead guilty. I am saving for a house, so even a 1000 pound fine would not be a complete disaster as I could pay it from savings. As ever, the criminal record is the big problem for future employment & mortgage. Would you suggest that i 1 - do nothing now except await the inevitable letter 2 - but then be ready to immediately send a grovelling letter and offer to settle out of court should I receive a summons Many thanks in advance for any advice (sympathy neither required nor expected), will happily provide any other useful details if required. Cost of journey was practically nothing & I have no previous record or penalty fares, speeding tickets etc.
  17. bought car from g fleming and sons croydon 2 days later went faulty they wont pay for repair stay clear of them:-x its a honda civic 2002 car the lambada sensor went faulty they wont pay for repair they said they would but cant get money from them
  18. Guys, The wife and I have each received claim forms from South West Water after missing 2 payments which were missed because the direct debit was cancelled (but not by us!!!). We've had no correspondence from them whatsoever regarding the arrears which we're more than happy to pay but they're claiming for the whole year's payments upfront. Now I'm not sure what to do about this claim, I can't afford the full year in advance so I presume I'll have to fight this. I've acknowledged the form so have to think of something soon. Any ideas gratefully appreciated.
  19. Hi all, My Wife works for the above NHS trust, and has to park in the general car park for all and sundry. The trust at the moment isn't issuing out staff parking permits, and so, consequently, received a 'Civil Parking Notice' from Car Parking Partnership, asking for a charge off £60, but can be reduced down to £30 if payed within 14 days. I've read on varies threads, that she should either ignore it, or write a letter to the trust explaining the situation of how the charge was occurred. However, as she works there, she doesn't think this will be the only charge she will get. If this carries on, could she end up with more problems if she becomes a 'repeat offender' ??? Any advice or guidance would be a great help. Cheers muchly !!!! Bloke199
  20. Hi, many thanks for your time, I am extremely sorry for what happened and grateful if someone could help me. Unfortunately I did not get the full coverage with my ticket for my journey to work which was a mixture of oyster card and train ticket, the oyster card should have been zone 1-6 and it was 1-2 instead and I had the train ticket for last 2 stations of my journey An inspector caught me, I gave him my correct details and I tried to explain I didnt know it was not correct and that I was very sorry. He also asked me more questions,like since when I did it assuming it was for 12 months, I answered I didnt remember honestly I didnt sign the report because im not english, I was very scared and not fully understanding After a month a received a letter from the prosecution department, for the second interview. I got this letter after two weeks as I wasnt home and now I am trying to call the inspector or the department but one goes to voicemail (I left couple of messages), the department doesnt pick up. I just wanna confirm the interview (which should be next week) and get the chance on the phone to say how deeply (and I'd add i am genuinely) sorry I am for this massive and shameful mistake. I dont know what to do, I have never had problems with law and its very shameful that I made such a awful mistake, I am already punishing myself enough so no need for nasty comments ((( I cant manage to talk to them even to confirm the interview and Im extremely worried I will end up in court with a criminal record which will destroy everything good I have done so far. I dont know much about uk law and I dont fully understand the legal terms. Please could somebody give me some tips ?
  21. i have used south west trains for many years and found that a lot of there staff are very rude, lazy and aggressive. i have been cheated in buying a ticket, i have been spoken to rudely and as if I'm a piece of sh*t, staff are lazy and don't know when the trains are going to arrive, or why there cancelled or delayed, i have even been dragged to one of the supervisors at waterloo station barriers because i didn't have a ticket by a young enthusiastic member of staff and was shouting to his superior while dragging me to I'm shouting (iv caught one i caught one) i had to explain that i could not buy a ticket because there was a power cut or something where the ticket off was closed, the machine was closed and i could not top up my oyster card or purchase a ticket because there was no power around the area, Has any one had any bad run ins with staff on south west trains??
  22. Hi All, I have recieved a summons for the 20th August 2013 accused of... '..On Monday 4th February 2013 between Guildford and Aldershot stations did travel or attempt to travel, upon the railway without having previously paid the fare and with the intention to avoid the payment thereof: contrary to S.5 (3) (a) of the Regulation of Railways Act 1889 as amended by section 84 (2) of the Transport Act 1962 and section 18 of the British Railways Act 1977.' Here's the background: I arrived at the station and there were long queues for all of the ticket machines - I queued for 15-20 minutes (I believe - could have been less though) reached the machine but decided to make a run for it to catch my train (to arrive at work on time - I would have missed it otherwise). (There are cameras everywhere in the station so I guess there would be video evidence showing that I was queuing and intended to buy a ticket). I asked the man at the barriers for a 'bridge pass' so I could enter the station so I could catch the train and buy a ticket from the guard on board (I dishonestly entered the station but with the right intent (to buy a ticket on board) - a mistake I know - but I can hardly believe that it's come to this). On the bridge pass it says 'this is a permit to cross the bridge and must not be used for travel on any train - penalties applied may be: prosecution under the following legislation: s. 5 (3) (a)...' as above. I boarded the train and went through it to the back end where the guard usually is to buy a ticket - however, there were a group of 4 inspectors there - I asked them if I could buy a ticket... In his statement the guard who reported me said : 'Tony Dixon approached & asked to buy a ticket and I informed him that he must buy a ticket before you board the train and advised him to leave the train but the train doors started to close so he could not get off'. In his new statement he says I hesitated for a while before the doors closed but I don't think anyone (even Usain Bolt!) would have been fast enough to get through those doors. I explained what had happened - he seemed sympathetic and to accept that I fully intended to buy a ticket but he refused to sell me one and insisted on taking my details and reporting the matter. I gave the details, signed a statement saying the I 'absolutely intended to buy a ticket' and then bought a full return to cover my journey as I had intended to in the first place. I received a letter from SWT, responded to it and assumed they'd accepted my explanation - however... I recently received a summons with the charge above and responded to plead 'not guilty' - the case was then adjourned till 20th August. I decided to plead not guilty as it is fairly obvious (to me at least!) that the 'the intention to avoid the payment thereof' part of the accusation was/is false. So, have I done the right thing in pleading not guilty? Do you have any tips as to anything I need to do say before or when I'm in court?If you could give me any advice it will be much appreciated - I can't believe that this incident has gone this far - I'm losing sleep! I look forward to recieving your feedback and suggestions! Thanks in advance for any help. Tony
  23. I have a debt with South West Water, starting back in 2007 when I had a breakdown and stopped coping with daily life. There appears to be a debt of around £4,400 which has been passed on to Orbit Debt Collectors. I have registered with Southwest Water online and see that there is another £1,400 also outstanding. Nowhere can I see a simple breakdown of how much is owed for each year. I rang the South West Water Debt helpline number today to organise setting up an online account to deal with this current years bill and to organise a second account for the debt so I can keep paying that off. The guy on the phone wasn't at all nice and just kept telling me I have to deal with Orbit, so I pointed out that actually I wanted to deal with SWW and just pay the debt not Orbits fees but he insisted that I can only pay the debt through orbit and that there are no fees?? Surely that can't be right can it? Meanwhile I have a calling card from Orbit telling me to call their agent, I'm hesitant to do so and end up in some war of words with him, South West Water were bad enough and for someone trying to start to cope again it sure as hell makes me want to just re-bury my head.
  24. Hi, newbie here. In February I had a letter from Marstons about my SE Water debt, around £1800, come to take your stuff and all that, rung the bailiff and eventually came to an agreement to pay back £200 a month which I am now down to less than £100. Got my bill from SE Water in April for about £36. Rung water people and asked how to pay it and they said it will be passed on to Marstons and I will pay through them. Ok I thought. Got another bill through this week and now asking for £900. Rung them up to find out why it was so high and I find out that out of the £200 I have been paying to Marstons they are keeping £50 for themselves and the Water people are only getting £150 so all the money I have been paying to clear this debt is only getting part cleared and now I am having to pay twice. Oh yea and they won't talk to me about it properly until I am payed up with Marstons. Is there anyone that can help me because I feel I am getting screwed by the big boys. Thanks in advance.
  25. I have received a huge bill from South East Water and an unfounded letter threatening legal proceedings. Does anyone who the best person to make a complaint to? I'd rather not write just a 'Dear Sir' letter Thanks in advance.
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