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  1. My question that I do not seem to get an answer for is this... Is my debt with Natwest time barred or do the inhibition and intimation affect it? I have worked to pay off/clear all my debts totalling about £20k but there is one I just cannot seem to be rid of. An overdraft of £600 that turned into a debt of £8k due to their charges and interests! Here's a brief timeline. . 2006 Default occurred. . 13.9.2011 an inhibition was granted by the Sheriff's court . At this point we had paid back much more than the original £600 and refused to pay any more. writing to them got us no where. From this point on we made token payments, which despite our income and expenditure they said they refused yet still banked. . 10/1/12 last token payment made . We have not acknowledged the debt since or written to them ourselves since January 2012. . 8/10/12 In an effort to sort out our situation we went to the CAB who put an intimation in place. We never actually used the plan proposed by CAB as it really didn't help us beyond what we were already doing to remedy our full financial situation. . 9/10/2012 Anderson Strathern send an earnings arrestment to the local authority assuming I was working for them. They disclosed my debt and personal details in a huge breach of data protection. . 15/10/16 We tried to apply to remortgage our home to clean up the last of our debt but the matter of the inhibition came up. I was told they expire after 2 years, now I am told it is 5. So it possibly hadn't expired when we applied for the remortgage. This was the only block to our application. There are dates and interest rates missing from the court paperwork completely, and we have letters that give different figures of what we owe (one month £8k then 3 months later £14!) the discrepancies are multiple. The debt has been passed to various other collection agencies although I'm not sure it's been sold.
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