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Found 18 results

  1. Dear All, In the Courts and Tribunals Act 2007, it is suggested that once a warrant is issued against the debtor for a parking offence, then the vehicle cannot be sold or disposed of prior to levy or removal, until the debt is cleared. This of course leaves innocent people like Ethel and Albert two pensioners, having purchased a vehicle from London with outstanding parking tickets in a terrible and disgusting position. Along comes a bailiff with ANPR and removes the vehicle. The bailiff then states that the vehicle is subject to outstanding parking tickets, they will not return the vehicle until all the tickets are paid in full including costs of removal, and as such under the Courts and Tribunals Act 2007, they do not have clear title, and they are ordered to seek the return of £7500 for their car from the person who they purchased it from, in this case Mr Jones, who in turn sticks two fingers up to Ethel and Albert. How can it be that innocent people who purchase vehicles with outstanding parking tickets are being subjected to this kind if trauma, it is a terrible [problem], and I cannot imagine that parliament had intended for the bailiffs to interpret the law in the manner they have done. The names used in this story are of course not their real names, but the innocent people concerned are real, and are worried about losing further sums with Newlyn PLC pursing these kinds of dirty tactics. Newlyn PLC have invited the pensioners to take legal action, but are warned that if they dare they will defend it viciously, as they take legal action against them seriously.
  2. Without going into the full scale of the problem my daughter contracted a bathroom fitter to replace her tiny bathroom. Two weeks on, and two men the bathroom is only half completed and it is a right shambles..from the tiling, leaking toilet which is also coming off the wall, leaking sink which has flooded the new units and ruined them, and also the new flooring, damage to the shower profiles so that the shower cubicle will not fit...the plumbing is all wrong, plus exensive damage to areas of her property. There is a long extensive list of problems. She asked him to stop work a week ago and has managed to get three quotes to re-do the work. Each new plumber has stated how appalling the work is and it all has to be started again, with the tiles taken off and taken back to the basic plumbing. Meanwhile, he sent her an invoice - by hand on the Monday, and initiated court proceedings on the Wednesday two days later without any discussion regarding the remedial works. Firstly, I understand that a business cannot issue proceeding against an individual until they have followed the new Pre Action Protocol (PAP) which came into being on the 1st October 2017, which is quite a lengthy list and the first one is giving the debtor at least 30 days to discuss the debt. Secondly, and a bit more importantly, he has started the action in his personal christian name and not the name of his business. She had a contract with his business, not him personally...surely this is wrong and would fail in court? She is trying to get an appointment with a Solicitor who deals in civil matters but it is proving difficult . If anyone could enlighten her on the two question/issues I have posed, that would be most helpful. Thanks
  3. All I will try and keep this succinct. I remortgaged my house in December 2017. Taking additional borrowings of £43k. the reason for this was my new partner and I had just started living together in my house. He gave up his rented place. He brought no equity to the table. I had approve 65% LTV. The reason for the additional borrowings was an extension and loft conversion. At the time of mortgage application both of us were working. The mortgage completed on 9th Dec. one week prior my partner told me he had resigned from work and effectively had no job. my mortgage had suddenly become out of my financial reach. my payments had tripled. He told me not to worry because he had savings which if we were frugal would be sufficient for period of time. on completion of the mortgage I asked for a joint account to be opened. he agreed and I opened an account but didn't turn up to the bank with his ID to substantiate his ID. so no account was opened. the funds were sent to my account, I felt very uncomfortable letting him have 43k in cash - I had been advised by his brother and daughter that he couldn't be trusted with money. (in his previous marriage - by the end he hadn't worked for several years and had 120k worth of debt - the sale of his marital home discharged that debt). I kept the cash in my account. The building work was cancelled, (by him) and the next thing I know - while he isn't working he has taken a car on finance £55k to be exact and had demanded £5k from me as a deposit. which I reluctantly handed over. This wasn't the end to his demands, he also asked me for money to pay back overpaid CTC (incurred before he met me) some 6 months later - he still isn't working, and the equity money has been slowly decreasing. I had moved the money into my bills account and let the money from the equity cover living costs and bills etc. as well as some cash. while my salary covered shopping and other such expenses. I should point out that not only did he move in, but his 18 year old son too - who was also out of work by January. the current position is this - he still isn't working (my partner) and at every row he tells me how much money he has spent since he met me. he keeps demanding access to the money - which I have held off until now. this weekend I let him see the accounts, and he was shocked to see that more than half of the equity has been spent. he was appalled. told me that I had to transfer the balance to him (which I did - reluctantly so) said that I was out of control and that I cannot be trusted wih money. He has not contributed one penny to his bills / shopping etc since the mortgage completed. The car he purchased is electric and he plugs it into the house! He has insisted that some of the utility bills are in his name but that they are paid from my account. I would like to know where I stand. The equity money is from my house, and whilst he might be legally liable for it to be repaid, the reality of it is that he hasn't contributed one penny. I am concerned that now he has that equity he will either (a) leave or (b) transfer it to me monthly to pay the biills hence looking like he is contributing to the bills - which is isn't. I have asked for access to the money and guess what.... he said no. any help on what my rights might be I would appreciate. there are other things going on but I need a steer on this please. thank you in advance
  4. Hi folks I was wondering if I may get some advise from you guys, if possible. I bought a Dell desktop PC direct from Dell around 6 months back, but it was delivered damaged by Dell's local courier, I called Dell to come and collect the damaged desktop for a replacement. it took them ages, almost a phone call to Dell everyday for more than 2 weeks, to respond and finally I called and told them to collect the units and provide a full refund. Dell finally arrange collection last month, 5months after I first contacted them, from their side and the desktop was collected. almost a month after their collection was completed, Dell contacted me via email and said instead of a desktop that they should receive, they had received a laptop from me instead! Before anyone raised any eyebrows if I am at fault, the desktop weighs around 15kg. The laptop Dell mentioned they received is only 2kg. I can't believe this big discrepancy where Dell is asking me why I send a laptop, of which I never had in the first place. I called the courier who came to pick up the unit and they have registered 10kg on their system, which is another discrepancy. All the math doesn't stack up along the courier transition to end. Therefore from (A - collection from my side of 15kg) thru to courier warehouse (weigh 10kg, have Dell instructed them a unit weight of 10kg to save costs? I don't know) then to Dell depot (B - and after almost 1 month after receipt, they received a 2kg item????) I had called Citizen Advice to seek advice and been told about - Consumer Rights Act 79 - ADR etc From my layman term, I would like some advice from kind folks of what I can do? a.) In the case if Dell still insist they received a laptop, how will I be liable or am I liable ? I am not sure how they are going to explain the weight discrepancy going through the courier transition b.) Citizen Advice says I may need to prove what I send? However, Dell is the one who arrange collection and somehow stupidly I trusted their arrangement. Does the collection proof of receipt suffice much? c.) Is there any place or dept that I can raise this issue against Dell's incompetency on their courier logistics? But trying their luck to possibly seek compensation from customers? Would appreciate any advise from kind souls to help me lessen this grievance I am facing with Dell.
  5. Hi Guys, could do with some help... I took my car to a local car wash yesterday morning. Later on, after my car had dried, I noticed patches all over the car, where the lacquer had been power washed off. Some patches are quite large, so now my car looks an absolute mess. I returned to the car wash this morning to ask if there was anything they could do about it, and to be blunt, they dont. They weren't prepared to do anything. I asked for they're Public Liability Insurance details, only to be told they hadn't got any. I thought this was a legal requirement . So What can I do ? Regards...Dave G
  6. Hi My husband and I have both had contracts with vodafone for many years. When it came time for me to upgrade 2 years ago, vodafone offered a discounted deal if I took my phone as a second phone on my husbands account. This was a decent deal so my contract ended and his had both our phones. Two pay monthly contracts. Fast forward 2 years and my husbands contract for his phone ended and he upgraded to a new contract with vodafone. April this year the second phone contract ended (my phone). I waited a few months to decide what I was going to do as I will still happy with the handset. I then decided to take a new phone contract out in August in my own name with vodafone. I called them to advise I wanted to keep my old number. I explained the situation that my old phone was a 2nd phone on my husbands account. No problem they said. Here is a PAC code... Ever since then it has been a nightmare. Apparently what should have happened was that my old number should have been converted to pay as you go to allow me to keep the number and port to my new phone. Instead for over 3 weeks nothing happened Then, after countless phonecalls and different pieces of advice we were told that it would be sorted... Again, nothing. Then my husband discovers he cannot make any calls. Lo and behold they had switched his number to pay as you go instead of mine. Commencement of another endless number of calls. My husband spent HOURS at his work phoning vodafone because they would not talk to me as the 2nd phone (my number) was on his account. Having said that, some of them spoke to me so not a hard and fast rule clearly. I then spent HOURS and HOURS and HOURS and DAYS and MORE DAYS on the phone to many many different departments and indeed countries. Several times I was assured it wolud be sorted. Indeed, the last person even got their manager to apparently sprint down to the floor below to speak with a superuser who was going to wave his magic wand. And still nothing. I was assured phone calls back. Nothing. Still nothing. S o, my husband, who needs his phone for work, is still on a Pay As You Go. My old number is still active so we are STILL paying this contract even though it should have ended in August. My new phone I am paying for but has a new number. It is also not receiving calls. I only receive the odd call and the remainder of the time when people try to call me it goes straight to answer phone. I can be holding the handset when someone calls and it doesnt even ring. Someone told me my old number had now been lost then someone else told me that wasnt right. I was told my husband was no longer PAYG and was back on contract the I was told this wasnt right. Seriously, are they actually just taking the absolute...... ? I cannot bring myself to waste another entire DAY to explain the situation again only for nothing to happen again. I need vodafone to cancel my old contract and reimburse my money (or to my husband as was on his account) I need them to reactivate his contract and cancel his Pay as You Go as this phone should never have been touched. I need them to transfer my old number to my new phone. I need them to find out and fix my phone so it receives all calls. The internet is also much slower than my old iphone 5 (this is an iphone 6) I need all monies reimbursed that are owed to us. This has been ongoing since August 21st with no resolution and not a single call back from anyone who said they would. PLEASE HELP!!!!
  7. Our daughter got married and had her reception at our local golf club. The venue seemed perfect until the actual day. The photographs at the venue where restricted due to the golf. What and where we could have photos taken was not allowed on the day. We had 26 children on a very hot day banned from leaving the venue as they may upset the golfers. None of this was told us at any meetings. When the food was served they served the back tables and the top table the last. The pate was a sloppy mess The food was cold - the roast beef was dry and the turkey was chewy. The functions manager screeched in my face over the table plan not being right. - turned out that a table of 12 guests had not liked the table they had been given so swapped tables. Which I had not been told. She was not in control at many points during the service. We had 106 sit down guests and only 3 people working and serving the food. We have been charged for 20 bottles of red/white wine but 4 tables never got any wine? they can't account for where these went. On the top table where I was sat we had 1 bottle of red - 2 bottles of rose which was for the bride and groom as I only drink white. The food would have been perfect if it was hot but over 10 of our guests have complained. The Toast - myself and the grooms father were given 1 glass of prosecco between the 2 of us. When I asked for a glass the functions manager snapped at me for the second time. The meal took so long to be served my brother who is a diabetic had a hypo and was taken ill in the toilet. It ended up he had to go home as he was to ill to continue. During the service the Function Manager approached me again to say that there were 3 people with no meals and why?? I had emailed her the 3 meals the night before as I was unable to get her by phone as she was in a meeting. She had not read her emails. She was again rude to me. When serving the prosecco to one of the tables they had been buying their own prosecco. She refused them 10 glasses as she said they already had it. Even though it was their own bottle. The FM - approached me after the cake was cut to say she was so sorry but she had inadvertently cut the top tier. She has since lied to her boss and said that there was no arrangement in place for the top tier not to be cut. But the meeting the night before we went through it with her. She cut up 3 tiers of cake and denied that we asked her not to. When we collected the cake in the morning it was wrapped in foil all stuck together and cannot be given to guests at all. Its just a mushed up mess. At the evening recption the FM had a run in with my cousin over the fact he has brought his own alcohol into the building. I asked her to leave him to me and I would get him to leave. But she wouldn't leave it for me to sort the situation and ended up in confrontation with him. He has a volatile temper and if not handled properly he can become aggressive. I managed to calm the situation, in which he handed over the alcohol and left the reception. She has however told her boss that I condoned the situation and did little to help. This is a downright lie and what I managed to do was get a person to leave the reception without any trouble. Our evening buffet - I asked for a buffet for only 60 people knowing my family and having had over 20 years experience in functions. The FM was against a buffet for only 60 people. She did not give me a choice. The buffet was served at 8.30 only 2 hours after the main meals had finihed. People were just not hungry. By 9pm she was clearing the food. Some of the guests asked to take some of the buffet home and we said yes. When they tried to take the food the FM told them to leave it as it was being taken away. There was at least 30-40% of food being taken away. Trays of sausage rolls, quiches, pork pies, salad etc. I tried on several occasions to calm the FM down and she just snapped at me. She was just not in control. The upshot of all this is we are so unhappy with the service. The food etc. We have asked that we are compensated for the top tier to be replaced as they cut it. They have said no. We asked for a refund of the food that we lsot due to wastage - after telling her we only wanted a buffet for 60 people and not 100. They have said no. They undercharged us by 10 bottles of Merlot - but which tables got it as many of our guests said they had no wine. They also claim that they undercharged us by 11 glasses of prosecco. In 7 days the bill has risen by £159.49. Having already paid £3060 we still owe for the evening buffet of £732 and the £159.49. We have explained our unhappiness with the venue and the functions manager but the owner doesn't want to know. He has refferred the matter his solicitor to pursue it in the small claims court. We are prepared to go to court but doesn anyone have any avice for us?
  8. Hi I was wondering if anyone knew where we stood on our complaint to Thomson? I have never complained before so bit nervous. Dear Customer Relations Department, Booking reference: XXXXXX Account Reference: Hard Rock Punta Cana I am wishing to make a complaint regarding our recent holiday from start to finish, I have pictures, videos and a resort map to back up my complaint but am unable to attach them to this form, however I can email them across if you would like to see them. We booked to stay in the new Sensatori Punta Cana last year and could not wait to experience not only a Sensatori but a brand new one at that, we booked a family swim up room which included a bath tub, the reason for this room selection was the fact the I have Cystic Fibrosis and only have a lung capacity of 24%, this means I am unable to walk without struggling to breath and that I am unable to stand for a period of time (hence the reason for the bath tub) I have to endure a lot of medication every day and need to return to the room while on holiday to do my medication, the idea for getting the swim up room was so my partner could still enjoy being in the pool or at least outside but close to me while I done my medication. On the 11th May we received 2 voice mails asking us to call the change team as the hotel was not going to be open on time, my heart sank, I had arranged to be admitted into hospital 13th May to under go 3 weeks intense treatment to get me as well as possible for my holidays, I had also purchased my travel insurance costing me £1328 and was very worried as to what I was going to do, I waited on hold to speak to the change team for almost 2 hours, when we got through we were offered 2 alternative resorts neither of which were anything like the sensatori nor did they have a bath in the room, I quickly went onto google while I was on the phone and typed in 5* resorts punta cana, The Hard Rock Hotel came up with Thomas cook, I asked the lady about the resort and she said you TUI also sold that holiday but for an extra £600 I explained the price on Thomas cook and the lady matched it and I had to pay £148, I have now been told by WHICH that Thomson should have covered that cost as it was Thomson who were changing the booking, as I was unaware of this and terrified that we would loose our holiday altogether I proceeded to book The Hard Rock, I asked the lady about walking and lifts ect as I am disabled and she said there was nothing to state there were any issues, as it was very rushed I never had a chance to look on trip advisor in depth (although I wish I had as there are hundreds of reviews advising disabled people not to travel there and Thomson should know this and state this in my opinion) I booked the Hard Rock and got excited again. 6th may our flight was delayed 4.45 mins due to a technical fault, we managed to get on an aircraft and get to Punta Cana which is the main thing however, it was not a Dreamliner my tv did not work and we were only able to get two cans of pop during the full flight, we were honestly just happy to get there, we got through customs ect and looked out for a Thomson Rep, we spotted a woman with a Thomson sign and asked what bus we should head to, she told us bus 8 so we went looking, we found a small mini van and a young male driver with number 8 on his van he told us to get in with another couple and started driving, he spoke no English and did not work for Thomson, he started saying the wrong hotel for us after he dropped off the first couple we had to try explain to him several times before he rang someone and agreed to take us to The Hard Rock. Check in went smoothly the front desk give us a map and said we were block 1A next to the beach, told us to take a left out the reception. The resort is absolutely huge we were completely lost and I was so out of breath I had to stop while my partner walked back and asked if a golf buggie could take us to our room (I have the resort map) we got to our room and found it to be an adjoining room but didn't think there would be a problem. The next morning we hiked to reception which took us over 30 mins to get to, we asked reception if we could change rooms and explained my medical condition and the fact I was unable to walk and they said there was no other rooms of that type available only an upgrade for over $1000 we asked when our rep would be coming so we could try get the help from them and for welcome meeting and told them Thomson or firstchoice to our horror they said they don't come here and said only Thomas cook. We just decided to try have a good holiday and went back to our room, we then walked to the nearest pool to find that and the one next to it was for exclusive guests only and we could not use them or the beach are closest to us, the next nearest pool was a 15 min walk away or a ten min walk to bus stop 30 min wait then 30 min ride round the resort to the pool, as you can imagine doing this so manay times a day to the restaurant or room to do medication would be very frustrating and completely ruin our holiday, by day 3 of doing this I was completely exhausted and would have done anything to move to any other resort. My mother called form the uk to 24/7 give them my booking ref and mobile number and they said they would get the rep to contact us, they didn't, on the 13th may I found the text number and text 24/7 82345 (I have my texts) explaining we had no rep and no details of getting back to the airport or anything, they replied saying they would find out the rep contact details ect and get back to us, they didn't, I text again two days later and it actually took 5 days to get our pick up time back to airport but nothing about our rep. We felt completely alone on holiday and had no one to turn to, I spent 10 days out of the 14 days we had in hotel room, if we had of had a Thomson rep I would have begged them to put us in a different hotel or to send us home, the holiday got far worse then just us being unable to actually go to the pool or beach, our room never got cleaned 5 times, the mini bar was never restocked with water and pop I had to call every single day, we were were in an adjoining room and the first 4 days had a cigar smoker next door, reception couldn't do anything then had a family of screaming kids for the last 7 days (I have videos of the noise and screaming that you wouldn't believe) I feel if we had a Rep we would not have had all these issues as they could have communicated with the hotel to either relocate us or move us hotels altogether, we didn't just ask and beg reception once but so many times, they couldn't understand us and said English are just very sad and white (as a joke however its not funny the state we were in) while we were there hotel staff also dragged a shark out the sea onto the beach and killed it then posed for pictures, disgusting! We were so happy when the 20th june came and we could get home we waited nervously for our transfer and were picked up on time at 11.30, we were the first pick up, every other hotel we stopped to collect guests their rep was there making sure they got off okay! We got the airport and found out about the $20 departure tax again we should have been told this by our rep said the Thomson worker that had escorted us on the bus, obviously we never had one or any notice boards. Our fight was delayed 1.5 hours on the way home and the aircraft had ran out of pop so we had a choice of orange juice or water, again not what you expect from Thomson or the Dreamliner however I understand the flight out uses soft drinks too but you would think they would try to share it out equally, we were so happy to get home. I feel like we have travelled all the way to the Dominican Republic for our dream holiday and have not been able to do or see any of it, nor experience the weather (our balcony was covered by trees and plant (also have pics) so we couldn't sit on that either. We saved for a very long time for this holiday and classed it as our big holiday before I go on the lung transplant list, which then I will not be able to travel anywhere, I feel completely let down and neglected as a customer of TUI and feel like I have completely wasted 2 weeks of my life and £3790 of our money on the worst experience of my life, we have been all over the world (with Thomson) and tried to make as many memories as possible and our trip to the Dominican has been ruined and I may as well have stayed at home in my room instead of in a strange country, stuck in a room wishing for the holiday to end. There are so many other little issues I could state about the hotel like the one restaurant which was close enough for us to walk to was closed for a refurb then used for weddings, or that every time we used room service (every night bar 2 nights) they mocked us and said we were sad. I understand a Thomson rep can not be at a hotel 24/7 but surely there should be at least a welcome meeting or some kind of information left at reception for you, absolutely anything would have been better than what we had and the customer service and response we were given. I feel it only right that Thomson compensate us with a the holiday that we were suppose to get to relax not be stuck in a room and be trying to beg hotel staff to move us or try our hardest to contact a Thomson rep out in The Dominican Republic, the stress before our holiday was bad enough and now after that experience we are completely devastated, depressed and feeling very let down. So to summarise we spent £3790 to sit in a hotel room for two weeks breathing in cigar smoke listening to children scream and cry and get told we are sad English people, if anything this holiday has made me more poorly adding to the already very stressful life I have, like i said I have lots of evidence of us contacting Thomson, maps of the resort, pictures and videos.
  9. Through no fault of my own a lorry drove into me on a roundabout tearing off half my back bumper, the asssesor came round and stated that considering the age of my peugeot 206 it would most likely be irrepairable, yet i know the only thing wrong with the car is the damage caused by the accident as have spent time and money making it a decent car. I was shocked when ringing up hastings to hear that when the report from the assessor does come back and if it is deemed a right off i will be offered money for the value of my car but not be allowed the car back? In no writing in the policy does it say this, i also asked if id be allowed the money for repairs from the market value-scrap value (cash in lieu) and was told this was also not an option! What is the point in insurance when the only money i can get is by letting them take my car away or voiding the claim totally, recovering my car and paying for my own repairs even though the accident was entirely not my fault! James
  10. Hi there, I am posting here as I have a bit of a dilemma which is getting me confused hopefully some of the learned forum members can help out. I went to Cape Town on holiday arriving on the 10th march. I booked a car online with orbitz for a BMW 1 series for 10days. The price for this was R4616.07- £256.08 I have an email which states it is my 'purchase receipt' 1. When I got to Sixt/First car rental at Cape town they told me thats a mistake we dont have that car at that price even though the payment hadnt gone through at that time it appears now looking back the payment went through 9 days later so in theory...I was entitled to that BMW at that price as I had already paid for it! BTW I paid for this on my TSB credit card! 2. After a 12 hour journey and no sleep I wanted to get the car and get the hell out so after an hour talking with the manager. I was sold another car a Toyota for R4040- £224.44. I paid for this on my Barclays debit card, by this time my TSB credit card was maxed out! and would not got through. 3. Now back home and going through my statements: I see the £256.08 Orbitz charged to TSB & £334.87 (R6192) charged to my Barclays Debit card as you can see this is not the R4040 which I was supposed to be charged for the Toyota. So I have two incorrect payments HELP! Credit card and debit card wont do anything until I contact said companies. Major gripe! and waste of my time Thanks for taking time to read and any help is really appreciated have a great day!
  11. Hi I let my flat out for 12 months last year to a friend of a friend who towards the end of our tennancy agreement left to go 'travelling' without paying her electricity bill. Obviously I know now that I should have switched to a pre payment meter for the duration of her agreement. When she moved in she organised a switch of supplier to her name and I foolishly thought that any arears if any would be her responsibility and have absolutely nothing to do with me. Now that shes gone and im back home npower wont allow me to switch supplier unless i clear the debt in her name which im refusing to do but in the mean time they are supplying the electricity to a property that is mine to a tennant that no longer lives here? Please advise In gullible and naive frustration x
  12. Does anyone know who to complain to if dis-satisfied with the funeral directors? I didn't want to give detail here incase I am in wrong thread or it's not something this website deals with. It is a very distressing time for me and I do not know where to turn. Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi all Booked a Holiday with the travel house for a holiday to Cyprus a package holiday with Thomas cook. Upon arrival at airport there were no transfers booked for us we were eventually put in a taxi, upon arriving at hotel at 4am there was no reservation although we were given a room that was stinking was full of damp and blood stains on the sheets see the photos attached. Due to this i phoned Thomas cook duty line to register a complaint to be "told dont like it fly home do you know what time it is im sleeping" The next morning the Thomas cook rep came to site after hotel staff wanted to evict me as after 5 requests to change my bloddy sheets my partner went down and after a debate told them the room was not fit for a tramp he was not aggressive just a general frustrated comment. When the tour rep arrived at holiday we raised concerns with her including, no reservations or transfers, condition of room and hotel supposed to be 4*, location of hotel as was described as in heart of town was in middle of nowhere also I witnessed rats and cats in kitchen area and requested a hotel move and was told it would be 500 euro. She didnt resolve any of the issues the bloody sheets were still on bed when she left but she did kindly give me a final written warning for the comment to hotel staff about the room not being fit for a tramp. After she left I contacted the uk head office only to be told that they cant deal with complaints till I was back in UK. After a day of using the all inclusive facilities the next day which were available from 10am- 12 midnight at 11.30pm a group of six of us were asked to keep the volume down as other guests had complained, we were only 6 people under 50 as we were in a saga resort. we shortly left and went to our rooms. The following morning still being in the same room with dirt and blood stained bed after sleeping on the sofa we were evicted from the hotel for the disturbance we had cause with 4 others they were not penalized although there was no disturbance just sat drinking at poolside. The rep kindly informed us the eviction ment the contract with thomas cook no longer existed and waited for us to leave before driving off and leaving us stranded. I paid additional flight costs to come home as it was a holiday from hell that lasted 50 hours. Upon being back in UK I have made a formal complaint to Thomas cook and there response is below. Dear Mr ***** I am writing in response to the correspondence you sent to our CEO, Harriet Green, regarding your travel arrangements with Thomas Cook. As I act on Harriet's behalf in matters relating to customer service, this has been forwarded to me for investigation.I am sorry to read of the issues you have had with Thomas Cook, and have investigated this. I tried to call you, but I could not be connected to your mobile. Naturally I was concerned to read that you were unhappy with your hotel. It is your, and your travel agent's responsibility, to ensure that the location and facilities are what you expect from a holiday. Had the hotel been in a lively resort, I do not believe that you would have been so unhappy with the hotel, and the situation would not have unfolded in the way it did. Reading the notes, I can see that Travel House offered to pay 50% of costs to change your hotel, yet you were unwilling to accept this. You were also unwilling to accept any of the suggestions Thomas Cook staff made in resort. You became increasingly unhappy, and your behaviour was deemed unacceptable by guests, staff and other tour operators in the ******* hotel, and as such, the manager asked that you leave the hotel. Had you accepted any of the resolutions offered to you, you would not have been asked to leave, or had to pay for flights home. Unfortunately as a result of your and ***** behaviour, I am unable to offer any refund or compensation. If you are still unhappy, then please contact ABTA. Their website is http://abta.com/. I appreciate this is not the outcome you were hoping for, but our decision remains, and will remain, that no compensation will be paid. Kind Regards, ******* Directors' Office The travel house at no point offered to pay additional accommodation costs and Thomas cooks alternatives were move hotels at a cost of 500 euro. I feel i have exhausted all avenues even tried to do a charge back on my visa card but this has been declined by bank as services have been received. You may read this and think its your own fault but it was genuinely a quiet conversation in a group that warranted eviction apparently and telling reception staff the room was not fit for a tramp ( please see pics and advise for yourself) Any advice much appreciated[ATTACH=CONFIG]47144[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47145[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47146[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47147[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47148[/ATTACH]
  14. Our flat was built in 07,we moved in 09,since then we have been fighting Wimpeys to listen to our concerns with no success,we can hear the people above using the loo,having sex,them showering sounds like we are in a caravan when it's raining on the roof,preparing food,washing up,walking,talking,kitchen cupboard doors and drawers opening and closing and one of the worst things is sunday night she does the ironing in the kitchen which we can hear and then the bedroom drawers opening and closing when they are putting the clothes away. We have to change our sleep times so we can get to sleep.The people above are great,they are not noisy purposely and the things we hear are just daily living noises. Wimpey did a sound test 2 year ago,they said it passed but would not give us the results unless we paid £150.The only thing left to do was get a builder friend to remove the bed and en-suite ceiling and install some soundproofing,it didn't work as when the plasterboard was removed we found big holes and gaps in the concrete that separates our flats(my roof and there floor). Still they would do nothing and refused to visit to discuss the problems so i contacted one of the big bosses and said there are health and safety and fire issues due to the holes and fire could easily spread to the flat above,amazingly he told the divisional manager who refused to visit to make an urgent appointment to come to my home,he is coming on the 4th June with either a production or technical manager. There is absolutely no insulation in any void or cavity nor are there any fire walls above the plasterboard.Any advice for when they visit would be great.If i have done it right there are photos of the problem.
  15. I joined my local Total Fitness Health Club in May and happily attended for 2 months until one day I was denied access and told to go and see one of the membership consultants. He then informed me that I had not paid for the previous two months and asked if I could pay straight away. Mortified I asked him to check why no payments had been made and apologised profusely. then he tells me that it is because the girl who signed me up had not bothered to send my bank details to head office! Now they are telling me I have to either pay £60 straight away to cover the two months lost, or add £30 to August and Septembers payments to cover it, making that £60 for August and September. Obviously I hadn't planned for my gym membership to cost that much & paying this is going to severely affect me for the rest of the month. I called head office and spoke to some nameless employee whose lacklustre apology did nothing to curb my annoyance, and who basically told me that I do indeed have to pay for their mistake. I am so frustrated by their disappointing customer service skills, and frankly quite alarmed at what was done with my bank details if they were not sent to head office!? According to Total Fitness I have no leg to stand on in this situation and they have done nothing to help.
  16. Hello! Please could anyone help. My husband had a Halifax One Card between 2004 and 2008 we have found out that he had PPI on this account. We're trying to find out how much we paid and have been on the phone for about an hour speaking to 6 different telephone numbers and are still no further forward with how much we paid! Each dept gives another telephone number and we are going round in circles. Not sure how to get this info as the account has been closed since 2008 and they say they haven't got this info! If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance. x
  17. Hi all, I went into this shop on my way home and i need to point out that i was very very drunk (one of those days!) Anyway, i got roped into a contract, i cant even remember what happened really, even the signature on the contract is nothing like my signature!!!... To top it all off the phone reception in my house is terrible. I only "signed" for this thing on the 17th......what chances do you think ill having of getting out the contract?? There is still as new and I have all the accessories
  18. Hi there, I got married last september and my husband moved in with me. He stays at home with the children, he does not work or claim any benefit at all. The only money coming into the house is my wage so I stupidly did not think I needed to tell tax credits as financially, nothing had changed. I got a letter yesterday saying that they had recieved information that I was living with my partner and I have until 15th October to tell them why i did not inform them otherwise my tax credits will be stopped and i will be prosecuted for giving false information. They didn't actually get his surname right at all - they gave him a double barelled surname - they got the Nash bit right then added Bond which I really don't understand. I'm really worried. I realise now that I have messed up badly and I am obviously willing to repay any over payment but I am too scared to phone them as I don't know what to say. I don't want to be accused of fraud!! How can I rescue this situation without losing the lifeline that is my tax credits. Thanks in advance.
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