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  1. I managed to avoid getting a ticket {I think} at the above address but many haven't been so fortunate. There have been a few CAGers caught a while ago but no recent ones. Station Approach is a private road leading to Hayes and Harlington station. The owners of the road have appointed those well known crooks PCM to manage the area. Here is the start of the road-
  2. I can see a few things against UKCPS however I thought I'd start my own thread. Someone driving my car today receiving a "Parking Charge Notice" on the car for leaving the site, of £100 or £60 within 14 days. I've attached photos of the PCN and of the sign at Bristol Abbeywood Retail Park. I'm the keeper of the vehicle however I wasn't driving the car (I was at home!) so is there anything they can actually do?
  3. Hello all, Posting on behalf of a work colleague. Have passed them site details and suggested they register themselves. The person in question works as a cleaner for a third party company who have a contact with our business. Our business is part of a much larger group who are currently restructuring. As part of the restructure, our business is moving from its current facility to a new shared site along with other parts of the organisation. For this reason our contract with the cleaning company is due be terminated. This now leaves the cleaner, who has 8 years service at this site, all be it possibly with differing cleaning comapanies. By this I mean that although the contracted agent has maybe changed it has always been the person holding the position and performing the duties. They have essentially moved with the contact. They have now been informed that once the closes they are basically redundant. It is also being claimed they they are not entitled to any redundancy as it not them, her employer (cleaning company) who are making them redundant but us as we the ones moving site. No other positions are available for them to be relocated / transferred to. What are their rights in this case ?
  4. Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but just been on the Universal Job match website and saw this : Universal Jobmatch will be replaced by the Find a job service on 14 May 2018. Important: If you have an existing Universal Jobmatch account it will not move to the new service. Save any information you want to keep, like your CV, cover letters and application history by 17 June 2018.
  5. Residents had a parking scheme inflicted on them by managing agents VCS were contracted and issued tickets to residents like confetti The managing Agents have capitulated and kicked VCS off the site and are cancelling all the tickets according to an article in the Daily Mail. surely the Residents supremacy of contract would have prevailed? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5139189/Firm-fines-people-20-000-parking-spaces.html
  6. Interesting article about sites where bad landlords can be named and shamed, also details of rental repayment orders. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/aug/24/landlords-tenants HB
  7. A few months ago a male, who is a live in employee at a property opposite my girlfriends house aggressively threatend to smash my face in and knock my teeth out, when I asked a delivery man to move his van that was blocking the driveway, the delivery man moved his van and drove away but the other man made more threat and demanded I fight him in the street and telling me what he will do to me, so I called the Police. Police never came out because they said I was safe inside my girlfriend house. The Police investigated but the male employee who made the threats denied it, the delivery man was traced and also said he didn't see or hear anything, but he had already moved his van and drove away before the threats wre made. Since this occurred the male employee is always outside in the street when I visit or stay at my girlfriends house,, always staring at me and now always parks his van outside my girlfriend house very close to the drive but not blocking it, he never parked there before.
  8. Paypal-Does anyone have any problems with them.On Ebay or any other site. I say this because in the last 4 weeks on Ebay my Paypal account has slowly closed on me. Only able to access it at strange times of the day,say 12 midnight or perhaps as i get up early 4 or 5 am. Then a few weeks ago i could not access at all. Usually it says DNS server cannot be found,but everything else in the world can be found. So i am selling on ebay and receiving payments paying postage but cannot access my Paypal account. So really for myself Paypal has turned into a great big savings account with no interest. I personally now have lost all faith in Paypal and looking for an alternative. This might cost me sales but all my eggs are never put in one basket.Just in case. Now this morning at 4-30 by some miracle i managed to access Paypal,i am honoured to have received this privilege.I will send them a letter thanking them. Due to the way things have been going i withdrew my hard earned money and transferred it into my bank whom i have much more faith in. This is what i have been checking each day as my frustration grew.Check it out if you feel so inclined. See what some are saying here and there.And of course is it accurate. Paypal outage map. http://downdetector.com/status/paypal/map/ Just checking my emails a few moments ago i received a email saying. Your Account Has Been Limited Your ΡayΡal account has been limited because we've noticed significant changes in your account activity. As your payment processor, we need to understand these changes better. This account limitation will affect your ability to: Send or receive money Withdraw money Also, you won't be able to: Remove any bank accounts Remove credit cards Close your account Charming,clearly they are the powerful ones and can do what they want at any time. I am invited to go to the resolution centre and say what has happened. If i manage ever to sign in again. Why i withdraw my money instead of leaving it in their hands. Anyway i just wondered what anyone else thinks of Paypal lately. And what are the real alternatives to Paypal when on ebay etc. Thanks Tawnyowl.
  9. we bought a lodge to live in was informed by holiday site this was ok, we spent £82k on this my life savings this was in November 2015. since this happened I have been diagnosed with primary progressive m.s and decided to sell up and return home to Huddersfield. we informed the site and they have said they will buy it back for £37000 clearly we are all in the wrong business, since this happened we have found out how much they do this I would be very interested to hear from anyone who has purchased anything on sand le mere park in tunstall hull and had a bad experience we are taking this down the legal path.
  10. Hi, i'm a newby on this forum and need a bit of advice re everyone's friends TPS. I have had two run-ins with them in the last month at my place of work. The NHS trust I work for have been using use TPS for their parking for about 6 years with staff paying a monthly parking charge which comes directly out of our salary. The first incident was a simple case of my parking pass falling out of my windscreen and ending up on the car floor. They issued a “Parking Charge” for failure to display a valid parking pass. I have appealed this one and await their initial reply. The second one was for my motorcycle which I sometimes park between two buildings. There are no “No Parking signs” or “No Motor vechicles beyond this point” signs etc in this immediate area and I have been parking my bike here for over 4 years and one of my ex colleagues for over 20 years without any issues. Following a Fire and Rescue service inspection it was deamed by Fire and Rescue that any vehicle parked here is a risk of fire due to arson. The site estates department obviously asked TPS to start ticketing to stop people parking rather than get any signs or notices put up to that effect. The ticket from TPS states “Parking attendant x had reasonable cause to to believe that the following breach of the terms and conditions of parking occurred on private land (details of which were clearly and prominently displayed and agreed to by the driver by the act of parking the vehicle). Issue Reason: “The vehicle was incorrectly positioned to the inconvenience of other users.” Then in scrawled pen “Fire Risk – one warning issued” I have to say that I did ignore the first warning that had the same lame “vehicle incorrectly positioned rubbish” on but scrawled in pen ( not in block capitals) was possibly Risk of fire which I read as “risk of fine” This was a load of rubbish as I was not blocking any doors, exits or blocking anything else causing an obstruction. Following issue of the ticket I contacted the estates manager responsible for parking and he informed me that Fire and Rescues issue was the close proximity to the building - apparently this needs to be 1.5 metres from the building and parking this far away from the walls would indeed be blocking access in the area. Obviously I have stopped parking here as it was a perfectly valid inspection by Fire and Rescue and I can understand their reasons - they are not my problem, TPS are ! Whats are your thoughts on both of these misdemeanors ? Parking charges demanded are £60 or 30 if paid within 14 days for each "offence". Looking round various forums the standard advice in the past seems to have been ignore these clowns i'm wondering if the situation has changed following the Barry Beavis v's Parking eye ruling and have TPS now grown some teeth and are willing to go to court which I don't really want to do and risk a CCJ. Thanks
  11. I received a parking charge notice from UKCPS on the windscreen of my car which was parked in a co-op car park. The PCN is for £100 (£60 if paid within 14 days). for leaving the site. Apparently I was seen by the parking attendant parking up and walking off site. I appealed the charge on the grounds that we purchased good from the store on the day and that the parking attendant had ticked the Parking Charge Notice inappropriately as the tick was outside any of the boxes on the paperwork. UKCPS rejected my appeal on the grounds that there are signs which clearly state that persons using the site must stay on site for the duration of the stay? No photographic evidence has been provided! They have given me the option to pay or appeal to the IAS. What should I consider doing? Any advice gratefully accepted.
  12. I have mentioned before on the forum of the dangers that debtors face when they visit popular 'social media' sites and apply to join 'closed groups' that claim to offer advice to anyone who has received a letter or a visit from a bailiff. These sites profess to help debtors. Don't be fooled. In the case of this particular thread, the social media site page in question has one aim only and that is to ensure that payment is never made to a bailiff. That is their overriding aim. Debtors joining these 'closed groups' wrongly believe that what they post remains a secret. It does not. Almost all bailiff companies, debt collection agencies, mobile phone providers and banks etc are members of these groups and can recognise the debtor immediately from the documentation frequently exhibited. Yesterday was one of the most serious examples of appalling bad advice from inexperienced members of the public that ultimately led to the debtors vehicle (worth £4,000) being taken by a High Court Enforcement Agent. The poor and inaccurate advice also led to the debt increasing by well over a £1,000.
  13. Hi After following all the steps advised on the forum, UKPC have finally issued the POPLA code, so I am now at the stage of drafting my appeal to submit to POPLA. To give some background, UKPC issued a windscreen ticket as the vehicle owner/driver left the site. The NTK to keeper was issued within the correct time period. So now my appeal has reached POPLA stage and I have drafted an appeal based on the following grounds: Evidence for leaving site The notice to keeper states that the vehicle owner/driver left the site. Therefore for this reason a parking charge of £100 is due. I require evidence from UKPC, which shows the vehicle driver leaving the site. Such evidence should include photographs of the contravention and a site map and a picture of the signage that would have communicated to the driver the defined boundary of the site they are alleged to have left. No explanation has been provided as to what constitutes leaving the site and it has not been established whether the driver was on site all along. The evidence they've added online is simply a photograph of the signage and pictures of the car with the charge notice already stuck to it. If no such sign nor evidence exists then I contend that the driver could not have known where the car park site boundary began and ended and in the absence of evidence I deny that there was any contravention. I say there was no contract formed with the driver to pay a charge in 'exchange' for going off site; there was no consideration, offer nor acceptance and no site boundary defined. The burden of proof shifts to UKPC to prove otherwise and to explain why their attendant (presumably) watched a driver walk towards the edge of an undefined boundary, yet made no attempt to stop/warn the driver nor even ascertain if a passenger had already been dropped at the door of the premises. The attendant also had a legal duty under contract law, to mitigate any loss. In VCS v Ibbotson, Case No 1SE09849 16.5.2012: District Judge McIlwaine stated 'you say he left the premises...where does the premises start and where does the premises finish?...there is a duty to mitigate the loss.' In this case now under POPLA appeal, I contend that UKPC have neither demonstrated any evidence that there was a breach nor shown that their operative took any steps to mitigate any loss. Contract with landowner UKPC do not own nor have any interest or assignment of title of the land in question. As such, I do not believe that UKPC has the necessary legal capacity to enter into a contract with a driver of a vehicle parking in the car park, or indeed to allege a breach of contract or terms & conditions of parking. Accordingly, I require sight of a full copy of the actual contemporaneous, signed and dated site agreement/contract with the landowner (and not just a signed slip of paper saying that it exists). Some parking companies have provided “witness statements” instead of the relevant contract. There is no proof whatsoever that the alleged signatory has ever seen the relevant contract, or, indeed is even an employee of the landowner. Nor would a witness statement show whether there is a payment made from either party within the agreement/contract which would affect any 'loss' calculations. Nor would it show whether the contract includes the necessary authority, required by the BPA CoP, to specifically allow UKPC to pursue these charges in their own name as creditor in the Courts, and to grant them the standing/assignment of title to make contracts with drivers. In POPLA case reference 1771073004, POPLA ruled that a witness statement was 'not valid evidence'. This witness statement concerned evidence which could have been produced but was not. So if the operator produces a witness statement mentioning the contract, but does not produce the actual un-redacted contract document, then POPLA should be consistent and rule any such statement invalid. So I require the unredacted contract for all these stated reasons as I contend the Operator's authority is limited to that of a mere parking agent. I believe it is merely a standard business agreement between UKPC and their client, which is true of any such business model. This cannot impact upon, nor create a contract with, any driver, as was found in case no. 3JD00517 ParkingEye v Clarke 19th December 2013 Signage Due to their high position, overall small size and the barely legible size of the small print, the signs in this car park are very hard to read and understand. I request that POPLA check the Operator's evidence and signage map/photos on this point and compare the signs to the BPA Code of Practice requirements. I contend that the signs on this land, in terms of wording, position and clarity, do not comply and fail to properly warn/inform the driver of the terms and any consequences for breach, as in the case of Excel Parking Services Ltd v Martin Cutts, 2011 and Waltham Forest v Vine [CCRTF 98/1290/B2]) As such, the signs were not so prominent with their terms and conditions that they 'must' have been seen by the driver - who would never have agreed to pay £100 in a free car park in the event that they left the site- and therefore I contend the elements of a contract were conspicuous by their absence. The signage is not a contract or offer of a contract but an invitation to treat. Please can you advise whether the above is sufficient and is a strong argument to go to POPLA? Thanks in advance
  14. http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/ http://popla.co.uk/
  15. Hi. I am very new to all this so I hope I manage the posting process properly. Apologies if not. I couldn't find a thread that followed my variation of this matter so again, apologies if I'm asking Q's that have already been answered. The story thus far: A young relative of mine has use of a car that I am registered keeper of. He picked up a UKPC ticket on 23 June 2015 in a retail park in Leeds, their contention being 'Vehicle owner/driver left the site'. I have so far received 3 letters: 23 July 05-Initial notice to keeper. £100 (up from £65) 7 Aug 05-Final reminder. £100 25 Aug-Debt Recovery Plus. £160 I am expecting more as I'm afraid due to holiday, work & a bit of a 'head in the sand' approach, I have ignored them all. I have checked the available photographic evidence on the UKPC website and can see several pictures of the car with the ticket stuck to windscreen and of the info sign but none that show the ' Vehicle owner/driver left the site'. There is also no mention of CCTV evidence on the letters or that I can see on the website. Should I engage with this process and ask to see their proof, wait for the court summons or carrying on ignoring them? Any advice/experience would gratefully received. Thank you in advance for your time and expertise.
  16. BOOKIES OFFERS ODDS ON WHO'LL BE CAUGHT ...........ON ASHLEY MADISON London 19TH august: Members of adultery website Ashley Madison will be shaking in their stockings after hackers reportedly released data containing their names and personal details. With cheating spouses on red alert, Paddy Power has opened up the betting on who might be nabbed for a naughty night under the sheets. The bookmaker offers 1/10 for a Premier League footballer to score an own goal and be named, while it's 1/4 for a MP, or a regal 5/6 for a mischievous member of the Royal Family. Paddy even gives 6/1 for a record number of divorces in the UK in 2015, while it's now 5/2 that Madison will hold its IPO in London this year. Paddy Power said: "I've honestly only just heard about this website but the snake is firmly out of the trousers on this one and millions could be caught up in the scandal." Who will be revealed? 1/10 A Premier League footballer 1/4 An MP 2/1 A Roman Catholic Cardinal 5/6 A member of the British royal family 7/1 A cast member of TOWIE Ashley Madison Fallout 6/1 2015 to break the record for highest number of UK divorces The bookmaker offers 1/10 for a Premier League footballer to score an own goal and be named, while it’s 1/4 for a MP, or a regal 5/6 for a mischievous member of the Royal Family. Paddy even gives 6/1 for a record number of divorces in the UK in 2015, while it’s now 5/2 that Madison will hold its IPO in London this year. Never mind that Ashley Madison didn't bother verifying email addresses, so the existence of someone's details in the database doesn't actually prove anything, eh? That means anyone could have created an account using the email address of a top footballer, politician or - yes - member of the Royal household. Paddy Power may be finding the situation funny, but just think of the potential human cost of a data breach like this. We shouldn't be too quick to jump to conclusions. Even if account details are genuine, their existence is no proof that someone had an affair behind their partner's back.
  17. I recently got an annual PPI staement from Capital One to show me all aobut the PPI I have been paying since 2000 ? ANNUAL !! I've never seen one of these before ? i rang them and told them that I didnt know I had PPI. The guy on the phone cancelled the PPI for me and then sent me a complaint form. I filled this in to the best of my knowledge (bearing in mind that this was 15 years ago) and the reply I got from them was long and quite rude to be honest. The guy in charge of PPI claims said this was a non advised sale and said that Capital One would not offer any repayment of PPI. He also sent a bad copy of the origianl agreement. I am left handed with scrawly writing. There are TICKS on a few boxes on the form which I did to indicate that I was a MR etc. But the TICKS on the PPI request section are clearly the result of someone trying to copy a left handed TICK. The guy who wrote the letter went to some detail to say that Capital One NEVER pre populate a form. And I believe him. This form was populated AFTER I sent it to them? I wrote to them 7 days ago to request a Hi Resolution colour photocopy or photograph of the (bad photocopy original)form they sent me in the reply. far no reply but I will call them on Monday to ask if my letter has been received. If not then I will send it again but this time it will be recordred and signed for. To be honest the Hi Res image is not really required as the Ticks on the form have obviously been done by another hand. Possibly a right handed person trying to copy my scruffy lefty ticks I just want the Hi Res Colour copy to see if they have bothered to use the same colour ink? From previous comments I have read about Cap One I think I may be in for a bit of a battle. But hey!! They owe me around £5k ? Regards Perry
  18. Afternoon all. I am writing on behalf of my mother who received a windscreen ticket from TPS on 01/10/14 for the above in a B & Q car park. She did not actually leave the site and spent money in said premises. A charge notice was not sent to her from TPS but their agents, Premier Solicitors (PS) sent a threatogram on 26/01/15. This was ignored. Almost a whole year later PS have followed this up with another threatogram citing Beavis and anything else they want demanding payment of £110 by 2nd February. As the above happened so long ago she cannot prove she spent money in B & Q or go to POPLA etc. Any thoughts on this and how to proceed? Cheers
  19. Hello, I'm sure I'm probably starting off on the wrong foot. But I received a letter from Lowells yesterday morning. They've been assigned a debt which I'm 50/50 might be statute barred. I googled for help on how to handle them and your good selves came up, but also a lot of links warning me that this site gets paid by Lowells to get posters to reveal as much information as possible so they can use it. CAG is apparently letting Lowells post here and view threads, etc, and even certain posters keep asking for documents to be scanned up as pdfs so Lowells can get a better idea of who/what/etc. Please tell me this isn't true? Again, sorry for sounding paranoid, but having heard things about the owner working for bailiff company Marstons and an over-zealous site team of ESA claimants with too much time on their hands who edit and delete threads because it makes them feel important and gives their empty lives meaning, I just wanted to double check this isn't the case.... Thanks.
  20. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-battle-of-jutland-sailor-killed-100-years-ago-is-finally-honoured-after-his-grave-site-is-identified
  21. Hi all So I've been self employed for 3 and a bit years now, always paid my self employed taxes on time, but today when I try and access my bookmarked HMRC link, I get: Access Denied You have tried to access a page that you have no permission to view. Please click 'Next' to proceed URL being - https://online.hmrc.gov.uk/self-assessment So I click next and it redirects me to here - https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/personal-account And there's nothing on that page about self assessment, the only tax bit is: How you pay Income Tax Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Check your tax codes and an estimate of the tax you'll pay. Anyone else having any issues?
  22. In line with the government’s commitment to free data, Companies House is pleased to announce that all public digital data held on the UK register of companies is now accessible free of charge, on its new public beta search service. This provides access to over 170 million digital records on companies and directors including financial accounts, company filings and details on directors and secretaries throughout the life of the company. Free access to the data is available both through a web service and an application program interface (API), enabling both consumers and technology providers to access real time updates on companies. You can try the new service here.
  23. Hopefully an easy question. Work in building trade...took some power tools to work as Site agent wanted to do some snagging. Happy to help out..until I find power tools have been stolen (only about 6 people work on the site),company who is Building the site said its not there problem as they were not used as part of my job and tough titty. Its my understanding as they were locked in a container with site agent having the key,the firm doing the building has a responsibility for the safe keeping..?
  24. My husband who has worked for the same security company for 10 years has had a phone call today from his supervisor who asked him has he received a letter off his new employer with regards to the site he has been working at has already been tuped over. my husband has been off sick since early december with an infection and matters relating to chemotherapy due to prostate cancer. he told the supervisor this is the first he's heard of anything and the supervisor said he would call back after speaking to the new employer. my husband is at a loss over what to say about his employment rights and what is in his best interests when his supervisor phones back. Please could anyone help with regards to this regards junes0000
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