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  1. Another day, another TPS Parking Charge Notice courtesy of my lovely partner who keeps overstaying her welcome. Free car park, but only for 120 minutes. Rather than letting this one get as far as legal letters, any suggestions on an appropriate response at this time? I cannot argue the parking conditions or signage, just don't wish to pay these cowboys. I don't recall receiving previous notices on this one either, but as I've been battling them on another notice, I can't be certain they haven't issued them. Letter attached. Help appreciated.
  2. Missus parked in a private car park back in July, received a number of 'Parking Charge Notice' letters from TPS (Total Parking Solutions) over the following few weeks, then another company (cannot remember who they passed it to), and now Wright Hassall Solictors who've sent me a 'Formal Letter of Claim' on the basis of a debt owed and 14 days to pay to avoid CCJ's, court judgements etc. I had assumed (rightly or wrongly) that private parking tickets are still unenforceable in the majority of cases, and just to ignore. Should I at this point be concerned?
  3. Hi. rightly or wrongly I ignored a Parking charge notice from TPS and they have now sent me a letter from the solicitors following up on this charge, it doesn't state anything about courts, but says I have 14 days to pay the fine Would you continue to ignore this? Also, on another note, looking at the original charge notice the postcode of the offence is actually incorrect, now that I am beyond the appeal process date should I just ignore this also at this stage?
  4. Hi, i'm a newby on this forum and need a bit of advice re everyone's friends TPS. I have had two run-ins with them in the last month at my place of work. The NHS trust I work for have been using use TPS for their parking for about 6 years with staff paying a monthly parking charge which comes directly out of our salary. The first incident was a simple case of my parking pass falling out of my windscreen and ending up on the car floor. They issued a “Parking Charge” for failure to display a valid parking pass. I have appealed this one and await their initial reply. The second one was for my motorcycle which I sometimes park between two buildings. There are no “No Parking signs” or “No Motor vechicles beyond this point” signs etc in this immediate area and I have been parking my bike here for over 4 years and one of my ex colleagues for over 20 years without any issues. Following a Fire and Rescue service inspection it was deamed by Fire and Rescue that any vehicle parked here is a risk of fire due to arson. The site estates department obviously asked TPS to start ticketing to stop people parking rather than get any signs or notices put up to that effect. The ticket from TPS states “Parking attendant x had reasonable cause to to believe that the following breach of the terms and conditions of parking occurred on private land (details of which were clearly and prominently displayed and agreed to by the driver by the act of parking the vehicle). Issue Reason: “The vehicle was incorrectly positioned to the inconvenience of other users.” Then in scrawled pen “Fire Risk – one warning issued” I have to say that I did ignore the first warning that had the same lame “vehicle incorrectly positioned rubbish” on but scrawled in pen ( not in block capitals) was possibly Risk of fire which I read as “risk of fine” This was a load of rubbish as I was not blocking any doors, exits or blocking anything else causing an obstruction. Following issue of the ticket I contacted the estates manager responsible for parking and he informed me that Fire and Rescues issue was the close proximity to the building - apparently this needs to be 1.5 metres from the building and parking this far away from the walls would indeed be blocking access in the area. Obviously I have stopped parking here as it was a perfectly valid inspection by Fire and Rescue and I can understand their reasons - they are not my problem, TPS are ! Whats are your thoughts on both of these misdemeanors ? Parking charges demanded are £60 or 30 if paid within 14 days for each "offence". Looking round various forums the standard advice in the past seems to have been ignore these clowns i'm wondering if the situation has changed following the Barry Beavis v's Parking eye ruling and have TPS now grown some teeth and are willing to go to court which I don't really want to do and risk a CCJ. Thanks
  5. I recieved a letter from TPS (total parking solutions) telling me that i have a Parking Charge Notice, issue date 21/09/2015 - the actual parking time stamps from the 16/09/2015. It says had overstayed buy some 30 minutes and only the first two hours was free. I am the registered keeper but was not the driver on the day, the driver says they did not even notice any signs about parking restrictions when parking there. I believe there is a sign on the entry tho i have yet to check and will check tomorrow when i drive past myself. What do i do about this letter? most people say TPS don't do anything and you should just ignore it. i am tempted to just pay the charge but i feel its alot of money but its easier and the driver did over park. many thanks
  6. Mobile phone users are increasingly being targeted by nuisance callers, new research from Which? can reveal. Seven in ten mobile phone users said they had received at least one unwanted call to their mobile in the past month. Despite the rise in such calls, many mobile phone users don't realise that they can register with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). Only 3% of mobile phone users are registered with the TPS Which? has worked with the TPS to launch a brand new free text service which allows people to register their mobile phone numbers. You can register your mobile phone with the TPS for free by sending a text stating OPTOUT to 80057 and Which? will send you a link to some simple steps to help stop nuisance calls. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2015/10/mobile-phone-users-targeted-by-nuisance-callers--420112/
  7. The issue: I have a TPS registered phone line, ex-directory never given out. We have it for a family member who is dying and waiting for an organ transplant. Every call on the line causes considerable distress for obvious reasons as it's only meant to be used by our transplant centre. Since 2011 we have logged approximately 4000 sales calls, up to 30 a day on some days, sometimes in the early hours of the morning. The unique thing about all of these sales calls is that the data they hold is correct in every respect except for the surname. For arguments sake, they always ask for Mr Bloggs. The calls usually come from India and are usually marketing under the guise of a survey (Sugging). The callers refuse to provide an address, disclose on whose behalf they are calling, acknowledge our demands not to be called or explain why they are calling a TPS line. They are often abusive if we do not cooperate. In feb this year, after discussing with the ICO, we decided to play along with the calls to see who was commissioning them. We notified them if they continued to call we would play along. All the calls were recorded. In every instance we told the callers not to let anyone call again or there would be consequences. The questions they asked were about Ppi, broadband, utilities etc. Many companies have called off the back of this sugging call and we have taken action against them all. Scottish power also made sales calls to us off the back of the sugging calls. We instructed Scottish power (S.7 of the Data Protection Act) to disclose where they got our number from and to disclose the permission they have to market to our line. We instructed them to suppress our data to this opt-in (S10 and S11 of the Data Protection Act). This was back in March. They have not confirmed how they got our number other than to say in future they will make sure they screen all sugging calls against TPS and record all sugging calls. The sugging calls for Mr Bloggs continue today. It is self evident that Scottish power have not suppressed our data. I intend to bring proceedings against them pursuant to The Privacy And Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, The Data Protection Act 1998 and The Protection Froma Harassment Act 1997 to recover £1925 for my time dealing with this plus additional damages for distress and anxiety in the discretion of the court. My questions are: 1) Scottish power is registered in Scotland. Can I pursue them in England? I live in England and they were calling me from an english call centre. 2) The energy ombudsman have stated it is not a case they would deal with. What other means of alternate dispute resolution are open to me? 3) does the Data Protection Act apply in the same way in Scotland? Any answers gratefully received. Thanks KV
  8. Afternoon all. I am writing on behalf of my mother who received a windscreen ticket from TPS on 01/10/14 for the above in a B & Q car park. She did not actually leave the site and spent money in said premises. A charge notice was not sent to her from TPS but their agents, Premier Solicitors (PS) sent a threatogram on 26/01/15. This was ignored. Almost a whole year later PS have followed this up with another threatogram citing Beavis and anything else they want demanding payment of £110 by 2nd February. As the above happened so long ago she cannot prove she spent money in B & Q or go to POPLA etc. Any thoughts on this and how to proceed? Cheers
  9. Hi there 1st post hoping for some help Yesterday I received a Charge Notice from TPS saying: Reminder Having checked the vehicle details with the DVLA we are writing to you because either you were the registered Keeper at the time of parking or the registered keeper has named you as the driver at the date and time a Parking Charge Notice was fixed onto the vehicle after having breached the following parking terms and conditions. The driver was observed leaving the site whilst the vehicle remained parked on the premises at Halfords, Harrow, Greater London On 21/9/2014 at 16.30 They are asking for a payment of £90 within 28 days from the date of notice served They also state the discount period has now expired therefore the full Parking Charge Notice amount of £90 is due The trouble is I have never been to Halfords in Harrow anytime and definitely wasn't there on the date or time stated. They have my car reg correct but the vehicle model is wrong! Help guys what should I do when it clearly wasn't my car
  10. I have received a charge notice from TPS requesting £90 for overstaying in Pets at Home car park by 35 minutes. The "violation " happened on 31st May and the date of the notice is 19th June. Should this not have been issued within 14 days? I am in Scotland
  11. I was on the TPS Corporate site earlier today to see who they allow access to their lists. One of the Companies is Tracesmart Ltd, Tracesmart offer many services but one is a tracing service for debtors. They also offer a service called “TracelQ”, this allows DCA's to log into their systems and trace debtors. So you register with the TPS giving them your private home phone number with address to stop telepests, TPS then allow a debt tracing Company (Tracesmart) to access this information, who then download & store all of your personal details, Tracesmart then allow DCA's to access their systems (for a fee) which they call “TracelQ” with your TPS registered private phone number & address included within their search for debtors. Although the TPS does not ask for your name, it does ask for your Post Code & House Number/Name while registering new telephone numbers. A DCA can cross reference a few other traces & match your name, address & TPS Registered Ex-Directory phone number etc. http://corporate.tpsonline.org.uk/index.php/tps/licensees http://www.tracesmart.co.uk/trace/debtor-tracing Stigman
  12. Firms give impression they are aligned with official service Attempt to charge ex-directory homes for service that is free through Telephone Preference Scheme Households are being warned to watch out for a growing, sinister [problem] – fake calls purporting to be from the official service to protect against nuisance calls.. [problem]mers target households that are weary of endless nuisance phone calls to offer them a paid-for service that they claim will block cold callers. However this service is already free of charge from the Telephone Preference Scheme (TPS). Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2612056/Beware-bogus-TPS-calls-promising-protection-nuisance-calls.html#ixzz30GeFq4hx
  13. In July of this year, I was given a parking ticket at Parkgate in Rotherham (issued by TPS) for the sum of £90, reduced to £50 if I paid within 14 days. Due to the unfortunate nature of this fine, I sent an email to TPS, including the following text :- "Following another operation earlier this year, a friend of mine has recently had major surgery for a knee replacement and I took her to visit her doctor today for further treatment. I then volunteered to take her into the Parkgate shopping centre in Rotherham. During a visit to BHS, she complained of feeling dizzy s o we stop for some refreshment at their cafeteria. We then moved on to Matalan and parked the car in one of their disabled parking bays. Since she still felt unsteady, it was decided to use the wheelchair which she had acquired the previous weekend. As this was the first time she had used it, we were unsure of how to unfold the chair but I finally got her into it and moved on into the shop. While she was being assisted by a shop attendant, I saw your officers looking at my car and realised she had forgotten to hand me her disabled badge and therefore it was not on display. I rushed out to the car and explained the situation to the officers but they said there was nothing they could do as they had already taken the photo. I therefore asked them whether they would be able to add some comments onto the ticket to explain the situation but they refused that request and walked off." Being the 'caring' company that they clearly are, they flatly refused to consider my situation and gave me 3 alternatives :- 1) Pay the parking charge at the prevailing price of £50.00 within 14 days. Please note after this time the parking charge notice will rise to £90.00. 2) Make a POPLA - The Independent Appeals Service by completing the accompanying form. Please be advised that if you opt for the independent arbitration of your case, the Parking charge notice will be £90.00. 3) If you choose to do nothing, we will seek to recover the monies due via our debt recovery procedures and may proceed with court action against you. Following the advise found here and elsewhere I chose option 3 !! I then received subsequent letters from them, upping the fine to £90, then £110. Having still not paid, I have now received a letter from Debt Recovery Plus Ltd demanding payment of £149, stating that if I do not pay they will refer the matter back to TPS, recommending that court action should be taken against me. It is my intention to ignore this threat unless I am advise otherwise. Any comments/help from here would be much appreciated.
  14. Hi all I recently parked in Dunelm Mill car park limit of 2 hours, I was 6 hours. I've now received a letter from TPS asking for £90 for overstaying. The picture shows my car and numberplate coming into the car park and does show my car leaving (I know it's mine cos of something on the car) but the number plate isn't shown on the exit. Am I right in thinking that I can ignore this letter and any future demands that they send my way? I have until tomorrow to pay up if I dont want it to increase by £40 if my understanding is wrong.
  15. Hi all I was parked in a Halfords car park for a brief moment which was followed by charge notice from Total Parking Solutions (TPS) which came in the post 17/06/13. There are number of things wrong with the charge letter and it doesn’t match up with the signs they put up. First it says I stayed over 15 minutes when it says the maximum stay is 2 hours. Now you could argue that this was outside trading hours but that’s not what the ticket says. They are doing me for staying 15 minutes. I intend on ignoring this letter but I want to build up some ammunition incase they decide to take it to court. Your help is much appreciated [ATTACH=CONFIG]44584[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]44585[/ATTACH]
  16. I received a parking fine from a private company called tps. I parked in the car park at Dunelm mill in Kirkcaldy Scotland, I was unaware a private company had taken over the car park and had put up a sign, I did not see the sign, after I had visited the Dunelm Mill I done some shopping at the near by high street. A few days later I recieved a letter (charge notice) that contained 2 photographs of my car entering and leaving the car park. Time limit was 2 and a half hours and I was there for just over 4 hours, the letter states ' The protection of freedoms act 2012 came into force on the 1st October 2012. Schedule 4 of the act sets out changes in legislation in England and Wales regarding parking on private land and the rights and obligations of drivers and vehicle keepers, as well as as the provision for a new independent appeals process' I have ignored the first letter for £45, I recieved a second letter for £75 should I pay this? Do they have any legal rights to demand this payment? Thanks
  17. Upon my return from holiday yesterday I was welcomed home by a "Chrge Notice" from TPS including photographic evidende that I had overstayed in the car park of a local retail park. They state that there was "clear signage" of a free period of parking which my vehicle overstayed. The charge is for £70 going with an additional £40 if I do not pay within 28 days. At the time this alledged breach occured - I genuine did not see a sign stating that there was a maximum period of free parking. I have since checked and there are several signs in this large car park but I am angry as I did not see them from the space I parked in and I do not wish to pay this "charge notice". Is that the fact that I did not see the signs (which is true) a viable defence. I have thus far, not contacted TPS at all. Any help would be appreciated.
  18. Hi All Hopefully looking for some advice with a Charge Notice from Total Parking Solutions Ltd. I parked in a car park on 16.01.13 which I was unaware was monitored. Received a 'Charge Notice' today informing me that in accordance with the Terms and Conditions 'prominently' displayed and agreed to when I parked my car that I now owe £70.....although they will accept £45 if I pay within 14 days. There's a paragraph about 'Protection of Freedoms act 2012' - not sure how relevant this is as I'm in sunny Scotland. What's the best way to deal with this? I'm inclined not to pay because I think the charge levied is arbitrary, I didn't knowingly enter into a contract with TPS and I only became aware of the signage in the car park today when I drove there to confirm the details in the letter. Thanks Martin
  19. Hi - sorry if this is repetitive to what has already been written but my case a little different to parking longer than allowed. I parked in a Disabled spot at a Shopping Centre and distracted with my 87 year old mum, forgot to display Disabled Badge. Came back to a PCN on window. Having a quick read and not wanting to upset Mum, thought I would just appeal, as mentioned on rear of notice. However, when going into their website/appeal, I got this message: The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. I then went into their 'Contact Us' link and emailed them to ask how I appealed. I gave my name and email address but did not quote the PCN No. etc. It was then I started to google and research, finding this forum with the Ignore, Ignore, Ignore advice (then some maybe 'Do Not Ignore advice). Meanwhile I received a reply from a 'Tito Ponzetta of TPS' giving me an alternative website address to appeal to: 'For appeals please visit parkingappeal co uk (I've written it in this format as I am not allowed to post links) and enter your vehicle details'. So firstly, have I made a mistake by giving them my name and email address? Should I follow through and make the appeal about my Mums Disabled Badge? Or should I now ignore? I am a little confused after reading that some feel it is best to enter into a dialogue with them in case of new legalization. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
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