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  1. Hi A colleague received a telephone call from an enforcement agent who had got their employers details from the council regarding a council tax debt. They are trying to sort this out but the enforcement agent was very aggressive and unhelpful (and asked if we knew where their partner works). Has the council breached data protection by giving these details to the collection company?
  2. Hi all, first time poster so please bear with me and i will do my best to make sense. I moved in to my current property in October, in December I received two letters regrding non payment of council tax for my previous property informing me that a liability order had been made against me in June 2016 and June 2017 and that all their efforts including council enforcement officers had failed and they were looking at getting an attatchment of earnings. I ignored the letters as i was happy for them to have an attatchment of earnings. After speaking with my work I discovered that an atttchment of earnings for both the letters had been obtained (and sure enough money was deducted from January so all well and good I thought) However when I returned home yesterday there was a "control of goods" letter through my door (the letter is dated a week agao) - hand delivered (plese see attatchment) I called the council and this is wht i have discovered - I have 5 liability orders against me! 2014 (attatchment of earnings) 2015 (attachment of earnings) 2016 (set monthly plan up) 2017 (set monthly plan up) 2018 (Newlyns) liability order June 18 I am told for the Newlyns I have to deal with them directly. After doing some reading I believe I should of received some form of correspndance from Newlyns before a control of goods letter ie notice of enforcement etc obviously with the letter through my door it has more than doubled the amount of the originl debt. I know not to let them in and they cant take anything etc (Only have my partners car on the driveway which is registered and owned by her fathers business) I am hoping for some advice on what to do now regarding the Newlys letter Sorry it was long winded, I was trying to give as much detail as I could the debt is for a property I lived at on my own and I have only lived with my partner since November 2018 in a new property - not sure if that is relevent but thought i best add it
  3. Dear All, In the Courts and Tribunals Act 2007, it is suggested that once a warrant is issued against the debtor for a parking offence, then the vehicle cannot be sold or disposed of prior to levy or removal, until the debt is cleared. This of course leaves innocent people like Ethel and Albert two pensioners, having purchased a vehicle from London with outstanding parking tickets in a terrible and disgusting position. Along comes a bailiff with ANPR and removes the vehicle. The bailiff then states that the vehicle is subject to outstanding parking tickets, they will not return the vehicle until all the tickets are paid in full including costs of removal, and as such under the Courts and Tribunals Act 2007, they do not have clear title, and they are ordered to seek the return of £7500 for their car from the person who they purchased it from, in this case Mr Jones, who in turn sticks two fingers up to Ethel and Albert. How can it be that innocent people who purchase vehicles with outstanding parking tickets are being subjected to this kind if trauma, it is a terrible [problem], and I cannot imagine that parliament had intended for the bailiffs to interpret the law in the manner they have done. The names used in this story are of course not their real names, but the innocent people concerned are real, and are worried about losing further sums with Newlyn PLC pursing these kinds of dirty tactics. Newlyn PLC have invited the pensioners to take legal action, but are warned that if they dare they will defend it viciously, as they take legal action against them seriously.
  4. Hi there.. I have recently been dealing with NEWLYN debt collection agency due to my council tax arrears that has already been to court and they have a liability order to take my belongings etc.. I am in a large amount of debt to many companies, agency's. Had my head in the sand for a while but finally got myself back on track and dealing with it all. NEWLYN is one of my smaller debts only 500ish left now, as it was court ordered and a government debt I decided to sort this one first... Which has now left me wanting to just bury my head back in the sand again. .they wouldn't accept my repayment amount which I could afford. They scared me into accepting a payment which I really couldn't afford. I struggled and made the first 2 weeks payment. But could only pay 40 on the third week rather than 50. They have told me now that I have broken the agreement and want it all In full otherwise a removal truck will be at my address 6am the next morning. Giving me about 12 hours notice.. Unless I could make the original repayments again.. I told them I couldn't afford it that's why I had a broken arrangement. But they wouldn't have any of it. I have read lots of old posts from 2008 ish and they have helped me a lot. I was wondering mainly if anyone knows if anything has changed since then etc.. For better or for worse. Really don't know what to do as charges and interest is building up.. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks Tristan
  5. Hi wondering if you can help me. Ive received a court order regarding a bus lane ticket offence took place October 2017 and it was a hired car. I also moved address before and have not received any correspondence to my new address regarding the bus lane ticket usually £30. It was from Coventry city council and Newlyn is dealing with the order. The fine is £198. As I have not received any correspondence can I appeal this. I have received correspondence for the tickets to my new address after October from Coventry council but don’t understand why it has taken this long for them to send me not a normal council letter request regarding payment instead received a court order for £198 from newlyn.
  6. Hello all. So todayI received a “CONTROL OF GOODS” letter at my house from Newlyn. It was for a PCN which I had received, whilst the car was registered in my mum’s name. Since this January, the car has been registered in my name. Also, the house is in my name, but the car has always been registered at my home address. Cut a long story short, my folks split their time between our house in Spain and the UK. When in the UK, they are based at my address. They wanted £248 paid by the 11/07, but the letter wasn’t received by them until the 22/07, as my folks were away until then. Upon seeing the letter, I paid £98 on the 24/07 and paid the remaining £75 yesterday. My plan was to have it paid by the end of the month. In total, I paid £173 for the PCN. This did not include the £75 compliance charge which I wasn’t going to pay. Although, I was going to send Newlyn a letter asking them to justify their compliance fee. The ticket was from Ealing council and wasn’t the first one I’ve had from them, so I don’t have a problem paying the actual ticket. That was £175. My concern with that is that Ealing council never sent through any notifications that I had forgotten to pay the original PCN. If they had done, it would have been with any post addressed to my mum. And having had tickets in her name before due to my parking, I’d have heard about it  When my folks came back, the first they’d heard about it was when a letter from Newlyn arrived. This is something I need to deal with after as my main concern is Newlyn returning to my house. I believe I need to get my mum to send off a TE7 form to the Traffic Enforcement Centre as at the time, the car was in her name. Am I correct in this ? I’m not contesting the PCN. I received the ticket and never paid for it.However, it seemed to go straight to the enforcement stage. This morning, I received an unsealed, hand delivered letter through my letterbox. It was dated the 17/07/18, which already got alarm bells ringing for me. It was the “control of goods letter” saying to either pay £826 straight away, or have goods removed. I haven’t contacted them yet, as I wanted to get some advice on the matter first. Can my car be clamped, or removed if it’s now in my name and on my drive? I’m self-employed too and use the car for work purposes. Also, can they enter my house forcefully? By that, I mean can they force locks open to get in and remove goods? And if they do turn up, what should I be saying and asking? My plan was to contact the person who left me the letter this morning, as they left a contact number.Also, to contact Newlyn. As far as I’m concerned, the £173 for the PCN has been paid. Anything else is just Newlyn trying to get money from me. What really concerns me is the two-week discrepancy from the date on the letter, to when they posted it through my letterbox. Like I said, I had no problem paying the PCN but £656 in “fees” is just robbery. I’ve been looking over various parts of the forum today to see if others have had similar situations. Seems I’m not alone  I hope that all made sense.
  7. I really need some help. Back in May I got an enforcement notice for unpaid Council Tax of £949.70 from Newlyn I rang them up and agreed to pay £125 a month. I paid June and July and I rang August to be told that I'd already paid and to call in middle of Sept. Today I had a visit from a bailiff whilst I was out saying they came to remove goods and also added £235. I can pay £125 but I feel I've been conned. I work
  8. Hi all, hope you can shed some insight into this situation for me! I'm currently abroad on holiday but received word from a friend minding my car that it had been seized by Newlyns in regards to a previous owner's fines. I've thankfully managed to have it released and it's currently at a friend's. I don't understand why they seized the vehicle, as when they encountered it, it was already in my name (i.e. I was the registered keeper) according to the DVLA. To the best of my knowledge, the registered keeper is the one responsible for any tickets, fines, etc., not the owner (unless it pertains to insurance matters) - is this correct? when I bought the car and the DVLA updated their records to show that I was the new registered keeper, shouldn't they have left the car alone? I understand that they may have suspected that the owner was the debtor, but doesn't a new registered keeper raise reasonable doubt? My friend took photos before driving away from the garage where the car was being stored and I can see clear damage to the vehicle. I have photographic evidence of the condition the vehicle was in before they seized it from a month earlier and witnesses who can attest that when they last saw the vehicle, it was in the same condition. My car is covered in scratches and dents, and they've managed to damage one of the front headlights as well as break some of the chassis under the car (can see a piece of metal sticking out). Once I return and see the car in person, I can make a full assessment of damage. I feel this is clearly on Newlyns and the city council they were collecting on behalf of to fix. I've filed complaints with both - once when the car was seized after it was already in my name and then I updated that complaint with the initial damage I noted. However, with the holiday season, I doubt I'll be hearing back soon. I was just wondering what my options were and how to best proceed. Should I expect that Newlyns and the city council won't easily agree to pay for damages? Should I notify my insurance (I also have legal cover), so that they can help me with this in case Newlyns and the council won't pay? I've also become a bit worried, as if they can take the car despite me being the registered keeper, is there anything I can do to check if other bailiff companies or councils are looking to collect on debts from a previous owner(s)? Thank you!
  9. I had outstanding council tax to Harrow council from a court hearing in May 2014. The liability order was passed to Newlyns Bailiffs who issued a Notice of Enforcement on the 19/08/2015. I paid the council direct in August 2016 and only the bailiff fees were outstanding. The council have confirmed that the debt has been settled and only £310 bailiff fees are outstanding. Made up of compliance £75 + Enforcement £235 Newlyns clamped my car on the public road then removed it 10/2016, they said they had sent a Notice of Enforcement 19/08/2015. This has also been confirmed by the council as the date of Notice of Enforcement letter being sent out. My understanding is that Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013 9.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), the enforcement agent may not take control of goods of the debtor after the expiry of a period of 12 months beginning with the date of notice of enforcement. The Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014 17.—(1) The enforcement agent may not recover fees or disbursements from the debtor in relation to any stage of enforcement undertaken at a time when the relevant enforcement power has ceased to be exercisable. Newlyns have acted unlawfully by enforcing after 12months have passed and removing my car to recover the outstanding fees as the date of notice of enforcement 19/08/2015 is more than 12 months ago. I have emailed Newlyns and I'm awaiting a response.
  10. Hi everyone, I would appreciate your advice on this matter. I received a letter from Newlyn about a month ago regarding an overpayment of housing benefit from Newham Council, amounting to around £2200. I contacted them straight away asking for details, as the council has never written to me at my new address. Newlyn said they didn't have any details, as they had only held the account for several days. I then started getting phone calls every couple of days. When I couldn't come to the phone, they would leave me a voicemail and I always returned their calls. I explained the situation again the second time I spoke to them and the lady told me which period the overpayment was for to which I replied that it was still insufficient information, but she said she didn't know any more. I've contacted the council, requesting to know why they think I owe them money and asked for a statement of payment from them. I've spoken to Newlyn at least twice after this and explained on every occasion that I've contacted the council to enquire about the situation but have yet to receive a reply. The people on the phone said they were unable to 'hold' the account, even though I've done everything I can and they're not providing me with a reason to pay. I have received an automated response email from the council stating they have received my enquiry and they will respond to me in due time, but Newlyn won't leave me alone. In the past few days, they have sent me a letter that was addressed to 'the occupier' requesting for a forwarding address for me even though, I've contacted and spoken to them many times. I don't know how to proceed. I can't pay them - I don't have the money, but also I don't see why I should pay when I haven't been given reason to. They've said "you owe this much, now pay up" and that's pretty much it. I'm really stressed out about how quickly this is escalating and I'm really frustrated as to why I'm expected to pay when they haven't even explained to me why I owe them money. I'm struggling to cope with this and I feel really trapped. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds. Zoe
  11. Hoping someone can help. just got a 'notice of enforcement letter' through the door saying I owe £270 for a driving in bus lane violation LAST JULY. This is literally the first time I've heard about it. I moved house last June, so they must have been sending the letters to the wrong address. But wondering why they're only sending letters to my new address now? Is there anything I can do here? Or do I have to bit the bullet and pay? Many thanks.
  12. Today out of the blue we got a visit from Newlyns, we were not home so they posted a letter saying we owe £440 for unpaid council tax. I have no idea how we got this debt we have had no prior letters from the council or from Newlyns. He has visited my home and posted this letter saying he has come to collect goods and if i fail to contact him he will be back in 48hrs. I would like to contact the council and find out where and why this came about but my main worry is this bailiff and his threats. Me nor my partner are currently working and i claim job seekers and they have me sanctioned, we live with our 3 children and would like some advice on how to deal with this bailiff, will he be back to enter my property?
  13. My friend purchased a car from an associate of her sister on the 30th jan 2015, with cash payments made in instalments of £300 throughout January until the 30th jan as part of this arrangement my sisters friend would be allowed to to drive the vehicle for another month after my purchase. She became the official owner with a signed receipt and new keepers slip awaiting the log book on the 30th january. Following month feb 6th bailiffs seized the vehicle with a warrant on the previous owners name as she was awaiting the full log book and the bailiffs refused to accept her new keepers slip with the receipt and bank statements. The following week she received the log book from dvla and provided it as bailiffs requested and they refused to release the vehicle saying the debt is bound to the vehicle and they will sell it in auction as soon as possible. Below is a copy of the reply sent by the Bailiff. Please can somebody advise me? Thanks in advance. After reviewing you documents, we rejected your claim. Under paragraphs 4 and 5 of Schedule 12 to the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 paragraphs 4 and 5, the property of the named debtor becomes bound to them, preventing the sale or disposal of those goods from the time the Warrant of Control is issued. This does not prejudice title in the goods that a person may acquire, provided they have done so in good faith, for valuable consideration and without notice. As such the goods are bound to the named debtor and we would suggest that you revert to the person you claim to have purchased the vehicle from for remuneration as they had no right to dispose of the goods in the first instance. Under paragraph 60 (4) (a) of Schedule 12 of the Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013 if you are to make an application to the Court, you must deposit the value of the vehicle into Court when making the application. CPR 85 sets out the procedure for claims on controlled goods, which you will be required to follow. I would suggest however, as an alternative, that you discuss the matter with the named debtor, and simply ensure that the Warrants of Control issued against them are discharged, thus securing the release of the vehicle. In the event that either payment in full is not made, or an application to the Court including the value of the vehicle is not made, then vehicle will be entered into public auction. Your claim has been treated as one being made pursuant to CPR 85. If you are in any doubt as to your position you should seek competent independent legal advice as a matter of urgency. Any legal action taken against Newlyn PLC or our Enforcement Agent would be vigorously defended and in the event that you are unsuccessful Newlyn PLC will request the court to award costs.
  14. Hi, I have received a PCN back in October from Barnet council on Sunday evening 20:53. I only stopped for about 10 minutes to go into a shop and had no idea I had to pay on Sunday evenings. I kind of forgot about it and moved addresses now I received a letter from Newlyn PLC that I have to pay the multiples of the original fees. I never received any letter from Barnet council probably because I moved addresses. By the way there was pitch dark in the street I parked and it was raining heavy so there was no way to see the parking sign. Is there anything I can do? I can attach some pictures. Vehicle Registration Number -- Penalty Charge Notice -- Date 12/10/2014 Time 20:51 Colour Black Was seen in YEW GROVE (5836) Contravention 12® Parked in a residents' or shared use parking place or zone without clearly displaying either a permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place (residents' bay) Thank you
  15. Hi There Everyone. Newbie here so please be understanding. Can anyone help or advise? Four days ago I received an Enforcement Notice from a company called Newlyn Enforcement Agency. The notice was addressed to my daughter, saying she owed £779 to the local council for council tax. Also said they would be calling in a few hours time to 'attend' the premises and gain entry by force if necessary to seize goods to the value of the debt. I rang the contact number to explain that my daughter did not live here and has not done so for 14 years. She has been off the electoral register for about the same time. He had got my address from the local council, which is strange because the council knows where my daughter lives as she claims Housing Benefit. I also don't have any goods in the house that belong to my daughter. he seemed to accept this and asked me to give the notice to my daughter. I showed the noticed to my daughter but she knew nothing about the debt and said she would contact the council and the agent from Newlyns. My daughter found out the debt was Council Tax arrears from her old address but all the overdue notices had gone to her old address ( she moved about 10 months ago ) and not been forwarded on. She also spoke to the agent from Newlyns agreeing to talk to him about paying something towards the debt. But now I have received a text message on my mobile phone which says 'ENFORCEMENT AGENT due to attend & take control of GOODS. Call NEWLYN on 079661XXXXX to STOP'. I only found this text message, when I went to switch my phone off before going to bed. Plan to ring this 'person' first thing in the morning. I have never been in debt, so this is new and strange to me. What do I do now? I am now worried sick and can't sleep. I don't want my possessions seized and interfered with! Best Regards.
  16. Hello Everyone. I'm new here. After days of being frustrated, I have finally joined the forum to share with you all, my recent experience with Newlyn, with regard to parking tickets, to seek advice. Please help. I recently corresponded with Newlyn plc., who were pursuing a payment from me last March. I was unsure why; I’ve subsequently been explained by them that the vehicle, the ownership of which I transferred to now an unknown man with the mobile number of ............ on 12/04/2013, had contravened a parking regulation and received PCNs (11 of them!) issued by Tower Hamlet Council on 02/05/2013 (and presumably later dates for subsequent PCNs). I had not received any of these PCNs or Notice to Owner because shortly after the sale of the vehicle, I moved to a different address before the tickets were issued (proof of which I have in the way of credit card bills etc.). At the time of transfer of ownership of the said vehicle, I had lost the V5C document and was not in possession of the document and hence I advised the man who had purchased the vehicle that he would have to complete V62 in order to complete the transfer of ownership and that it was his responsibility to re-register the vehicle under his name . Although it turned out that he had not done so, DVLA’s Sensitive Case department carefully considered the case, they agreed to amend the records to show that I was no longer the keeper of the vehicle from 12 April 2013 (the exact wording is "I have amended our records to show that you are no longer recorded as the keeper of this vehicle from 12 April 2013"). I sent this letter to Tower Hamlet Council, London and Newlyn. The council told me that the matters are now in Newlyn's hands. Newlyn rejected the letter from DVLA, because of the ambiguous wording. Last Friday, an enforcement agent working for Newlyn called me at work, asking for around £4500 or else. I nearly passed out when I heard this. I called Newlyn to put a hold on this and they temporarily put a 28-day hold on it/ Now it's been more than a year since the original tickets have been issued. So from reading various posts on this forum, I understand it's too late for making any appeals to the council and that I would have to fill in Witness Statement forms TE9 & TE7 and email TEC, in order to at least stop the recovery warrant/procedure. And if that's successful, I have only the original PCNs to deal with, am I right in thinking that? Please advise me anyway you can and ask me any questions to clarify the situation further if needs be. I am very distressed. What can I do?! Thanks in advance.
  17. I unfortunately got a couple of tickets in my partners vehicle. She's been away for the past 6 weeks and hasn't been able to deal with the letters that have come in and have now received 2 notices of enforcement from Newlyn stating that we need to pay a total of around £350 or items will be taken from our home. After reading tons of stuff on these guys I'm worried about my situation and what I can do. I rang Newlyn today to set up a payment arrangement. They said I would have to pay 50% of the debt today and the other 50% of the debt by the end of the month, money I just don't have. I offered to pay £50 a month until the debt is cleared but to no avail. I want to pay off my debt but am not able to pay it off completely and now I'm worried our vehicle will be clamped or items taken. Without my vehicle we cannot work. I just want to know if there is anything I'm able to do to get out of this immediate situation. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dennis
  18. I had a bad few years from 2011 onwards after getting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (which left me bed bound), and subsequently losing my job, having a child bereavement and all the anxiety and depression that came with all that. Prior to that I had a decent job and my OH and I had divided up the bills accordingly, with me paying Council Tax amongst other things. Unbeknownst to my OH, when the proverbials hit the fan, I just 'switched off' ignored my payment responsibilities (hiding bills etc ) until things got out of hand and the CT bill got passed first to Newlyn PLC. Long story short, I've applied for benefits (and after selling off some of my belongings) have managed to pay off an outstanding amount of over £1500 (directly to the Council) in the last year including £190 in court costs, with only £100 of the CT arrears remaining. However, Newlyn EA fees keep sky rocketing and according to their last letter (I have never been in contact with them), the debt is £470 and counting. The new legislation that came in April just complicates things further! Anyway, my social worker just rang the CT department and explained that under the circumstances, (being diagnosed with a chronic illness and mental health issues) that I should be considered a vunerable person or a vunerable household. However, the CT call centre operative, who conferred with CT Recovery dept has said that since the CT was in both mine and my OH's name, making him therefore jointly liable for the debt (even though he wasn't aware of it because I was hiding the letters) my specific circumstances made no difference and that there would be no circumstance in which the household would be considered vunerable. Meaning they would not consider calling the debt back. The conversation took all of 3 minutes and they were very closed to considering anything. They would not even pass my social worker onto the Recovery dept so she could speak directly to them. I guess I'm asking if their position is the correct one or whether there might be anything I can do? It was a massive blip caused by unforeseen health issues but it seems that any support or consideration is not forthcoming from the Council. Any views would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  19. I have not posted in a few years. Since then I have had to retire due to ill health after suffering further bouts of severe acute clinical depression and being diagnosed with pretty severe bipolar affective disorder. Counselling and medication have helped to a large extent as has the love and support of my family who suffered from my illness as well. I will post on that in another thread. The hassle caused by both Harrow and Newlyn has severely impacted on my health with further refeerals to cpn, etc and changes to medication. This relates to a catalogue of errors and breaches of best practice, guidance, maladministration and breaches of legislation in respect of PCN's, bailiff's. It has led to me investigating the current profit share contract which Harrow Borough Council has with it's 2 firms of bailiffs and correspondence with Eric Pickles, together with my local MP. It has led to Formal complaints, unanswered formal complaints, FOI requests and DPA or more accurately, Subject Access Requests. (I had great experience of them on here when helping folk with bank/ credit card charges etc) This is quite a long, but entirely true story and contains many issues which I am pursuing or intend to pursue. I hope it may help others. I intend that Harrow and Newlyn take notice and I will take action using powers available to me to redress the situation I have faced/ am facing so that it does not happen to another innocent person. Or, if it does, there remains a record of what happened to me and what action I took, the obstacles I encountered, the lies I was told, the issues raised, the mis-use of local authority powers and the mis-use of bailiff powers (no surprise there). Fortunately, some new guidance has recently been issued by the OFT in respect of bailiffs and PCN's and change is underway in respect of CCTV in respect of PCN's. Hopefully, the days of motorists being cash cows for local authorities and others is not too far away. Back to basics. I bought a high specification BMW 730 at auction, paying cash. I had experience of buying second hand vehicles before and the auction house was reputable. I was the proud owner of a car that was several years old and I had purchased it at a bargain price. I had a full service history and the car was gleaming. I went home to quickly arrange motor insurance and made arrangements to register the car in my own name. I had undertaken a check on the car, prior to bidding, ensuring that there was no credit outstanding on the car and confirming the vehicles history which matched the MOT's, service history, etc, etc. Everything was fine for 5/6 months. The car was mechanically fine and we were really enjoying driving it, but over the course of 10-12 weeks I received about 14-16 PCN's from Harrow Borough Council, Brent Council, Tesco at Brent and London Transport. Checking this site, the PCN notices were compliant and had been updated to redress recent issues such as appealing under different conditions, etc. I had not been to London and neither had the vehicle. We live just about as far as it is possible to get from London within the UK. It was evident that someone had cloned my registration/ number plates to avoid London Congestion Charge and Parking fees. Some even related to spending 10/11 hours at Brent Tesco whilst the person traveled by tube into London itself. I had not been to London in 6/8 years and even then it was by plane. The PCN's supplied showed images of the incidents recorded by camera or CCTV, including driving down bus lanes, in congestion charge areas, double yellow lines etc. I saw the evidence myself when I entered the details onto the various web sites when investigating the matter . In some cases, the vehicle was entirely different ie a red Vauxhall Astra van, in others , it showed a different colour and model of BMW with different distinguishing features. In one case, in respect of Harrow Borough Council, the charge related to a different coloured BMW, 300 series, but with continental plates. Firstly, I checked what to do. The advice, particularly from the DVLA & the web was to report the matter to the police. I took every ticket to the local police station and parked my car outside. The PC was excellent, came outside to check the car, confirming the VIN against registration documents and against the details provided on each PCN. He even congratulated me on my purchase saying that he might be tempted to do something similar. Anyway he decided that a crime had been committed against me and the DVLA and provided me with a crime reference number and documentation to state that I had reported every PCN detail as a crime which was being investigated by the Police. Due to the distance from London, Police Scotland would forward a crime report to the Metropolitan Police and London Transport Police who were the respsonsible police authorities . In respect of each PCN a copy of crime reference report, various pictures of my car detailing distinguishing features, etc and a copy of the reg document V5? Most of this had to be done on line and I encountered serious problems in trying to communicate with an actual person, particularly as regards Harrow Borough Council. They really have some horrendous customer service practices and must rate as one of the worst and most uncaring local authorities going. A google search will confirm this as will searches on previous FOI requests, their performance figures, bench marking etc, etc. I received what I thought was reassurance that all action would be cancelled and I have proof of that in respect of every ticket. However, lurking in the background, Harrow had not cancelled the PCN and instead, had escalated the charge from £65 to £130. Note that Harrow had now made 3 fundamental errors. These were: a) processing a foreign registration plate on their system which happened to match my UK plate, in the first place b) not matching the information they received from the DVLA which showed that the vehicle details were entirely different from mine- model and colour etc c) not cancelled the PCN as agreed when I had submitted the required evidence and they had agreed to ditch the PCN. They had also admitted to an error in processing the PCN in the first place due to the continental style numbering of the plate, although the numbers and letters matched, which was a chance in many millions. I had error confirmed by them in in writing. We were now engaged on a collision course and they had encountered someone who would not back down and who would investigate every avenue to seek retribution to ensure their mistakes did not occur again. I also became aware of their tender services issue in 2012, details of the contract documents were available on their web site. I read press articles from a Fern Silverio who wanted his Council to get a share of the bailiffs profit's. I read various press articles and I thought this contract was unfair and would only encourage more PCN's to be issued against innocent victims and that the contract encouraged bailiffs to seek ways of upping their costs to cover the cost of the kickback to Harrow Borough Council. Harrow then went to it's local court, which is in England, seeking the powers to recover the "supposed" debt from me. It compounded it's earlier mistakes. There was no debt outstanding by me, they had confirmed this in writing yet, I now had a court judgement against me in an English Court when I lived in Scotland under the jurisdiction of Scottish Courts. Fast forward and I receive a Notice of Seizure from Newlyn PLC, amounting to over £200. I phone Newlyn and email them giving them all the evidence. I play by the rule book. But, why oh why, did I do that? Of course, they don't listen and neither do Harrow who I also contact. Newlyn claim they, as bailiffs can come in at any time with a removal van to seize and disdain my personal goods and sell at auction. Now, I point out that I have severe mental health illness- no impact. I point out that bailiffs have no powers in Scotland and that the contents of their letter are distressing, damaging, etc, etc, etc. I point out our different legal and court systems. I also point out that only Sheriff Officers appointed by a Scottish Court can handle debt matters and that in any case, one of the first Acts of the devolved Scottish Parliament was a private members Bill by then SMP, Tommy Sheridan which led in 2001 to the abolition of poinding and warrant sales- the then Scottish equivalent of English laws relating to Seizure and Removal. I point out that they are guilty of misrepresentation in respect of their powers. I again inform them of the damage to my health and that I have not received an itemised invoices and what is the invoice made up off? My attempts at education fail. As I knew they would, but now, I am focused on a longer term objective. However, perhaps these guys down sarf, think they can have a laugh on me by sending me a Notice of Removal on Hogmanay - probably thought my energies would be centered on festivities. This time the invoice is for £450 and it' still not broken down as required. But a further error is made, as this time they up the anti, by posting it to "the occupier" and not me personally. This is potentially catastrophic as my mother in law suffers from dementia and I act as her carer. What would have happened if she had opened the letter, or my wife or children? Newlyn had made a further mistake and you all know what that was, as do I. It was clearly designed to intimidate and misrepresent their powers. Emails are sent and phone calls made.And remember, I am innocent. They are acting in error, compounding their errors and making every mistake going. Formal complaint process has produced nothing from Harrow Borough Council. No action taken by Newlyn PLC. Post 2 will update further. Ready for the roller coaster. Fasten the seat belts.
  20. Hi! I sincerely hope you will be able to advise me in a very stressful situation. I had an outstanding penalty charge notice of £130 for clipping into a bus lane, issued by the Harrow council. I've made my complaint to the council arguing that the bus lane was not correctly and adequately indicated. I have not received any further communication after that, and most certainly have not received the Rejection Notice of any kind. Soon after, I've suffered a heart attack followed by two surgical procedures in April last year and since have been unemployed and on jobseekers allowance as my sole income. As soon as I was physically able I approached Stepchange and CAB with the advice on what to do about the matter since I wanted to do the right thing, and they advised me to contact Harrow Council and explain my medical and financial situation, and ask for a manageable payment arrangement, which I did. I have since written to Harrow Council several times sending all the relevant hospital and other medical documents, as well as my financial details. Despite my repeated requests for such, my correspondence has neither been replied to, nor acknowledged. On March the 5th I was in a shock to find a handwritten letter Take Formal Notice pushed through my letter from Newlyn Plc, requesting almost £500 to be paid immediately. I've contacted TEC in Northampton straightaway and was instructed to fill in the PE2 and PE3 forms and email them, after which TEC would inform Harrow council, and they should halt the baillif action pending further court decision. I have done as instructed and received the confirmation from TEC that they have formally informed Harrow council on the 10th of May, and that the procedure will take its due course, of which I would be duly informed by the court of and when a final decision has been made. I haven't heard anything from either the court or the council since. Today another hand-delivered letter by Newlyn Plc appeared at my doorstep - this time even more stressful and upsetting Control of Goods, demanding the immediate payment of £696.44. I've contacted the TEC again and was told by the officer (who was very surprised at this course of action) that Newlyn's action should have not gone through, I should have NOT been given this letter since TEC has informed the council, and my case has still not come to court, so no decision to escalate action has not been made. I have written and emailed Harrow council, sending all the forms and copies of emails, I have faxed and written to Newlyn with all the forms and I have not heard a thing. I am a 62 year old heart patient, not working, deeply distressed and frightened by all of this. The matter of the deepest concern and worry is that all my previous payment offer, detailed correspondence to either Newlyn or Harrow council has seemingly been ignored, and ignored on purpose, because I find it hard to believe that none of my letters, not even the official communication from TEC has not made through. I am at my wits end, in deep distress and not a little scared. What should I do? Many thanks for any advice.
  21. Hi, Im not sure what it is im looking for in asking the question whether Newlyn are fixing prices. They say i owe £324.54, giving their breakdown that i asked them for the said as follows; TOTAL BALANCE INCLUDING FEES £835.04 TOTAL PAID £510.50 BALANCE OUTSTANDING £324.54 i asked for the breakdown of the balance and they said VISIT ONE £24.50 VISIT TWO £18.00 LEVY FEE £42.16 (they say they levied the car outside my house, but they gave me the wrong details it was not my car ) ATTENDANCE/VAN £136.00 Their fees come to £220.66 Leaving £103.88 I asked the council for the total of my liability order which they said was COUNCIL TAX DEBT £188.54 I have paid most of my council tax online instead of to the bailiff, these sums dont add up, are Newlyn fixing these prices, they dont seem to know how much i owe the council
  22. Hi, everyone! I'm new on here......and not sure if this is the correct place to post this question but here goes. I wanted to know if anyone knows if there is a time limit on complaining against a certificated bailiff with a Form 4? And if there is it is it possible to sue the bailiff directly? Through county court?
  23. Hi I wondered if anyone can help me. I had a ticket which I was unaware of and it went to Newlyn Bailiffs. I fillied out the statutory declaration and submitted and they have passed it to the local council to stop anymore activity until they assess it.Because I was panicking when they were on the phone i paid 100 pounds towards the debt. They are now texting me saying they are coming back tomorrow because i have not paid the rest. this case is still with the council so im not sure what i should do? Can anyone help me please? peter
  24. Hi I received a liability order for last year's Council Tax back on 31st May 2013 from Three Rivers District Council. I have been suffering with quite severe depression due to various financial and health problems (diabetes, frozen shoulder, thyroid deficiency, asthma). I have a son aged 17 with an autistic spectrum disorder and a daughter of 19. Unfortunately this depression has lead to me burying my head in the sand with my various problems, and I did not respond to the liability order letter. I do realise this is entirely the wrong thing to do and I should have contacted the council immediately. I tried to make payments on my council tax last year, but was unable to continue them because it was putting me in quite severe difficulty. I do get a small amount of council tax benefit, but for almost the whole of last year I was not receiving any credit for my son being disabled. I contacted them and asked them to review my ctb, but they would only backdate it for a few weeks (cant remember how many now) and not for the full year. I came home from work today to find a letter from Newlyns stating that they had attended my property today to seize and distrain my possessions to satisfy my council tax arrears together with the cost of removal. Apparently I must contact them immediately to discuss payment. Since the letter from the council enclosing the liability order I have received no other communication from them. I have received no letters from newlyns at all, simply this hand delivered letter where they say they will be seizing my property. All I have is a computer and a car (worth around £300 or so at max), which I need to transport my son who will not travel on public transport under any circumstances. I have no tv, no stereo, not even any carpets, wardrobes or chests of drawers because I can't afford them. I work part time, earning £120 a week max (hours can vary) and receive around £180ish in wftc and ctc, and carers allowance of 40something (after a reduction for an old income support debt). I presume they can't take my cooker, washing machine/tumble dryer, fridgefreezer or beds? My daughter owns a laptop and my son owns an xbox and ps3 which he bought himself together with various games for same. I have a couple of questions - firstly should the council not have attempted an attachment of earnings order before instructing bailiffs to come and seize my goods (less than 2 months after the liability order was granted). Should the bailiffs not have first attended to discuss the debt before coming to seize and distrain? What can I do? Strange people hammering at the door is a very distressing event for my son due to the nature of his disability, which in turn causes even more stress for me at a very difficult period in my life. I seem to have lost the ability to work my own way through these things Any help would be greatly appreciated. The letter from the bailiff tells me i have to contact them immediately - so Im guessing they'll be round again if I dont contact them very soon.
  25. Firstly a big thank you to all who post on this forum. I have been a lurker for a while garnering information which has helped me win my case against the over charging by Newlyn bailiffs. My story is below, but I am looking for information from others (particularly where Newlyn have been involved with council tax collection) as I have a meeting with my Council's Head of Council Tax, myself and a representative from Newlyn's Client Management Team to attend following and I quote 'the grave concerns that the Head of Council Tax has' and would like me to raise the issues directly with Newlyn. As you'll see I have more than enough to 'bang them to rights' but if others have similar stories I'd love to see them wriggle in their seats a little bit more! To cut a long story short in the first instance we ended up in the position where we owed £300.00 to the council and couldn't pay. Obviously they applied and got the Liability order and instructed Newlyn accordingly. No arguments so far. Next thing we know... Newlyn's added the best part of £400.00 in fees for- two visits, a levy fee, and attendance to remove fee, a Sch 5 Head H fee... all without any correspondence or visits. (My wife is full time at home with our children so would have known if they had attended). I phoned and challenged these fees and Newlyn claimed of course to have levied on a vehicle and claim to have left paperwork accordingly. (They hadn't.) I ask them to quote the vehicle registration number as in any event our vehicle is on Hire Purchase and I explain that they can't levy on vehicles on HP etc. etc. They quoted me a registration number, not belonging to me, but during subsequent investigations this vehicle does not even exist! I put all of this in writing, demanding a copy of the levy etc. and eventually am told that the vehicle levy was correct but to resolve my complaint they'll drop the levy fee. (Note: still not supplying a copy of the levy or evidence of their visits.) More letters backwards and forwards... including in one of them they claim in black and white they are allowed to levy on Hire Purchase vehicles where the burden of ownership is with the debtor! Eventually I demand very clearly a copy of the levy and proof of visit and they write back that they are right, everything was done correctly but there has been a 'system error' and they cannot supply copies of the paperwork, surprise, surprise. I have sent copies of all correspondence to the council and my local MP highlighting all of the untruths and outright lies that Newlyn have told and, in the Council and my local MP's defense they are so concerned they have arranged a meeting with me, the council and Newlyn to discuss these issues hence my request for information, whilst at the same time pulling back the account from Newlyn and writing off all fees applied therein. There are many other points that Newlyn have lied about in plain black and white and given enough interest I'll be more than happy to upload all the correspondence appropriate.... but as per my original request I would love nothing more than to sit down with the rep from Newlyn and present him or her with a great big file of complaints! Look forward to your comments and thoughts.
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