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Found 12 results

  1. Disclosure and Barring Service - GDPR is here READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/gdpr-is-here
  2. Disclosure and Barring Service New identity checking guidelines READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-identity-checking-guidelines
  3. Disclosure and Barring Service Email addresses are changing READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dbs-email-addresses-are-changing
  4. I'm into a DMP about 6 yrs now and through here have realised I've been cash cowed by a couple of the pre 2007 one's One card has not been part of the plan for some reason, never been paid and is on the cusp of Statute barring and I likely won't hear from them due to a CCA request thanks to you guys...now for the rest of them to be CCA'd Two stupid questions : Obviously part payments have been appearing on my records due to DMP but the original 5 yr old defaults will possibly drop off next September ...... is this correct? Like most I want to increase credit scores for some future plans, If I don't pay anymore .....will my scores begin to increase post September or will having made payments screw me up for another 6 yrs?
  5. Hi, I'm in am unusual position, I think. Back in 2003 I had a cracking salary and mega limits on my credit cards (46k) I was made redundant after I became mentally unwell and so went back to uni. I *asked* the credit card companies to reduce my limits (not wanting to get rid of my cards altogether) but they refused. Point blank refused. Later that year I became ill again and was diagnosed with bipolar. I managed to spend £21,000 in 3 months, with very little to show for it (or take back!) The banks refused to help. I paid back just under 1/2. I now have a limited income and only really my benefits to live on. I stopped paying when CCCS went under. I was given a CCJ in absentia. On one of the debts. Another, who CCCS weren't actually paying off, are continually chasing me. They seem to have now passed it on to Restons solicitors. I know they *can* apply for a CCJ. But if I don't contact them, will the debt be statute barred after 6 years, which is 6/2018. What is the best thing to do? I'm usually an upstanding citizen. But - I can't afford to pay anything, I didn't run up the debt other than as part of my illness, and the banks refused to lower my limits! I think after 14 years I need a life I can live and keep well - depression being a major problem. I just live within my means. I had paid a huge amount off all the debts, before I joined CCCS. They've had their pound of flesh, so to speak. Can I now hold on for the remaining 14 months for statute barring, given a solicitor is involved??? Or has anyone else any helpful advice? I just long to be the responsible person I am without this cloud hanging over me. Thanks.
  6. My question that I do not seem to get an answer for is this... Is my debt with Natwest time barred or do the inhibition and intimation affect it? I have worked to pay off/clear all my debts totalling about £20k but there is one I just cannot seem to be rid of. An overdraft of £600 that turned into a debt of £8k due to their charges and interests! Here's a brief timeline. . 2006 Default occurred. . 13.9.2011 an inhibition was granted by the Sheriff's court . At this point we had paid back much more than the original £600 and refused to pay any more. writing to them got us no where. From this point on we made token payments, which despite our income and expenditure they said they refused yet still banked. . 10/1/12 last token payment made . We have not acknowledged the debt since or written to them ourselves since January 2012. . 8/10/12 In an effort to sort out our situation we went to the CAB who put an intimation in place. We never actually used the plan proposed by CAB as it really didn't help us beyond what we were already doing to remedy our full financial situation. . 9/10/2012 Anderson Strathern send an earnings arrestment to the local authority assuming I was working for them. They disclosed my debt and personal details in a huge breach of data protection. . 15/10/16 We tried to apply to remortgage our home to clean up the last of our debt but the matter of the inhibition came up. I was told they expire after 2 years, now I am told it is 5. So it possibly hadn't expired when we applied for the remortgage. This was the only block to our application. There are dates and interest rates missing from the court paperwork completely, and we have letters that give different figures of what we owe (one month £8k then 3 months later £14!) the discrepancies are multiple. The debt has been passed to various other collection agencies although I'm not sure it's been sold.
  7. As Title says. If a company bars an account and prevents you from using the service, are ETFs then legal? I remember having this conversation before...
  8. Hi all, Really simple question (hopefully). I understand that a debt becomes statute barred 6 years after the date of the last missed due payment. If a DMC issues court proceedings one month prior to this six year limit does that mean if this goes to court then even though by that time the six years has passed, the court will see it as being within the time limit or is it the case that the court will see that as a result of the case taking over a month to get to court (by the time you've filed a defence etc) it is now over 6 years and hence statute barred? I have tried looking online and can't seem to find this distinction. Thanks for any response
  9. I got into debt some years ago and managed to sort out most of my debts bar one. Recently I have been contacted by a debt recovery agency who are trying to recover the debt. I have had no contact nor made any payments on the debt since April 2007 so presumed the debt to be statute barred. However, I then went onto one of the credit reference sites to check my credit records only to find that the default date listed for the debt was in fact June 2008. How can this be possible and is the time of the debt measured by my last contact or by the default date on my records. Any information to clarify this would be gratefully appreciated.
  10. I apologise if this is the wrong subsection, I was a little daunted by the huge amount of information available! I've spent the last 24 months trying to sort my financial life out. I was pretty lucky that both my mortgage company decided not to act upon my huge arrears and the local council took back a massive debt from the bailiffs and allowed me to pay them direct. This month marks the point where the mortgage is up to date and I have 2-3 payments left on the council tax. My gas and electric repayments also end in September. This relative turnaround in my situation has left me wanting to sort out other 'non-essential' horrors from my past, and because of this yesterday I applied to look at my credit files via Equifax, Experian and Noddle. All were interesting reading, but left me with a few questions I was hoping you could help with. 1.) For many years I have been chased by Robinson Way for debts relating to Carphone Warehouse O2 accounts. From memory I think there were 4 separate accounts, with different amounts ranging from around £200 to £854. At no point have I responded to Robinson Way, nor communicated with them via the phone. Relatively recently I received a letter telling me that one of the accounts had moved to another agency, and there were two companies mentioned and I can't quite remember how it was worded, but Hoist (?) and drydensfairfax both were named. Yesterday I noticed when I looked at the 3 files than only one account shows, the one for the highest amount (unsurprising!). Coincidentally I also received a letter yesterday from drydensfairfax asking for payment for an account related to Hoist for £244. I'm putting two and two together and believe this is somehow to do with one of the old O2 accounts. This has opened up a few questions in my head; Why is only 1 O2 account showing on my credit file? Why are drydensfairfax chasing me for a debt that does not appear on any file? What's happened to the other 2 accounts? 2.) The O2 account worth £854 is approaching 6 years old. Below I've put links to images from my credit files; Equifax and Experian in that order and it does not show up on Noddle. Apologies for the broken links but I don't have the correct permissions yet. i.imgur. com/tlNYrBc.png i.imgur. com/8DDRbmx.png My questions here are; Why do Equifax and Experian show 2 different dates for 'last updated', 19/05/2008 and 28/03/2010 respectively? From the information you can see on the images when would this debt be statute barred? If I decided against statute barring (if possible) and wished to settle the debt how would I go about finding who the current owner is? 3.) Showing up on all 3 files is a debt relating to EverythingEverywhere, T/A Orange. Again, please find a (broken) link to an image detailing all 3 reports. i.imgur. com/4ztmQfh.png Two of the same questions as above; When would this debt be statute barred? If I wished to pay how would I find out who owned the debt? 4.) Experian and Noddle show two debts to Provident. Under Equifax there're both marked as 'default' and 'satisfied' and have a 'partial settlement' note. Under Noddle both says 'satisfied' Both lenders report final defaults in December 2009. I'm confused because as far as I recall I have not partially settled these, to any degree at all! Questions are; What effect do these have on my rating? Am I correct in thinking that I would not be chased by any Debt Collection Agencies for these? Are these debts in effect 'finished'? Would these defaults be removed in December 2015? Many thanks for reading this whopping massive wall of text, any advice from you guys would be much appreciated! Matt
  11. Hi all, It has come as a major surprise to me that O2 are being incredibly unhelpful in applying either a credit limit to my phone (in case of unauthorized use if stolen), or applying an international call barr ( the most likely use if stolen). Am i being unnecessarily harsh/stupid in requesting same or are they simply looking to profiteer in the face of possible misfortune? Has any body managed to get this done with O2? And/or found an inventive work around? Thanks Jaba
  12. Hi everyone I need some valued help please I have a credit card debt that is soon to be removed from my credit file in a few months due to it being 6 years from the default date. My question is this, originally I wrote and made a settlement offer to the original credit card company in around 2007 , due to them being un coperative the debt was sold/transfered to First ( worst) Credit , I CCA`d them with no repsonse and eventually had a Statutory demand overturned and I won costs! My defense was for them to prove the debt which they didnt/couldnt at that time. Since then I have heard nothing from them , when does the Statute of Limitations come into effect if at all? Many thanks T
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