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  1. Hello, While I was at university, we were all given iPads on loan in our last year and I made the mistake of leaving mine in a classroom one day. I informed the university as soon as I realised and was pretty much told by at the time not to worry as they could likely locate it. Of course, it never turned up, or at least was not logged on their system to have done, and they started emailing me after my graduation (June 2016) asking me to return or pay for it. I informed them I didn’t have it to return and could not afford to pay them the sum of £500 for it. I ignored their invoices and eventually they passed it on to STA International to pursue from me. I am still receiving letters from STA every few months, big red capital letters telling me I have however long to pay before they escalate it. I just would like to know, are these safe to ignore? Of course all manner of things such as CCJ’s and whatnot has been threatened, but I’m not sure whether these are empty threats or whether they really have the power to do anything. It doesn’t seem to have escalated past the ‘URGENT’ letter stage for quite some time, and their most recent letter (received today) gives me 5 days to pay apparently. Yes, I did fail to take care of the iPad. But, I am also of the opinion that for the £9k a year I spent at that institution, I don’t deserve to be pursued like this. For that money I’d expect to be gifted an iPad, not bombarded with threatening debt collection letters. I am simply loathe to give them another penny of my money. If anyone has any insight to STA and whether this is likely to go any further please let me know!
  2. Afternoon all, I’ve received a ‘formal debt recovery notification’ letter from some outfit called Credit Limits International (CLI), asking me to make payment for a debt owed to the ‘Corpo Di Polizia Municipale Di Firenze’, with regards to the Italian Highway Code. I’m unsure as to what the debt is for - I’ve not received any notice prior to this. It does, however, have a ‘Car reference’ that appears to be a number plate. All I can think of is that my wife and I hired a car during the summer of 2015 - when we got married (!) - in Florence, and perhaps it refers to that (the car was returned to the car hire company without an issue, so I can only surmise I must have committed a speed or driving offence without realising). This is the first time I’ve received a debt collection letter and I’m unsure what to do next. If there was a genuine offence then, as annoying as that is, fair enough - but I’m a tad peeved my first notice is a letter that mentions an ‘enforceable order’ in Italy and ‘prosecution in this country’, plus asks me to cover payment of several high costs - not just the ‘infraction amount’, but also interest, legal and collection costs, bringing the total to almost £400. Any next steps would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
  3. I know there are a few threads on similar subjects here, but wanted to set out my exact circumstances to see if anybody could advise on my next course of action. The usual story, lived in the UAE for four years, topped up a loan to pay for accommodation and expenses. That was all fine before I was made redundant in early 2017. With accounts frozen, felt I had no choice but to get my stuff together and return to the UK. Debt is around 100,000 AED. I've had all of the normal emails, them trying to call me at my place of work, etc, but now appears they have enlisted the help of a UK company, International Debt Recovery, who I see ran a credit check on me, where I presume they got my address. Have received a letter from them, where they namecheck HSBC Middle East and ask me to get in touch in the "next seven days". I have since received a text message from them, too. What are my options here? I'm in no position to pay back the £ currently, and I understand that they're not exactly accommodating when it comes to payment plans. I have taken on a mortgage since I returned to the UK with my wife, but that's only been in the last eight months and it is a first time buyer scheme, so very little/any equity has been built up. Just looking for some advice really, have read elsewhere that people have ended up bankrupt over this, so must admit I'm slightly concerned. Thanks in advance.
  4. I am being chased for a debt by Credit Limits International based in Kent. I defaulted on a mortgage in France ignored them for a while as I read it on this forum they managed to get hold of my mobile phone number and started calling me. I spoke in depth about my financial situation and they advised me to speak to a debt charity (step change) They found the whole thing a bit confusing as it was a debt abroad. I have several questions: Are CLI working on behalf of my bank or have they bought the debt? Can they take me to court? Various sites say if they have bought the debt they can take me to court in the UK as they now own the debt? Can they keep adding charges if I chance it to see if we go to court? Ive not got anything to give really as my current debt level is double what I owe them. Thanks for listening
  5. Name of the Claimant? JC International Acquisition LLC Date of issue – 4th September 2018 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? 1. The claimants claim is for the balance due under an agreement with Talk Talk Limited dated 29/05/2013 which was assigned to the claimant on 31/03/2015 and notice of which was given to the defendant on the 31/03/2015 and which is now all due and payable. The defendant agreed to pay monthly instalments under account number xxxxxx but has failed to do so. And the claimant claims the sum of £115. The claimant also claims interest thereon pursuant to S.69 county court Act 1984 Limited to one year to the date hereof at the rate of 8% per annum amounting to £8.21 Have you received prior notice of a claim being issued pursuant to paragraph 3 of the PAPDC (Pre Action Protocol) ? No What is the value of the claim? £200 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? Landline & Broadband When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt Purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year? No Why did you cease payments? I ceased payments because the broadband soon became disrupted and sometimes ceased to work after many years of good service. TalkTalk attempted to fix the line and sent engineers out twice but still unable to fix this. They were still investigating the line when I received my monthly bill and noticed they had billed me for two engineer visit charges for works they were still attempting to rectify. I spoke to TalkTalk who understood and agreed to remove the charge as they had not yet resolved the issue. But the customer service chap then requested that I commit to another 12 months contract with him first before he removed the charge. I declined because I felt blackmailed with pressurised sales tactics and could not guarantee the line would be fixed. I switched over to Sky and demanded TalkTalk remove all charges before I paid for my final month – of disruptive service! TalkTalk customer care called when they noticed what had happened as Sky attempted to take over the line. The chap agreed again to remove the charge but asked that I commit to another 12 months contract to prevent Sky from taking over my line. I refused and they failed to resolve my dispute. The debt has since been sold to various companies and I explained the situation to them, advising that I only owed one month’s payment. They all understood and stopped chasing me. Now Moriarty Law, a company I have never dealt with before, has issued this claim. What was the date of your last payment? Around 2014. Still attempting to verify with TalkTalk Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Yes Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan ? No I have acknowledged receipt of the claim form and stated my intention to defend in full via MCOL. I have also sent a CPR31 to Moriaty Law who responded on the 19th September that “they have contacted the original claimants for the documents requested and will notify me of their response shortly” They have also stated in their response “In the meantime, the account will remain on hold and collection activity has been suspended” Please note that I did not mention my dispute with TalkTalk in the CP31 Although they have stated the above, I need to provide my defence to the courts in time and not sure how to proceed. Any help will be appreciated. Many thanks in advance
  6. Hi I dropped out of Uni after 3 weeks after realising the course was not for me back in September 2017. Just before Christmas I periodically started to receive letters from the Uni (Located in Scotland) requesting payment of £1100. Since my departure from Uni I have had no income whatsoever. Despite doing my best to find employment I have had no luck .My wife works and I'm very conscious not to be a financial burden to her. I don't smoke or drink and I limit myself to one meal a day. She is very supportive of me in my search for work, and I don't wish to give the impression that she is some sort of tyrant because I am sanctioning myself in terms of money and using household resources .I didn't show my wife the letters because I didn't want to worry her, and in many ways I just hoped the situation would just go away. I have also had 3 phone calls from STA International which I also ignored. Last week I got a Final Notice from STA International outlining ways to pay in instalments and I don't know what to do. I am just wondering what the procedure will be from here on in if I continue to ignore them. What is the worst case scenario? Can I expect a knock at the door? Ps. I was a mature student studying in Scotland (where i also reside) and prior to going to Uni I was in a job which I had served almost 20 years
  7. Do CLI have any power to raise a CCJ for a debt that they do not own, e.g. a foreign debt?
  8. Hello all... Today I received a notice email from them that someone will visit the above address within 14 days (there is no address listed) This is for a company I got roped into joining online back in 2016 and never received the products for so I cancelled my monthly payments for this company called Enagic. Nothing happened for 3 years until around a month ago when I got an email from CLI telling me that I owed £998 and that they would be chasing me for the debt owed. Same emails as you've had above and they've sent 3 since. I am very worried about this and do not wait debt collectors at my door despite you're reassurance that they can't enforce anything. Is there any actual way they will either come to the door or try to collect this debt? Please note that I do not live at the address I was at back in 2016 and have moved several times since. I am now living with my partner in our first home which we own and moved in may 2019. I got into this business and I do not want to pay for something that I never received and got coaxed into joining with false promises etc. Enagic Europe aren't a UK company and it appears that after 3 years something has been done and CLI are trying to chase me for the debt. What happens from here on out? Do I try and seek advice or just ignore? I've ignored every email they've sent me and as far as I'm aware the only information that they have is my email address.. Not sure if they've ever sent a letter as I'm not at the address I was at during the time I joined the business. Back in Feb 2016 I was roped into joining a terrible business called Enagic. I was promised thousands of pounds in commission and I'd be coached through the process etc etc etc. To cut a long story short, I made no money and I wasn't coached through anything. Nor did I receive the help I was promised and I spent over £1,000 on FB ads with no success as promised. I cancelled my monthly payments to this terrible business almost straight after and I've never paid since. Nothing was said or mentioned until around 4 weeks ago when I received an email from a company called "Credit Limits International" demanding payment for this debt and they will chase me for it etc. Very threatening and making me very worried. Joining this company put me in debt with another loan for the FB ads (which I am still paying to this day) it caused me to have to put my online business to one side and get another full time job which I am still doing now. I ignored their emails (the only way they have been able to get in touch with me) and today I received an email saying they will visit my house within 14 days to chase the debt on the above address... There was no address written in the email and they've never mentioned my address or phone number etc. What shall I do? I've been reading a few threads from people saying that they had the same and that they can't enforce anything and that they are just a DCA company that sends empty threats in hope that people will pay for something that they don't owe or that they've taken on a debt that most people were unaware of. I've moved house 6 times since I joined the business and I have only lived at my current address for 3 months. I am worried they will visit my home demanding payment for something that has pretty much ruined my life for the last 3 years and I have had no communications with Enagic of CLI since I cancelled these crippling payments to this horrible business. They are trying to chase me for almost £1000. Nothing has been mentioned until August 2019 after over 3 years. am I right in saying that they won't know where I live ? On the email they've never written my address, phone number or anything. The only information that they have is my email address I think. Please advise me on what I should do. Thank you all in advance!!! Any advice and reassurance would be appreciated. Also, did anyone actually get a visit from these people? Thank you all!
  9. In October 2016 I took out a loan online from the sister company of the O University (OU), OUSBA for close to 7.5K (for 2 modules). The repayments were 500 a month. After a few months my circumstances changed and I was unable to make those repayments. I arranged with OUSBA to pay a token payment of 60 a month until my circumstances changed. My circumstances became increasingly worse. I had and still have a lot of trouble with the OU - namely they refused to grade my end of year work because it was submitted a couple of days past the deadline. However, this was due to malfunctioning software provided by the OU. I have been appealing this decision (and other issues that I have had with the OU) for the last 6 months. It has meant that I do not receive my degree. It has been extremely stressful and has impacted negatively on my health as well as resulting in a loss of earnings. Given all this I was unable to make one of the token repayments at the beginning of November, but paid it by the end of the month. In January I received a letter from OUSBA which was dated the 23rd December 2017. In this letter they refer to a Default Notice from the 25th November 2017 (which I did not receive) and said that they were terminating the agreement. The last of my payments however was on the 21st December 2017 (2 days prior to this letter). I wrote to them explaining the situation and asked that they revise the termination. stating that I wished to continue with the token repayments until the situation changes. I told them that I could provide a letter from doctor and also proof that I am currently unemployed. They wrote back simply saying that the agreement has been passed onto their legal agents, STA International and I need to contact them. A few days later I start receiving calls, SMS messages, emails, letters from STA International that state I must pay the rest of the loan 6.5K in full and I must respond to them within 14 days. I am extremely nervous about this (I suffer from anxiety and the stress of dealing with the numerous issues with the OU has significantly intensified my condition - I receive weekly professional help with it now) I do not have this money, as mentioned above, I am currently unemployed and struggling to make ends meet as it is. I don’t want to make any mistakes in dealing with this. Can anyone advise me on how best to deal with this situation. Can STA take me to court? What’s the worst that can happen? I am truly at my wits end after all of this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks
  10. Hi I received a claim form about an alleged outstanding debt with TalkTalk from 23/03/2012. I have not replied to the form as i only received it today. They claim on the form that i agreed to pay in monthly instalments on the 21/03/2014, This is the first time i have ever heard of JC International and i have defiantly not agreed to any sort of payment plan with them. Is this one last dig for them to try and recover the debt as it is now statute barred. How do i go about fighting this as i really don't want a CCJ on my record.
  11. Name of the Claimant ? JC International Acquisition LLC Date of issue 20/09/2017 The particulars of claim state: 1,the claimants claim is for the balance due under an agreement with talk talk limited dated 26/02/2013 which was assigned to the claimant on 31/03/2015 and notice of which was given to the defendant on the 31/03/2015 and which is now all due and payable. 2. the defendant agreed to pay monthly instalments under account number ....but has failed to do so. and the claimant claims the sum of £194.33. 3. the claimant also claims interest thereon pursuant to s.69 county court act 1984 limited to one year to the date hereof at the rate of 8.00% per annum amounting to £15.54 Total amount including fee's is £284.87 I have never agreed to make monthly instalments as I am 99% sure I have never spoken to them regarding this debt and I have definately never responded to any letters. What is the value of the claim? £284.87 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? Talk Talk Internet When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After but not sure when Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. JC International Acquisition/Moriarty/Talk Talk? Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not that I can remember Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? I dont think so, but can not be 100% sure Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Unsure Why did you cease payments? Dreadful service, broken promises and extremely rude customer services What was the date of your last payment? 2013 i guess Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management I remember telling them that I wanted to finish because I was unhappy with the dreadful service and if it wasnt rectified I would swap to sky who I have been with and am still with to this day So any advice gratefully received on how to deal with this matter The issue date of the claim was 20/09/2017 and I received it on unknown (as i have issues dealing with paperwork and opening mail) but soon after the issue date I am sure. I am sorry but only realised this evening I need to have my defence in by tomorrow at 4pm...... .. I was sure I had 28days after acknowledging service ( Your acknowledgment of service was received on 09/10/2017 at 08:02:21) but now realise after a panic that it is only 14days Thank you in advance for any advice you have, I am looking now for opther threads to see what I can put as a defence. Sorry Hi I recently received a claim form from the County Court Business Centre in Northampton, by Moriarty Law on behalf of JC International Acquisition for a Talk Talk debt. I have seen a similar problems on here to mine but I am not 100% sure what to do next! Is this the kinda defence I want to be submitting, obviously editing point number 2. I now know that immediately after acknowledging service I SHOULD or done a thing called CPR 31.14 to the solicitors............... so how should I go about approaching this now? 1. The Defendant contends that the particulars of claim are vague and generic in nature.The claimant's’ particulars of claims disclose no legal cause of action as the claimant's statement of case is insufficiently particularised and does not comply or even attempt to comply with CPR part 16.2 The Defendant accordingly sets out its case below and relies on CPR r 16.5 (3) in relation to any particular allegation to which a specific response has not been made. 2.The claim is denied. I am unaware of what debt the claimant refers to.I have requested information pertaining to the claimants claim by way of a CPR 31.14 request sent on 06.10.2017 and wich the claimant received it on the 09.10.2017 The claimant has failed to respond. 3.The claim is denied the Claimant has not served a Notice of Assignment pursuant to the law of property act 1925 and the Claimant is put to strict proof to: (a) show how the Defendant has entered into an agreement; and (b) Show and evidence the nature of any breach;and © show how the Defendant has reached the amount claimed for; and (d) show how the Claimant has the legal right, either under statute or equity to issue a claim; 4.Notwithstanding the above should the alleged amount claimed include an early termination charge(s) amounting to the entire balance of the remaining contract. OFCOM guidance states that any Early Termination Charge that is made up of the entire balance if the remaining contract is unlikely to be fair as it fails to take into account the fact that the provider no longer has to provide and pay for their service. 5. As per Civil Procedureicon Rule 16.5(4), it is expected that the Claimant prove the allegation that the money is owed. 6. On the alternative, as the Claimant is an assignee of a debt, it is denied that the Claimant has the right to lay a claim due to contraventions of Section 136 of the Law of Property Act and Section 82A of the consumer crediticon Act 1974. 7. By reason of the facts and matters set out above, it is denied that the Claimant is entitled to the relief claimed or any relief. Should I send this CPR request off to Moriarty today by Special delivery? CPR Template removed If I dont get a response (which is understable because I have left the matter so late), I will go ahead and just file this as my defense (Send the above CPR 31.14 off tomorrow) and hope for the very best 1. The Defendant contends that the particulars of claim are vague and generic in nature.The claimant's’ particulars of claims disclose no legal cause of action as the claimant's statement of case is insufficiently particularised and does not comply or even attempt to comply with CPR part 16.2 The Defendant accordingly sets out its case below and relies on CPR r 16.5 (3) in relation to any particular allegation to which a specific response has not been made. 2.The claim is denied. I am unaware of what debt the claimant refers to. I have requested information pertaining to the claimants claim by way of a CPR 31.14 request sent. 3.The claim is denied the Claimant has not served a Notice of Assignment pursuant to the law of property act 1925 and the Claimant is put to strict proof to: (a) show how the Defendant has entered into an agreement; and (b) Show and evidence the nature of any breach;and © show how the Defendant has reached the amount claimed for; and (d) show how the Claimant has the legal right, either under statute or equity to issue a claim; 4.Notwithstanding the above should the alleged amount claimed include an early termination charge(s) amounting to the entire balance of the remaining contract. OFCOM guidance states that any Early Termination Charge that is made up of the entire balance if the remaining contract is unlikely to be fair as it fails to take into account the fact that the provider no longer has to provide and pay for their service. 5. As per Civil Procedureicon Rule 16.5(4), it is expected that the Claimant prove the allegation that the money is owed. 6. On the alternative, as the Claimant is an assignee of a debt, it is denied that the Claimant has the right to lay a claim due to contraventions of Section 136 of the Law of Property Act and Section 82A of the consumer crediticon Act 1974. 7. By reason of the facts and matters set out above, it is denied that the Claimant is entitled to the relief claimed or any relief.
  12. Hi All, Today I have received a letter from Moriarty Law: Our Ref: xxx Acc No: xxxx Amount Due: £185.88 Claim No: xxxxx Original Lender: Talk Talk Limited Dear Mr. X, Following our earlier letters regarding the above outstanding balance we have now issued proceedings in the County Court at Northampton to effect repayment of this debt. You will shortly receive a County Court Claim from Northampton County Court along with an information pack containing details on how to respond. It is still not too late to amicably resolve this matter and therefore please call our offices within 14 days on 02031264544 where our litigation executives will be happy to help and explain the options that are open to you. Yours faithfully, Moriarty Law I believe this "debt" relates to my previous house where I lived with an ex-wife. My ex took out a restraining order against me and so I was effectively kicked out of the house. I contacted Talk Talk who supplied the phone and broadband and told them I was no longer living there and they sent me a change of ownership form. I filled it in, sent it off and thought that was the last of it, and cancelled my direct debit. Until today, when I received the above letter. I have access to my Experian credit report and nothing mentioned on there about it either. After checking my emails, I signed up on 10/11/2012. After checking my bank statements, it seems the last payment I was for £10.11 on 04/07/2013. Will I definitely be getting a claim form or is there a chance they are trying to scare me into paying up?
  13. Good morning all On 16.09.2017 i have received a claim form from county court business centre Issue date 13.09.2017 Particulars of claim The claimants claim is for the balance due under an agreement with Talk Talk Limited dated 25.03.2010 which was assigned to the claimant on the 26.03.2014 and notice of which was given to the defendant on the 26.03.2014 and which is now all due and payable. The defendant agreed to pay monthly installments under account number 100326xxxx but has failed to do so. And the claimant claims the sum of £423.54 The claimant also claims interest thereon pursuant to S.69 county court act 1984 limited to one year to the date hereof at the rate of 8% per annum amounting to £33.88. Amount claimed 457.42 Court fee 35 Legal representative costs 50 Total amount 542.42 On 18.09.2017 i receive the following letter from Moriarty law: Date 15.09.2017 Dear Mrxxxxx Re: JC International Acquisitions LLC vs Mr. A xxxxx in the Northampton County Court Following our earlier letters regarding the above outstanding balance we have now issued proceedings in the County Court at Northampton to effect repayment of this debt. You will shortly receive a County Court Claim from Northampton County Court along with an information pack containing details on how to respond. It is still not too late to amicable resolve this matter and therefore please call our offices within 14 days. Alternative you may write to us at the above address or email within 14 days. Based on the particulars of the claim should i defend? Looking at the dates is this a statue barred debt? Should have they sent me the letter before the claim form and not after? What is the best way to go forward? I haven't yet acknowledged the claim on the website Many thanks Andrew
  14. hi to all im a new user on here and need some advice please! here is a brief description on the matter back in 2013 i signed up with talk talk for phone bb and tv services, after approx 3/4 weeks of no services i rang them up and told them i would like to cancel the contract as they had not provided me what im paying for. after numerous phone calls about the above issues talk talk said the contract would be cancelled and that would be the end of the matter there would be no charges due to early termination of contract etc. although i never received anything in writing from them i left it as the matter was delt with. fast forward to two days ago and i got a claim form from Moriarty law working on behalf of jc international acquisition. they are claiming £572 for non payment of agreement from talk talk I'm confused about this as i was under the impression it had been sorted years back!. i have sent a reply to the court with a acknowledgement of service i can get some information about this as i intend to fully dispute this. how do i get information about this old account ? any letters that was sent to me , phone calls ?? how do i file a defence for the court I'm confused by all the info on this if anybody could help id be so grateful many thanks for your help
  15. Hi Could someone please help as I'm very new to this. I've just received a letter dated 3rd July from what looks like it's from County Court Business Centre. It says the claimant is JC International Acquisition LLC and the name for payment is Moriarty Law. It says I haven't replied to the claim form and am ordered to pay £1655.2 or £50 a month? It doesn't show what I owe it for but from looking at other posts, looks like it may be Talk Talk. Any help or how to respond will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  16. My question that I do not seem to get an answer for is this... Is my debt with Natwest time barred or do the inhibition and intimation affect it? I have worked to pay off/clear all my debts totalling about £20k but there is one I just cannot seem to be rid of. An overdraft of £600 that turned into a debt of £8k due to their charges and interests! Here's a brief timeline. . 2006 Default occurred. . 13.9.2011 an inhibition was granted by the Sheriff's court . At this point we had paid back much more than the original £600 and refused to pay any more. writing to them got us no where. From this point on we made token payments, which despite our income and expenditure they said they refused yet still banked. . 10/1/12 last token payment made . We have not acknowledged the debt since or written to them ourselves since January 2012. . 8/10/12 In an effort to sort out our situation we went to the CAB who put an intimation in place. We never actually used the plan proposed by CAB as it really didn't help us beyond what we were already doing to remedy our full financial situation. . 9/10/2012 Anderson Strathern send an earnings arrestment to the local authority assuming I was working for them. They disclosed my debt and personal details in a huge breach of data protection. . 15/10/16 We tried to apply to remortgage our home to clean up the last of our debt but the matter of the inhibition came up. I was told they expire after 2 years, now I am told it is 5. So it possibly hadn't expired when we applied for the remortgage. This was the only block to our application. There are dates and interest rates missing from the court paperwork completely, and we have letters that give different figures of what we owe (one month £8k then 3 months later £14!) the discrepancies are multiple. The debt has been passed to various other collection agencies although I'm not sure it's been sold.
  17. Hi all, Today March 30th 2017 i have received Northampton court claim forms for a Talktalk debt of £63.86 its been raised to £68.96. The form is dated 28th march 17. They date it back to 30/10/2009. They also state i agreed to pay this by instalments, but failed to do so (which is news to me). I vaguely remember when we ended the contract with them the paid me money that was owed to me. Moriarty Law are acting on behalf of JC international. Ive checked my credit file and cannot see any closed accounts or otherwise with Talktalk. Im reluctant to call these companies to find out anymore information. After a search on google i've come across statute barred and another situation extremely similar to mine that ended in claim discontinued. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?463115-moriarty-law-JC-International-Claimform-old-Talk-Talk-Broadband-debt-***Claim-Discontinued*** I cant post link due to less than 10 posts I don't know how to approach/resolve this, any help would be appreciated. Thank you
  18. Me and my partner moved to the uk from Sweden in 2011 we have lived here without any problems all of a sudden a letter shows up at the door claiming my partner owes Debt amount £2686.45 Interest £1235.91 Balance due £3958.36 a week later another one showed up from Sweden stating the debt was estimated £1100 and how are we going to pay. Both letters are for the same "creditor" but I will be honest when I say I think I would remember owing a company £4000 its not like £20. I have asked other groups some are saying to ignore the letters, others are saying I should just return them. I tried national debtline but all they are concerned with is me paying it. I thank anyone willing to help.
  19. Hi, I wonder if any one can give me any advice! I was enrolled into university September 2015 and was at university for around a week before I was involved in a serious car accident. The accident resulted in me having to withdraw from the course. The university provided absolutely no support to help me stay on the course as I was so reluctant to leave. I was told I had to pay £195 to them for 'Tuition fees' even though the first week I was there I didn't learn a thing! I've been paying £10 a month to STA International to clear this debt and have been for the last 6 months. Yesterday I got a letter from STA asking me to fill out a questionnaire where they're asking for all my financial details including my partners! i.e my salary and mortgage payments, car finance, gas & electric out goings. This is clearly an attempt from them to look at my finances and demand higher monthly payments from me. I contacted a STA adviser today who told me I agreed to the questionnaire when I set up the direct debit (this was over the phone), they have never had me sign anything to tie me into any sort of agreement! I told them I am not providing this information but will continue to pay my £10 a month until the debt is cleared. The adviser responded telling me they will phone, email and send letters until I send them this information back. My question is, do I have to respond with what they're asking for? will they be able to take legal action? I'm assuming not since I am paying them however I have never had any debt before and I am worried! Thanks G
  20. On holiday in Thailand, I kept my phone in flight mode throughout my holiday, or used hotel wi-fi... . Except for one inadvertent internet session in a restaurant three doors from my hotel lasting, at a guess, approximately 30 mins (thought I was still connected to hotel wi-fi, nothing on the phone to tell me otherwise until a text message arrived to tell me the cap of 50 euros had been applied, for which I was grateful). Annoyed that I'd spent £40 unintentionally, and cursing myself for a fool, I put the phone back into flight mode. Needless to say, when the bill arrived (from Utility Warehouse, but I suppose it could be anybody) it wasn't £40...it was £754! I put in a complaint and the response is to reduce the charges to £300, which I actually think is quite reasonable... But I thought I'd see what others think before I accept - any ideas?
  21. Hello, I've received a claim form about an alleged outstanding debt with TalkTalk from 2011. I 've been online and acknowledged receipt saying I intend to defend the claim as I have never received any correspondence about it nor is there anything on my credit file that includes and account. I was in the process of writing a CPR 34.14 after seeing all the advice on here and I noticed the address for JC International (the claimant) is in the US - do I send the letter there or is there somewhere else it should be going? Just concerned about claims they never received it and it may also take a while to get there. Thanks in advance for any advice!
  22. Hi everyone. I have the same issue as antonia26. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?463115-moriarty-law-JC-International-Claimform-old-Talk-Talk-Broadband-debt-***Claim-Discontinued*** i received a court letter taking me to court as i owe £257.28 As it was advised I have filled the form out and acknowledged of service and said I'm defending the whole claim. I sent a CPR 31.14 request to solicitors requesting information pertaining to their claim . I am not sure if it was done right. I 've received letter from the court about receipt of the Defence. and the letter from solicitors with the text below: we write to acknowledge receipt of the defence filed by you with the Court and in that regard we confirm that our client is processing with their claim. My CPR 31.14 was ignored and now I don't know what to do. Any further steps I should make in this case? thaank you very much for your help
  23. I had a bill from Inter-credit international demanding £275 for an outstanding water bill on behalf of south staffs water. I paid it in full on 31/3/17 as it was an oversight. However, they have not passed the payment on to SSW. They are being very awkward and wont help me trace the payment. I spoke to SSW today and they confirmed they HAVE NOT passed my account onto Inter-credit??? why did Intercredit have my details? Is this a breach of Data Protection? provided SSW with the bank acct and sort code and bacs ref again and they said they would sort it out, eventually. But i don't know what to think - can anyone offer any advice please? Thanks
  24. Hi Guys, I'm a returning international student with about £3,000 in credit card debts, phone loans and overdraft that I blasted about a year ago. Now that I have a postgraduate offer to study in the UK again, I was wondering what can I do to stay out of trouble. Obviously, I was young and immature to have been doing such acts back then. I was hoping to pay continue paying said debts above upon my first return home but the job market is tough and I was not able to even make enough back home to cover (especially when earning below average salary and local currency is worth 0.20 to a quid. Fast forward, I am definitely sure I would need to open a bank account to survive as Britain is a cashless society, and need an account to receive student allowances. What are my options at this point?
  25. I will be travelling to France next week,and am looking for a sim card for use in France to call and text back to the U.K. I have looked at several deals but none are suitable.Ideally,I am looking for around 1,000 international minutes and around 200 text messages.I hav elooked at 02,vodaphone,3,I.D(who I currently have a contract with), but none give a good deal for the prices they are charging.Lyca mobile have some amazing offers,but after reading some reviews,I am not so sure.........Is there anyone on here who has been to Europe, and used a sim for contacting the U.K.?.If so, who was the best provider please?
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