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  1. Hi Can anyone advise regarding loan payments. I have a loan agreement with payments that were due as per the credit agreement on: 17/08/18, 21/09/18 and 19/10/18 however I have noticed that payments have been taken late or early by the lender on 20/08/18, 17/09/18 and 12/10/18. Is there any legal standing on this if I make a complaint
  2. The landlords (a company) and I are butting heads about both these issues. Claim damage to furniture: I have had to destroy 3 pieces of furniture due to mould. The mould I believe was caused due to a poor sealing window in our bedroom therefore letting in moisture. The landlords knew about this within a couple of months of moving in and never corrected it. I tried every year before winter to add my own seal but that ultimately fails. And heating the room was so expensive, as I believe there was no wall insulation as there were black spots of mould on 3 out of 4 walls and the noise from other neighbours was unbearable. I have receipts of the furniture and pictures of the mould but this isn't enough for them. Early leaving fee: Yes I know there is an agreement in place in which I must give a month's notice in writing. The fixed agreement had ended and I think I am right in saying I was on a periodic agreement. However, our neighbour was burgled (the building has 5 flats). We have had trouble with this neighbour before and felt unsafe anyway, but this was a tipping point. We so then started to view flats and found one which began the process of registering and references. We asked our landlords for a reference and said some of the following in an email "Due to the recent burglary we feel the time is right to move to another property.....". They did actually phone and mentioned they were surprised that we are leaving them after such a long time. I know this does not constitute a formal acknowledgement that we are leaving, but it wasn't until about 3 and a half weeks after this we moved out. They have then charged an early vacating fee but I am contesting this due to the circumstances of the burglary - they keep saying this is not a valid reason. The burgled tenant also implied I had something to do with this, which the landlords disagreed with. All in all, with some deductions which I do agree with BUT without the early vacating fee, I am asking for a small amount of money back from them. They do not agree. A case was opened with the TDS but based on what I have uploaded as evidence and the damage to furniture, they felt it was best that I not agree to this process and take it to court if I choose to do so. Not sure if I could also add this to a claim, but after a couple of years in that property and with complaints regarding noise etc, both me and my partner are now on anxiety medication - could I not add a claim against them for this? Any advice would be appreciated.
  3. Hi Not sure if this is the best part of the forum to post this but here goes. I have recently received the attached letter from Shoosmiths acting on behalf of Arrow Global (Guernsey) who have a debt that was originally with MBNA. The discounted settlement figure is for 60% of the total amount outstanding. A CCJ was awarded in 2011 for circa £12k Jan 2012 we relinquished our house to the mortgage company May 2012 Arrow went back to court to get the house added to the CCJ as I had defaulted on payments On the way way to court my (now ex) wife called to say the mortgage company had sold the house, the letter arrived in the post after I had set out. In the meeting with the judge and Arrows representative I explained what had happened but had no paperwork to back it up (an hour's bus ride each way would have made me late for the meeting) The judge duly gave them rights over the property and within 7 days I received another letter saying that we had sold the property without their permission. I replied stating both the judge and their representative had been made aware of the property sale at the meeting. I have heard nothing back from them since then. The CCJ no longer shows on my credit report. I do understand that the debt is still there but nearly six and a half years after their last correspondence this has come as a bit of a shock. I do not have any capital to pay off the figure requested, I own no assets of any worth and I have no disposable income. The further options they mention (Attachment of Earnings and/or Warrant of Control) have rattled me somewhat. What is the best response to the letter and what are the likely outcomes? Any advice would be much appreciated! Early Settlement Opportunity After CCJ.pdf
  4. My wife has a CCJ to the value of roughly £800 from vodafone, containing what i presume would be a large value of early termination fees. She has made one payment towards this, as she only became aware of it last month (dont ask, burying the head in the sand...) Now, ive seen some members on here stating that OFCOM are against early termination fees being included in a CCJ/default? Is that correct? maybe dx100uk you know more? as its one of your posts referencing termination charges and mobile contracts that i have referenced
  5. Hi Everyone, I would really appreciate your help here, as I think the Post Office home insurance are mis-advising people. I am moving out of my housing association flat to a house I just bought with my girlfriend. I have a 6 week overlap for the two properties so we can renovate and decorate prior to moving in. I already have contents insurance for the new house. My flat was covered for the last 6 years by the Post Office, I told them I am moving and have to cancel the insurance as there is already insurance at the new house, so they can't insure it. As such they have to cancel insurance at the flat as I won't be living there and can't transfer the insurance to my new property. However, they are still wanting to charge me an £35 early cancellation fee. Surely this isn't right, as they can no longer legally provide a service to me? Are they [causing problems] people like me out of £35? Many thanks in advance!
  6. After 25 years with my employer, a large UK financial business, I am being made redundant at the age of 51 as they are closing my office. They offered me Voluntary Redundancy with enhanced terms on the basis I signed an agreement giving up my right to an undiscounted pension which may be otherwise payable on my redundancy. (Due to my length of service, I still have a final salary pension). I have not been given a reason why I have had to sign this other than 'it's policy'. I was hoping to take Early Retirement but the minimum pension age is 55 now. None of my other colleagues have been given this agreement as far as I know but it could be they are either no longer in the final salary scheme or are over 55. I wondered of anyone had thoughts on :- a) Should I have been offered Independent Legal Advice as I have been given an agreement to sign? b) The implications if I don't sign the agreement - could they make me take another job elsewhere? c) Even though they are not offering me Early Retirement, could there be this option open in view of the wording the agreement? Any thoughts on this would be welcome.
  7. Hi guys, I wanted to get some advice before I part with my money to my Landlord. I'm in 12 month contract, no break clause with 5 months left but I've just accepted a new job abroad at the end of this month. I contacted the LL with a months notice and explained I'd get someone to take over the tenancy but they're saying as I need to give 2 months notice, they will need two months rent (my deposit plus an extra month). The LL is in the process of already getting a new tenant, probably giving them a fresh 12 months. Is the LL correct in asking for 2 months rent? In the agreement it states: If the agreement is not brought to end by either party on the above date, it will continue thereafter on a monthly basis until terminated by either party giving no less than 2 months notice. This is the only mention of '2 months' in my agreement. Thanks for your time.
  8. Hello, Has anyone successfully claimed back mortgage early repayment fees. I was aware of the conditions of the mortgage when I signed it. However the manner of penalty does not seem fair or right. I am facing a £16,000 bill for coming out after 2.5 years of a 5 year fixed rate deal (more expensive than the variable mortgage) I understand they have to recoup loss of interest, but as soon as I give them back their money, they lend it out again and make no loss? I cannot port or continue the 2.5 years left as I have lost my job. The amount seems like a penalty. Any ideas. thanks
  9. I recently entered a contract with an estate agent called Remax signing on the 21st of March 2018 due to the failure to get one visit booked within the first week whereby there was 350 online views and a failed attempt to cooperate with another estate agent to work together in selling the property. I didn’t hear from the agent in a week and he didn’t respond to a message I sent him asking for an update. Hence, I decided to cancel and go with another agent. This is the wording from the contract: If you are a consumer client and this contract was not agreed within our premises you have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The cancellation period will expire after 14 days from the day this contract was agreed. To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us of your decision to cancel this contract by sending us a clear statement in writing to: RE/MAX Right Step, 1b Hall Lane, London, E4 8HH or emailing us. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired. If you choose to cancel the agency agreement, you will be required to pay for the services supplied prior to cancelation, such as For Sale boards, advertising, property particulars, Energy performance certificates etc. Where we introduce or have negotiations with the ultimate purchaser of the property before you exercise your statutory right to cancel the contract, this contract will be deemed to have been fully performed and the agreed agency fee would be due, notwithstanding that cancellation took place. Is this legally right given he was notified on 1 April 2018? Thank you
  10. Hello all. Due to ill-health and being self-employed, I had to resort to getting a Sunny loan to make ends meet for a couple of months. All fine, but am back working so wanted to clear it in full, so called up yesterday asking for an Early Settlement Fee and was told I had to pay the full outstanding amount for the period of the loan. I thought that was odd, but paid it in full nonetheless. After a bit of research yesterday, I came across the Consumer Credit Act (Early Settlement) 2004, which in my feeble brain seems to purport that I shouldn't have been charged full whack to clear the loan and have had the future interest taken off. Or something... Would anybody be able to shed some light on that please? Many thanks in advance, as always!
  11. Hi, I booked early as usual my flight and holiday for xmas back in April, however surprisingly and unexpectedly my wife pregnant and the due date is around xmas... The ticket I bought says non refundable, however considering airlines will not let you fly towards the end of your pregnancy, let alone right after considering the issue of passport for the new born. I am wondering what are my options and if it is worth making a claim with my travel insurance or not. I have already written to omegaflight but do not expect a positive response from them.
  12. Hi, Got a bit of a fiddly situation here so I will try my best to summarise clearly for everyone. I moved into a flat (from Spareroom) on the 1st June 2016 (tenancy expired on 30th November 2016), I found it a month or so before and they wanted a £300 (cash) holding deposit as they don't take card. I was moving out of London a few days after and was in the middle of exams and I knew I needed a place so (stupidly) I paid it in cash and went for it. Thankfully it all seemed legit, got the keys on the first and again had to pay my first months rent and the deposit via bank transfer in their office (Rent £940 + Deposit £940 + Admin £149 - Holding Fee £300 = £1729). I paid it got my keys and moved in. I asked about the deposit scheme etc over the next days where I was told "don't worry it's protected". This is where I started finding it all to get weird. Speaking to the existing flatmates, none of them received any TDS numbers or anything. I kept asking just to get the same response. So 3 months go by, after hearing nothing I knew I wanted to claim. However a friend had a room their flat which was over the road and was perfect for me so I started enquiring about leaving the tenancy early etc, and I got 3 options. Find my replacement and I pay half a month of rent, they find a replacement and I pay a full month or rent, or I just pay the remaining rent and leave. I tried for a month to find my replacement which brought me to September to no avail. I then emailed saying "Is there a possibility I could leave and you could keep my deposit?" which got a reply of "I will keep trying to rent your room, keep paying as normal" so no confirmation that they would take my suggestion of keeping my deposit. Knowing that they haven't protected my deposit I asked them again "I can't find anything about my deposit in the TDS" in which they replied with "The money you paid for the deposit will be used to pay for the final month of the tenancy". Is this even allowed? My contract says: "Security - £940 to be paid on the signing hereof to the agent for the landlord to be dealt Within accordance. This security deposit will be used to pay your last month rent, then 30 days notice is served" (that's the exact wording, notice the bad spelling/grammar). I then followed up with them with the standard "Within accordance of the law, it is your duty to protect my deposit in a TDS" in which they said the manager will call me. I spoke to the manager (who is also the Landlord, I think this is pretty important) on the phone and they pretty much said "Don't worry you can leave the contract and i'll adjust the deposit". I thought screw it, I'll take that and then approach the deposit after I have confirmation I can leave so I asked for the email confirmation and they sent over the following: "As advised please do not pay your rent on 1st October 2016. Please then returning the keys this Saturdays drop me a text, then keys are left at the concierge. You are released from 6 months contract as per conversation with [Landlord Name], no further payments are required." I took this as pretty concrete evidence that I can leave, so I did. Moved into my new place and I'm happy here. Now I want to claim back my 'protected' deposit. I emailed the manager saying what's happening to the deposit and that I'm happy to not pursue this in court if it is returned back in full and I gave them a time frame to do so. He replied with "you broke your tenancy etc and that they will chase up the remaining payments". Unless I accepted a £500 return of deposit. When I spoke to him on the phone before he offered £500 deposit back which I said no to and that I'll be chasing up the full deposit. He has also reassured me that "Danny from accounts has said your deposit is protected" which is incorrect given what his colleague told me before. Basically I just want my deposit back, multiple people have mentioned that I can claim between 1-3x the deposit, I do not mind what I claim as long as I get my initial deposit back. Almost a year after moving in I still haven't seen a sign of it, and I don't think the other tenants have either. Do you think that leaving the tenancy early may hinder my chances as claiming this deposit back? I believe they are separate matters, I believe that he had ill intentions with the deposit by choosing to manage it himself and no protect it, which seems like it has broken all of his responsibilities. But also a separate matter of leaving the tenancy early where I suggested that they could possibly keep the deposit, which not reciprocated, but then got an email after the phone call which clearly stated when I could leave and who gave permission and also that no further payments are required. Sorry for the wall of text, it has been a complicated and stressful process and any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much, Buneet
  13. I had an issue with Virgin Media about early termination fees when I was helping out a friend. The way he was treated was grossly unfair - details don't matter now. However, I wrote to Ofcom about it and they said that they consider early termination fees to be fair PROVIDED they only cover lost profit - actual cost of providing the service has to be deducted for the charge to be fair. This is because, if you cancel, they are saving this amount. I wrote to Virgin Media and told them what Ofcom had said. I asked them to tell me how much it cost them to supply the service my friend was terminating so that we could calculate the fair early termination fee. We've not heard from them since. The reason for this is that the information I was asking for is highly commercial (they wouldn't want Sky or anyone else knowing this) and there is no way they will divulge it. If they think you might pursue them for this information (which you have a right to do - find my thread on getting similar commercial information from Welcome Finance), they will just go away. This is not just for Virgin Media but for any ISP, Cable TV or phone service that charges early termination fees. Enjoy!
  14. Recently employed on a three month probation contract in an industry I had not previously worked in. My employer recruited me based upon my skills and achievements at a far larger organisation with the intention of modernising their working practices. On my first day of working I had my role & responsibilities but received no targets, objectives, training or guidance and was told "off you go". Due to the small size and skills of the workforce obtaining information became difficult but I managed to understand the business set-up and started collating information, completed any tasks assigned and even sourced potential new business from a former employer. My manager has now decided with 3 weeks to go that "I am not a fit for their business as they work a different way to what I am used to " (they were pretty backward) I actually feel aggrieved at this decision as: - I had two monthly reviews where my performance or lack off was not discussed. - The reviews were at short notice (I had prepared from experience),not documented and new objectives not set. - Information & improvements submitted had not been read by other employees even after prompting. - The manager had been made aware that I could not tie down the necessary employees to get information,yet nothing happened - All tasks that were assigned were completed or in progress within timescales. - My termination meeting was again at short notice and out of the blue as I had no indication I was not performing. - The "not fit" reason was very weak and when I enquired in which areas they would not discuss it. I believe throughout that they have acted below what I would expect from a company and to dismiss me without following employment guidelines is very poor. Acas have been consulted and they agree that guidelines have not been followed and suggest that I follow procedure and appeal. Has anyone else experienced anything similar and what was the outcome? I would not want to work for this company again but they have left me at short notice with no income at the end of this month. If I knew I was under performing I would have tried to address this or look for another position.
  15. Hi Guys, I'm looking for some advice on a Halifax ISA we took out in September 2017 for a fixed 2 year rate. We took it out with £15203.51 as we had the money in a do nothing account and it wasn't expected to be needed. Circumstances have changed and we need to use the money, all of it, so we made an enquiry to close the account and Halifax have said there is a penalty of 180 days interest. Which means (if my calculations are correct) on the 0.6 interest rate we would have to pay the bank £45 to get our money back with no interest at all. I think this is outrageous as they have had and used the money since September - it is our fault as we (blame the wife) didn't read the small print of 180 days interest penalty when the account was opened. Does anyone think we have any grounds to complain and not pay the penalty?
  16. Hi, This morning I had a very important meeting that I could not miss and went to park in my usual car park. Unfortunately it was full, this has never been the case before, but I sucked it up and used the larger car park across the road where the minimum stay is 4 hours and they charge £2.50, this is why I never use it. This car park is never more than half full, but was full today. Obviously something local was going on as this has never happened in all the years I have been parking. After driving around for 10 minutes and no space appearing I saw a space that was not blocking anyone at all, and it looked like a space. There was a small triangle of yellow lines right in the corner of the space, that made it look like you could maybe not park there, but I checked all around and it was blocking no one at all, there was ample room. I took the chance as I really could not miss this meeting and paid my ticket. When I came back I had a ticket on the car, this small triangle in the corner was half obscured by leaves and was not the easiest to see. I took a pic of the leaves covering it down the side and at the back, I also took a pic of the front of the car as it really did look like a parking space with white lines at the front and to show it was not blocking anything. It was just this small half obscured yellow triangle at the back that made me doubtful, but that made no sense as it blocked nothing. I am not trying to say I am in the right as I thought it maybe a non parking spot, but paid my money and had no choice but to take my chance, missing the meeting would have cost me far more than the ticket. Is there any point trying to challenge this ticket or do I just suck it up and take it, the least they could do is take the £2.50 off is the ticket was invalid. Thanks for any help Paul
  17. Hi everyone!!! Hoping some of you might be able to help. Will try and keep this to the point as I know there are other posts that I have spent a long time reading but everyone's situation is different. I have been convicted of DD twice now and on the first time I served 14 months with doing the DD course. Second time was 2 years later and was given a ban of 4 years, 150 hours community service, thinking skills and another programme. I have now served half my ban and have hired a specialist motoring solicitor and a barrister (not cheap) to hopefully get my license back early. Due to go to court on the 8th September 2017. I know I am just taking a chance but have to try. As I will be classed as a HRO I will be required to do the medical and know as I have had an alcohol problem in the past things might not be quite as they should due to the amounts I used to consume. in theory if I am granted my license back by the time I do my medical I should be totally abstinent for about 9-10 weeks, does anyone know if this would be enough or if you have any thoughts or comments regarding the process? Just looking for help please, no hated comments, know I have done wrong (partly wasn't my fault) but yes I was driving. Been the worst time of my life and looking to get back on track to find employment and by knowing I will never go back to the way things were. Thank you all for reading my post! Best Regards,
  18. Hi I have a personal loan with Natwest all paid up to date and fine. Had the loan for around 13 months and have asked for an early settlement figure thinking I would get a rebate on the interest. They tell me not so. The early settleemnt figure has come and states no rebate under S95 of consumer credit act 1974 or under the agreement. Does this sound right? Thanks
  19. I am having to retire soon due to a back injury at work. I am a hca community nurse. I am 55yrs and was hoping to work until 66 which would be my government retirement age. I have permanent damage to my spine, and no consultant will operate. I have lost my driving licence too as l have foot drop. I will hopefully receive a ill health retirement pension. However, l am going to have a serious loss of wages here as my pension will not meet what l used to earn. Can l claim compensation ? I dare not enlist a solicitor as that would cost thousands and sadly not in the union as they were no help at all once upon a time. Having not been in this situation before, l would appreciate help.My condition was brought on from years and years of kneeling on the floor and sitting under tables to get to patients legs etc! Many thanks.
  20. Hi Guys I'm after a quick bit of advice regarding time scales for ET application after going through early conciliation. An incident happened at working on the 10th August 2016 for which I raised a grievance then appealed the grievance. I had the results of the appeal on 7th November 2016 for which I still do not agree. On the 8th of November I then submitted a request to ACAS for early concilliation which I'm told put a hold on the time given to apply for employment tribunal, which I believe is 3 months minus 1 day of the incident. Now as far as I understand ACAS will not try and resolve this with my employer but if they fail they will issue me with a certificate which will enable me then to apply for employment tribunal and the clock starts again. Does this then mean I've only got 2 days after ACAS issue the ceritificate to apply for employment tribunal? Hope the above makes sense. Gnarl
  21. Hi all, I took out a fixed rate mortgage with the Halifax a few years ago. I had previous been on a fixed rate with them which came to an end, but decided to renew based on their advice. At the time I specifically told them I would be looking to move house before the end of the fixed rate and they assured me this was not a problem as I could port the mortgage. Low and behold when it came to moving they wouldn't allow me to port the mortgage as I didn't meet the additional lending criteria. As a result I had to go with another lender and incurred £3k + in ERCs. I complained to the Halifax and the financial ombudsman, on the grounds that I took out the product on the promise that I could port. Unfortunately my complaint was not upheld. I now feel I am left with no other option but to make a claim via the courts. Can anyone offer any advice as to whether my claim stands any chance of being successful? Thanks in advance
  22. Hi Hope someone can advise if they have done this before. I am nearly 3 years into paying a 4 year hire purchase with first response I have been told as I have paid 50% off I can hand his car back via VT. If I was to trade my car in for a new car I would be £1500 in negative equality. I have been accepted by car finance for a much better deal but said I would be better to refinance than VT, of course they are gonna say that as they are a car finance company but told me if I do this I would struggle to get car finance. I have already been approved so would this show up on record to them? Would it really affect my chances getting car finance with them? They are trying to get me to trade in and add what is left to a new loan which bumps up monthly payments quite a bit Really just wondering if I VT can car finance then revoke my successful application. I am paying well above odds for my current car as credit score was bad but now it's better I want a newer car at a cheaper monthly price Any help appreciated please
  23. Hi Took out a Welcome Finance secured loan in November 2007 for £20k I have no defaults, pay £386.53 a month. My partner is about to be made redundant and was wondering about offering an early settlement figure. This is now under Prime Credit 5 since the demise of Welcome Finance. I know in my last statement in 2016 the remaining balance was £19719 it has been repaid in theory several times over with their extortionate charges. Is it worth pursuing early settlement for this with partner being made redundant? Thank you
  24. Hi all, So I had a 30-day phone contract with Three (£13/month). On 12/09/15, I called them up, notified them that I wished to cancel my contract, and requested a PAC code. A few hours after the phone call, I used the PAC code with Vodafone. I was told by the person on the phone that I would be charged roughly £1.30, for a pro-rata rate. Today, I discovered that there is a pending payment for £13.00 in my online banking (for the date 28/09/15). I called up and asked why - Three claimed it was an 'Early Termination Fee', since I did not serve my 30 days notice properly. They also said something along the lines of I used my PAC code before the contract was up??? Could anyone more familiar with this things please explain if this is correct? If I have been incorrectly/unfairly charged, I would like to dispute it. Many thanks CAGers.
  25. Anyone come across this lot? Received a very aggressive email from them chasing a really old debt of £127 which they say was attributable to EPDL, and going straight for court action... Emailed them to say don't remember this and who are they and was emailed back with: Ecashwindow Ltd is the new name for Early Pay Day Loans and are happy to supply you additional information you require. Call 01908 440050 in order to discuss further. In the meantime legal action will continue. Nice outfit...!
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