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Found 4 results

  1. The following press release has been issued today,1st September; New Professional Association founded for Certificated Enforcement Agents. Following the implementation of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 in April 2014, and a year of consultation with Certificated Enforcement Agents, a New Professional Association has been launched to represent Certificated Enforcement Agents and will be known as The Certificated Enforcement Agents Association (CEAA). It has been formed by Enforcement Agents for Enforcement Agents, representing those that act on the front line of enforcement and hold a current certificate under “The Certification of Enforcement Agents Regulations 2014”. For further information please refer to our website http://www.ceaa.co.uk
  2. I am due to leave my employment and want to file constructive dismissal or/and discrimination. Can I represent myself, if so, how do I find out the way to proceed? Can anyone help me?
  3. Hi Everyone, I would be grateful if anyone could offer me any advice on who are the best people to represent me at an ATOS DWP Appeal? Despite being unable to walk any distance using a crutch,i also have Epilepsy,Depression,PTSD,Anxiety,Panic Attacks and other mental health problems,i was awarded 6 points and told i was fit for work due to the fact i can dial a telephone!! Its an absolute disgrace,you are made to feel as if your begging for money but i do understand that there are people out there that do want to abuse the system. I am appealing the decision but do not know who would be best to represent me,i live in Scotland.The local Council have Welfare Rights Officers and a Duty Social Worker or am i best to go to Citizens Advice? I would be extremely grateful if anyone could share their experience on this matter or have heard of others who have been through a similar situation. Thanks for your help in advance. Best Wishes Stevie
  4. I have got into a dispute with my former employer and we're trying to resolve it through negotiations. I would like an independent expert, who's familiar with that sort of dispute resolution, to represent me. At the same time, I would also like my trade union to provide their inputs during negotiations, possibly representing me at times. Is this doable? Can more than one person represent you?
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