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Found 9 results

  1. I had a bill from Inter-credit international demanding £275 for an outstanding water bill on behalf of south staffs water. I paid it in full on 31/3/17 as it was an oversight. However, they have not passed the payment on to SSW. They are being very awkward and wont help me trace the payment. I spoke to SSW today and they confirmed they HAVE NOT passed my account onto Inter-credit??? why did Intercredit have my details? Is this a breach of Data Protection? provided SSW with the bank acct and sort code and bacs ref again and they said they would sort it out, eventually. But i don't know what to think - can anyone offer any advice please? Thanks
  2. My OH has recently been contacted by these clowns regarding a water rates debt from 2003. There is nothing on her credit file relating to this and it is quite obviously over 6 years old. No contact has been made before now and no acknowledgement or payment has been made. Question is, will a standard statute barred letter be sufficient for this or not? Of course, being SSW they will have taken the matter to court back then and obtained a judgement but can they claim that it isn't statute barred because of an old CCJ? Any advice appreciated as these type of things really do stress her out.
  3. Hello folks, I've received the standard ICIL threatening letters regarding a car I scrapped back in 2011. Just received the PW Moody threatening letter on Friday. Wondering, has anyone had any success with taking these clowns to court for harrassment? I've responded with the usual 'I dispute this debt, now please go away' letters, I've also included that I will charge a standard fee for any letters I send to them or any phone calls I answer....has anyone else used this tactic and has it worked?
  4. Came home today from a letter on behalf of the DVLA from Inter credit international. I owe them £80 for not licencing a vehicle in 2011 that I have not owned for over 6 years. I sent a letter to the DVLA informing them I have sold the bike. I moved from Epsom to Bristol soon after I sold it and forgot about it until I got this letter addressed to my address in Bristol. I'm confused, why have I not had SORN or taxing reminders every 6 months or so to my Bristol address if this is where they have this bike registered to. Anyway, I said I wouldnt' pay the fine, they are now taking me to court. Any help glady received asap.!
  5. Out of the blue this morning i receive a letter from Inter-credit international ltd. They say the are working on behalf of DVLA It appears that on their say so invoice i was late in taxing my long since gone vehicle (2009) and are wanting £80.00 They have already tried court with failure to notify change of keeper (went back to finance company) DVLA withdrew their action after i defended DVLA are their usual of the script self and will not even confirm my details, just saying i have to contact these spongers for a dispute resolution. I am not to bothered as such but would welcome some comments as no doubt i am not the first to deal with this lot Last point has the collection of a civil penalty notice have any time limit on it before estopped
  6. Evening Everyone i hope you can assist this is my first post on this forum. This morning I have received a letter from Inter-Credit International advising me the DVLA is preparing a claim against me as i have ignored all previous communications, I can pay a 80£ out of court settement. This is the first communication that I have received and was shocked to find out my details have been passed onto debt collection and i couldnt understand the reason, because i have not received any communication relating to the matter prior to this. I am a law abiding person and am 100% ontop of all paper work and finances. I would like to know where i stand as i feel i have been treated unfairly, I have called the DVLA and they only offer payment of the fine ( Typical) or to appeal via post this is no good. My car tax ended on 31/12/12 I sent my sorn away on 17/12/12 as the car is a classic and I was working on the car at the time and know i wasnt going to use it ( does less than 1000 miles a year) I have a photocopy of my SORN certificate that i posted ( I dont know how credible this will be as evidence) as far as i understand i am not legally obliged to phone up the DVLA and check they have received my SORN, they advise to call 30 days if not received confirmation, but this is not a legal requirement. I have received the letter from inter-credit and the house number is listed as 15 not 16 and the post code is two digits out ( does not even related to the area i live in) this explains why i have not have any previous communications relating to the fine. I believe this to be error of the DVLA when I purchased a private license plate as i have never had any issues before this date. I have ammened this fault on my V5 and the car was taxed in March. Why rights do I have with this as I 100% sorned my car it must have been lost in the post, the DVLA can argue i should have phoned up, but they cannot enfore this legally and seems like a gap in there processes. The error on the log book i am thinking about submitting a V888 request for information ( another service you have to pay for ) to see if my log book was correct when on the original registration if so this wil be down to an admin fault on the DVLAs side. To me it seems the DVLA need to look into cases like mine more closley my point to them was i have another car registered at my address under my name, why coudnt they cross reference this and check this against my license it wouldnt have happened, it just seems they are uncapable of admitting fault and are putting all the blaim onto me.
  7. Hi there, I received a letter last Thursday from Civil Investigations, saying they were trying to trace someone with my maiden name. I've only been married a year but changed my name on everything at the time, so I Googled them and saw plenty here and on Moneysavingexpert.com to make me simply ignore it. Today I've had a letter from Inter-Credit International, who I note are the parent company, and it's the classic 'Debt Recovery Notice' I've seen in other posts. It doesn't state what the debt is FOR, merely give my car registration number and says the DVLA are preparing a claim against me as I've ignored all previous communication (The DVLA have never sent me a letter, called me, anything). These letters seem to be most often used in SORN cases, and I think I know what this is about. 3 years ago we moved house and my car tax was due a couple of days after our move date. I'd already updated the address on my insurance but I hadn't changed my Registered Keepers doc - so when I went to the Post Office to tax it they wouldn't, saying the address had to be consistent on the documents. I was really concerned my car wouldn't be taxed in the intervening period but they said to update my VC5 and then they could tax it. Alternatively I could drive my untaxed car(!!!!) to a local DVLA office (~ 25 miles away in the middle of a major motorway network) to discuss it with them to see if they'd tax my car with the documents as was. I duly posted off my VC5 to get the address changed; got it back from the DVLA and taxed my car. This process probably did take 6-7 weeks in all, but I've never had any communication from the DVLA to tell me there was a penalty due. They can't say I hadn't updated my address with them to enable them to do so - the length of time it took to do that was why my car wasn't taxed. So - what's my best course of action? I'd ring the DVLA, but judging by the mass of forum posts they probably won't speak to me about it. Thanks, Em
  8. Hi Can anybody give me some advice about sworn /dvla I have just receved a demand from a company called inter credit stating that I dident declaire my bike off road in 2010 when the bike was at my old address. I have tryed to contact the dvla and got no where thay simply stated that thay do not keep old sworn records.( up dated records as the bike was sold in 2011) For my part the bike was always on sworn on line when not in use I have not receved any demand from the dvla regarding tax and yes thay where informed of my new address.
  9. Hi gagers I received a letter today from inter-credit international ltd [ never heard of them] It states that it is on behalf of my water company at my old address [ i`m still with the same company]. It claims i owe the best part of £500 & that they have instructed there solicitors to commence legal action within 7 days & there is a case number quoted by the date & their reference number. I have no knowledge of this debt & how can anyone start proceedings this quickly. I cant scan up the letter but if it helps i could copy it word for word, this is the first Ive heard of this & we moved well over two years ago with no hassle or unpaid debts for any utilities. Any thoughts ? Middxx
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