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  1. Hello all, My very first post ever on here. Please can I bend ears, pick brains as I'm confused about the letters I've had today. Letters in my maiden name, I was married in 2003. Debt amount 943.43 I understand the letters are stating they are a statement from year 2012 right through to 2018. Stating they haven't applied interest or sent statements and I do understand this with an apology. Original debt citi financial Then it's saying passed or changed to arrow and now cap quest have got the debt. I do recall cap quest contacting me on my mobile a few weeks ago, I didn't recognise number so did a Google search. Didn't ring them back and thought nothing of it. Today came home with letters with different dates from 12 to 2018. Every single ccj or default has been lifted off my credit file 2 months ago. Following a painful debt paying process I can honestly say this has blown me. I'm worried. I have paid everything and now I've got this. On one of the statements in May 2013, it appears I've paid AND I do not recall me ever paying this, but a 15.00 payment has been made..... This has thrown me and no idea what it means. The start of letter reads, fixed term credit agreement, with ms E Maiden name and citi financial. If you require further info or for me type out what they say, each letter is the same, just different years. However, each year is dated 1st May 2012, then 1st May 2013 etc. Checked out the days unless they work on a Sunday.... The only letter that's different is one printed this week. It's ref is remediation of account. It is from Arrow and makes no ref to cap quest apart from saying if wish to discuss at bottom. Stating under rules cca 1974 stating required by law to write and noticed that we haven't written to you. Further saying that a full review of my account and failed to provide me with statements since May 2011. To remidy this, we have compiled all your statements. On the what does this mean to you. It states, this exercise does not affect your account, repayments or your obligations to repay. If anyone knows what it means and what I need to do. Not sure about this payment In 2013 either. Not sure the action to take on this Not sure the action they can take on me. Thank you
  2. I am beyond mortified. I am in the middle of a very turbulent time in my life, my depression is all over the place . Today I had period pain, I went to Sainsburys to get some medication. The pharmacy was closed. I hovered in the section for ages before I STUPIDLY decided to take the medication off the shelf of the closed pharmacy. I then panicked and left the store. I wasn't stopped, but they would definitely have me on camera taking the medication from the closed pharmacy. I don't know if it is clear I still had it in my possession when I left, but they may also be able to see my car registration. I am freaking out. I want to go back into the store and return the items and profusely apologise for this out of character behaviour, but I also know this could give them a reason to press charges... Someone please give me some advice, I am a wreck. The pills cost about £2.60 if it means anything...
  3. Hello all. So todayI received a “CONTROL OF GOODS” letter at my house from Newlyn. It was for a PCN which I had received, whilst the car was registered in my mum’s name. Since this January, the car has been registered in my name. Also, the house is in my name, but the car has always been registered at my home address. Cut a long story short, my folks split their time between our house in Spain and the UK. When in the UK, they are based at my address. They wanted £248 paid by the 11/07, but the letter wasn’t received by them until the 22/07, as my folks were away until then. Upon seeing the letter, I paid £98 on the 24/07 and paid the remaining £75 yesterday. My plan was to have it paid by the end of the month. In total, I paid £173 for the PCN. This did not include the £75 compliance charge which I wasn’t going to pay. Although, I was going to send Newlyn a letter asking them to justify their compliance fee. The ticket was from Ealing council and wasn’t the first one I’ve had from them, so I don’t have a problem paying the actual ticket. That was £175. My concern with that is that Ealing council never sent through any notifications that I had forgotten to pay the original PCN. If they had done, it would have been with any post addressed to my mum. And having had tickets in her name before due to my parking, I’d have heard about it  When my folks came back, the first they’d heard about it was when a letter from Newlyn arrived. This is something I need to deal with after as my main concern is Newlyn returning to my house. I believe I need to get my mum to send off a TE7 form to the Traffic Enforcement Centre as at the time, the car was in her name. Am I correct in this ? I’m not contesting the PCN. I received the ticket and never paid for it.However, it seemed to go straight to the enforcement stage. This morning, I received an unsealed, hand delivered letter through my letterbox. It was dated the 17/07/18, which already got alarm bells ringing for me. It was the “control of goods letter” saying to either pay £826 straight away, or have goods removed. I haven’t contacted them yet, as I wanted to get some advice on the matter first. Can my car be clamped, or removed if it’s now in my name and on my drive? I’m self-employed too and use the car for work purposes. Also, can they enter my house forcefully? By that, I mean can they force locks open to get in and remove goods? And if they do turn up, what should I be saying and asking? My plan was to contact the person who left me the letter this morning, as they left a contact number.Also, to contact Newlyn. As far as I’m concerned, the £173 for the PCN has been paid. Anything else is just Newlyn trying to get money from me. What really concerns me is the two-week discrepancy from the date on the letter, to when they posted it through my letterbox. Like I said, I had no problem paying the PCN but £656 in “fees” is just robbery. I’ve been looking over various parts of the forum today to see if others have had similar situations. Seems I’m not alone  I hope that all made sense.
  4. Hi everybody. Love this forum and thank you so much in advance for any help. I've tried my best to dig deep here and elsewhere as to make this as easy as possible for you to advise on. A bailiff took my car this morning for an unpaid moving traffic PCN with an overall fee of £513 for release. The PCN was sent to my old address days before I moved house. I appealed from the new address (putting my new address on the form) and followed up via email (again informing of my new address) to ask the status of the appeal and received no correspondence. I updated my driving licence with the DVLA days after the move but – as seems common on this forum – not my V5C (which I have done now just two weeks ago but not at the time of the PCN or subsequent appeal in October 2017). I have downloaded the PE2 and PE3 forms to take to Barnet County Court tomorrow morning (I booked an appointment for 10am) to have witnessed and then sent to TEC. I would love any feedback on the below proposed PE2 statement for "reasons" and also any insight as to what might happen next. Does it look all right? I was half tempted to pay the £513 as I use the car a lot and it is of great inconvenience and obviously I wouldn't like it sold. I gather regaining the funds (if I'm entitled to them and if the appeal is successful) is quite lengthy. Any idea how long it might take to regain the vehicle with the PE2 and PE3 process? Do you think it likely the PE2 reasons are satisfactory or do I not really have a case and should just pay up? Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and for your help! "Dear Sir/Madam, I have been unable to submit a statutory declaration in the normal time allowed because I did not receive a rejection notice and was unaware the PCN appeal had not been accepted until 31/07/2018 when bailiffs removed my vehicle. I made representations about PCN xxxxxx within the 28 days of the penalty charge notice (on 11/10/2017) but did not receive a rejection notice. I made the representation after moving house from xxxxxxx to xxxxxxx on 30/09/2017. I have attached my tenancy agreement as evidence. On my appeal document I stated my new address (xxxxxxxx). I also updated my driving licence with my change of address with the DVLA on 4/10/2017 shortly after moving. I have attached the updated driving licence as evidence. Additionally, I contacted Barnet council twice requesting an update on the appeal and informing them of my change of address (I have attached screenshots of these emails). Unfortunately, it seems that the relevant statutory documents were issued and delivered to my previous address. Had I received a rejection notice – or any other correspondence regarding this matter – I would have accepted the rejection of the appeal and not hesitated to pay the balance requested in a timely fashion. I look forward to the opportunity of addressing and settling this matter of the original PCN. I politely request this time and consideration on the grounds that my original representation included the new address of xxxxxxxxx, that I did not receive a rejection notice and was unaware of this situation until 31/07/2018. I enclose copies of my tenancy agreement, driving licence, v5c logbook and emails. Thank you kindly, "
  5. Hello All, I’ve a feeling that I’ll need to go to the Ombudsman but would be grateful for any assistance.: Long Story short, I approached PayDay UK/MEM Capital last July 2017 and requested a settlement figure as I released equity in a property I own to clear my feet. I was given the figure and when the funds cleared acouple of weeks later, I received 2 text messages (16/8/18) 1st text said I was £8 short due to accruing interest since the initial settlement figure was issued, and literally acouple of hours later I received another text saying my loan was settled in full. As a result, I received zero correspondence from the lender until December 17 when they started requesting a payment of £180 which was pure interest – I contacted them, they said that because I never completed a settlement form, they didn’t action this so I requested another copy of said form as I hadn’t received it - this was on 29/1/18 and today, no response to the email I sent saying I didn’t have the settlement form but I did get confirmation that they’ve issued a default! I’m in the middle of trying to clear my credit file up and have been slwly imporving my credit score –any advice on how to approach this? Last email (copied in a company director too) has requested confirmation they’ve removed this default before close of play or I’ll escalate to the Ombudsman. Absolutely fuming with this. :-x:-x
  6. I hope someone might be able to help me. I have borderline personality disorder diagnosed 3 years ago after a crisis which led me to being put on ESA without the need for a face to face interview. I am now due a reassessment on 2nd Jan which I have to attend the stress of worrying about it has triggered a deterioration in my mental health I now feel I am on the verge of a crisis. I live on my own and have no real support. Is it worth me phoning Maximus, will they listen? If not can someone advise me please. I have a letter from my Psychologist (who has now left the NHS so I can no longer see her) and my GP is in the process of writing one. I think I messed up my reassessment form as I filled it in on my own whilst in a panic just to get it done and gone as I couldn't deal with thinking about it. I feel fragile vulnerable and sort of out of control.
  7. In a country were you cannot say anything in case somebody find it objectionable, or offensive. Is the age of chivalry dead? and if so what has killed it off?
  8. Hi guys two part question. I got a square today loan that i had defaulted on for a fair few months and wasn't paying it back. In May 2017 i got a letter advising me that they had decided to settle my account and i did not owe them anymore money. This was then removed from my credit file.(I have unfortunately lost the letter) However since around October time this is now showing on my credit report again. Does anyone have any ideas? or how i can contact them? second part is i had a loan with lending stream that is currently showing as a 0 balance but is in default - whats the deal with that?
  9. Hello, I have today received a letter from SCS Law who claim they've been instructed by Highview Parking Limited to recover an alleged penalty charge notice incurred by myself/my vehicle. Incensed by the content of this letter, I sought to establish what the address of the alleged contravention was supposed to have taken place it turns out to be my local gym where I've been a member for nearly 20 years and as such a legitimate user of their car park. I initially contacted Highview Parking to enquire about the reason for the letter and/or alleged contravention was advised by a lady to write to their Appeals Team who're based in Barnet. A second call to SCS Law drew a complete blank as the gentleman on the line advised that the firm had not been given any details on the alleged offence and had only been instructed by Highview to send out to me an initial notification letter. Now, knowing how some of these cases can be won and lost through technicalities and not wanting to allow my heated emotions overrule any logical thinking on my part, I'd be grateful for any advice on how I should proceed with this please, e.g. how and who to contact, my line of argument, etc. Thank you.
  10. Feel its not far off , sickening, especially when its being used to manage essentials https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/sep/18/britain-debt-timebomb-fca-chief-crisis
  11. Today I exposed Fowler’s finance/Motors of Stoke On Trent, also known as Carfinancetoday. They prey on vulnerable people [removed]
  12. I have been in writing to Drydensfairfax Solicitors back in March 2016. They are acting on behalf of their client Max Recovery Limited who purchased a debt. I had previously asked them for a credit agreement and copy of the deed of assignment. Back in March 2016, they wrote to me in reply. They provided me with a basic office copy of a credit agreement. They claimed that their client, Max Recovery, had provided them with a copy deed of assignment, and that they had attached this to the document for my perusal. Upon checking the documentation, this assignment was not present as stated in the covering letter. For the past year, I have had no response from Drydensfairfax. Today, I checked my credit agreement, and I am horrified that they have placed a default on my credit file on the 30th May 2017. Under section 87(1) Consumer Credit Act 1974, I have NOT been provided with a written default notice prior to this default being placed. Can anyone please advise me what to do next as I feel that the default is illegal!? The other concern is that Drydens should not have put the default in their name as the debt belongs to their client Max Recovery Limited. Am I correct in thinking Drydens have done this default incorrectly it should be their client!?
  13. I thought this little bit of history was interesting Read more : - http://cag.tw/22rr
  14. Hi guys just back from Durham County Court with a victory over Lowell and it seems i found a Judge who would not be told the law. My case was around a 5 year old debt that i was being chased for but was not mine, Lowell issued a claim despite me sending them a letter to deny the debt. Once i had the claim i sent off a CCA request and it took Lowell 67 days to send some of the information asked for and in this case the Deed of assignment was asked for but Lowell refused and instead sent a hashed up copy of a notice of assignment claiming the Deed was between them and their client. I scanned this forum and got some good advice but the advice was split regards the deed with some saying it does not need to be shown and others saying it should. Well today the judge rather slapped down the Lowell solicitor who told her she had no need to see the deed as the letter of assignment was proof enough. The judge came back with a raft of legal points before dismissing the case stating without the deed Lowell could not prove they owned the debt
  15. JHi, and thanks to all those who contributed to my other thread in respect of ESA, the help has been greatly appreciated and I would appreciate any same kind advice on my PIP Tribunal was has now been listed and will proceed in a few weeks time. My initial reason for the Appeal has been based on the time it took the assessment, (approximately 14 minutes) and this was for two conditions, physical because I have a heart condition and for my mental problems which are secondary to the heart condition, PTSD, anxiety and depression. During the examination, the assessor just repeated the same questions that l had provided in the questionnaire and no physical examination was carried out, giving the time it took as opposed to other assessments that I have taking , it was as if the decision was already made before I walked in there, the assessor was and in theory just going through the bare minimal motions which I feel is unfair and not to mention the fabricated report which if true would have taking the assessor about 45 minutes to an hour to conclude what he concluded which was a complete pack of lies in all honesty, my wife who cares for me was at this assessment. I feel and this is purely based on previous assessments and not just an assumption that I was denied the right to a full and proper assessment which every claimant should have any rights too, have I got grounds?, thanks
  16. Hi guys, hope everyone is well. Been on this site a few times and think it is a superb tool and helps us against the bully boy company's out there who try and feed on hardship and vulnerability. Hopefully I can add some advice or help in the future. I have a question of my own if anyone can help. Today I had a doorstep visit from a company called Fidelite. They asked who I was so I asked who he was and his face was a picture. I never gave him my name and told him politely to jog on. He is chasing a loan debt that I took out in 2004 and haven't paid or acknowledged the debt since at least 2006. I am sure the debt is now stat barred. Question is did I do the right thing. Regards and thanks in advance. Staffy.
  17. Hi all, Have today received a CCJ Claim from Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Ltd. who apparently purchased the debt from MKDP LLP (Ex Barclaycard). According to my records the last payment on this account was made in June 2010, but the assignment in my credit file (just checked on Noddle) is showing the date of default in February 2011 so obviously there is a discrepancy. So, which one is more accurate? I was under the impression that the actual date of default is around 3 months after the last COA, which would lead to September 2010 + 6 years which gives a date of September 2016, which would then make the debt staute barred? And my other question is, do I then go down the statute barred route, or the CCA/CPR31.14 route for them to 'prove it'? Many thanks.
  18. Tawnyowl here with a thought that entered my mind about one minute ago. Best write it down because another minute or two and it will be forgotten. Age is my excuse.Strange how many times that excuse is used nowadays. When this post is finished will check up how old i am. Went to the docs last week for healthy heart check up,you go once a year to check you are still here after having heart attacks. Check blood pressure,things like that. Now definitely not keen on hanging around the docs as you just never know what you might catch. Nurse told me to shut up while checking my pressure as she could not get a reading. Last time she saw pressure like that was in a cooker. I do go on a bit at times. After ten minutes she said perfect,as expected. Goodbye nurse see you next year was my reply.Headed for the door sharpish. Just hang on a moment have you had a flu jab.Nurse said . Well jabs that word,i nearly passed out thinking of the needle remembering those jabs they give you in the hospital in your stomach to thin the blood.Well i think that is what they are for.I tend not to ask many questions in hospital as if they take a liking to you they may fancy experimenting. Well no why. You had better have one then. Which arm i said,choose your spot. Well can you believe it,she paraded in front of me with this needle about two inches long giving me a smile that would freeze the desert oasis. And came at my arm like a Olympic javellin thrower complete with run up.At a speed worthy of a sprinter. In it went,my feathers nearly fell off and i was ready to take flight. But managed to stay put. After recovering for a split second i said my goodbyes and headed for the door sharpish.Hold on a minute the nurse said,not so fast. Have you had a pneumonia jab. What are we having a laugh i have never heard such a thing. Settling down a touch after reassuring me there was such a thing i said as usual,which arm would you like. My she said you are a bright one,there is only one arm left to have go at. And once again out came the needle. Took a fine run up and in it went,180 i replied,(Darts term) and legged it shortly afterwards,because if another jab had been required where would it have gone.Fell for that before in hospital,putting my arm out and the nurse shook her head and pointed to my trousers. What a job,three layers of thermal insulation,well it was winter,braces the lot,then i got harpooned,tetanus that time. What have i come in for,ah i know i caught a cold,just got rid,now put my back out but will not stop me running my empire. The smallest business in the UK,it must be.But i am pleased how things are going. From 1-10 probably 2. Now how are you all this cool, windy huge coastal tides day.Have you a cold that arrived from who knows where. Strange is it not that i am sure i read that you can catch a virus from touching a screen,a door things like that. Now what is the first thing you do when going to the docs. Hit the computer to say you have arrived,age,date of birth etc. That is what i came to ask.How are you all. Bye for now Tawnyowl.
  19. Hi folks, i have posted on the forums before and successfully won in a claim against me. This recent claim against me for an alleged debt of 3,815.60 inclusive of their so called costs..(which to me are ropey). .please bear with with me as i need to refresh my knowledge of certain aspects in compiling my defence... In the claim form particulars . .. there is no mention of when this alleged debt was instigated , i.e. when i am supposed to have defaulted . It is my understanding that this should be there on the claim form..by default...(help with this appreciated). the claiment states that i have been notified of the assignment from "shop direct" by letter.. . i have received no letter . i would require proof of this... but such a letter is not the deeds of assignment.. if i am correct? i intend to counter this claim and request the necessary 28 days. . rather than the 14... been through this before and which forms to fill in. .. so it is not this info. i seek... just a refresher would be good at this stage on what ammunition i can avail of. i think these people sent me a letter months ago offering me to only pay 80.00 pounds. .. and i am given to wondering should i have tried to settle it at that stage... Any advise greatly appreciated..
  20. I had my ESA stopped which is now pending an appeal, I have had to do a joint claim to claim UC, what a nightmare this has been. My original claim was from the the 23rd June and they have in therefore paid me four weeks instead of five, 23/06/17 - 22/07/17 that will be paid on 29/07/17. so in other words they are paying me four weeks but not paying me until the 5th week but not paying for the 5th week. As I have come straight over from ESA the seven day waiting period and as I understand it cannot be used by the DWP so why has a week been deducted and why if my claim started on the 23/06/17 and payable on 22/07/17 not reaching my account until a week later? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and as per norm why do they make the simple things not so simple,.
  21. Hi, I would like any advice you may give. My wife received a letter today regarding possible mis-sold PPI with this company while using Littlewoods catalogue.It gives a freephone number to call and i quote says "you may belong to a small group of customers to whom we may have mis-sold PPI" Is this genuine and should she call them. What does she need to watch out for if she calls. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  22. This sounds like a nice commemoration. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-34250794 HB
  23. please can anyone help me, At 6.50pm today (20/10/15) I was sacked on the spot - no warning, investigation or suspension. I have been there for 13 months, I have done nothing wrong. I made a complaint that my line manager was bullying me 2 weeks ago - then out of the blue I am sacked for lacking the skills to do the job? no warning, capability or ever has this been brought to my attention before. Do I have any rights? I have been offered 2 options and have until 7pm tomorrow (21/10/15) to decide. a) be sacked with 2 months pay, or b) resign with 4 months pay. there is no reports of paperwork, these will only be given if I accept being sacked? I have done nothing! help x
  24. The following press release has been issued today,1st September; New Professional Association founded for Certificated Enforcement Agents. Following the implementation of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 in April 2014, and a year of consultation with Certificated Enforcement Agents, a New Professional Association has been launched to represent Certificated Enforcement Agents and will be known as The Certificated Enforcement Agents Association (CEAA). It has been formed by Enforcement Agents for Enforcement Agents, representing those that act on the front line of enforcement and hold a current certificate under “The Certification of Enforcement Agents Regulations 2014”. For further information please refer to our website http://www.ceaa.co.uk
  25. Amount : £200, UK Supermarket. I just called RLP and told them that the person who the letter is for does not live at this address any more. I do, but there are no documents saying I live here whatsoever. They said they will stop sending letters to this address and will begin a trace of the person's actual address. They mentioned banking addresses or something like that. If they do, the address they'll find is no longer owned by my family. At this rate, this should shut them down. If not - I will of course ignore them anyway. Any further thoughts? Thanks for your time and consideration. 2016-04-14 RLP Letter before Claim.pdf
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