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  1. Afternoon all, I’ve received a ‘formal debt recovery notification’ letter from some outfit called Credit Limits International (CLI), asking me to make payment for a debt owed to the ‘Corpo Di Polizia Municipale Di Firenze’, with regards to the Italian Highway Code. I’m unsure as to what the debt is for - I’ve not received any notice prior to this. It does, however, have a ‘Car reference’ that appears to be a number plate. All I can think of is that my wife and I hired a car during the summer of 2015 - when we got married (!) - in Florence, and perhaps it refers to that (the car was returned to the car hire company without an issue, so I can only surmise I must have committed a speed or driving offence without realising). This is the first time I’ve received a debt collection letter and I’m unsure what to do next. If there was a genuine offence then, as annoying as that is, fair enough - but I’m a tad peeved my first notice is a letter that mentions an ‘enforceable order’ in Italy and ‘prosecution in this country’, plus asks me to cover payment of several high costs - not just the ‘infraction amount’, but also interest, legal and collection costs, bringing the total to almost £400. Any next steps would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
  2. Hello all... Today I received a notice email from them that someone will visit the above address within 14 days (there is no address listed) This is for a company I got roped into joining online back in 2016 and never received the products for so I cancelled my monthly payments for this company called Enagic. Nothing happened for 3 years until around a month ago when I got an email from CLI telling me that I owed £998 and that they would be chasing me for the debt owed. Same emails as you've had above and they've sent 3 since. I am very worried about this and do not wait debt collectors at my door despite you're reassurance that they can't enforce anything. Is there any actual way they will either come to the door or try to collect this debt? Please note that I do not live at the address I was at back in 2016 and have moved several times since. I am now living with my partner in our first home which we own and moved in may 2019. I got into this business and I do not want to pay for something that I never received and got coaxed into joining with false promises etc. Enagic Europe aren't a UK company and it appears that after 3 years something has been done and CLI are trying to chase me for the debt. What happens from here on out? Do I try and seek advice or just ignore? I've ignored every email they've sent me and as far as I'm aware the only information that they have is my email address.. Not sure if they've ever sent a letter as I'm not at the address I was at during the time I joined the business. Back in Feb 2016 I was roped into joining a terrible business called Enagic. I was promised thousands of pounds in commission and I'd be coached through the process etc etc etc. To cut a long story short, I made no money and I wasn't coached through anything. Nor did I receive the help I was promised and I spent over £1,000 on FB ads with no success as promised. I cancelled my monthly payments to this terrible business almost straight after and I've never paid since. Nothing was said or mentioned until around 4 weeks ago when I received an email from a company called "Credit Limits International" demanding payment for this debt and they will chase me for it etc. Very threatening and making me very worried. Joining this company put me in debt with another loan for the FB ads (which I am still paying to this day) it caused me to have to put my online business to one side and get another full time job which I am still doing now. I ignored their emails (the only way they have been able to get in touch with me) and today I received an email saying they will visit my house within 14 days to chase the debt on the above address... There was no address written in the email and they've never mentioned my address or phone number etc. What shall I do? I've been reading a few threads from people saying that they had the same and that they can't enforce anything and that they are just a DCA company that sends empty threats in hope that people will pay for something that they don't owe or that they've taken on a debt that most people were unaware of. I've moved house 6 times since I joined the business and I have only lived at my current address for 3 months. I am worried they will visit my home demanding payment for something that has pretty much ruined my life for the last 3 years and I have had no communications with Enagic of CLI since I cancelled these crippling payments to this horrible business. They are trying to chase me for almost £1000. Nothing has been mentioned until August 2019 after over 3 years. am I right in saying that they won't know where I live ? On the email they've never written my address, phone number or anything. The only information that they have is my email address I think. Please advise me on what I should do. Thank you all in advance!!! Any advice and reassurance would be appreciated. Also, did anyone actually get a visit from these people? Thank you all!
  3. I need to find my joint tenant that owes me money. I need to know the best way to get this money assuming he does get a CCJ. Background I moved in with a "mate" on fixed term joint tenancy and we agreed on 50/50 split for rent & bills. My "mate" lost his job a couple months in so could not afford his share of the rent. He said (I have email with this too) that he would pay me back once he got a new job. He borrowed some money from family and made some contribution but not the full rent. I had to make up the difference to LL. I had to borrow some money from my bank to cover this. He got a new well paying job but then decided to "forget" his promises to repay his share of the rent. However, ongoing rent was paid 50/50, same too for bills (except the final ones). We agreed to give notice to LL/LA that would leave end of fixed term. Two weeks before he moved out leaving keys. LL/LA did check out and there were valid deductions for professional cleaning and some small damage to curtain pull cord in his room (I didn't check before the inspection, he wasn't present.) There are also outstanding amounts for the council tax and gas/electric/water bills. Main issues This "mate" has disappeared, unfriended on Facebook, not answering personal mobile, personal email, no forwarding address. This was about a month ago. I'm assumed he has found a new place to live "permanently". I haven't yet got the final figure for the council tax, I've informed them I've moved out. Not sure how to get that finalised quickly. I'm owed approx. £3500 and I believe his new job pays about £4000/month net. (I helped him review his application for his new job.) I'd like to take him to small claims but not sure how to get his address to serve papers. I have his bank account number and I have his business card with work address. He is Italian from Milan. Although I'm sure he is still in the London area (I've seen his twitter feed) and working for this English registered company. I'm concerned if he does get a CCJ that he will skip back to Italy - then what? Also not sure best chance to get money back, I don't think he has much of value and probably owes family for past rent too. I'm thinking attachment of earnings but also maybe bankruptcy, or even DCA?
  4. My Friend has found themselves in a large spot of bother and I decided to try a post here for some advice of what can be done to help him out. He is being seriously harassed and rather embarrassed by an Italian National who is 'hiding' in Italy. From what I understand, my friend runs a Computer Game Server where this Italian Gent got himself banned for reasons that don't concern or interest me (and that I don't actually know either). What I do know is that this chap keeps posting my friends personal details into the public domain without his consent. Repeated attempts to Ban Evade his gaming server. However last night was the final straw. He was woken up at 02:45 to find Dominos Pizza at his door with £130 worth of Food which he hadn't ordered or paid for. They were less than impressed. My continued concern is that this will get much more serious with something like Identity Fraud. If this guy will send pizzas at nearly 3AM to the tune of £130.00 I fear this is only the beginning. I have told my friend he should now involve the Police immediately. There are several ongoing issues including email harassment etc. I would be lying if I said I thought Debt Collectors were still worse at it. But with the person responsible outside of UK Jurisdiction, is there some from of European Harassment Order that can be placed on this chap to cease and desist immediately? I have suggested he speaks to the CAB, but in the West Country they aren't exactly that helpful. Has anyone been in this situation or knows where I could seek advice for him. He just wants it to stop and the :evil: is not relenting by any stretch of the imagination! Thanks all
  5. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/19/business/global/failing-health-of-italian-banks-hangs-over-markets.html?ref=business&_r=0 Italy next to have a tax on savings? European wide bank run anybody?
  6. The Deaf Italian Bookkeeper A Mafia Godfather finds out that his bookkeeper of 20 years, Guido, has cheated him out of $10,000,000.00. Guido is deaf which is why he got the job in the first place. The Godfather assumed that since Guido could not hear anything, he could never testify in court. When the Godfather goes to confront Guido about his missing $10 million, he takes along his personal lawyer because he knows sign language. The Godfather tells the lawyer, "Ask him where the money is!" The lawyer, using sign language, asks Guido, "Where's the money?" Guido signs back, "I don't know what you are talking about." The lawyer tells the Godfather, "He says he doesn't know what you are talking about." The Godfather pulls out a pistol, puts it to Guido's head and says, "Ask him again or I'll kill him!" The lawyer signs to Guido, "He'll kill you if you don't tell him." Guido trembles and signs back, "OK! You win! The money is in a brown briefcase, buried behind the shed at my cousin Bruno's house." The Godfather asks the lawyer, "What did he say?" The lawyer replies, "He says you don't have the balls to pull the trigger." Don't you just love and trust ..... lawyers?
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