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  1. The landlords (a company) and I are butting heads about both these issues. Claim damage to furniture: I have had to destroy 3 pieces of furniture due to mould. The mould I believe was caused due to a poor sealing window in our bedroom therefore letting in moisture. The landlords knew about this within a couple of months of moving in and never corrected it. I tried every year before winter to add my own seal but that ultimately fails. And heating the room was so expensive, as I believe there was no wall insulation as there were black spots of mould on 3 out of 4 walls and the noise from other neighbours was unbearable. I have receipts of the furniture and pictures of the mould but this isn't enough for them. Early leaving fee: Yes I know there is an agreement in place in which I must give a month's notice in writing. The fixed agreement had ended and I think I am right in saying I was on a periodic agreement. However, our neighbour was burgled (the building has 5 flats). We have had trouble with this neighbour before and felt unsafe anyway, but this was a tipping point. We so then started to view flats and found one which began the process of registering and references. We asked our landlords for a reference and said some of the following in an email "Due to the recent burglary we feel the time is right to move to another property.....". They did actually phone and mentioned they were surprised that we are leaving them after such a long time. I know this does not constitute a formal acknowledgement that we are leaving, but it wasn't until about 3 and a half weeks after this we moved out. They have then charged an early vacating fee but I am contesting this due to the circumstances of the burglary - they keep saying this is not a valid reason. The burgled tenant also implied I had something to do with this, which the landlords disagreed with. All in all, with some deductions which I do agree with BUT without the early vacating fee, I am asking for a small amount of money back from them. They do not agree. A case was opened with the TDS but based on what I have uploaded as evidence and the damage to furniture, they felt it was best that I not agree to this process and take it to court if I choose to do so. Not sure if I could also add this to a claim, but after a couple of years in that property and with complaints regarding noise etc, both me and my partner are now on anxiety medication - could I not add a claim against them for this? Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. I can see a few things against UKCPS however I thought I'd start my own thread. Someone driving my car today receiving a "Parking Charge Notice" on the car for leaving the site, of £100 or £60 within 14 days. I've attached photos of the PCN and of the sign at Bristol Abbeywood Retail Park. I'm the keeper of the vehicle however I wasn't driving the car (I was at home!) so is there anything they can actually do?
  3. Hi all. Please could anybody give advice. I am having financial problems and decided to cancel my BT phone, internet and tv and switch to Talk Talk to save £25 a month. My BT account contract is up start of October so I set up my new account to start in September. BT want paying for the part month which is fair but also want to charge me £65 for Broadband equipment and £24 for TV equipment which seems unfair. Is this right? I'm doing my best to reduce my spending and that feels like a kick in the teeth. Thanks in advance
  4. (Hopefully this is the right place for this) I am a landlord. I had a managing agent (the Estate Agent). I am on a Guaranteed Rent scheme if you will but that't not the matter in hand. I usually get paid on the 5th of every month but I didn't this year and I thought like even they'll be a day late so I left it at that. After realising on weekend I haven't received anything, I called and called but nothing. I went to the estate agent yesterday and found out that they were closed. Automatically i knew they had not done a runner if you will but just packed up and left. I rang my tenant who are pretty good with me and they said they received a letter today saying the company is dissolved and that someone else was looking after the paperwork. I rang and went to the person who was looking after the paperwork. It was the old estate agents friend. I'll throw in now that the originally owner of the estate agents passed away like 3 or 4 months a go and his widow was now looking after everything. Basically this guy has his own estate agents but was just holding all the paperwork. i did have a choice to start a new contract with him or just do everything myself which I am still mulling over. Going back to my tenants they had actually paid to the old estate agents account on the 4th and now not sure what to do. I was told from the friend that the old estate agents account was in negative as well. I have told my tenant to ring up their bank and tell them of situation about the estate agents being dissolved and trying to get their money back so I can basically get paid as I have not been paid out of this whole situation. My query as you can sort of guess is their any way of me getting my money or is their anything else I can do to get my money? Insurance? Will the bank actually return my tenants money? Has anyone had this happened before? Hopefully I've not left anything out and am not sure where to turn for this one. I google looking answers and also came across this group. Can anyone give me any help or insight? Thanks
  5. My son used to work for a big retail company and had a company car. The company failed to inform HMRC that he had a fuel card with his company car and now my son has been hit with an unpaid tax bill for £1700. The company only sent off the proper form declaring he had a fuel card when he left the company. He is very angry to receive this bill as it appears that he is being billed for the actions of this company and it appears malicious that they only sent off the form when he left. Is there anything he can do about this?
  6. hi all... my partner lived in France for years and recently moved back to the Uk. .. since returning French authorities are demanding 6000 Euros for some supposed over-payment of low income supplement that she received while in France. She emailed them explaining that as well as not understanding why this is owed, that she is on low earnings here and could only afford to repay 20 Euros per month. They have said this is not acceptable and want more than 200 Euros per month. The other day we have received a letter demanding the full amount from "Titre Executoire" ... Are we likely to have bailifs on the doorstep next? What should we do?? Thanks in advance. we haven't received anything from any debt collection agency yet as far as i can see this letter looks from official local government from where she lived...
  7. I have received a charge for leaving a car park 52 seconds too late According to the time on my clock we returned to the car park before 6pm. By the time we had loaded the boot with pushchair, then put our young 2 year old daughter into the car, we did vacate the parking spot before 6pm and in fact left the car park according to my clock before 6pm but their camera picture states 6pm and 52 seconds. I am really annoyed. Also even if their time is correct that is still only 52 seconds over , the picture they show is with the car on the giveway waiting to exit the car park on to the road 6pm and 52 seconds. This is absolutely scandalous. I have no intention in paying fine , any feedback appreciated.
  8. Hi, I live with my husband, we are both self employed, I had a baby in September and receive Maternity allowance. I was also receiving Working Tax Credits and Child Tax credits, around £80 per week. My husband is currently quiet with work so we asked the council for rent help, they told us they can no longer help and we need to apply for universal credit. We did this (horrendous application system!) and in the meantime our working and child tax credits stopped, we were never informed this would happen, i wish i had just left it as it was. We were relying on that money and now it has just stopped! We both had a job centre interview yesterday which is part of this ridiculous process and my husband has to go back yet again with business details. He only earns around £5000 per year , they basically want to see if it is worth him running his business, if he earns enough, if not they will make him look for other part time work - how on earth can he do that around a self employed business that is on demand (ie it depends when his customers want him!). This is all if we want to claim universal credit. So, i assume they will say he does not earn enough and will have to find other work....we do not want to do this so my question is, if he says no to looking for other work, will we just get no help....even with a new baby. Am i correct in thinking that £5000 per year approx will not meet their requirements? Just wanted a little bit of advice before we see them again. The whole new system is ridiculous, i have worked and paid tax all my life yet when we need a bit of help we have to fight for it, yet people who dont want to get a job, try their hardest NOT to get one, receive all the help there is out there!!! Any advice appreciated
  9. I am posting this on behalf of my son. He worked for a car dealership selling new cars for multiple brands. As part of his job he was given a company car some weeks ago it was vandalised by someone who kicked a dent in the front wing and it was going to be settled through the company's insurance. He has found a role at another dealership and he handed his notice in. His last day was yesterday and he was spoken to y the MD who demanded he pays £750 to repair the vehicle, my son rang his own insurance company who said the repair would cost less than £500 and his deductible was £500 so no point in putting it through his insurance. The MD by now was getting very abusive and irate and was demanding £750 immediately, my son said he did not have that available but would when he got paid end of this month. The MD stated he would put a court order through in 7 days if he did not settle. My son in his ignorance and fear signed saying he would pay the £750. He signed this in duress, so my question is this document valid due to the nature of how the signature was forced out of him, why cant they go through their insurance company and if he has to pay surely he should be presented with two estimates. This company is known for its bullying, what I need to know is what can my son do about this, any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  10. I received a parking charge notice from UKCPS on the windscreen of my car which was parked in a co-op car park. The PCN is for £100 (£60 if paid within 14 days). for leaving the site. Apparently I was seen by the parking attendant parking up and walking off site. I appealed the charge on the grounds that we purchased good from the store on the day and that the parking attendant had ticked the Parking Charge Notice inappropriately as the tick was outside any of the boxes on the paperwork. UKCPS rejected my appeal on the grounds that there are signs which clearly state that persons using the site must stay on site for the duration of the stay? No photographic evidence has been provided! They have given me the option to pay or appeal to the IAS. What should I consider doing? Any advice gratefully accepted.
  11. When this goes on for over a decade and there are home owners adjoined, when there has been deliberate harassment of noise and mess left around that home owner to try to force them out - what can be done in terms of getting the landlord to finish renovating the property in a timely manner? Thanks
  12. Afternoon all. I am writing on behalf of my mother who received a windscreen ticket from TPS on 01/10/14 for the above in a B & Q car park. She did not actually leave the site and spent money in said premises. A charge notice was not sent to her from TPS but their agents, Premier Solicitors (PS) sent a threatogram on 26/01/15. This was ignored. Almost a whole year later PS have followed this up with another threatogram citing Beavis and anything else they want demanding payment of £110 by 2nd February. As the above happened so long ago she cannot prove she spent money in B & Q or go to POPLA etc. Any thoughts on this and how to proceed? Cheers
  13. First post. Hope I have done everything right. My situation: Working for a company but end up ill due to stress Have autism and drepression Got signed off sick and applied for esa About to send off second 4 week sick note but the thought of returning to work is causing stress as it is a customer facing role which I struggle with. Would I be allowed to resign from work or will I be sanctioned?
  14. Hi everyone I'm having a battle with my meat company and am not getting anywhere. They are refusing to accept responsibility and won't refund me for the cost of the ruined meat and are holding on to my credit balance when I cancelled the account one month ago and whilst I am convinced I am in the right I don't know that I am. What happened was that during the summer the courier left my meat order with neighbours that I am not very friendly with and on that occasion they signed for the meat and promptly went out for the rest of the day. After that I asked the meat company to please ensure my meat was never left with those particular neighbours. In addition the company ask for a safe place to be designated. I have a wonderfully safe place in my rear garden shed, which is completely hidden from the street, and the company claim to honour your chosen 'safe place' but all of this year FedEx have only once bothered to go to my garden shed and have persisted in leaving it with those neighbours. I started only booking in a delivery when I knew I could wait at home all day but last month my work was postponed by a week and I was left with no choice than to not be at home. On this day FedEx delivered my predominantly fish and chicken order to those blacklisted neighbours and then FedEx did not leave me a delivery note to tell me that is where it was. I emailed the company at 7pm to say I had not had the expected delivery and the next morning I had to call the office again as they had not responded. They then told me that the meat had been left with those blacklisted neighbours and as I was working an hour away from home I could not go to the neighbours until the evening when I got home - which was 7pm again. I went to the neighbours house and they had kept my meat in the living room for some 30 hours and the room was like a furnace it was so hot. All the meat had defrosted. £91 worth. The neighbours knew it was meat but clearly didn't feel any responsibility for it even though they had signed for it. Ultimately I hold the meat company responsible because they knew I did not want my meat being left at that house. They are saying that they can't be responsible for their courier, they say that on their website. But I think its unlawful because I provided a safe place with excellent instructions (and they also say on their website that they will leave it at any safe place of my choosing and so being out need never be a problem!) which they ignored. I specifically requested that my meat never be left with these particular neighbours because of previous problems and they told me on the phone that they understood this but have done nothing to stop it happening again. I have told them I was not left a note and FedEx is saying they did! I have been sending them regular emails over the month and last week I wrote to them to tell them that if it was not resolved, and me fully refunded by 1 January 2016 they I would complain to the Consumer Ombudsman. Even if they don't want to refund me the meat, surely they should have returned the £90 that I was in credit by in my account before I closed it? Please can anyone advise if the Ombudsman is the way to go and if I should feel entitled to a full refund? Thank you
  15. Now their latest released video is about their disappointment towards UK government ignoring the video prior to this one. They were very disappointed that the UK government underestimated them and their released statements. Now, UK government will get what they deserve. This actually sounds scary. What would be Anonymous’ next action? Let’s stay tune. Watch Anonymous’ video below. Greetings citizens of the world, we are anonymous. http://weshapelife.org/2016/02/24/anonymous-is-back-leaving-a-warning-for-uk-government/ Now i went to a Anonymous do a while back and met some protestors,took a few pictures and had a chat. A fine evening was had.Mostly young and absolutely cheesed off with things. Same year that Russell Brand was seen unmasked in a protest in London. What do you think of this message.Are they making a fair point do you think. Tawnyowl totally unbiased as usual- Just wondering what your views are on points made.
  16. I have about 5 days remaining holidays, and my last day is Wednesday (tomorrow). My manager said that the holidays have reset at April thus won't get holiday pay. I wasn't given the opportunity to take any holidays during my 4 weeks, nor was I given my contract even a month after asking for it. Can I still get my holidays paid?
  17. Hello. I've been with my employer just shy of 12 months, I started as an apprentice and qualified not long ago. when starting I was told I would be paid £6.50ph (NMW at that time) and would be collected and returned home by one of their vans. My position is a painter ( was apprentice, no formal change of title, other than the fact I have qualified ) I had no problems with the firm until october last year when they failed to increase my wage inline with the NMW increase to £6.70 an hour. They did eventually around christmas time 2015. I am techincally owed the missing wages , but I didn't chase it at the time. a few months ago, the company decided to deduct fuel allowances from the all employees wages of £60 per month. this of course meant my wages dropped below NMW before tax/NI there was no signed agreement , only a notice letter. they had previously allowed employees including myself to send in fuel receipts and reimburse the fuel. finally Today I have found out that they have not paid me any overtime that I have worked recently. They haven't explained when asked why. My supervisor suggests that I was in no position to bargain and I would not have a job if I start to query their decisions. I feel that I am not respected or valued as an employee,despite putting all my effort into my job. I therefore want to leave this job. however this is the first time I will have ever done this, So I am looking for advice on how best to approach this. 1. Can I reasonably request any money owed in underpayment during the time they paid £6.50 instead of £6.70? 2. Can they deduct wages taking the wage below NMW before tax and NI? If this is not allowable , can I therefore request the money be replaced to bring my wages in line with NMW? 3. I have calculated I still have at least 7.5 days holiday to take so far this year, can I ask for this to be paid with my final payment? finally , how to progress with the resignation process. can I put the above requests in with the notice to leave email? or do them separately? if they are wrongfully? denied, how would I proceed? Many thanks
  18. Firstly, thanks for any input. I have been with my current company for about 12 years. Way back in the yonder, I developed back problems, that eventually resulted in a back operation on 8th May 2015 (Discetomy and decompression on L4/L5) I returned to work on 8th Sept 2015. I was promised a gradual return to work (two weeks at base and light duties) The two weeks turned into 4 days and light duties went out the window the first week. (I have copies of the work sheets for every job I attended after the operation. Work was ok until I had jobs that required me picking up heavy motors and pumping units, firstly around Dec 2015, But more importantly April 2016 when my back 'popped' again. I had the results of my MRI today (yesterday) and the Disc was intact, but the area around the spinal nerve has collapsed and I cannot continue to work as if it moves any more, it could sever my spinal cord and leave me completely wheelchair bound. I have informed work, that it's impossible for me to return (You have no idea that I want to, its the best job I have ever had) Now work have been great and want to get rid of me via being unfit to perform the duties they have employed me for, this works for me, as hopefully I can claim benefits from the off. My problem is, they want to do it softly softly and just get rid of me. I have spoken to a NWNF solicitor and have a major claim for lack of duty of care. Long post, simple question, Do I have to inform my company I am sueing them? Thanks Jogs
  19. Afternoon all. First time poster here looking for advice. I am leaving my current employer to take up a post with another company. I am currently undertaking a distance learning course (half of which has been deferred to 2017 due to personal circumstances), which has not yet finished, so under a signed training agreement I am liable for the full balance of the outstanding costs. I held a meeting with my current employer to attempt to set up a repayment plan, as the balance outstanding is over £3,000 and I am not in a position to pay this immediately, but I have informed that my current employer intends to issue me with an invoice for the full amount upon my last day, with an expectation for the full balance to be repaid within 30 days. I have offered to re-pay the balance with 12 monthly payments, but they will not accept this. I have also attempted to explain that I do not have this money available, and that I am more than willing to repay as per a repayment plan. The HR manager also questioned me regarding my lifestyle, and advised that I should take a bank loan to repay the sum owed, which I found rather unprofessional. What are options around this?
  20. Hello folks, I have one small question which I was strugling to find an answer. I will leave Denmark in 10 days and I have a debt to a private company of fast loans named VIVUS.DK. The amount is around 450 euros. What happens if I just leave denmark and don't pay this debt ? Notice: I am not planning to come back to denmark soon. Thanks for any help !
  21. Hi there, We have a really good landlord but I am in a 3rd floor flat and have found out I have MS. Increasingly I am finding the stairs difficult, both with vision and energy. We still have 8 months to go on a 12 month contract. At the moment we are thinking of staying until the lease is up but we keep seeing ground floor properties with adaptations and are worried that nothing suitable will be around in 8 months. (last time we were looking there were no ground floor properties)
  22. hi.im a single unemployed dad.i receive tax credits for my son,who might be leaving college next week unless he can get on an I.T course, which hes trying to do. if he leaves should i contact tax credits and tell them hes left, only thing is then we will both be living on £73 a week.
  23. If I pay in a p&d car park for all day parking can I leave the car park, say to go out for a meal, and return within the time paid for? A stroppy official told me I can't and tried to make me pay again but didn't ticket me. Can I now expect something through the post?
  24. Hi, I am an Australian/British citizen (Dual Nationality) and I have lived in the UK for the past 11 years. Unfortunately I have made poor choices whilst I have been here and I am in debt. I have been paying a DMP for the past 2 years and I have roughly £9,500 in total left to pay to various creditors. I have to move back to Australia in about 3 months time due to my parents ill health and this move will be permanent and I have no intention of returning to the UK. I would like some advice on if I will be chased for this debt in Australia if I just leave without paying? Also, is there anything I should do in the next 3 months before I leave? I do not want to give them my address in Australia but should I notify them that I am leaving the country? Thank you for your advice in advance
  25. Hi Please help, I worked for a company for 4 years. We parted company as they wanted to downgrade my position without any reason or reviews taken place. After i left, in February 2015; I then received my regular salary on following month March. They are now (May) demanding I pay back all the sum within 5 days or face court action. I have been home all this time and not found a job, nor on benefit. I have used the money to pay for my living. I don't dispute the over-payment... What options do I have? Id like to pay back when I get a job on a monthly basis, I don't want a CCJ. please advise. Thanks.
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